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His Alone

Page 19

by Alexa Riley

  She rolls over, her legs dropping open and showing the evidence of all the orgasms I’d given her on the plane. My stubble left little marks on the inside of her thighs. I told her I’d tell her where we were going once I got her to ten orgasms, but my kitten passed out around number seven.

  I trail my hand up her silky skin, cupping her pussy in a possessive hold. I never thought this day would come. Having Paige in my bed all spread out before me. The evidence of her belonging to me all over her body. You can’t look at any part of her and think she doesn’t belong to someone. It might be barbaric, but I don’t care. I want her to always look like that. Too many years spent away from her makes me a little inhuman when it comes to her.

  She makes me feel whole. Washes away all the dirt that collected on me over the years doing undercover work. Makes me feel clean again. Makes me want to live up to this perfect picture she made of me. Just for her.

  Her eyes slowly flutter open, a sexy smile spreading on her face. The sun shines in the window, making the little freckles on her nose show even more “I think you killed me.” The words are filled with a lazy pleasure.

  I lick my lips, thinking about killing her all over again. I could spend this whole honeymoon doing nothing but feasting on her pussy if she’d let me.

  “None of that. I think you’ve had your fill. I don’t even know what country we’re in,” she laughs, sitting up and going straight for my mouth, despite what she said. She wastes no time climbing into my lap. Fuck, I love that she can’t seem to get enough of me, either. Her sassy mouth is always saying one thing, but her body does another.

  “I need to feed you, kitten,” I tell her, when she finally lets my mouth go.

  “You need to tell me where we are,” she says, and tilts her head to the side, making me smile because I know what she wants when she does that. I grip both her hips in my hands, pulling her closer and nibbling at her neck until she wiggles in my lap.

  I release one hip and grip her hair in my fist, making her give me even more of her neck. I suck hard with every intention of leaving a mark on her.

  “Do it,” she says feverishly, grabbing on to me, her fingers digging in. “Mark me. I love seeing you on me when I look in the mirror. Turns me on.”

  I suck on her harder as she moves against me, dragging her bare pussy along my cock. Come leaks out of me, her words alone making me lose control.

  “That’s it. Oh, God. Mark me.” Her words come out breathy, and I know she’s already close. She knows just what to say to get me off, sinking her claws into the possessiveness I have for her.

  “Show everyone I belong to you.” I feel the muscles in her body lock up. “Oh God. I’m yours, Ryan.” She yells out the last part, making me come against her. I hump her pussy and come like a teenager who saw his first Playboy. My come spreads across her pussy, ass and thighs, marking her even more. I keep moving against her, as her own orgasm explodes through her.

  I lean back and watch her ride out the wave. Her eyes fall closed, and her body jerks against mine. The sign of her pleasure makes my cock come back to life, as if I hadn’t released all over her.

  Her head falls forward, her dark red waves brushing over the both of us. A lazy smile spreads on her full lips, which still show signs of our make-out session. When her blue eyes open and lock on me, I can’t stop myself from kissing her all over again.

  “I can’t believe I get to wake up like this every day for the rest of my life,” she says against my mouth. “You make everything else fade away. You know you did that, right? Filled me up with so much happiness I can’t remember anything else.”

  A lump forms in my throat. I have to fight it down. “You don’t know what it means to me to know I did that for you. It’s all I ever wanted. To make you happy. Take away that sadness I saw in your eyes the first time I ever saw you.”

  “Well, Captain, I promise you’ve done that and more.” She wraps her arms around my neck. “It’s all behind us, right?” she asks, and I know what she’s talking about. There’s still a trace of fear that lingers there. That we could be caught for what we did. I can see it in her eyes, but I know we’re in the clear. I would have let her know that if I thought there was even a question of it. I made sure of that. Plus, I had a plan for if we weren’t safe. In fact, we’re sitting in my plan right now, but for a different reason.

  “I turned it all in.” I’d grabbed the information because she told me to. I hadn’t even thought about it. My only focus had been on her and getting her out of the warehouse. If the CIA wanted to thank anyone, it should be her. “They got what they wanted and I’m done with all that. Nothing from that life will ever touch us.”

  I had been out of the CIA for a while already, working only for Miles toward the end. My old handler was shocked to see me when I showed up with the evidence. I let him know he needed to make sure a burned-down warehouse could never be traced back to me. That nothing about the CIA or my work with them would ever surface. That life was behind me, and I wanted none of it creeping back up. Ever.

  “How long until I have your job?” Paige asks, crawling from my lap and changing the subject. She lets it all go, leaving it in the past where it belongs. Moving toward our future.

  “You after my job, kitten?” I lean back on the bed and watch her look around the little hut. She still has no idea where we are.

  “It would be fun to boss you around from time to time,” she says, like she doesn’t already do it. She creeps toward one of the windows before a gasp leaves her lips.

  “Are we over the water?”


  “Where are we?”

  For some reason I don’t want to tell her. I like the idea of her being lost, with only me to hold on to. I don’t care if that idea is a little fucked up.

  I get up from the bed and walk over toward her, wrapping my arms around her from behind and looking out into the clear blue ocean with her.

  “You’re with me,” I finally tell her, making her shake her head and giggle.

  “Then I think you picked the perfect place for our honeymoon, because there isn’t anywhere else in the whole world I’d rather be.”

  “Good, because it’s ours.”

  She turns, looking up at me. “What do you mean, it’s ours?”

  “I own it.”

  “You own this hut?”

  “Yes. And the whole island it sits on.”

  Her eyes widen, like she doesn’t quite believe me. The island isn’t giant, but it’s a nice size.

  “Miles pays good, but not that good,” she counters. I smile. Miles pays more than good, actually.

  “I was smart with my money.” I invested in almost everything Miles told me to, and it paid. Big time. “I made sure I put it in the right places and I don’t spend much. Unless you count this little island.”

  “Little island,” she laughs. “That’s fine, Captain, because I love shoes and I’ll spend the shit out of your money for you.”

  “As long as I get to fuck you while you wear them, you’ll never hear me complain. Besides, it’s half yours now.” Hell, it’s all hers if you ask me. The only reason I ever invested money was because I had an endgame to make her mine, and I knew families cost money. I needed to build a life for us. Make sure I could give her anything and everything she dreamed of.

  “Hmm.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “How about nothing at all?” She rubs her naked body against mine. “If you own this island, does that mean I can jump in like this?” She breaks from my grasp, walking toward the sliding doors. I watch her as she pulls them open and steps out onto the deck and into the sunshine.

  I let her, knowing there isn’t anyone else on the island. There won’t be for the next two weeks. It will be only her and me.

  “Oh, there’s a boat.” She lifts her hand to wave, and I’m on her in the blink of an eye, pulling her back into the hut.

  She breaks out in a fit of giggles, and I quickly realize she was fucking with me. There’s no boat. I growl
. I throw her over my shoulder, carry her over to the bed and toss her onto it.

  The laughing stops, and a look of lust crosses her face. She crawls backward on the bed, licking her lips. When she gets to the headboard, she lets her legs drop open, my come still coating her, tempting me with her pussy, making my mouth water. I want her taste all over me again. It’s been too long since I’ve had my mouth between her legs.

  “You like to get me worked up?” I ask. I already know the answer. She gets off on this shit. It’s a good thing my jealousy and caveman tendencies make her wet, or we could have problems. I’m not sure they are something I can control. Not with her.

  I put one hand on the bed and watch her breathing pick up. I reach out, grabbing her ankle, pulling her down and back to me. When I get her where I want her, I flip her over, landing one smack to her ass. She moans, sticking her ass even more into the air. And as if overcome with need, she parts her legs a little more.

  She looks over her shoulder at me, and I wrap my hand around my cock. I pump my fist up and down it, and she licks her lips. She pushes her ass back even more, wanting it, wanting me.

  “I missed a spot,” I tell her. I didn’t mark her ass well enough. “If you’re going to try and get me worked up, then I’m going to have to coat you with me. I won’t have to worry if I’ve marked every inch of you.” That’s a lie. I’ll always worry about someone trying to take her from me. Who wouldn’t try to take her? She’s fucking perfect in every way.

  “Maybe you should mark me on the inside.” She pushes her ass out even more, and I have to bite back a smile. I keep stroking myself, and she narrows her eyes on my hand. A flash of jealousy flares as she watches me pleasure myself. She doesn’t like that my hand is getting to do the work.

  I should keep going, teasing her. But the truth is, I want to give her everything. I kneel on the bed, dropping over her. I plant my fists on either side of her and then slide my cock right into her. We both moan together. I put my mouth on her neck, sucking and licking just like she likes. I don’t stop making love to her until every part of her has been marked by me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  * * *

  Three months later…

  THERE’S A SMALL knock on the door, and I open my eyes to see Vivien, Miles’s mother, coming into the living room. I’ve been so sick the past two days that I’ve stayed on the couch, and now I look around at the mess I’ve made and feel embarrassed.

  “You look like shit,” she says, and I laugh. I make a move to get up, but she holds out her arms to stop me. “Don’t get up. I simply wanted to come by and check on you.”

  “I’m going to get you sick,” I say, as I watch her walk over to me and sit down on the coffee table.

  She reaches out and brushes a strand of hair out of my eyes. “Miles told me you were home sick, so I thought I’d see if there was anything you needed. He said you made Ryan go to work.” She smiles, and it fills my heart up with warmth.

  Last week Captain got sick with a stomach flu, and he was down for the count for a couple days. I, being the incredible wife I am, nursed him back to health. But then the bastard gave it to me. I was in bed for a couple days, wearing a path to the bathroom. But even after the worst was over, the sickness is lingering and keeping me down.

  “He keeps hovering while I lie here and die. I want to do it in peace,” I joke, rolling onto my side.

  The past few months of married life have been wonderful. Captain and I have not only bonded unlike anything I ever knew possible, but I’ve gained a whole family along with it. We have dinners during the week with Miles and Mallory, and Vivien always invites us over for Sunday brunch. She knows the key to my heart is in my belly. Vivien has opened up to me, and it’s been the kind of relationship I always dreamed of. She was nice to me before, but I had my defenses up. But since Captain tore down my walls, I’ve been unable to put any back. And Vivien slipped in. She gives me the tender mothering that I never had, even from my own mother. Sometimes I feel guilty about how much I enjoy it, but I know that deep down my mother would want me to have this. To have someone give me what she wasn’t able to.

  Vivien stopping by today is another reason why having her in my life is truly a blessing. Because there’s nobody like a mom when you’re sick.

  “Well, I thought I’d bring you by something to make you feel better.”

  “I don’t know that I’ve ever uttered these words, but I don’t think I can eat.”

  Vivien laughs and shakes her head, reaching in her bag and pulling out a package. She hands it to me and I take it.

  I look at the box and feel a shot of anger. “I’m not pregnant,” I say, handing the box back to her. I’m annoyed at the woman on the front of the box, thinking how much I hate her.

  My periods have always been irregular, but I never worried about it before. Captain and I got back from our honeymoon and went at it like horny bunnies. Thinking that any day now I’d be knocked up. After a month of trying, I went to the doctor, and they ran some tests. He said there was just a very slim chance, with my history and body size, that I’d be able to conceive. Or carry a baby full term, especially with Captain’s size and knowing how big a baby of his might be.

  It was a devastating blow, and one I hadn’t told Captain about. He knew I went to the doctor, but he didn’t push when I wouldn’t explain. I knew that eventually we’d have to have that talk, but I’ve been putting it off, unable to voice it out loud.

  Vivien reaches out and squeezes my shoulder. “Get up and take the test.” Her voice is stern, and I have a glimpse of what it was like for Miles growing up when his mother told him to do something.

  There’s no room for argument in her tone, and I get up, taking the box to the bathroom with me. I figure if anything, I’ll indulge her and get it over with. She doesn’t know about my body, or the fact that I can’t get pregnant. But I don’t say any of that.

  When I’m finished peeing on the stick and cleaning up afterward. I open the bathroom door to find Vivien on the other side, waiting.

  She follows me back to the living room, where I fall back down on the covers and she buzzes around the place, cleaning up. I tell her not to, but she shrugs it off and goes back to clearing up my tissues and the blankets that are scattered about.

  It feels good having someone else there to take care of me. Captain does a great job, but he hovers over me like I’m going to break out with a deadly case of malaria any second. His worry only makes me worry, and it does me no good. But it feels like Vivien’s got this under control.

  At some point I close my eyes, and a little while later wake to the scent of chicken soup, and my stomach growls.

  Vivien walks over with a tray, and I sit up on the couch as she puts it in my lap. There’s a cup of chicken broth on there, with two ginger cookies, and a mug of something that smells hot and sweet.

  “Thank you. I think I’m actually hungry now. You must have the magic touch,” I say, reaching for a cookie.

  “You’re welcome. When I was pregnant with Miles I was so sick. I thought I had a stomach flu, too. The only things I could keep down were ginger cookies and chicken broth.”

  She looks at me sweetly, and I roll my eyes. I let out a sigh and try not to sound like an asshole.

  “I can’t get pregnant. The doctor said it would be almost impossible.” I shrug, eating the second cookie. Damn, these things are good.

  She nods, but keeps smiling and watches me eat. When I’ve finished, she hands me the hot tea, telling me to sip it. It warms my belly as it goes down, and I feel a thousand times better after the small meal.

  I watch as Vivien grabs her bag and sets a small box of cookies in front of me. “You might want to hang on to these,” she says, placing the pregnancy test on top of them. Then she leans forward, presses a kiss on the top of my head and walks out the front door.

  Excitement creeps in as I set down my mug of tea and hesitantly glance at the test. Then my nose burns a
s tears start to pool in my eyes and my vision blurs.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  * * *

  I WALK THROUGH the lobby of our apartment building, waving at Chuck at the front desk. I left work early even though I know Paige will probably be pissed about me coming to check on her, but I’m worried.

  “Hello, Ryan.”

  I hear Vivien’s voice and turn my head to see her exit the elevator. Her boyfriend, Tom, gets up from a lobby chair and walks over to join her. She and Tom started dating right after Mallory and Miles got engaged. Mallory likes to tell anyone who will listen that it was all her doing.

  I smile at them, walking over and shaking hands with Tom. Vivien gives me a kiss on the cheek. I look out front to see her security waiting. I assumed when I saw them that she was here to see Miles or Mallory. It’s strange she’s coming during the day, though.

  “What brings you here?” I ask.

  “I had to stop by to drop something off. I heard Paige was sick, so I wanted to check on her.”

  It makes me happy that she and Paige have been able to form a bond, and I think it gives them each something they were missing. Peace and comfort.

  “We need to hurry if we’re going to make that lesson,” Tom says, placing his hand on Vivien’s lower back.

  “Hope you’ve got on your dancing shoes,” she says, winking at him. “Tonight’s class is the samba.” She wiggles her shoulders and leans into him as we say our goodbyes.

  I walk over and hit the button for the elevator, waiting to go up and see my wife. I’m glad Vivien was able to check on her, but I need to see her for myself. She’s had this virus for a lot longer than I did, so maybe it’s time to go to the doctor. I’m hoping if I can get to her early enough, we can get her in today before they close. I know that’s what’s been wrong with her the past few days, but I can tell something else is bothering her, too.


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