Book Read Free

Return to You

Page 24

by Samantha Chase

  With nothing left to do, Selena headed back to the front door. The stairs leading to the second floor beckoned. “No,” she chided herself. “There is no reason for me to go up there. My work will solely be down here.” She looked from the front door to the stairs and back again.

  “This will only serve to torture myself,” she said out loud as she inched her way toward the first step. It would be so easy to just turn away and walk out the door, but then she’d have to live forever with the curiosity of never knowing what was up there. How many bedrooms? How many bathrooms? For all she knew, going up there and seeing the space for herself could cure her of her love for the house. It could be hideous, a space that she herself could never live with.

  “Well, then I really don’t have a choice, do I?” She climbed the stairs and once at the top realized that now she only loved the space more. There was a large loft area at the top of the stairs with a large picture window that overlooked the front of the house. Double doors at the far end of the room led to the master suite.

  “That’s just not fair,” she sighed when she walked through the doors. The room itself wasn’t big to the point of obscenity, but with the tray ceiling and windows that overlooked the back of the house along with a private balcony, it wasn’t hard to imagine sitting out there with a glass of wine and watching the sun set. Hating herself for not leaving when she had a chance, Selena moved on to finish the tour.

  There were three more bedrooms and bathrooms, each boasting a spectacular view of the property. The space was filled with natural lighting, the finishes were all high quality, and she felt that wave of envy crashing back over her again. “So not fair, so not fair, so not fair,” she chanted as she walked down the stairs.

  Leaving the second level behind, she went back to the kitchen and out onto the deck. The backyard was a large green space, which was odd for this area, considering it was so close to the beach. The entire yard was enclosed with tall bushes that allowed for optimum privacy. As she stood there and took it all in, she could even imagine having a pool there—for those who wanted to swim without having to walk all the way down to the beach and deal with the sand. At the far left corner of the yard was a white lattice archway that led to the path down to the beach. “You know you have to go and see it for yourself,” she chided as she walked across the massive yard. Standing at the top of the stairs, the view took her breath away.

  “I can’t make friends with these people,” she finally said with a disheartened sigh. “I’ll hate them too much.” Because they had everything Selena had always wanted, and she was left with a solitary life, living in a boring condo and helping other people celebrate the milestones in their lives while she struggled to find anything to smile about these days.

  The trek back across the yard was made on leaden legs. Once she was back on the deck, she took one last look at the yard and sighed. An image of James’s small yard came to mind, and she knew he would have made this space spectacular for them.

  Then she cursed herself. As if dealing with losing this house wasn’t enough to depress her, she had to go and add James to the scenario? She pushed thoughts of James aside and went back toward the French doors. She was getting ready to climb into her car when another vehicle pulled up behind her. Thinking she was about to meet the new owners, she began to panic. Hadn’t Mackenzie Williams said this was supposed to be a surprise? Thoughts of jumping into the bushes came to mind, but Selena knew she was too late. Whoever was in that car would have certainly seen her by now. What could she possibly say to explain her presence there?

  A very pregnant woman climbed from the SUV, spotted Selena, and smiled. “Hey!” she said as she approached. “You must be Selena.” She held out her hand and Selena shook it.

  “Yes, I am. And you are?” she asked warily.

  “Oh, don’t worry. I am not the unsuspecting bride-to-be. I’m Casey. This is my brother-in-law’s new place. I was coming over to scope it out.” Selena didn’t know what to say to that so she simply smiled. “He told me all about his super-secret plan and all that, but I wanted to come and check the place out for myself. Men never give good details.” Casey stepped around Selena and took a good look at the front of the house. “It’s so much more than what he described.”

  “It’s an amazing place,” Selena said. She looked over at Casey and saw her walking along the front of the house as if she was trying to figure out what was on the other side of the walls. Before she could second-guess herself, she asked, “Would you like to see the inside?”

  Casey looked at her with pure glee on her face. “You have a key?” Selena nodded.

  “I have to get back to my office, but I can unlock the door and then you can go in and look around.”

  Casey reached out and grabbed Selena’s hand. “No! I mean… You really don’t know who I am. For all you know I’m not related at all and just some crazy pregnant woman who likes to look at fabulous beachfront homes.”

  “Are you? Crazy, I mean?”

  “Nah, just a nosy sister-in-law who was tired of waiting for an invitation.”

  Hoping she wouldn’t regret this, she helped Casey up the front steps and into the house. Together they walked around, talking about what they would each do with it. It was amazing how much alike they were in their visions for the place. “So what do you have planned for Friday night?”

  Selena gave a quick rundown of flower and table placement, lighting, the basics. “While personally I love the open floor plan, I think it may be awkward to have me standing right there in the kitchen plating their food while he’s in here proposing.”

  “Mmm…maybe. Maybe he’ll wait until after dinner to pop the question.”

  “That’s a possibility.” Selena looked at her watched and frowned. “I hate to rush you, but I really do have to get back to the office.”

  “Me too,” Casey said, securing her purse strap on her shoulder. “Thanks for showing me around. Who knows when I’ll get an actual invite?” They laughed. “It was really nice to meet you, Selena. I hope that we’ll see each other again.”

  “Do you live in the area?”

  “I’m over in Wilmington, about two hours from here.”

  “And you work here?”

  Casey shook her head. “Oh no. Like I said, I was just being nosy, and I own my own business, so I can take off when I want to.” She placed a hand over her swollen belly. “Although once my husband finds out that I went so far on my own without telling him, he’ll watch me like a hawk and not let me come down here on my own again.”

  “It is a long drive. What kind of business do you own?”

  “I’m a wedding coordinator.”

  “Really?” Selena said, delighted. “It’s a shame we don’t live closer together; it would be fun to collaborate on an event together.”

  They walked out the door; Selena locked it behind her. Back by their cars, Casey gave Selena a hug. “Thank you again. I’m glad I had the chance to see the place. Now I’ll know what to expect when we actually get invited.”

  “It was my pleasure. And if you ever do get to come around to the Outer Banks or need help on an event here, look me up.” With a smile and a wave, she was off.

  Oh, I will, Casey said to herself. I most definitely will.

  Chapter 18

  “So not the time for a migraine,” Selena muttered to herself as she picked up her attaché case and put on her shoes. “Why didn’t I put my foot down and insist that you handle this?”

  “Because Mackenzie Williams has the potential to be a huge client for us, and you are a big softie,” Kate said as she waltzed into the room and handed Selena a glass of water and one of her prescription migraine pills.

  “Hmph. And look where it’s gotten me. I’m dressed in this ridiculous outfit…”

  “It’s a little black dress…”

  “I should be dressed like one of our servers, black
pants, white tuxedo shirt, tie, apron…not this.”

  “That wouldn’t have fit with the way Mr. Williams wanted the night to go. You needed to blend a little more. If you had gone over there dressed in one of our serving uniforms, the poor bride-to-be would have felt self-conscious.”

  “Oh, and having a complete stranger hovering nearby grumbling about how much her feet hurt in these heels isn’t going to be awkward?”

  “You look fabulous. I knew your hair would turn out great. Isn’t my stylist awesome?”

  Kate had convinced Selena to have a personal day yesterday. It had seemed unnecessary at first, but by the time she had been manicured, pedicured, and massaged, the haircut had just been a perk. “Yes, yes, she was wonderful, and I have to admit, I really needed a day like that.”

  “Every woman should have a day like that once in a while. Having a sister who owns the salon is an excellent perk sometimes.”

  “Your sister’s generosity is much appreciated. Thank you for arranging it for me.” She looked at her watch and finished grabbing her things. “I have to go and meet the rental company at the Davidson estate. They’re delivering the table and chairs and the candles, and the florist will be there not long after. Wish me luck!”

  Kate smiled like the cat that ate the canary. “You got it!”

  * * *

  Several things were happening at once. First, her cell phone was ringing; second, her shoe was caught on the car floor mat; third, the rental people had arrived early and were angrily pacing on the porch; and lastly, Selena’s stomach was growling in a most unladylike manner because she had forgotten to eat lunch. “Dammit.”

  First things first, she pulled her foot from her shoe and reached down to grab the offending object. Fortunately, she rejected the idea of simply hurling it across the lawn. Opening the car door, she motioned to the rental crew that she’d be with them in a minute as she answered her phone. “Hello?”

  “Miss Ainsley, it’s Mackenzie Williams. How are you doing?”

  “Fine, sir, just fine. I just pulled up to the house, but no one seems to be home. The rental company is here with the dining set and the candles, and no one is answering the door.”

  “I’m afraid that’s my fault. I held things up here on my end. Do you still have the key?”


  “Splendid! Go on in and do what you need to do, and my nephew will be along just as soon as possible.” Before Selena could comment or say anything more, the call was disconnected. Slipping the phone back into her purse, she hurried up the front steps and unlocked the door to the house and began directing the crew on where she wanted everything placed.

  As candles were arranged and the dining set was assembled, she searched through her purse for something to eat. “Thank you, Lord, for my emergency granola bar.” The migraine meds were making her feel a little loopy, so she quickly devoured the granola and walked over to the refrigerator to help herself to a can of soda. “A girl can only get so far on granola; caffeine is a necessity.” She cursed her own stupidity for not eating lunch and did her best to distract herself with putting the final touches on the candle placement before turning her attention to setting the table with the fine china and crystal she had rented for the evening.

  Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine hiring a company to organize a romantic dinner. This guy must be seriously lame if he can’t even pull together a dinner, she thought to herself. Although there was something to be said about a man who wanted everything to be perfect for the woman he loved. Selena had never experienced that for herself, but she imagined that it would be a good thing. She took back the “lame” comment.

  The doorbell rang and she was pleased to find the florist there holding the first batch of flowers. “Okay we have two arrangements of lilies,” she said and looked around the living room. “Let’s place them on either side of the mantel.” When the next two arrangements came in—two dozen white roses—she directed the florist to place one on the dining table and the other on the granite countertop dividing the kitchen and living room.

  “Interesting setup, Selena,” the florist commented. “I think setting the table up in here rather than the dining room is spectacular. With the view of the sunset and a fire in the fireplace…very romantic.”

  “Thanks,” she said and looked around. “We have two more arrangements coming in, don’t we?”

  “All greenery as you requested. The plants are beautiful, and I think if you place them on the floor on either side of the fireplace, they’ll flank the fire and candles perfectly.”

  “Sounds great. If you don’t mind, I’ll leave you to that while I finish setting this table.” They worked together silently, and by the time the florist felt that everything on her end was picture-perfect, she bid Selena a good evening.

  “If only this show would get on the road, I’d be thrilled,” she grumbled. Luckily she didn’t have to wait too long for the next round of distractions; the food had arrived. Adrienne’s was one of the best restaurants in the area, and normally it took the average person about two months to get a reservation. Lucky for her, she had done several events for the owners, so when she called them with her request, they were more than delighted to help out.

  Chef Marco delivered the food himself and coached Selena through everything she would need to keep it all warm and how to serve it. She had secretly hoped that Chef would stay and do it himself, but on a Friday night, Adrienne’s couldn’t spare him. Plus, she knew it would go against her agreement for the evening. One person. No staff. Just her. She smiled at Marco and thanked him for helping her out. It was fortunate he had been able to get away at all and guide her through at least these seemingly simple instructions. With a kiss on the cheek and a reminder to keep an apron on until she was done serving, he wished her a good night and was gone, leaving Selena alone to wait.

  What was the plan? When was anyone getting there? The clock on the wall ticked loudly, showing that it was almost six o’clock. She had hoped to be out of there by eight, so she could swing by the other event and make sure everything was ready to go there, but if Mackenzie Williams’s nephew didn’t show up soon, all of her careful planning would be shot to hell. And she hated when her careful planning got thrown out of whack due to someone else’s tardiness.

  The food smelled heavenly; she carefully stirred the bisque to keep it smooth and warm. What she wouldn’t do for a bowl of it herself! And some bread…and honey butter. She was just about to search for a teaspoon when she heard a car door slam off in the distance.


  She gave the bisque a final stir before straightening her apron, then Selena walked to the front door and pulled it open.

  And froze.

  Coming up the stairs and looking far too handsome for his own good in a beautifully tailored suit was none other than James Montgomery. What the hell? When he was no more than two feet away from her, he smiled. He actually had the nerve to smile at her when she felt as if she was about to pass out. What was he doing here? Now? He decided that now was a good time to come after her? She was in the middle of a job for crying out loud! Her jaw tried to work, opening and closing, but no sound came out.

  The sight of Selena nearly brought James to his knees, and there was a possibility of doing just that, but Selena looked like she was about to faint, so he figured he needed to be the one to stay standing. Stepping forward, he leaned in and softly kissed her cheek. “Hi,” he whispered, wrapping his arm around her waist as he stepped into the house and took the door from her hands to close it. “Are you okay?” She had really paled. “Do you need to sit down? Have something to drink?”

  “What…what are you doing here?” Finally snapping out of her stupor, she realized how inappropriate this all was. “You can’t be here right now. My client is due home any minute. You should have called! Maybe we can get together tomorrow and talk. I’ve got another event to
get to this evening.” Her telltale nervous sign was babbling and she instantly closed her mouth.

  “Two events in one night? Business must be doing well,” he said casually as he walked into the living room. The fire was roaring in the fireplace, and there were tower candles set up strategically around the room. The sun was setting and the pot lights were on low. It was perfect.

  She came into the room after him. “Seriously, James, you can’t be here now. My client…”

  “Paid a lot of money to ensure privacy. I know.”


  “My uncle William has a way of setting things up to get the desired results.”

  “Your uncle? No, no…my client’s name is Mackenzie. Mackenzie…” And then it hit her. “Williams.” Dammit. “I don’t understand. Why would he…?”

  “Go through all of this for me?” Selena nodded. “It seems that in his old age, my uncle has taken to playing the role of matchmaker. He managed to get all three of his sons, my cousins, to the altar and even helped my brother Ryder with his wife, Casey.”

  “Casey?” she repeated and then gasped. “Pregnant woman, lives in Wilmington?”

  Now it was James’s turn to look confused. “How do you know Casey?”

  “She came here to snoop when I was here the other day. I was leaving and she pulled in and introduced herself, and I kind of…well, I let her in and showed her the house.”

  “That little sneak,” he said with a laugh. “Ryder will freak out if he finds out she drove all that way by herself.”

  “She wanted to see the house because apparently no one would give her an accurate description.”


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