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Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance

Page 34

by Dark Angel

  I have frazzled Sebastian but I don't have time to enjoy that. I lean forward, close to him as I can, and I whisper, "the vibrator."

  Sebastian bursts into laughter.

  Druthers looks at us like we're absolutely insane.

  "Sorry, I need to take care of this," Sebastian says and he points Druthers to the door.

  I'm kind of taken aback by this.

  Druthers seems to think this isn't so odd. It really occurs to me just how important Sebastian King is in everyone else's eyes. I get fairly distracted thinking about it but when Druthers closes the door, I sigh. "I think the vibrator is still under the conference table," I say and I start laughing. I can't help but give a little giggle because Sebastian is actually laughing again.

  "Sit in my chair, Lily," he says.

  I cock my head to the side but I did what he says.

  "Now open that second drawer on the left," Sebastian says, nodding at me and pointing.

  I do and I see the vibrator – sitting on a little tray in there but still covered in cum.

  "I went back for it but I didn't have a chance to clean it up before my next meeting, and I actually have a call in just a few minutes," Sebastian says and I see that wicked glint I've come to know and love and shiver at. "You clean that off in my bathroom and then I want you to put it in. I want to make you come in my chair while I'm on this call."

  I gasp.

  I can't believe this.

  "Don't think you can come again?" Sebastian laughs again as he grabs his phone and watches my fingers grip the vibrator with trembling hands.

  "I know I can," I say, and then we both laugh. There's something less of that dark and dramatic energy that always exists between us. We're just...two people having so much fun and it kind of blows my mind. I want to be able to take every second of this and savor this, so as I head to the bathroom I'm practically skipping.

  In the bathroom I rinse it off, and then I see he has sex toy cleaner in there. I kinda laugh at this, but like I'm not really surprised, you know?

  I clean it up and then get it ready and grab some of the lube in there as well. It smells like vanilla, like vanilla bean rather than some cheap ass vanilla scent, and I'm just in heaven with the way it makes the already smooth silicone of the vibrator just too perfect. I moan a little as I feel it go in. I remember Sebastian telling me before not to come when I put it in. I thought I was anxious then but I'm so keyed up now that I could certainly push through and come right now if I wanted to, but I'm trying to be a good girl, remember?

  I certainly do and once I have it slid in, I take off all my clothes.

  Two are most certainly playing this game.

  I saunter out with my hands on my hips and then I start to giggle.

  Sebastian is already on one phone with another in his hand. When he sees me, I don't have a chance to walk to his chair because he throws me over his shoulder, sliding his phone into his pocket and then spanking my ass with a playful swat.

  He carries me to his desk and knocks everything to the floor, throwing me onto the desk. "I'll have to call you back," he says to the phone in his hand and he drops it. He pulls the other phone out of his pocket and he starts operating the vibrator.

  "Touch your perfect tits, Lily," he commands me, and I do. "Now come for me, all over my desk," he says. "I can't split my time right now with this meeting. I want to watch you come all over my desk."

  "Yes, Sebastian!" I cry out. The vibrations make me wild and I squeeze my tits with the sensations overtaking me. I let the orgasm take me over and I spread my shaking legs.

  Sebastian bites up and down my thighs while I come, and I am so overtaken with lust I practically black out for a moment. The aftershocks of orgasms take me over and I just lie on his desk, utterly spent.

  "Good girl," Sebastian says.

  "Thank you," I breathe, exhausted and so satisfied.


  Even though Sebastian has just brought me to the brink of ecstasy and beyond, I'm back in my polished office working on some design plans. I want Sebastian to know that I am not just a piece of ass and I don’t know, but something about the mind-altering goodness of fucking him made me get inspired and motivated to figure something out that’s been on my mind. I can work and I've become really committed to the ideas of sustainability that run through his company. I think the cause is amazing and I plan on making my mark on it, however small it may be. Sebastian's been so good to me that I want to return the favor and be good to him. He's a fucking genius and he's amassed this empire and I want to help him keep it going. I don't care what my role in the company is, I just want to be a part of it. I want Sebastian to lean on me and to see me as crucial so that I can be in his life for a long time to come. I feel like I have to prove my worth, or that I want to, and that's exactly what I've set out to do today.

  I know if I can prove to him that the numbers on the green and sustainability movement can actually work in his favor, then he'll be committed to the idea. Maybe through these crucial efforts, I can help to save a few neighborhoods in town from total destruction. I'm fact checking my research that I've done on important people saying that this could work. Major players in the green industry have made a profit by creating upon and not destroying structures in low-income neighborhoods. There's got to be a way to capitalize on maintaining homes in integral areas of the city. I just cannot imagine the dizzying heights of skyscrapers, track housing, and stupid convention centers taking the place of the well-worn streets that define our city as a Mecca of cultural diversity. I'm going to gather all the evidence I can that my plan will work and then maybe, just maybe, Sebastian will not be able to refuse me.

  I really need to find more research from reliable sources and I struggle a bit to round out my argument. Just then, Rose appears at the door like a ghost. I didn't even hear her come in, as consumed as I’ve been in my business.

  "Sebastian wanted me to check on you, see if you needed anything?"

  "No, I'm good. Thanks, Rose." I bit my lip, wondering if maybe she could help my efforts. "Hey Rose, just a second. Do you have access to a database of free scientific articles on reusable energy, solar power, and sustainable resources? I mean, does the company have an account or something where you can access research like that?"

  She looks at me unmoving, shocked. "Um, yeah. I have the access codes if you want them. I'm just surprised..."

  "By what?" I ask barely able to tear my eyes from the article in front of me.

  "Well, you're working."

  "" I look up at her inquisitively. What's the big deal?

  "It's just that none of Sebastian's girls know, worked."

  "What?" I am the one in shock now. "Well, what did they do?"

  "Mostly, they ordered food off the menu and sat around reading magazines, filing their nails, ordering pedicures and massages."

  "Really? And Sebastian was okay with that?"

  She looks uncomfortable, like she shouldn't be answering for him. "Well, he had what he wanted from them. I guess they just never thought to work. You happen to be working. So, it's just odd."

  "Oh my gosh, that is crazy! I mean, how could you work next to Sebastian and not get involved. As his assistant, you get access to all the pertinent deals going on. I cannot imagine just sitting here, waiting for him to call on me."

  "Yeah, well that's what they did," she says with a snarky laugh. "So tell me, what are you working on now?"

  "Well, I was just checking the database for any green, eco-friendly construction companies that Sebastian's worked with. I think if he could incorporate more of that, then he could build eco from the ground up and actually save on building costs. I'm also looking at ways to save some of the historic neighborhoods in the city by incorporating a green model into their restoration, but that's where I'm getting stuck."

  "Oh, well let me help you." She comes up behind me and starts clicking away at the computer. Pretty soon I have files upon files of open archives about city r
estoration projects, analysis, and lists of companies who specialize in sustainability. With a few clicks of my computer, she's opened up my world to ample evidence of what I needed to find.

  "Okay wow. That was amazing Rose. Thanks. You are like, the person I should've called on first for help."

  "Well, I am definitely the go-to on where to find things around here. But, I am just so impressed by you and I think your ideas are fabulous. If you present them in the right way, I think you could really change things around here."

  I flush. Now I'm embarrassed that I've been so forward with her. I mean, I appreciate her compliments, but who am I to think Sebastian might go forward with some of this?

  She recognizes my hesitation and says, "No. Listen, you go girl. I'm telling you that Sebastian...he's changed since you came around, for the better. I have never seen him so smitten. You seem to bring out the best in him and he's needed that, someone like you."

  I smile, so happy at what she just said, hearing that I may have impacted Sebastian and that I'm not just another conquest is great to hear. I mean, I think I feel like we’re a good match, but hearing someone else say it is just so different.

  "Thank you, Rose. That genuinely means so much to me." And with that, I think an instant friendship has bloomed.


  Sebastian takes me to his private dining area in his ethereal penthouse. Everything about this place radiates elegance, and class, and romance. This private area is separate from his main dining hall. We're at a little round table in a room that is situated within his wine cellar. There are heavy curtains and candles everywhere. I feel like I'm in a movie or somewhere where dreams come true.

  "You like my little nook?" he asks.

  "Are you kidding? If this were mine, I'd live down here. It's so dreamy Sebastian, like another world or something."

  "That's how I intended it to be. I wanted this place to be as removed from everything as I could get it. Sometimes I come down here and swirl some wine and just think."

  "Think about what?"

  "I think about you, Lily. Of course, I think about you."

  " do?" I gulp down a drink of some of the finest wine I've ever had. Did he just confess that he comes here, to this ultra private fine dining area, to clear his thoughts and to think about me? The idea makes me want to cross my legs tightly to contain the wetness that can potentially flow right out of me because Sebastian has me wearing such tiny panties and he makes me so wet. Fuck.

  He eyes me daringly like he knows exactly what's on my mind. He loves to see me squirm.

  Just then his private chef comes in with one of the five courses he's prepared.

  "Here we have a hors 'd oeuvres of Taleggio cheese and Mission fig tartines," he says in a French accent.

  "Wow, Sebastian, look at this. Smells amazing. Thank you so much," I nod to the chef.

  The chef bows and returns to the kitchen to prepare the rest of his full course menu. Sebastian really has the life to be able to dine like this in the comfort of his own home. If I were him, I'd never leave!

  I peer into his eyes now and thank him earnestly. "Sebastian, thank you for the splendid meal. It's really just...everything."

  He smiles to see me so happy and we clink glasses. "To my favorite assistant!" he says.

  "To someone who keeps surprising me," I say.

  He pulls me in to kiss me gently on the lips and I taste the deep Burgundy wine on his beautiful lips. They're full and lush and I imagine them on me in more places than one right now. But I have to push aside my passion so that I can speak to him seriously for a moment.

  "You know, you really helped me today. You stood up for me and you didn't have to. I admire that. I mean you lost a lot of money, and for what? For me?"

  Devotion flickers in his eyes now as he says, "Lily, you have to know that you are more than capable of having the entire world at your beck and call. You could've handled that guy easily without me if only you would stand up for yourself all the time."

  I turn away, unable to look at him, as he showers me with compliments. It's too much. He believes in me more than I believe in myself.

  "Lily, you are so smart and so capable. I know how much you care about people and I admire your strength in that. I want you to understand that you're my brilliant princess, constantly turning out ideas and I will never take that for granted."

  He kisses me fervently now. I get up from my seat and come over to sit on his lap. I nestle into him and kiss him adoringly. This man, this handsome, capable man makes me feel like I could do anything. And I want to. I want to make my way in this world, to leave an imprint in some meaningful manner. Sebastian pulls that out of me.

  His hands are making their way to my breasts and he pulls down my dress to expose them so that he can suck on them with hunger. He wants me and I can tell by the gigantic erection that is pressing up against my lap. It feels so good and imagining his cock deep inside of me, melting into me, makes me so fucking wet. I'm kissing him, tugging at his pants to reveal the large present within. God, Sebastian is the only man I ever wanted and he's the only man I can see myself being with. He's so forceful and domineering and within that energy, I feel so safe. I feel contained and as though the future is certain. He has also unbridled within me the depths and the stirrings of passion that I never knew existed. He brings me to the edge of ecstasy, down into the blissful void, and back out again. It is safe to lose myself with him because he will always bring me back.

  "Hmm, Lily, you're so sweet. Tell me how much you want it. Tell me that you want my big cock inside of you. Tell me that it's all you want."

  I'm breathing into his mouth, trying to steady myself. "I want you. You know that I do. I'll do anything to have you."

  And in that moment, I know it’s true, I will do anything to be under his control. I trust him completely and I think I might be falling under his spell, in love with him. I dare not speak the words but we kiss and he touches me.

  Finally, we stop and I return to my seat just in time for the chef to deliver another gorgeous plating of food. There's this sexual tension between Sebastian and I that's rising now during dinner. It's all we can do not to submit to the desire and to have each other right here in this moment, for him to have me. But we contain ourselves until dessert, the final course arrives, and Sebastian tells me he's been waiting all night for dessert.

  I look into his enchanting eyes and I know what he means. He means I am dessert for him. He's feasting his eyes on me like I'm a snack and of course I will fully submit to his every whim and allow myself to be consumed.


  I know that neither one of us feels like we can wait anymore, but when Sebastian rises and reaches his hand out for me, there’s a frenetic energy he has right now that is like nothing I have ever witnessed. Our shared arousal transformed into something else and I’m almost delirious with joy watching the way I see him literally decide that he doesn’t care about anything else, so long as he fucks me.

  “Come with me,” Sebastian says.

  Yeah, those are the words he used. Good grief, I can already feel the wetness that was building in my panties start to slide down my thighs as I follow him.

  “Yes, Sebastian,” I say, savoring his name on my lips. His hands closing over mine are so warm and I can feel his excited energy.

  He turns back and looks at me, placing his hand on the small of my back, and I know that I’ve just gotten him more worked up with how I said his name.

  I regret nothing.

  Sebastian drags me out of the private dining area and against a wall outside of where the chef would see us, unable to resist having me. I think I should maybe tell Sebastian just how badly I want him, too. I’m so turned on by this. Before I can make a move or a comment, though, Sebastian’s lips are on mine and the taste of him pulls me under with the all-consuming lust I have for him.

  His hands tear at my clothes, pulling them off faster than I thought humanly possible. He gropes every inch of my
body and it makes me moan and shiver every time his fingertips brush over my skin.

  Sebastian lips finally break from our kiss and his eyes go to my breasts. He looks at them in a hungry way and I know he is pleased by what he sees. My large breasts are firm at the thought of him and my nipples are already hard before he takes them in his fingers and twists and squeezes them. Emotion and energy surge right into my G-spot, and I can’t resist him any longer. He can take me here, right in public.

  “Lily, tell me that you want me to fuck you right now,” Sebastian says, his sensual voice destroying me. I suck in a breath and run my tongue over my lips, tasting him still on me and desperate for more.

  There's something with that protective aura he has that has a wicked, delicious element. One that I want to taste much more of. “Yes, please, please fuck me” I say, trying to control my panting because I’m quivering with lust. A surge of excitement shoots through me, and I feel exhilarated. I can only imagine the lust is radiating from my eyes like it is burning in my body.

  He lifts me up so my legs are wrapped tightly around his hips. His strength carries my light body easily, and his lips claim mine is a passionate first kiss. I can only imagine what the sex will be like. He's a good kisser, with full lips teasing mine, exploring my mouth, and expressing so much emotion. I feel like I have this unspoken connection with him. It's passion but something beyond that too. We've been looking for each other on some level, and our souls were destined to meet this way. He’s strong hand roams my back and sides and my breasts press tighter to his strong chest as I cling to him.

  He presses me up against the wall and captures my mouth with his again, consuming me entirely. My eyes roll back in my head, desperate for every moment of Sebastian’s lust playing out all over my body.

  Finally, he undresses himself before getting down on his knees. He flips me and pushes all the fabric of my clothes up so that he can get what he promised was his dessert. He pushes aside my thong and goes down on me. He tongues the inside of my pussy and rotates his thumb over my clit, almost bringing me to orgasm. He slides two fingers inside of me and expertly goes to my G-spot as if he's is the ultimate master of my pleasure and knows every way to touch me. Fuck, he really does. He continues this while putting his lips around my clit, sucking all the juices out, and the thought of his face and mouth down there makes me come hard, squeezing around his fingers.


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