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Overworked: An Office Reverse Harem Romance

Page 89

by Dark Angel

  I scoop her up in my arms and walk her inside. I gingerly place her on the bed and examine her beautiful body. I check her face once more, her arms, her neck, and her back. I remove her clothes to investigate every inch of her body to make sure that she really is okay. There are scratches on her arms and some bruising on her legs. This makes me want to die, scream, rage, or punch somebody. This is it. He hurt my girl, and for this he will pay.

  I find a washcloth and wet it with warm water. I gently touch it to her superficial wounds and apologize profusely for not being there.

  “Why?” she says. “You came to my rescue. You are my hero.” She’s still crying softly.

  I’m normally so fearless in my job, but this time terror seeps through my body as I think of losing my one true love.

  I look at her imploring eyes with concern. “Yeah, I’m fearless, Elena, but not when it comes to you. Just the thought of losing you…”

  My voice trails off and she clings to me. I hug her, wrapping my substantial arms around her, trying to make her feel at peace. I realize my own discomposure is coming from a place of true love. I love this woman and that is why I’m in such despair. My anxiety stems from a place of loving her and now that this thought has made itself known, I squeeze and hold her tightly. I kiss all the parts of her body that are wounded and then I suggest she go take a shower, to wash this night off of her gorgeous body.

  I set the temperature at a comfortable degree and help her into the shower. I leave the room to give her some peace, and so I can go figure out what the hell happened.

  I head into the living room and check all the windows and doors before calling Bobbi down at the station. She tells me the stalker got away from the cops.

  “Fuck!” I scream into the phone.

  She also tells me that Darius posted bail, and now I’m fucking livid. How could they let him out? He obviously did this! I tell Bobbi they better pick him up again ASAP or else I will be the one to do it myself.

  I’m not going to leave Elena alone again until that guy is in custody. I sigh into my hands, preparing in my mind what measures need to be taken to make sure Elena stays safe. I set about making some phone calls while she’s in the shower. She doesn’t need to hear this anyway. They’re gonna get the extent of my rage, and I don’t want her hearing that.


  At Leo’s insistence, I decide to take a shower after the incident to wash the dirty vibe of my stalker off of me. I can’t believe that just happened! I can’t believe how close I was to be being in real danger. If it hadn’t been for Leo... I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened. If feels as though I’ve been operating in survival mode ever since this creep entered my life and tonight it came to a pinnacle. At least I hope that’s the last I’ll ever see of him. I hope Leo finds this guy so my life can get back to normal, and being able to just focus on the good things, like having Leo with me now.

  I scrub and scrub, but I just can’t shake the icky feeling of that monster’s hands on me and of fearing for my life. I might need another shower or three. As I rinse off, I hear Leo screaming, but about what I can’t tell. I let the water wash over me and picture all the ugliness in my life just going down the drain. A metaphor of course, but hey, it could happen. Especially with Leo on my side.

  After I can scrub no more, I take my time toweling off and I apply my most special lotions and perfumes, to the benefit of Leo. I hope he notices how clean and fresh I am and he takes that as cue to make me dirty all over again. Leo’s dirt I can handle. Despite the chain of events and how shaken up I am, it makes me grin to think of Leo protecting me.

  I open the door, wearing my white terry cloth robe, and Leo’s eyes direct their attention to me. He takes me in and observes everything about me, as though he’s still checking to be sure I’m alright. This makes me wet in more ways than one.

  He stares at me while he barks orders into the phone. “No, man, that’s unacceptable. I need a full security force over here within fifteen minutes or I’m reporting you for negligence. You can bet I’m serious! Just try me!” he yells as he hangs up the phone, and I’m grateful it wasn’t me on the other line. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that carnal rage. I’m really getting to see what he’s like at work, when he’s pressed, and it’s not pretty. Leo is in full domination mode, and while it takes me a minute to get used to it, he’s also turning me on with his authority and prestige. This is one detective I wouldn’t mess with.

  “What’s going on?” I ask as he hangs up. I’m towel drying my hair, and he softly runs his fingers through it.

  “I’m trying to beef up your security. God knows you need it, and that son-of-a-bitch on the phone was trying to give me a hard time. We’ll see if he has a job in the morning.”

  I hold him in my arms and try to soothe him. “It will be alright. I’m fine now, look. You were there, thank God, and everything didn’t go as that asshole planned, and now we’re safe. I’m safe.”

  I kiss him, hard, long, pouring all my love for him into that moment. “I have you to thank for that.” I let my kisses linger to his neck, and I whisper in his ear, “It’ll be okay. I’m okay.” It’s not as if my reassurances are the truth, but hopefully it will calm him down. I can, however, feel that he’s still on edge.

  “What’s really going on here, Leo? Why are you so upset?”

  His eyes stay on mine, and I take in the full force of his masculine beauty. I could stare into that deep blue well for the entire night.

  “I don’t get it,” I say. “This is your job. You’re a detective and you deal with this kind of thing everyday. Shouldn’t you be acclimated to it by now?”

  He looks at me like I just don’t get it, like there are words he wants to say.

  “This is different for me,” he says. “I’m not used to caring like this. Usually I can at least be objective about my cases, but with you it’s just… different.”

  Finally he relaxes, as if saying the words has taken the brunt of the magnitude off his shoulders. I lean into him, into his giant, reassuring chest. I listen to his heartbeat.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I’ve never had to worry about someone I love getting hurt before.”

  I freeze. All motion stops. Time stands still. I stand before him wondering if he means what he said. I’m hesitant to even ask if it’s true just in case; maybe, I heard him wrong, or maybe this is a dream.

  “Are you . . . are you saying you love me?”

  He takes my hair in his hands and pulls me in for a tender kiss. I know it’s my answer, but he states it again, “Yes, Elena, that’s exactly what it means. I love you.”

  He stares hard into my eyes, searching for an answer. Of course, I answer him back in the only way I know how, which is with the truth.

  “I love you too.” Tears sting my eyes as I say the words. I mean them with all my heart. And I know from this moment going forward we will be united like never before. I’ve never felt this way about anybody and I tell him so.

  “Leo,” I cry gently. “You are the only one for me. I’ve never known this feeling before, but I know it with you. I know I can trust you and that you are everything to me.”

  With that, he pulls me in for a deep, passionate kiss that seems to last a lifetime. If this is just the beginning, then I have no idea how far we’ll go.


  Leo and I wake up to the most beautiful sunrise on the planet. The rays are hitting my skin through the window and I feel so refreshed, as though I’m walking on cloud nine. Last night was amazing, but more than that, all my time with Leo has been more than a girl could hope for. Because of him I’m here, safe in the confines of my home. If it hadn’t been for Leo’s sharp eye on me, who knows how things could’ve turned out. He’s my savior in more than one sense of the word. He has shown me what a real sex life looks like, and it’s blown me out of the water and into the stars and to places I’ve never dared to even dream.

  Leo, sensing t
hat I’m awake, cuddles me from behind and the feeling of his strong body wrapped around me provides a sense of security like I’ve never known, especially in the recent days. He’s exactly what I need to get over all of this. Together it feels like we could conquer the world!

  I’m especially bright and cheery this morning, given the events of last night. We said the “L” word, and that means everything. That’s a game changer for sure. Because of this I feel confident moving forward. There’s not one ounce of trepidation left in my pliable body that’s now curled up in Leo’s arms. We lay in quiet contemplation while the birds come out, the sun brightens, and people outside begin their day. We, for this one moment in time, are still and reflective of each other’s company. I like it like this. I like waking up to this admirable man, who has literally put his life on the line for me.

  However, before I can enjoy my reverie, Leo is up and heading for the shower. I wanted to relish his hands upon my body. I wanted to maybe have a quickie.

  “No! Gone so soon?” I ask, sleepily.

  “I’ve got to get on these security issues. Sorry, babe, no breakfast.”

  “Hmmmm, that’s okay.” I yawn into my pillow.

  As he takes his leave, I look for my phone and find it stuffed under some clothes by the bed. To my surprise, there’s a text from Barry. He’s apologizing profusely and telling me he’d like to meet. I’m shocked, frankly. I never in a million years expected to hear these words from him. I hoped to hear them, but certainly never expected it. He goes on to say that he gets why our marriage is ending, he’s finally accepted it. He’d like to make amends, suggesting we meet for coffee this morning at my place so that we can go over the settlement together, sans lawyers.

  I text him back that I’m glad to hear from him and I’m pleasantly surprised by his turnaround.

  Sounds good to me! I’d be happy to never see the inside of a law office again. And since Barry’s willing to act like an adult and mediate between ourselves, then that sounds like the perfect way to end things with him. I’m so pleased he’s finally come to his senses, and that’s one thing I can cross off the agenda. I can’t wait to tell Leo. Maybe there’s hope for his brother after all.

  I smile as Leo emerges from the shower. His ripped abs are on display, and his hair is wet; he looks yummy, like a model or something. I wish we had time to play, but it seems like he’s getting out of here in a hurry.

  “Hey, so, guess what? Barry texted me and wants to sort things out. He’s going to stop by for coffee this morning, and we’re just gonna settle the divorce ourselves. Isn’t that great news?”

  He looks slightly taken aback, and I realize this must mean a lot to him. It’s his brother who is changing faces. It’s as if Leo, too, sees a glimmer of hope there. If anything, Leo’s probably just glad to get my divorce off the table so he can get on with me.

  “Wow, hon, that’s great. I’m really glad to hear he’s grown some balls and is acting normal for once.”

  “Yeah, I mean, it almost seems too good to be true. No lawyers!” I beam into his mouth as he comes in for a kiss. As he does I let my hands trickle upon his abs, just for my own pleasure. Leo’s happy for me, I can tell.

  “So, he’s coming over here?”

  “Yeah, I should get ready.” I jump up to start my process and look for my bra, flung somewhere in all of last night’s passion.

  “Okay, well, remember everything I taught you about how to stay safe? Keep the locks on the door until you see him, don’t let anybody else in even if it’s just a package guy or whatever, only answer calls from me or from work, also...”

  “Leo,” I cut him off. “I’ll be fine. I remember the drill. Plus, you’ve got squad cars coming by like every ten minutes. Remember?”

  “I know,” he says. “But I won’t feel comfortable until this bastard’s behind bars. And hopefully today I can do that.” He pulls his hands through his hair and sighs. “I wish I could be here when Barry comes over. Give him my best, will ya?” he says mockingly.

  “Leo! He’s still your brother,” I remind him, hoping he can think of some of Barry’s redeeming qualities. “Besides, it’s probably best to keep you two apart, at least until he becomes comfortable with us.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” he says. “Gotta run, babe! Remember to keep the garage closed!” he shouts over his shoulder. “And also, lock that back door and don’t go outside for anything, at least not until I get back.”

  “Okay, okay, now go!” I blow a kiss to him as he heads out the door. I love to watch him walk away, especially in his suit.


  In the light of day, I’m feeling better and more optimistic than I was last night. At least I know the cops probably brought Darius back in for questioning and it’s gonna be revealed that he’s our guy. Then we can lock him up for good and this whole mess will be over. Normally I enjoy a strong caseload, but when it’s regarding someone I care about, it’s just too much. I need to keep Elena safe at all costs. I need to be her hero. God knows she could use one right now.

  What we had last night was awesome. And now that we’ve revealed our true feelings for each other, there is no going back. Not that I would want to. Elena is the perfect girl, and I worship the ground she walks on. I will do everything to keep her safe, and that’s why I’m so glad to be on my way to the station right now. The sooner I get there the better. I’m starting to think my staff is incompetent. They couldn’t even catch the guy, and they let him out on bail. Unbelievable! I hate to leave Elena right now, but I’ve gotta resolve this mess. I will use all my resources to get this thing under control for good. Last night was just too close of a call. I need my baby safe forever.

  I’m driving fast, swerving in and out of cars. She’s definitely mine now, I think. After last night we’ve got that confirmed. Now I feel possessive and the thought of that perpetrator even touching her gets my blood boiling. I’m getting angry again thinking about it. That asshole’s hands were all over my girl, hurting her, and the thought of Elena being in danger just makes me wanna take out everything I have on this guy.

  Finally, I arrive and pull off into my usual spot. I think about how I’ll approach the situation. I’ve gotta get all the pieces in order. I’ll need to arrange the Special Forces unit to surround Elena’s house and to track her every move until we’ve got the culprit securely in our grasp. I’m going to make sure she has so much security that she’ll feel like a celebrity with bodyguards tracking their every move.

  I walk into the precinct with purpose and people move aside. They know I’m a man with a mission, and they’ve probably all heard about what happened.

  Bobbi’s waiting for me outside my office. “What’s up? Tell me something good.”

  “No, Leo, it’s not good.”

  “What? What is it? Did you guys pick Darius up again like I asked?”

  “No, he’s been released officially. We can no longer hold him.”

  “What the fuck, Bobbi? What the hell is going on? After last night you just let him walk?”

  “Leo, listen to me, it’s not him. He’s not our guy. His prints didn’t match and at the time of Elena’s attack last night, he was just leaving the station on bail. We have that on record. It’s not him.”

  “Okay, then what?” I ask her, wondering what’s happening.

  “We’re charging Darius for harassment, and he’s not going to get away with making those intimidating phone calls to her.”

  “Okay, Bobbi, that’s nice, but we’ve still got to catch this guy. He can’t get away with...”

  She cuts me off right there. “There’s more, but you need to prepare yourself, alright?”

  “What? What more, Bobbi?” I yell. “You better tell me in the next five seconds or else.”

  “It’s Barry okay, your brother. Barry’s the guy we need to catch. He’s the one who attacked her. His alibi didn’t check out, and we’ve got a match on his prints. Okay? I don’t know how we missed it, but it’s okay because you’re
here now and we’re gonna go pick him up. He’s gonna go to jail and this will all be over. Alright, Leo?”

  I’m weak in the knees. I have nothing to say. It feels as though someone punched me in the stomach. Barry? Barry’s the criminal? I left her just now, and Barry’s on his way to her house. I’ve left her alone. Oh God! What have I done?

  Bobbi looks at me strangely. She doesn’t know why I’m upset. She doesn’t know that I’m frozen in time, just understanding the ramifications of what I did. Bobbi doesn’t know that Barry’s headed to Elena’s right now and that he’s probably actually there.

  The words finally come to me. I know I have to act fast. “It’s Barry! God, Bobbi, what have I done? I just left her alone, and he’s on his way to her. He said he wanted to apologize about the divorce and she, I mean, we never expected it was him. He’s going to meet with her right now. I’ve got to get over there!”

  And without another word I’m running out of the office, my weapon in hand. I’m gonna have to race to get there. What if I’m too late?


  I’m tidying up the apartment getting it ready for Barry to come over. There’s no need for him to see all Leo’s stuff lying around. I might as well not rub it in his face that we’re seeing each other. Frankly, it’s more than just seeing each other at this point. Leo and I are in love. We’ve admitted that to each other, and it feels so good. I kind of wish I could ride this morning’s high by treating myself to something special, like a spa day or something, or by going shopping. But it’s worth seeing Barry over here if it means this divorce will finally be over. I’ll do anything to get Barry off my back. And I’m just so glad he’s willing to cooperate.

  I straighten up myself too. I’m not gonna get dressed up for Barry, but I want to look good in case Leo stops by. I wish we’d been able to sleep in and spend the day together. Maybe I could’ve dragged him down to the spa with me for a couple’s massage. I wonder if he would do that? Oh well, another time.


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