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A Get Witch Quick Scheme (Bewitching the Rich Guy Book 1)

Page 4

by Michelle Francik

  “Of course. Made just the way you like it.” Pee Pee Pamela was a little less annoying when she was holding Stella’s favorite coffee.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled. She took a sip and sure enough, it was perfect.

  “I’ve laid out a towel for you and a plush bathrobe and slippers for after your shower. Hair and makeup will be here shortly, so as soon as you’re done washing up, come on out and they’ll take care of everything else.”

  Stella wasn’t sure how she felt about any of this, since she wasn’t even fully awake yet, but part of her liked being pampered this way. Sure, she was rich, and she was a witch, so she’d never had to do without anything. Being a Spinney meant that people went out of their way to make her happy. She’d always resented being treated differently because of her family name--she felt she hadn’t earned it. But this was kind of fun!

  A final touch of setting powder was stroked across her face, then the makeup artist stood back to take a look. “Okay, you’re done.”

  The novelty had worn off pretty quickly for Stella. She wasn’t one to sit still for very long and every time she shifted or felt the need to scratch her nose, she was told to sit still. It wasn’t any fun to be treated like a mannequin—or a child.

  She stood up and stretched, feeling better as soon as she started moving around. Pamela handed her a mirror and she took a look. Oh my! She looked even more stunning than usual. The night before the Wardrobe Supervisor, a small, elderly woman with a wrinkly face and sparkling blue eyes had chosen a pair of designer jeans, black ankle booties and a soft, fuzzy gray sweater for her to wear today. As she pulled on the clothes, she admired the quality and workmanship. They fit her perfectly and she felt comfortable, attractive and confident. For the first time, she was actually looking forward to spending the day with Chadwick.


  “And who is this handsome fella?” Stella watched in awe as Chadwick coaxed Onyx out of the carrier and into his arms. He stood up with her cat draped across his chest, purring loudly.

  “That’s Onyx and how did you do that?”

  He grinned. “Do what?”

  “He’s afraid of new people and doesn’t like to be held.”

  “Really? Well you’d never know it.” He chuckled at her confusion. “I’m sorry, it always amuses me when people say that. The truth is, I don’t know. I seem to have a way with animals that makes even the most skittish feel safe.” He buried his face in the cat’s neck and whispered something that made him start purring even louder.

  “That’s amazing,” she said, still stunned. “It took nearly a year for him to let me hold him at all and he still fidgets, but with you, he’s totally relaxed.” She wanted to be annoyed, but Onyx looked so happy, she just couldn’t. She was a tiny bit jealous, though.

  “He’s a lovely tuxedo cat. Where did you get him?”

  “The local shelter. He was in a bad way, having been left behind by his previous owners. He was dehydrated and malnourished. When I met him, his fur was course and falling out and his teeth were loose.”

  “Well, you’ve done a wonderful job with him,” he said. “He looks very healthy and happy now.” His compliment seemed genuine and she felt a rush of pride. He might not be so bad after all.

  They spent the morning looking through the photo albums that had been created by the staging team the night before. Since she’d never seen them, she found herself being drawn into the story they told. They started before her birth, with pictures of her parents when they were dating, their wedding, and one of her mother when she was very pregnant.

  Chadwick asked relevant questions and seemed genuinely interested, so time passed quickly. A knock on the door startled them both and she turned to look at Pamela for guidance. The woman mouthed, lunch, and gestured for her to answer the door.

  “I think that’s our lunch, Chadwick,” she told him.

  “Please, call me Chad.”

  She stood up to get the door and tripped over his feet. She landed in his lap, his arms around her. The door opened and Cash stood there in the entry way, taking in the scene. She stood up and tried to collect herself, but the damage was done. Cash set the bags of food on the kitchen table and left, without saying a word.

  Stella wanted nothing more than to run after him and explain, but the cameras were rolling, and she had a job to do. Her eyes met Chad’s and she could see he’d noticed his brother’s reaction. They were supposed to have 15 minutes before he left to talk without microphones or cameras, so she’d talk to him about Cash then.

  He helped her set the table and they dished up the food. It smelled divine and they fell into an easy banter while they ate. When the meal was done, they cleared the table and washed up together, then sat down on the sofa.

  Onyx jumped up and climbed into her lap, headbutting her chin with his forehead. She breathed in the scent of cat and kissed him. He jumped off of her lap and climbed onto Chad’s. He repeated the headbutting and purring, then laid down between them and fell fast asleep.

  Chad laughed. “He’s a delight, Stella. I meant what I said earlier, you’ve done a great job getting him healthy and making him feel safe.”

  “It took a lot of hard work and time for me to gain his trust, yet you just walk in here and it’s as if you’ve been friends for years.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t explain it. I must give off a vibe or something. It happens all the time.”

  She looked into his eyes and saw a warmth she hadn’t seen before, but he still didn’t make her feel the way Cash did.

  The rest of the day had flown by. Chad was intelligent and thoughtful, asking questions in a way that felt genuine. She found herself opening up to him which was unusual for her. He really did have a way about him that was calming, and she could see why Onyx responded the way he did.

  They finally got to the last 20 minutes and Pamela signaled for the camera crew to stop rolling and take a break. “Okay, you have 15 minutes to yourselves. At 3:55 I’ll signal the cameras to roll again and we’ll film Chadwick leaving your apartment. Any questions?” She turned and walked away before either of them could respond, so it was a good thing they didn’t have questions.

  “Is something going on between you and Cash?” They both spoke at the same time and when they realized they asked the same question, they both laughed. Chad gestured for her to go first.

  Stella smiled and nodded. “It seems like there’s some tension between you and your brother. I was just wondering about it.”

  He looked at her thoughtfully and slowly shook his head. “Up until yesterday when I introduced myself and today when he took off like that, I would’ve said no. But something’s bothering him, that’s for sure.” He paused and tilted his head to the side, considering. “Are you sure it’s not something between the two of you?”

  She felt herself blush as she shook her head, no. “I mean, I’ve only met him a couple of times, so what could it be?”

  As he continued to look at her, she realized he could see right through her. “Okay, I admit, I kind of like him. But I don’t know why that would make him angry. And he seems to be annoyed or something.”

  Chad laughed out loud--a deep, belly laugh. “Oh my. I never thought it would happen.” At her confused expression, he continued. “I think he likes you, too, my dear.”

  He took her hand in his. “My brother has always been focused on business. He’s never understood my desire for a partner, someone to share my life with. He’s had relationships, but he’s never really wanted a long-term commitment with any woman. Maybe now that’s he’s met you, he’s rethinking his stance on that.”

  “I’m sure that’s not it,” she fussed. “He’s only just met me, you know.”

  Chad’s green eyes met hers. “Sometimes, that’s all it takes to know.”

  “Alright, lets wrap this up. Camera’s rolling in three-two-one.”

  Chad let go of her hand and leaned back, but the sparkle in his eye didn’t go away. Stella felt her cheeks redden again an
d she tried to focus on what was happening. Before she knew it, Chad had left, the filming had stopped, and she was left wondering if he could be right. Did Cash like her, too? And if he did, would he still feel that way if she continued dating his brother?

  The saying about the tangled webs we weave came to mind and Stella realized she’d forgotten what this was all about. She was supposed to be solving the family mystery, not thinking about men. Get it together, she told herself.

  Pamela walked over and started barking out instructions for the next day. She tried to pay attention, but a pair of troubled green eyes hung around the back of her mind, and she realized she wasn’t ready to let them go.


  Excitement buzzed through her as the limo pulled up in front of the Sanctuary. Stella leaned forward to look out the window. The stone archway entry had lion statues on either side, and the gate was elegant and rustic at the same time.

  The driver came around and opened her door. She took the hand that was extended to help her out and was surprised to find herself looking into the pair of green eyes that had haunted her dreams the night before.

  Cash’s grin was back in place, and she felt her heart start racing as he continued to hold her hand. “Welcome to Silverdeer Sanctuary.”

  The sound of a man clearing his throat broke the spell, and Stella looked up to see Chad grinning at them both. “Are you ready to do this, Stella?” he asked, his amusement evident in the way his dimples kept appearing and disappearing.

  “Of course,” she replied, looking from one grinning brother to the other. Apparently, they’d resolved whatever was bothering Cash, because he didn’t seem the least bit annoyed today. She pulled her hand from his grasp and followed Chad through the gateway.

  “Oh, my!” It was beautiful. Inside the entryway was a paved path that led to a large building in one direction, and a dirt track that led in another. There was a fountain in the middle with water flowing from stone dolphins into a round basin and benches were scattered throughout, offering seating without taking away from the natural beauty. Bottlebrush Buckeye shrubs bordered the walkways and crossvine climbed the inside of the sanctuary walls, it’s clusters of trumpet-shaped orange and yellow flowers a lovely contrast to the deep green leaves.

  “Would you like to see the main building first or should we grab a cart and explore the sanctuary?”

  Stella grinned up at Chad, her eyes shining brightly. “Can we see the animals, first? Please?”

  Cash looked away and for a moment, she thought he was upset again, but when his gaze swung back to her, she saw approval, not anger. “She really liked the photo of Max in the boardroom. Maybe you could start there.”

  “Max it is!” A crewmember pulled up in a golf cart and Cash helped her into the passenger seat while his brother climbed into the driver’s seat. He waved as they drove off, a smile on his face. The camera crew followed behind them, in two separate golf carts.

  Stella was so excited she couldn’t sit still, twisting this way and that to see as much as she could. The sanctuary was divided up into sections, keeping predators apart and creating distinctive habitats for the comfort and well-being of the animals.

  “Most of the animals here have been in zoos, kept as pets, or they’ve been working animals. We don’t have anyone here who came directly from the wild. That’s made it easier to develop habitats that meet their needs, instead of recreating their ‘natural’ habitat, if that makes sense.”

  Stella nodded. “It does. From what you and Cash have said, this is about making them comfortable and taking care of them. Recreating their natural habitat might not be in their best interests.” She could feel him watching her and she looked up. “I have a house cat. I’ve had people tell me it’s not natural for him to be inside, in an apartment. But I know that he feels safe with me and I truly believe he’ll live a longer, healthier life than if he was an outdoor cat.”

  He nodded. “I’ve had that argument many times.” He sighed, “I think both sides want what’s best for the animal, but who are we to make that decision? I know cats who like to be free to wander and others who have no desire to leave their indoor home. I think we have to look at the circumstances and do our best, for each individual animal.”

  As the cart rounded a corner, Stella’s breath caught in her throat. They were on a hill, looking out over a valley covered with tall grasses, blowing gently in the warm, Georgia wind. Chad’s hand touched her arm and she turned to look at him. His eyes were shining, and he pointed past her, over her shoulder.

  At first, she couldn’t see anything, but then she noticed the grasses were swaying, as if something large was moving through them. She gripped the side bar, holding so tight her knuckles turned white.

  Even though she knew it was coming, she was unprepared for the reality of the large lion bursting out of the grasses, racing towards them, his mane flowing, his paws the size of her head. Max stopped about six feet away from the cart and flopped onto the ground, exposing his large, fluffy belly, panting heavily from the exertion.

  Stella’s heart was racing and for a moment, she thought she might be sick. The combination of exhilaration and terror had her adrenalin flowing, and she was embarrassed to realize she was shaking like a leaf. She felt the cart dip as Chad climbed out, and she used the moment to try and regain her composure.

  “Hi, Max,” he crooned to the 500-pound, 8-foot long lion. He walked over and sat on the ground next to him. She watched as he rubbed the giant belly, talking so softly she couldn’t hear what he was saying. After a few moments, Chad looked up at her. “You okay now?”

  She tried to play it cool, responding with a laugh that sounded shakier than she’d have liked. “What do you mean? Of course I’m okay.”

  Chad laughed and shook his head. “The first time Max came charging at me, I nearly needed a new pair of shorts.”

  Stella grinned and nodded. “Okay, I admit, I was a little shook up.”

  He stood up and brushed off his clothes as he walked towards her. “Actually, you did really well. Would you like to meet him?”

  His tone was kind, but she could hear the hint of a dare, so she immediately nodded. As Max sat up, she told herself to think of him as a bigger version of Onyx, nothing more. She took Chad’s hand and slowly climbed out of the cart. Max was watching them closely and she felt her heart start racing again. But Chad’s hand was holding hers and he placed an arm around her waist.

  “Hey Max, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. Her name is Stella.” To her amazement, Max dipped his head, then held one of his paws up as if to shake hands.

  “He’s not really asking me to shake hands with him, is he?”

  Chad laughed and let go of her hand. He reached out and shook the massive paw. Max roared and shook his head, his mane flying in all directions. He moved closer to Stella and tried again, his paw up in the air in front of her.

  She reached out and was amazed when his giant paw closed around her tiny hand. It was soft and warm and even though he had long, sharp claws, he was careful not to hurt her. Max moved away and roared, then ran off into the grasses.

  She laughed softly and turned towards Chad. “He’s amazing.”

  “He is, isn’t he? He’s Cash’s favorite. My brother spends as much time out here with Max as possible. He’ll be thrilled to know the two of you are friends.”

  “I don’t know about friends,” she mumbled as they climbed back into the cart, but she felt proud and excited anyway.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur and before she knew it, it was over. Lunch had been in the cafeteria with the sanctuary workers and she’d enjoyed hearing stories about Max and the other animals. She’d hoped to see Cash, but he’d left to take care of other business. In the few minutes they had to speak privately, she asked Chad about him.

  “I had a little brother-to-brother chat with Cash, and we cleared the air. I told him that once our date is over, he should find time to talk with you himself. I think that made him feel a
little better,” he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Before she could ask any questions, he added, “I told him and I’m telling you, I’m not the go-between. I’m not sharing info with you about him or vice versa. If you have something to say, you’ll need to say it directly to him.”

  She made a face at him and he laughed. “That’s nearly the same face he made at me.” He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for a lovely day, Stella. I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for us tomorrow.”

  She looked up to see Pamela and the film crew watching them closely. She’d nearly forgotten about them. As she rode back to her apartment in the limo, she realized she’d never once considered using magic; not even when Max came charging out at her. It never even occurred to her.


  It was Wednesday morning and Stella found herself looking forward to spending the day with Chad. This was the “mystery date” and all she’d been told the night before was to dress casually and comfortably.

  Onyx was on her lap, purring as she stroked his fur. She was going to miss him, but she couldn’t wait to get back to the Manor so she could start looking for the proof she needed. She leaned down and whispered in his soft, furry ear. “I love you, Onyx. I’ll be back later tonight, but I’ll have to pack quickly and then I’ll be gone for a couple of weeks. Pixie and Henry will be here to take care of you.” She sighed and he opened one eye to look at her, then it drooped shut as his rumbling grew louder.

  “Okay, Stella. It’s time to go. The limo is downstairs waiting to take you on your mystery date.” Pamela’s voice held a tinge of humor and Stella wondered what she was getting herself into. She kissed Onyx goodbye and headed downstairs, trailed by the producer, the sound crew and the cameramen.


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