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by Jodi Olson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Seduction - The Riley Way

  Copyright © 2009 Jodi Olson

  ISBN 978-1-934446-42-3

  Cover Design by Viper

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine 2009

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  Other Erotic Romances by Jodi Olson

  Raining on Sunday

  Amelia lost her husband and was now in danger of losing her dream house. The constant rain drenched her, washing away her tears…and hope. Could the answer to her problems lay in becoming the sex slave to the two handsome builders of her dream home? Mike and Kevin could only hope her answer would be “yes.”

  Naughty Whispers

  What’s a girl to do when she’s got two hot men, willing, able and more than ready to take care of her needs? Gina had almost everything she could ever want: a college degree, money, and a new business - everything except the love of a man; let alone two men. Hudson and Grant, her brother’s best friends, were back in her life. Could they be the ones to accept the challenge?

  Hunter’s Possession

  When Travis Hunter dies, his Will brings together his long-lost sons Ryan and Adam, and Travis’s beautiful young widow Brooke. How will they divide Travis’s legacy, the Triple-H ranch? And who will claim the richest prize of all, the ravishing Brooke Hunter? Can they have it all?

  Getting Wild

  Neal Riley gets more then he bargains for when he takes a leave of absence from his job to tend bar for his brother at The Swollen Pussy Club. His life is turned upside down when librarian and would-be erotic novelist Jennifer Logan, takes a job as a stripper to – “research” – her next book. Jennifer’s ex-boyfriend Steve, and hostile erotic dancer Cameo, bring danger to the mix and threaten Neal and Jennifer’s on-again-off-again torrid romance. Only time will tell if her research will bring more than just a great story for her book – and a happy-ever-after ending for herself?

  Seduction - The Riley Way

  Nicole Champagne isn’t bubbly. She’s down and out: locked out of her apartment, out of a job, and definitely down on her ex-boyfriend, Chaz, the cause of her problems. And the light at the end of her tunnel is the neon sign for the Swollen Pussy Club. Can a gentleman’s club, and its hunky owner Nathan Riley be the answer to her prayers.

  Seduction – The Riley Way is the sequel to Jodi Olson’s erotic romantic romp, Getting Wild. In Getting Wild, Nathan’s brother Neal got the girl, would-be erotic dancer/author Jennifer Logan. Now it’s brother Nathan’s time to find love. But will Nicole prove any easier to woo for him than Jennifer was for his brother? And what is it about the Swollen Pussy Club that unlocks women’s libidos?

  Playing House

  What would a woman do to get her inheritance, especially if it required she have a husband? Could she rope the nearest cowboy; and if she caught him…what would she do with him? Kathryn gets more than she bargained for when she starts…PLAYING HOUSE.

  Storm’s Obsession

  The Mexican sun heats up an old love when Private Investigator Storm Mathews takes a divorce case at a Cancun resort. The sleuth digs up a disturbing clue when he discovers that his target’s BFF on this trip is his old flame Kitty. Will the resulting Storm be a tempest, or a drizzle? And will Kitty be the cat who lands on her feet, or gets swept off them?

  A Christmas Wish

  Spencer Martin was a workaholic who hated Christmas ever since his girlfriend was killed on that day five years ago. When Spencer’s sister invites him to spend Christmas with her the idea of a ‘family’ Christmas doesn’t sit well with him. But he has a change of heart when he hears that his first love, Maggie Sinclair, would be there. Maggie loved Christmas, from her snowman decorations to baking cookies for her elementary class and everything in between. Could Maggie make Spencer love Christmas again? Could she make him fall in love again?


  To Barb Ledbetter: Thanks for the encouragement and support you've given me on a daily basis. Without you my books wouldn't be published.

  To D.M. Thank you for all your encouragement and helpful ideas for this book.

  To the Erotic Ranch: Cindy, Kim, Krissy, Brenda, Pat and everyone else at the ranch. You're the most supportive group an author could have in her corner. Thank you.

  To my Editor Greg: Thank you so much for EVERYTHING you do for me.

  To my Readers: Thank you for all your support by reading my books and sending me emails telling me how you love my books. I love hearing from my readers.


  The Riley Way

  Jodi Olson


  Nicole Champagne had been walking for hours, with nowhere to go. The only motel for miles around was booked. She was homeless and jobless; her slimy boyfriend made sure of that. At the end of her shift, her manager handed her fifty dollars and a pink slip, saying she was too much trouble.

  When she arrived back at her apartment, an eviction notice was taped on the door. Locks had already been changed and there was no sign of her lazy-ass boyfriend. All she had were the clothes on her back and the fifty dollars in her wallet.

  Down the block, Nicole spotted the bright neon sign for The Swollen Pussy Club. She was dressed in a heavy wool sweater and blue jeans, but the wind was beginning to pick up and she hated the cold. Maybe someone is still there cleaning and will let me get warmed up. All she wanted was to find a warm bed so she could forget the last five hours of her life.

  Nicole pulled on the door to the club, but it was locked. She looked inside the small window but couldn’t tell if anyone was in the building. There was still a car sitting in the parking lot so she banged on the door. No one answered. Dejectedly, she plopped herself down beside the door, hoping someone would come out soon. Nicole picked up a help wanted sign lying in the gravel. How could anyone read this? It’s in the dirt.

  Nathan Riley looked up from his desk, thinking he’d heard a knock. Man, I’m so tired; I must be hearing things. The club had been closed for an hour and everyone was gone.

  He rose from his chair, walked into the club and turned off the last light. As he turned, he heard another knock on the door. Who would be out at this time of night? Nathan pushed open the door, but he didn’t see anyone, so he walked to his car. From behind him he heard the woman’s voice, “Your help wanted sign sucks big time.”

  Nathan didn’t turn around right away. What the fuck is her problem? I don’t need to listen to insults at three in the morning when I can be home in bed. Looking over his shoulder, he spotted her sitting next to the door. “If you want a job come back tomorrow.” He barely gave her a thought as he drove off. Shit! What if something happens to her? He’d only gone two blocks before he turned around and headed back to the club.

  When he pulled into the parking lot, she was still sitting in the same spot. He walked to her, “Who are you, and why are you still here?

  Nicole gave him the once over. His thick short chestnut hair tapered neatly to his collar, his profile was sharp and confident. He was a very attractive man, but not the usual type she dated. “Is that a crime now, to sit down? I was tired of walking, but I’ll go now before
you have me arrested for loitering: that would really make my day.” Nicole brushed off her jeans as she stood up.

  “You shouldn’t be out walking alone at this hour with all the nuts out running the streets.” Nathan nodded toward his car, “Can I give you a ride home?”

  Nicole followed him as he walked to his car, “After getting fired from my crappy job, I went back to my apartment and found the locks had been changed, and an eviction notice taped on the door.” She couldn’t believe she’d told a perfect stranger all her problems.

  “Why don’t you come home with me, grab a few hours of sleep,” he opened the passenger side door, and waited for her to get in, “and then we’ll talk about a job for you.”

  She paused and stared at him, “How do I know you aren’t one of those nuts?” She was freezing, didn’t have anywhere to go so what else was she to do? Maybe after a few hours of sleep in a warm bed, things would start to look better. She slid into the passenger seat, “So, are you the janitor of the club? Do you think the owner will hire me?”

  Nathan closed her door, and as he rounded the car he tried to hide the shit-eating grin on his face. She thinks I’m the janitor and not the owner. That’s a good one. “Since you’re coming home with me, do you have a name? I like to know the names of the women I share my bed with.”

  Shocked, her mouth flew open. He’s got to be kidding. “My name is Nicole Champagne, and you are?”

  “I’m Nathan Riley.” The drive was silent until he pulled in the driveway of his two-bedroom home. He opened her door, catching her hand in his; and she made no effort to pull back. Nathan couldn’t stop staring at her moonlit beauty: her dainty features, her peach-tinted creamy skin, and her pale, yellow curls.


  Once they got inside the house, he showed her where the bathroom was and pointed to his bedroom across the hall. He gave her one of his shirts to sleep in, “You can change into this. It’ll be more comfortable than sleeping in that heavy sweater and jeans.”

  She entered the bathroom, but before closing the door, she looked back over her shoulder. “Where am I supposed to sleep?” she whispered, afraid of his answer.

  “You’ll have to share my bed, it’s the only one I have. My spare room is just a storage room since my brother moved out.”

  Nathan was so tired if he didn’t hurry and crawl in bed, he might drop where he stood. It was busy at work; he didn’t think he was ever going to get to the bookkeeping. Now here was Nicole, even though he didn’t know her, he felt he needed to come up with a job for her. He’d totally forgotten to take that sign off the door. The new dancer was starting tomorrow night, but maybe he could afford one more dancer. All he needed was some sleep, and then he’d be able to think and come up with fresh ideas.

  Nicole took off her jeans and sweater, and pulled the t-shirt over her head; it came to just below her thighs. As soon as she got closer to the bed, she heard Nathan’s soft snores. Nervously, she crawled between the sheets and pulled the covers up to her chin. She was exhausted, and it didn’t take long for her to fall into a deep sleep.

  A few hours later, Nathan woke when he heard a loud noise outside; the neighbors were fighting again. He couldn’t move because an arm was wrapped around his chest and a leg was thrown across his thigh. What a mistake he’d made bringing Nicole home with him; now all he wanted to do was touch her.

  During the night she’d thrown the covers off and the t-shirt was bunched around her waist. His hand reached over to caress her cheek. What in the world led her to being homeless and jobless all in one night? I’ve got to help make things better for her in some way. His gaze was riveted on her face, but slowly, his eyes wandered over her body.

  I wonder what she tastes like? He moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness; then his lips seared a path down her neck to her shoulder. That damn shirt is in the way! His hands pushed it up past her breasts. Oh man! Her beautiful small breasts were tipped with pale pink nipples, already marble hard. He licked around the top of one nipple before sucking it and hearing her moan. When he looked up, he saw her eyes were still closed. Slipping one hand between her thighs he found her hot, wet and swollen with need. He moved down between her thighs, parting her and lowering his mouth to her swollen labia; stroking every inch with his tongue, until she bucked into his mouth.

  What the hell am I doing? He had to get away before he took further advantage of her; he’d already done enough. Getting involved with someone who would be working for him was the last thing he needed; it’d happened before, and it never worked out. He quickly grabbed his clothes and left the bedroom. Quietly, he slipped back into the bedroom and left four hundred dollars on the nightstand.

  Nicole woke up feeling delicious. She’d had a wonderful dream about Nathan making love to her. At first she didn’t recognize where she was; then she remembered accepting Nathan’s invitation since she had nowhere to go. When she didn’t see him in bed beside her, she thought he must be in another room. Then she noticed the T-shirt she wore was raised up to her breasts. Was it really a dream I was having? Is this why Nathan is gone? She got up and noticed the money lying on the nightstand. She picked up the money and counted it, No note, and four one hundred dollar bills. What does he think I am? Some whore to be paid for her services? He can’t treat me this way. She looked down and kicked a shoe across the room. I’ll show him who he’s dealing with!


  Nicole was steaming mad when she went to the bathroom and started the shower. Four hundred dollars? For services rendered? No fucking way! I rendered NO services to him. Were the dreams of Nathan making love to me real, or just a figment of my imagination? Nathan clouded her mind while she showered. She found his house unbelievably clean and orderly, for a bachelor: no piles of dirty clothes, the bathroom was clean and the bathtub and toilet were sparkling. She had a serious case of morning breath so she scrounged around and found the toothpaste. Nope, can’t use his toothbrush; sharing a bed is NOT the same as sharing a toothbrush. The only thing she could use to brush her teeth was her finger.

  Her stomach growled so she strolled into the kitchen to see what was in the fridge. She hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday, and if she didn’t satisfy the nagging in her stomach, she wouldn’t be good for anything. When she opened the refrigerator she found milk, eggs, butter, condiments and a lot of plastic containers with leftover dinners; one box held cold pizza she could warm up. Nathan obviously didn’t cook much. Maybe his domestic skills don’t extend that far. Maybe he has a maid? She grabbed a ceramic cup from the cupboard to warm up the tepid coffee she found in the pot. Pizza and coffee was not her usual breakfast, but it would do for now.

  The last thirty-six hours had been a real butt kicker: losing a job and a lousy boyfriend, getting the boot from her apartment, walking aimlessly in the night, getting cold, and finally sharing a bed with a stranger. Her thoughts drifted back to Nathan. Why did he leave the money on the nightstand, for sharing his bed? She didn’t share beds with total strangers, but last night was out of necessity. All she needed to do was find this guy, give him his money back and move on. He does have nice eyes and a gentle demeanor about him. There was no way around it: she’d have to contact him at work. She found the club’s number on a pad on the desk and picked up the phone.

  “Hello, is Nathan there please? Yes, I’ll hold. Hello, Nathan this is Nicole. Remember from last night? So – what was the money for? Yes I need some clothes and a place to stay. Uh – huh, and exactly what do you expect me to do for that money? Yes, I can cook. Okay, yea, I can be here later. Can you tell me where the mall is from here? OK, thanks, I’ll see you then, bye.”


  Nathan thought back on his phone conversation with Nicole. He wondered what she was really like and why she sounded so professional on the phone. What kind of job did she do before? He’d have to wait until tonight to find out. It was nice to have a quiet day at work to finish balancing the books. He let his assistant manager handle things that night so
he’d be able to get out of there on time. He called Nicole to see if she’d eaten. “Hey Nicole, how do burgers and fries sound? Good, I’ll stop by this all night mom and pop burger joint and bring some home. Do you want cheese and dill pickles on the side? We’ll discuss your situation over dinner, how’s that? No problem. Be there in about half an hour, bye”

  When he pulled into the driveway, he saw the porch light go on and the door open. Nicole was standing there with an odd look on her face. Not knowing what to make of it he grabbed the bag of food and drinks and walked toward his house. “Hey Nicole, did you get some rest today? How’re you feeling?”

  “Yea, OK, I got some rest, it was a rough night. Let’s get the food in the house before it gets cold.”

  “Fine by me, I’m hungry, and I imagine you are too.”

  “Yes, I am, I had some of your pizza this morning, and could use a bite about now.” As they ate Nicole looked Nathan straight in the eye, “Nathan, I need to know some things before this goes any further.”

  “I agree. We need to speak of the past, present and future,” he dipped a French fry in ketchup, “not necessarily in that order.”

  Nicole rolled her eyes and bit her bottom lip. “Why did you leave that money on the night stand? Did you think I’m an easy lay or what?” Her voice rose, “Are you trying to clear your conscience about last night for some reason? I know I was tired and you were asleep when I crawled into your bed.” She took the wad of money from her pocket and threw it at him, barely missing his ear.


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