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Emma's Alpha

Page 2

by Amanda Clark

  He bent and grabbed all of the bags and the suitcase at Emma’s feet and said “Grab the viv Mike, I’ve got these, is she in the attic suite?” Without waiting for a response, he walked into the house.

  Mike shrugged his shoulders, raised an eyebrow at Emma and said, “Come on let’s get you settled, so I can get to my office and get started on some paperwork.”

  Emma grabbed the last two bags, which contained Jack’s toys and food, and shut the door. She watched Mike lift the viv with ease, it had taken her and Craig both to put it in the car this morning. She walked over and shut the boot. Emma grabbed the wires trailing from the viv. Mike tipped his head to get her to follow and led the way into the house. Just past the office, he mounted a staircase. Emma got a great view of a perfect arse encased in tight denim, the throbbing in her core, that had settled to a mild ache, was now banging away like a kid with a new drum. She heard a noise that sounded very much like a growl come from Mike. She looked up to see he had caught her watching him, his eyes looked like they glowed for a split second, then dulled again. Scott appeared above them.

  “Come on, bro, what’s taking so long? I’ve cleared the sideboard top for you to put the viv on, there is an extension there too if you need it,” he said,

  “How do you know so much about viv’s, Scott?” Mike asked.

  “You know Danny I was seeing in college? He was into reptiles. So what you got in there Emma, a snake or a lizard?”

  “You’re gay?” Emma spluttered.

  Scott laughed and said, “Yeah, I hope that’s not a problem for you?”

  “No, not at all, Craig is gay, it just surprised me, that’s all. It’s a dragon called Dolly in the viv,” Emma said.

  “Cool,” was the only response from Scott.

  Emma couldn’t believe this place. Not only did it have the embodiment of her dream man, but Craig’s too! She couldn’t wait to tell him.

  They reached the top of the stairs and stood on the landing. It continued to the back of the house and had eight doors coming off of it. To her left a smaller flight of stairs headed up to the attic and that’s where Mike and Scott led her. At the top of the stairs was another small landing with three doors. The door to the left was open, revealing a large room with a double bed, a chocolate colored throw on it, the walls were cream, on walking into the room Emma saw just how big it was. The bed was on the wall you could see from the door and to the right there was a door to an en-suite, to the left was a sitting area with a book case, a big side board, and a comfy looking leather arm chair. At the far end, past the bed, was a large wardrobe and set of drawers, two matching bedside tables at either side of the bed with matching lamps. There was a window at each end of the room with matching chocolate brown curtains.

  “It’s beautiful, is this really my room?” Emma asked, even though she saw her bags sitting on the bed.

  “Yes, it is,” Mike said. “I’m across the landing and the end door is storage, so you can put your bags and suitcase in there when you have unpacked.”

  “I will. Thanks for your help,” Emma replied.

  Scott plugged in the viv, and she wandered over to slide open the viv door and remove a towel that contained a hot water bottle. She then went to one of the bags and took out some bowls, taking one to the bathroom and filling it with water, putting some greens in the other, she put them both in the viv. She removed a large bearded dragon and stroked her head, before placing her back in and closing the glass doors.

  “Thanks again, I’m going to get that coffee now before unpacking,” Emma said.

  Mike seemed to shake his head before saying, “Yeah, this isn’t getting my paperwork done, give me a shout if you need anything.” Then walked out of the room and down the stairs.

  Emma looked over at Scott, who smiled at her and then nodded towards the viv. “She is lovely, how long have you had her?” Scott asked.

  “A little over two years. She was abandoned outside the clinic, so I took her in,” Emma replied whilst heading for the door. There was no sign of Mike, which disappointed her, she had hoped to glimpse that tight butt of his again. Emma and Scott headed downstairs. Scott left her on the first floor landing, after telling her his room was the very end one on the left, and Mary’s was opposite on the right. Emma continued down to the kitchen. She found Mary at the table with Jack at her feet.

  “There you are Jack, I hope you’re behaving yourself,” Emma said. Jack’s only response was to thump his tail on the floor where he lay. Emma took a seat at the table. Mary placed a mug of black coffee in front of her.

  “Here you go, milk and sugar is there if you want them. Is your room okay? Do you need anything?” Mary asked.

  “Black is perfect, thanks, and yes, the room is great. So far I have everything I need. Oh, one thing, I know there is a shower in my room, but is there a bath anywhere in the house I could use sometimes? My favourite thing to do is relax in a hot bath with a good book and a glass of wine,” Emma said.

  Before Mary could answer Mike walked into the kitchen.

  He said, “My room is the only one with a bath and you are welcome to use it whenever you want.”

  “Thanks,” Emma sputtered.

  She was a little disappointed, because there was no way she could use his bath, so it looked like showers only in her future. Jack started whimpering to be let out, Mary got up and let him out into the garden. He had no sooner stepped out when he bolted back in and hid under the table shaking.

  “What’s wrong, Jack?” Emma said.

  Reaching under the table and bringing out the cowering dog, she walked out into the garden and placed him on the grass. Jack did his business quickly, then a loud howl came from the woods that backed on to the garden.

  Jack shot back into the house, Emma turned to follow and walked straight into Mike, he was right behind her.

  “Don’t be scared. They are nowhere near here, they won’t come this close to town,” he said.

  “They don’t bother me too much, I heard them occasionally in London, from the zoo,” Emma replied.

  Neither of them moved, her hands had landed on his arms and she could feel his muscles tempting her to run her hands over the rest of him. He smelt of the woods and something that was all him. Emma took a hurried step back and headed into the house before she did something stupid, like begging him to fuck her. Sitting back at the table Emma tried to calm down her raging hormones. Picking up her coffee, she noticed her hands were shaking, almost like they missed the contact with Mike.

  Emma decided it was time to head upstairs and unpack, finishing her coffee, she said goodnight to Mary, whistled for Jack and headed up to her room. As she passed the study she caught a glimpse of Mike sitting at his desk looking at some paper work.

  “Goodnight, Mike,” Emma said.

  “Night, see you in the morning. Give me a shout if there is anything you need,” he replied without lifting his head from his paperwork

  Up in her room, Emma unpacked her clothes putting them in the wardrobe and drawers. She had a wonderful collection of books signed by her favourite authors. Authors she had befriended online like, Carrie Ann Ryan, Sam Crescent, J E Horton and Stormy Glenn. They would be beautifully displayed on the book shelves. Her books and Kindle were her primary indulgences. She placed her Kindle beside the bed and plugged it in to charge. A shower was in order before bed. Heading to the bathroom, Emma turned the shower on and let it heat up whilst she undressed. She grabbed her shampoo and conditioner and stepped into the shower closing the door behind her.

  The water was heaven on her aching muscles. She closed her eyes and just stood enjoying the heat, her mind wandered and Mike’s face appeared before her. She had never had this kind of reaction to a man before, every time he even looked at her she creamed her knickers, his voice almost caressed her skin, especially when he said her name. She washed her hair and stepped out, grabbing a big fluffy towel from the cupboard under the sink. She wrapped it around her and picked another smaller towel for
her hair. After drying off and slipping on some boxer shorts and a vest top, Emma realised she hadn’t phoned Craig yet, looking round for her phone she remembered it was still in the car. She slipped on her trainers and headed downstairs.

  * * * *

  Mike left his office, giving up on the paperwork. All he could think about was Emma. Her body looked like it would fit his perfectly, her lips, he was dying to taste, and his wolf kept saying she was home, which was ridiculous. He decided a run was in order and headed out through the kitchen. He stripped by the back door, shifting was as easy as breathing to him. He just visualised his wolf and dropped to his hands and knees, paws hit the ground and he bounded away, letting his wolf take control. He picked a trail that lead him up the mountain behind town. The trail was steep and rough going, but it was no problem to him in his wolf form. He jumped fallen logs and streams. The pack lands were vast, the town was nestled in the bottom of a valley, surround on three sides with mountains and the other was the lake. The pack spent lots of time down by the lake in summer, having barbecues and picnics. It was an important part of being in a pack, spending time with each other, whether it was hunting or socializing.

  When Mike returned from his run, he picked up Emma’s strawberries and cream scent coming from the front of the house. He walked around the corner and stopped to admire the view. Emma was bent into her car and all he could see was her shorts covered arse. The shorts had ridden up slightly and he could just see her rounded cheeks peeking out, he had to lock all his muscles in place so he didn’t mount her there and then. He must have growled without realising, because Emma suddenly spun round and in doing so banged her head on the door frame. He had a sudden urge to run over and make sure she was okay, but better judgement prevailed and he slipped silently into the bushes.

  His human side was getting confused, his wolf side was reacting to Emma as if she was his mate, but she couldn’t be, she was human. His human side was definitely having a reaction to her, he hadn’t been this hard in years. In fact no female had ever made him react like this, distracted, horny, a need to protect and nurture. The most overwhelming was the need his wolf had to claim. To his wolf everything was black and white, no shades of grey, it made things simple, but not for his human side, that needed explanations to his confusion. He shifted back and redressed. He headed through the house to the front door, in time to see Emma locking up her car. She walked towards him with her head down and nearly collided with him. At the last moment she saw him, but couldn’t stop herself from walking into him.

  “I’m sorry, did you not hear me come out,” he steadied her by grabbing the tops of her arms.

  Emma’s face ended up in his chest and once again, the feeling of home overwhelmed him. Before stepping back he breathed in deeply, she smelt of desire and it took all Mike’s strength not to pull her close and plunder her lips. Stepping away, she mumbled, “I’m sorry,” before rushing into the house.

  Mike took a deep breath and locked all his muscles in place, so he didn’t follow her. His fingers tingled where he had touched her skin, it was so soft, he’d never felt anything as soft. Mike waited a few minutes before following Emma inside. Going up to his own room, he closed the door and tried to calm his raging hard on. Emm a’s sultry voice carried through to him and he realised she must be on the phone. Hearing her laugh nearly made him cum in his pants like a teenager, not a one hundred and twenty-five year old werewolf. He laid back on the bed and released his aching cock from his jeans. It sprang free and bobbed waiting for some attention, he grasped it and moved his hand slowly up and down, increasing the speed and pressure whilst imaging Emma’s hands on him. He was just getting close when he heard her start crying and then demanding to know what had happen. Hearing her distress, his cock wilted for the first time since meeting her. Mike fastened his jeans and was about to go knock on Emma’s door, when he heard her saying ‘goodbye’ and hang up. He froze and debated whether to check on her or not. He decided not to disturb her, now that the crying had stopped.

  * * * *

  Emma closed her bedroom door and sat on the bed, her head in her hands, scolding herself. Great first impression, he will think you are throwing yourself at him. Why does this stranger make me hornier than a whore in a nunnery? It must be the fresh clean air and finally being able to relax, plus he is the first virile man I’ve met in a long time. That’s a lie, she argued with herself , there were plenty of strong, fit men who came into the clinic to see the boss, just none of them ever made me feel like Mike does. Oh great, I’m screwed and not in a nice way. The first day at my new job and I’m was crushing on the boss. Her mental monologue was interrupted by the ringing of her phone, she knew it was Craig, he was the only person with this number. She had left her old phone behind, knowing Brian wouldn’t be able to harass her anymore, which gave her a sense of peace she hadn’t had for the last six months. She answered the phone.

  “Finally, I’ve been worried sick. Have you arrived okay? Any problems?”

  “Craig, I’m fine, no problems and I arrived safely, sorry I didn’t ring you sooner. I got here and got unpacked before I realised my phone was still in the car.”

  “So what’s it like?”

  “The B&B is lovely. I haven’t seen much of the town yet, because it was dark when I got here, but I’ve seen some nice scenery you would like,” she laughed.

  “What, you’re telling me there are hot gay men up there in the back of beyond?” Craig replied sounding a little excited.

  “Well, there is defiantly one gay man and yes, he is very hot,” Emma laughed.

  Craig laughed and asked “Please tell me he isn’t the only gay in the village?”

  Emma fell back on the bed laughing till tears streamed down her cheeks. “God, I miss you already,” she said, suddenly feeling very sad and alone.

  “Come on, babe, chin up, you know I will join you as soon as you’re settled, but we both couldn’t leave the clinic at the same time. It’s better this way. Brian has already been asking where you are, he came in the clinic twice today. The second time he was raging about your flat being empty. He knows you have gone and he isn’t happy about it. But you’re safe and that’s all that matters to me,” Craig said, trying to cheer her up a little.

  “What aren’t you telling me Craig?” Emma knew he was holding something back.

  “Nothing,” he replied.

  “Craig, don’t lie to me, what’s happened?” Emma pleaded.

  “When Brian came back in the second time and didn’t get anywhere with his inquiries, he had his pals wait for me outside work. I’m okay, just a black eye, but I told them nothing Em. I promise you, he will never find you through me,” he said.

  “Oh, Craig, I’m so sorry, I never should have left you behind to deal with this,” Emma said. A fresh batch of tears flowed down her face.

  “It’s okay, did you really expect him to just go ‘oh well’ and forget about you, come on Em, even you aren’t that naïve,” Craig said.

  “I know he wouldn’t just forget me, but I didn’t think he would have you beaten up either. He’s just an animal, maybe Tony could put him down,” Emma quipped.

  After talking a little longer they hung up with the promise to talk soon. Emma settled into bed and tried to read her latest Sam Crescent book, but she couldn’t focus. She turned off her light and tried to sleep. Her mind was filled with images of Mike and what his lips would taste like, how his hands would feel on her body, and she longed to feel the weight of him above her whilst he pounded into her. Her hands went under the covers and beneath her top, she squeezed and tugged her nipples before moving down and slipping her hand into her shorts.

  She found herself wet and achy, she ran her fingers through her lips and coated her fingers in her juices before moving up and circling her clit. She gasped and inserted two fingers inside her and moved them in and out whilst rubbing her clit. She felt the pressure build inside her and the thought of Mike emptying himself into her, sent her over the edge. S
he came with a silent scream and fell to sleep with her hand still in her shorts.

  * * * *

  Mike woke up and looked at the clock, it read 3:16 am. What had disturbed him? Then he heard Emma’s voice saying, “No, no leave me alone.”

  He jumped out of bed and ran to her room. He found her tossing and turning in the throes of a nightmare. He walked to the bed and called out to her, but it seemed to only disturb her more. So he sat on the bed and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed her back and spoke softly in her ear. She eventually started to settle down, relaxing a nd burrowing into him. Sighing deeply she muttered, “Home, this is home.”

  Mike froze, no, she doesn’t know what’s she’s saying . He laid her back down and tucked her in before retreating back to his own bed. His mind was spinning. Emma couldn’t have meant it in the werewolf way. She didn’t know that when you said someone feels or smells like home it was one of the main signs of a mate.

  Emma was human. It wasn’t heard of to mate with a human. You can’t turn a human, so it wasn’t fair to a werewolf to watch their mate age and die, while they stopped aging around thirty years old and looked the same until they died or reached five-hundred. In his pack alone, the oldest member was five hundred fifty-three, his Un cle Shane. On the other hand, he had never felt this way about anyone. From the moment he saw her photo attached to her resume, it was like he had been punched in the stomach. He had actually been excited just thinking about her arriving. I’m screwed , was his final thought before falling asleep.

  Chapter Three

  The following morning Emma woke up and showered before heading down stairs for breakfast. On entering the kitchen she saw Mike seated at the table, she flashed back to her dream from last night, being in his arms and feeling like she was home. She flushed at the very thought. Mike cocked an eyebrow at her flushed face.

  “Morning, did you sleep okay?” he said.

  “Yes, not too bad,” she replied.


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