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Emma's Alpha

Page 6

by Amanda Clark

  “Thanks, Scott,” Emma spluttered, whilst her face beamed bright red.

  They all settled down and ate their breakfast. They discussed the upcoming pack meeting that needed to be called to announce Mike’s mating and introduce Emma.

  After breakfast, Emma decided to ring Craig, knowing he wouldn’t be working this morning. She went upstairs to her room and grabbed her phone. She sat for a minute debating what to say before hitting send.

  “Hey, Em,” Craig said on answering.

  “Hi, I have a question for you. What color is your wolf?” Emma said.

  There was spluttering before Craig answered.

  “How the hell did you find out?”

  “Oh just seeing Brian and Mike change right before my eyes will do that,” Emma replied.

  “Did you say Brian?”

  “Yeah turns out him and a couple of cronies had arranged to come here and run over the weekend, of all the places they could go, I couldn’t believe it,” Emma said.

  “I know you’re annoyed with me, Em, I wish more than anything I could have told you, but pack law said I couldn’t. You don’t realise the trouble I’d have gotten in if I’d told you, I could have been banished or worse, if I had,” Craig said.

  “I know about pack laws, Craig. I’m maybe a tiny bit pissed at you, but to be honest, I’m so happy at the moment, I will forgive you.” Emma laughed.

  “What’s happened to make you so happy?” Craig asked.

  “Well, Mike Cross the alpha of this pack is my mate and he claimed me last night. Craig it was wonderful, the best night of my life.”

  “Wow, how can you be his mate, Em? We don’t mate with humans because we can’t change them, it’s unfair to the were who stops aging, to watch his mate age and pass away,” Craig said his voice full of concern.

  “It’s because I’m a half- were. Mike believes that man we see every now and again watching us my father, he thinks he is an alpha and that is where my trust money comes from, when I told Mike about the solicitors, it turns out they’re his solicitors too. They only represent alphas,” Emma said.

  “The man that looks like Alcide?” Craig asked.

  “Yeah that’s him, we are going to send away for a DNA test to find out for sure,” Emma said.

  “This is so great, Emma, no more secrets between us, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, no w you know about me,” Craig said.

  “I know now why you got me into reading the paranormal books, I’ve got to admit it helped loving those stories.

  ” Emma laughed.

  “This means I have to put a formal request into Mike for a pack change when I move up, I can’t wait to leave the St James pack behind, along with all the bad memories, you never know I may find my mate up there,” Craig said.

  “You never know, I will speak to Mike about your request. I’m sure it won’t be a problem,” Emma said.

  They talked some more before hanging up with the promise to talk soon.

  Chapter Six

  Emma sat enjoying a coffee as memories of the past week flooded her brain. The hot hard sex on the stairs, where Mike pinned her to the wall, lifted her skirt, ripped her knickers away, and fucked her hard and fast. The passionate slow love making they had every night, and the preparing he was doing to her so she could take him in her forbidden place. She had come to crave the slight burn and was on the verge of pleading with him to take her there. She also remembered doing the naughty secretary bit, where she entered Mike’s office, locking the door, then kneeled under his desk and proceeded to blow his mind.

  Emma’s thoughts sobered. So much had happened in such a short time. There had been the meeting with the mem bers of the pack. On the whole, they had been lovely and welcoming. But, there was one female, Rachel, she believed her name was, that wasn’t happy about Emma’s mating and boasted to anyone that would listen it was just a passing phase for Mike and he would soon get bored. Emma ignored her for now, but did realise she would have to put her in her place soon, if she carried on. Mike had sent off the DNA test to find out who her father was. He had explained they had a werewolf DNA database for this exact reason. The council had got it set up. The council, he explained, consisted of twelve retired alphas who helped out packs in dispute. They helped keep the were community at peace and were formed five-hundred years ago, after a were war that nearly wiped them out.

  She was nervous and excited about the possibility of meeting her father.

  Emma heard Mike calling her name and it pulled her out of her thoughts, she wandered into the office. Smiling she asked, “You need some more coffee or something to eat?”

  “No, I have a couple of things to discuss with you,” Mike replied.

  “Okay,” Emma answered and came around the desk to sit on his lap.

  Mike wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  “First, we have had an email requesting a transfer to our pack from a lass in Lancaster, she is a vet. She knows there is no longer a veterinary clinic in town and not one for twenty miles. Would you want to do your old job if we approve the transfer?” Mike said.

  “No. It would be perfect for Craig. I’d help out, but I’ve got my heart set on opening a pet shop. What’s her reason to ask for the transfer?” Emma said.

  “All it says is she would like a fresh start. Paul will do some more research and questioning before we make a final decision,” Mike replied.

  “Sounds wise, but I do believe everyone is entitled to a fresh start, as long as they haven’t broken any pack laws,

  ” Emma said.

  “That’s what Paul will find out, by making discrete enquiries to her alpha. She stated in her email we could speak to anyone from her pack,” Mike said.

  “That sounds promising then, nothing to hide. What was the other thing you wanted to discuss?” Emma said.

  “ I got your DNA test results back this morning,” Mike said.

  “Oh, that was quick, what did they show?” Emma asked.

  “Your father is called Marcus Wright, he is the alpha of the York Pack. I’ve brought his file up for you to see, I believe it is the man you have seen and feel safe around,” Mike told her.

  Emma turned on his lap and looked at a photo. It was him, the same man she had seen so many times over the years and yet had never spoken to. Emma felt a loss at the thought of all the wasted years. Her father obviously cared about her, to watch over her like he had. So, why hadn’t he let her know who he was, she wondered. She scanned through his file, his mate was marked as deceased, along with his son, and she felt such sorrow for him.

  Even this soon into her own mating, she couldn’t imagine being without Mike. She was disappointed at the thought of missing out on a big brother, something she had always wanted.

  “What do I do now? Contact him or leave things as they are?” she asked.

  Mike hugged her tight and said, “Whatever you feel is right, but I’m sure he will be notified of the DNA test results.”

  At that moment a knock sounded on the open office door, Paul and Scott stood there.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but something has come up we need to discuss,” Paul said.

  Emma smiled at him and said, “No problem, I will leave you to it. Would you like some coffee brought in?”

  “No, stay, Emma, you’re gonna want to be in on this,” Scott said as he paced looking agitated.

  “Okay, tell us,” Mike said.

  “I received a call from Emma’s old boss, Tony. Craig is in the hospital. He’s in a coma after being attacked. He has a broken right leg, a broken left arm and three broken ribs. But, it’s the head injury that’s the real problem.

  He can’t shift to heal himself. It looks like it was Brian Roads’ goons that ruffed him up, but no one knows why, and Brian is in the wind,” Paul said.

  Tears streamed down Emma’s face. It was her fault Craig was in a coma, if she hadn’t left London he would be fine.

  “I need to go to him,” Emma said,
trying to pull herself together.

  A chorus of No’s filled the room.

  Scott stopped pacing. “I will go. I have a sneaking suspicion that Craig is my mate and if I’m right, then Brian better run, because I will kill him, but you should stay here, Em. It could be a trap. Paul will stay and watch over you. I will leave for London as soon as possible. I’ll take two guards with me. Even if I’m wrong about the mate part, I will still bring Craig home with me, his transfer papers are complete, so Brian can’t stop it. I will protect him, Em, I promise,” he said.

  He pulled her up from Mike’s lap and hugged her tight to him before leaving the room.

  Emma settled back into the comfort of Mike’s arms. Guilt and worry coursed through her, the only thing that kept her from losing it was Mike’s hold on her.

  Paul pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket and dialed.

  “Adam, pack a bag for a few days and grab James, you’re both going to London with Scott. Tell Robbie, Zach and Ben to report for duty at the alpha’s house.” Then hung up. “Emma, you do not leave this house without a guard until we know Brian’s location. I’m not taking any chances,” Paul said.

  “Once Craig is safe and settled I will finish this once and for all. Emma isn’t living with a threat out there anymore. Damn it! I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. Em, promise me you will do as Paul says,” Mike asked.

  Emma could feel Mike’s fury running through him and she rubbed her face on his chest. She felt him calm a little under her touch. He tightened his arms around her and she felt him place a kiss to the top of her head.

  “I still want to go to Craig, but I know you’re right. I’m not happy about it, but I will do as you ask. Now will you please excuse me? I want to phone the hospital to see if there is any more news.” Emma kissed Mike fiercely before getting up.

  * * * *

  After a sleepless night, Emma sat at the kitchen table cradling a cup of coffee in her hands. Scott had arrived in London safely and hadn’t left Craig’s side. Craig was still in the coma, but there was good news, Scott was positive Craig was his mate. Brian’s beta had come to the hospital and spoken to Scott, he had no idea what Brian had been up to and vowed to help in any way he could. He also made a promise to challenge him for the role of alpha. Scott had said that probably wouldn’t be necessary, because either he or Mike would be killing him for his threats and assaults on their mates.

  Grams came in the kitchen and hugged her before sitting at the table with a coffee.

  “Remember we have a meeting with the female pack members today. I have sent out word that we are having it here instead of the town hall,” she said.

  “Thanks, that’s a good idea. I better go shower and get ready,” Emma replied before heading upstairs.

  On returning downstairs, Emma heard voices in Mike’s office, she stopped to listen and recognised Rachel’s voice.

  “I’ve missed you, but I’m willing to wait till you get over your infatuation with the half-breed.” She heard Rachel say.

  Emma stormed in the office to find Rachel perched on the edge of the desk right next to Mike, she heard Mike growl in response.

  “You will be waiting a long time then, because Emma is my mate. You’ve missed me? Christ, Rachel, we went out for a meal once and I discovered what a power hungry bitch you were. I wasn’t interested in you then, and I certainly am not interested in you now. If you ever refer to Emma as a half-breed again, you will be sorry. Now get out of my office before I lose my temper,” Mike said.

  Rachel reached forward and placed her hand on Mike’s thigh, before he could respond Emma moved, grabbing Rachel by the hair and dragging her out of the office towards the front door, the guard on door duty opened it up.

  Emma deliberately banged Rachel’s head on the door frame on the way out before throwing her out onto the drive.

  “Take the hint you skanky bitch, he is mine and half-breed or not, I will fight for what’s mine!” Emma shouted.

  Rachel jumped up and was about to shift when Mike shouted, “Shift and attack Emma and I will kill you. You know you can’t attack a non-shifting being in your wolf form.”

  “I challenge her for the role of alpha’s mate,” Rachel replied.

  “I except,” Emma said and strolled towards Rachel.

  Emma’s anger and frustrations over the events of the last twenty-four hours boiled to the surface and Rachel was going down.

  Emma moved with speed and used a move she had learned in self-defense class. She had Rachel pinned to the ground, her foot lodged on Rachel’s throat, before Rachel knew what had hit her.

  “Move and I will snap your neck. I will not think twice about it, Mike’s mine, get used to it or leave,” Emma said.

  Rachel submitted and laid still. Emma slowly lifted her foot and turned to walk back inside.

  “Watch out,” Emma heard someone shout before she hit the floor with a pissed off wolf on her back and hot breath on her neck. By the time it registered the weight was gone, a large black wolf pinned the smaller brown one by the throat before ripping it away. There was a gurgling and gasping and then silence. Blood pooled around the dead wolf.

  Nausea rose and Emma gulped in air and rushed around the side of the house. She needed to be alone whilst she regained her composure. She sat on one of the garden chairs taking deep breaths. Where are you? Are you okay? M

  ike’s voice in her mind reassured her and she calmed. I am fine, I just need a few minutes alone. I’m in the back garden, she told him.

  There are guards in the woods nearby. I will come to you soon. I love you, Mike said.

  Emma took a deep breath, I love you, too. See you soon.

  Her nausea subsided and Emma focused on sorting out her jumbled thoughts. The swiftness of Rachel’s death bothered her more than her actual death, which sounded ridiculous to her own ears. It made Emma realise how close she had come to death, not just today, but both times Brian had attacked her. She heard a whimpering in the woods close to the garden. Walking towards the trees, the sound grew louder. The deeper into the trees she got, the louder it became. Suddenly a hand went across her mouth and she was lifted off her feet.

  * * * *

  Mike was still outside the front of The Den dealing with the fall out of Rachel’s death. Her parents had shown up pleading to be able to bury their daughter properly, instead of the disgraced cremation. Mike had relented and agreed to let them bury her in the family plot. He only allowed it because they totally supported and understood his actions.

  He was about to head inside, when a black Mercedes pulled into the driveway. It parked and a man stepped out.

  Mike recognised Marcus Wright from his file. He stood about the same height as Mike, though he was a little less broad. He had the same chestnut brown hair as Emma and they had the same chin. Emma obviously had her mother’s green eyes because Marcus’s were a deep blue. He’d looked at the file just yesterday, even though it felt like days.

  Mike walked over to Marcus, stuck his hand out and introduced himself. Marcus took his surroundings in and smiled at Mike, whilst shaking his hand.

  “Nice to meet you Mike, where is Emma? I’ve waited for this day for a long time,” he said.

  “She is round the back, I will go get her in a minute, let’s get you inside,” Mike said.

  “What’s happened here?” Marcus asked as they watched a pack member hosing down the drive to get rid of the blood pool.

  “One of my females attacked Emma in wolf form, after Emma had put her down. I had to deal with it,” Mike replied.

  “Is she okay?” Marcus asked, concern in his tone.

  “She is fine, she needed a few minutes to herself. She is in the back garden,” Mike told him.

  “She put a full were down? Wow, she is amazing, that takes some doing for a half,” Marcus said in awe.

  “I believe her strength is a result of the alpha blood in her veins. Plus, she is just an exceptional woman,” Mike said.

bsp; “I would like to take some credit for that, unfortunately I can’t, but if I’ve given her a head start with my blood then it’s something,” Marcus said sadly.

  “You will have to explain to her why you chose to distance yourself from her life. But she is open minded, so I’m sure she will listen to you,” Mike said.

  As he turned to lead the way inside, Emma’s voice screamed in his mind.

  Mike, help, Brian’ s got me!

  Mike froze and Marcus bumped into him.

  “Mike are you okay?” he asked.

  “Quick, Brian’s got Emma,” he said.

  He took off towards the back of the house with Marcus hot on his heels.

  Where are you Emma? Mike asked in his head.

  We have come to a trail that looks like it leads either to town or up the mountain, we are heading towards town.

  Hurry Mike, I’m scared!

  Mike could feel her fear, almost taste it. He knew this had to end, today.

  Mike needed to change to catch up with Brian, so without breaking a step, he leapt forward and his huge black paws hit the forest floor. His senses automatically started picking up the scents of the woods. He smelt Emma, but he couldn’t smell anything out of the ordinary. There were ways for weres to hide their scent, all it took was eating common herbs, but it was illegal. He could see and smell Marcus in his wolf form beside him. Marcus smelt like the male version of Emma, the large wolf was chestnut brown, reminding Mike of Emma’s own coloring.

  Emma’s voice sounded in his wolf mind, which surprised him. He thought their telepathic communication would only work in human form, since Emma was half-were.

  Mike we have reached the road and he has a car waiting, hurry.

  I will be there in two minutes, try and stall him. We are coming babe.

  As he raced through the forest he gave his wolf full rein. The smell of death filled his nose, it hit him that he was two wolves down. The thought of their deaths made him miss a step and stumble. He regained his footing and raced on, he wondered how he never felt their loss before now. He then remember the shooting pain in his chest just as he shifted to get Rachel off Emma’s back, he was so focused on saving her, he had dismissed the pain as seeing his mate pinned beneath the wolf. He had gone from being so proud of her for putting Rachel down, he wanted to mount her there and then to show everybody she was his, to sheer terror that she would die before his eyes.


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