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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 21

by Deila Longford

  “Maggie please come over here I have something for you.” Adrian says as he waves Maggie over. She quickly does as he says and now she is sitting opposite us. Adrian looks at me as he reaches into his jacket pocket. He takes out a gold key and he throws it to Maggie.

  “What is this?” She asks as she catches the key from Adrian.

  “It is the key to your new house.” Adrian says in a smug voice. Emma straightens herself in the seat as she leans over to her mother. Maggie looks at her in astonishment and she is speechless. Adrian again reaches into his pocket this time he takes out a piece of paper. He leans over and hands the document to Emma. Her eyes almost pop out of her head as she reads the paper.

  “Adrian I don’t understand, what is this?” Adrian smiles again and he turns to face Emma.

  “That is the receipt for your new car. It is all bought and paid for you just have to collect it from the dealership tomorrow.” Emma cannot contain her smile as she hears Adrian’s words and Maggie finally breaks her silence.

  “Adrian this all too much,” Adrian dismisses her words.

  “No, it is exactly what you deserve, please enjoy my gifts.” Maggie is smiling from ear-to-ear as she rushes up from her seat. She walks over to Adrian and she leans down and gives him a tight hug. He is surprised at Maggie’s actions but he does not pull back from her. Instead, he lightly pats her shoulder as she grips onto him. Maggie pulls back.

  “I cannot thank you enough,” Adrian straightens himself out.

  “You are most welcome. Emma there is something that I would like to ask you.” Emma beams at Adrian and I gaze at him in wonder.

  “I would like to get to know you more so I am inviting you to spend two weeks with Alanna and I in London.” Emma smiles and she instantly looks at Maggie.

  “I think that is a wonderful idea.” Maggie says in a smooth tone. Emma smiles at her and she glances at Adrian.

  “I would love to.” Emma admits. I watch her face light up at all the new possibilities that Adrian has provided her with. I also feel a little sorry for her as I feel as if she needed Maggie’s permission to accept Adrian’s offer. I nervously look down at my watch and I see that it is six o clock. Adrian notices my actions.

  “Baby you seem nervous is there something bothering you?” I try to think of an appropriate response as I gaze into his deep green eyes.

  “It is getting late and I thought we had dinner plans?” I say awkwardly. I try to avoid looking at Maggie, as I know that my words seem rude. Adrian nods at me and quickly gets up from the sofa. I follow him as he glides over to the door.

  “It has been a pleasure seeing you again,” Adrian, says as he opens the door. Maggie rushes over to me and she gives me a hug. Emma quickly does the same and then I turn to Adrian.

  “We are leaving for London tomorrow evening; I will send a car for you.” Emma gently slaps Adrian’s arm as she gushes.

  “Thanks bro,” Adrian lets out a short laugh at her comment and then he tightly wraps his arm around my waist. He walks me down to the car and I slip once again into the back of his Rolls Royce.


  We stand in the elevator as we make our way up to Adrian’s suite. My heart is racing with anxiety and I am trying very hard not to let Adrian see my emotions. The doors open and Adrian ushers me into the room. I walk through the door and a server immediately greets me. The massive dining table is laid out with all kinds of food. There are soft light candles and a huge display of white roses sits at the centre of the table. Adrian walks me over and he gently pulls out a chair for me. I sit down as I flash him an awkward smile. Adrian stands by my side as he pours me a glass of champagne. The server walks over and she begins to dish out the food. She fills my plate with, tender pieces of lamb and glazed vegetables. Adrian hands me a plate filled with bread and I politely refuse. He shakes his head at me as he insists on holding the plate in the front me. I give in and I take a piece of bread. I sit it casually down on the side of my plate. I slowly lift my fork and I place a small carrot into my mouth. Adrian stares at me and I am beginning to worry that he suspects that something is wrong. I quickly try to fool him otherwise.

  “That was an amazing thing that you did for Maggie. She looked so happy and Emma is ecstatic about coming to London with us.” Adrian puts down his fork as he runs his fingers through his hair. His eyes are sinful and he is gently smirking.

  “I am glad that I could help them. Maggie deserves to have nice things because she is a nice, kind woman.” I instantly look down to the ground and my heart again begins to race. I glance over at door and Adrian notices my emotions.

  “Baby, you seem nervous tonight.” I lift my eyes to meet his and I smile to reassure him.

  “I am just a little nervous about tomorrow.” I lie. Adrian reaches over and grabs my hand.

  “Baby don’t worry about that, it will be fine.” He slowly rises from his seat as he slips the head from one of the roses into his hand. He walks over to me and he gently places it into my hair. He strokes my cheek and then my heart stops.

  There is a firm knock at the door and Adrian begins to walk over. He looks back at me and I cannot breath. Just as he reaches for the door handle, I shout.

  “Adrian, please don’t be mad at me.” He looks at me in confusion and he shakes his head. He opens the door and there is Alice.

  Adrian pulls back from the door as Alice stares at him. He leans in closer to her and then he pulls back again. He looks at me as Alice pushes past him.

  “Alanna what is she doing here?” He says very strongly to me. I quickly rise up from my seat and I walk over to his side. He looks down at me with those green eyes.

  “Adrian, please do not get mad. I met Alice the other day at the community centre. We got into talking and I saw that she has changed. Please give her chance to explain.”

  “Explain, Alanna how dare do you talk to that whore.” Adrian shouts. I pull back from him and Alice immediately jumps in.

  “Now don’t talk to her like that she is only trying to help. If you want to be mad at someone then be mad at me.” Adrian turns to her and looks disgusted with her. He walks over to her and he takes her firmly by her arms.

  “Okay you want me to be mad?” He says as he stares her directly in the eye. Alice fights him off but Adrian is too strong.

  “Let go of me. If you would give me a chance to talk then maybe I could put things right.” Alice says in a firm voice. Adrian sarcastically laughs at her.

  “You can never put right what you did, now leave.” Adrian says. Alice breaks free of him and she rushes over to me. Adrian notices her actions and he immediately walks over to us. He grabs Alice by the arm and he drags her to the door.

  “Leave, you disgust me.” Alice again fights back with him.

  “I am your mother you cannot do this.” She shouts. Adrian looks at her.

  “My mother is dead, now fucking leave.” Adrian stuns me and I watch as Alice gently begins to cry. I walk over to him and he instantly spins around to me.

  “Adrian, why are you being like this, can you at least give her a chance to explain everything to you?” Adrian looks at me and he is furious his hands are trembling and his nostrils are flared.

  “No I lived through it and I don’t need her pathetic excuses.” I roll my eyes at him.

  “Adrian you are being an idiot. If you would just talk to her then you would realise that she has changed.” He laughs again at me in a very sarcastic way.

  “You are even more naïve than I thought. You actually believe her lies?”

  “Don’t you dare say that! I have stood by you through everything and now you won’t even do this for me?”

  “Why should it matter to you if I talk to that bitch?” Adrian says in a slow quite voice. I shake my head constantly at him and I see the anger beginning to build in his eyes. He turns back to Alice and he takes her again by the arm.

  “Come on, get out.” He says as he drags her into the elevator. Alice looks back at me and I wa
tch as the tears ripple down her cheeks. I am motionless as Adrian glides back over to me. I sense him getting closer so I walk further into the room. He slams the door as he enters and he instructs the servers to leave. He rips off his jacket and he loosens the button of his shirt. I gaze at him and I wonder what his actions might be.

  “Why would you talk to her? I told you never to make contact with her and you disobeyed me.” My heart is racing at the sound of his words.

  “Don’t start with that bullshit, you don’t control me. You may think that you do but I can assure you that you do not. I can speak to whomever I want and you cannot stop me.” Adrian rushes over to me and he grabs me by the hand.

  “Alanna don’t talk back to me.” I break free from his grasp and I walk over to table. I quickly throw back a glass of champagne as Adrian follows me over.

  “You are not god, Adrian, and you are not immune from people talking back to you. I am your girlfriend and I was only trying to help.” Adrian lunges forward at my words and with one swift motion; he throws everything from the table onto the wooden floor. His eyes are raging as the plates and silverware smash against the hard surface. He lifts the vase that is full of flowers and he hits it off the wall. His breathing is heavy and I instantly step back from him. I am shaking and I am terrified of Adrian. I look around at the mess and I cannot believe my eyes. Adrian is like a different person and I cannot bear to look at him. He soon realises his actions and he quickly strides towards me. I instantly back away from him and he feels hurt by my reaction.

  “Baby, I am so sorry.” He says as he clasps his hands together. I lift my head to look at him and his eyes are filled with sadness. He falls instantly to the floor and he holds his head in his hands. I walk a little closer to him.

  “That type of behaviour is not acceptable and I cannot be around you right now.” Adrian sighs as I leave the room.

  I walk briskly down to the car and I quickly jump in. I alert the driver to take me back to college as the car the speeds off. I try to wrap my head around what has just happened and as I remember his rage tears begin to flow from my eyes. Who was that guy in there? He was a version of Adrian that I have never seen before and he terrified me. His anger as he threw the vase of flowers petrified me and all I could think of was getting as far away from him as possible. I cannot believe he reacted that way but I am glad that he did. Now that I have seen this side to him, I can finally understand the real him.

  The car comes to a stop and I quickly rush out into the cold street. I march into Columbia and I start for Michael’s room. I am so annoyed and scared right now and the only person that I need his him. I reach his room and I knock firmly on the door. He opens the door and I instantly lunge into his arms. My tears are flowing and Michael is surprised by my affection. He quickly moves me into the room and he bangs the door shut. I look up at him as I wipe away my tears.

  “Alanna what is wrong?” He asks in a firm voice. I walk over to him and again I grab onto him. He pulls me back and he gazes into my eyes.

  “What has he done?” He says. His voice is strained and his eyes look desperate. I pull back from him.

  “Alice came to see him and he lost control of his temper.” I again cry as my words choke out. Michael gently wipes away my tears with one fluid motion. He leans into me and he pulls me tighter.

  “Did he hurt you?” He whispers.

  “No but I saw different side to him and it terrified me,” I confess. Michael holds me in his arms as he strokes my hair gently. I take a deep breath as his strong arms protect me. I close my eyes and I feel safe in Michael’s grasp. After what seems like forever, Michael finally lets me go. He walks me over to his bed and sits me down. He takes my hand in his as he begins to talk.

  “Alanna, I need you to tell me what happened.” I sigh as I begin to tell him everything.

  “Oh Alanna, you should not have gotten involved with Alice. She is trouble and did you think that Adrian wouldn’t act like this?”

  “Call me crazy but I saw that Alice has changed. I wanted Adrian to see that and I hoped that he would have at least have given her chance.” I protest. Michael gently rolls his eyes.

  “Alanna you have to realise that Adrian will never forgive what Alice did to him. I know that you want to see the good in everyone but trust me Alice has none. You should stay away from her for your own sake.”

  “Michael have you ever met her?” I ask.


  “Then how can you judge her?”

  “It’s simple she abused a child therefore she is not worth the time of the day. I know that you are a little ray of sunshine that wants to see the good in everyone but please Alanna, listen to Adrian and don’t talk to Alice again.” I briefly press a smile from my lips as Michael gently strokes my chin. I close my eyes at his touch and I feel as if I should listen to him. Michael has a way of compelling me into doing as he says. He puts everything into perspective and I trust his opinions. I feel that Michael knows everything and he is always right. I look at him and his beauty stuns me. His thick, dark hair is messy and his eyes are piercing. His hand is strong as he gently plays with my hair. He moves a little closer to me and I feel safe in his company.

  “Alanna how did you get to be so… beautiful,” I look into his eyes as I take in his words. I shortly think that he is joking with me but as I look closer into his eyes, I can tell that he is sincere. I feel nervous as we sit extra close on his bed. I loosen my grip on his hand as I push my hair away from my face. Michael is staring wide eyed at me for a reply.

  “I am nothing, you are the beautiful one.” Michael smiles at my words and he again clasps my face in his hand. He leans in and our lips almost meet, he gently grazes my nose with his. I know that this is wrong and I know that I should pull away. However, something is holding me back and I do not know what it is. Michael softly pulls my face closer and now our lips lightly touch. I close my eyes as I wait for his kiss.

  Michael pulls back from me as I hear a firm knock at the door. I watch as Michael rises from the bed and makes his way to answer the knock. I take a deep breath and I cannot believe what has just happened. I let myself get caught up in Michael’s beauty and we almost kissed. My will power was at zero and I cannot forgive myself for my actions. I am playing with his emotions, as I know that nothing can happen between Michael and me. I feel that I love Adrian but I almost gave into my craving for Michael. I hate myself right now and I cannot contemplate my guilt. I know how Michael feels about me and I have now led him on even more. I feel that I cannot be trusted around him. I was so sure that Adrian was all that I wanted but I obviously have deeper feelings for Michael than I thought. I gaze at him as he stands in a plain white t-shirt and dark blue Levis. His hair is so dark and luscious, his eyes are like heaven and I feel as if I have just entered hell.

  Michael opens the door and Adrian rushes in.

  “Well hello to you too!” Michael says very sarcastically. Adrian pays no attention to his words as he makes his way over to me. He kneels before me and he places his hand gently onto my leg. I manage to look at him - despite my guilt. His eyes are sad and I feel that there is moisture in them. He pushes his hair back nervously as he deeply exhales.

  “Baby, I am so sorry.” He says in a shallow voice. He locks his eyes on mine and I am lost in them. His beauty is captivating and I could forgive him anything. I feel so guilty about the fact that I almost kissed Michael and I quickly break eye contact with him as that guilt overtakes my body. Adrian gently cups my face as he forces me to look him in the eye.

  “Can you forgive me?” He says slowly.

  “Okay, enough with the drama. Listen this is how it is going to go. Alanna you forgive him, Adrian you kiss her. We smile and rejoice in the happiness that is Alanna and Adrian. The love that lasts and that no-one can break. And what do you know; all is well in the world again.” Michael says very sarcastically.

  He walks over to us and he rolls his eyes. Adrian smiles at me and I briefly return his
gesture. I gaze at Michael and I cannot hold in my laugh. I begin to giggle as Adrian stands up. He walks over to Michael and my giggles soon fade.

  “I want to thank you for looking after her tonight. I let her down but I can always count on you to be there for her.” Michael narrows his eyes at Adrian’s words.

  “I would do anything for her.” My heart races as Michael’s words ring in my ears. Adrian shifts around a little nervously and I am scared of what his reaction might be. However, I am surprised when he reaches out his hand for Michael’s. They shake hands and then Adrian once again turns to me.

  “Baby, can we talk?” I try to compose myself as my guilt begins to take over. I take a deep breath as I try to respond.

  “Sure, but I need a moment alone with Michael.” Adrian quickly makes a nod towards me and then makes his way out the room. The door gently bangs and I instantly turn to Michael.

  “Michael about before,” I begin to say but he stops me.

  “Alanna don’t worry about that and I won’t say anything to Adrian.”

  “No it was wrong I never meant for things to get so heated. I am sorry that I encouraged that behaviour.” I protest. Michael walks over to me and he takes my hands in his.

  “Alanna it was a moment of weakness. Do not cut yourself up about it. It doesn’t make you bad person but instead it shows that you are only human.” I smile at him and then I let go of his hands.

  I walk out into the hallway and Adrian is patiently waiting by the door for me. He smiles as he sees me and he instantly drapes his arm around my shoulder. We walk slowly to my room and when we enter, I immediately kick off my six-inch heels. I rest myself onto my bed and Adrian sits at my dressing table. He takes off his jacket to reveal a black and white, striped shirt. He stares over at me and I can tell that he is sorry for what he did.

  “Alanna, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am. I feel terrible that I lost my temper in that way and I hope that you can forgive me.”

  “Adrian, I believe that you are sorry but who was that person? I have never seen such rage in your eyes and you terrified me.” Adrian exhales as he runs his long fingers through his hair.


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