Book Read Free

Blood Trail

Page 11

by David Rhodes

  There was a man sitting in front of a holographic control board who nodded toward them and said, “Welcome, I’m Otto.”

  “What is this?” Lauren asked.

  “It’s our training simulator,” Otto said. “Let’s see how The Team handles my new problem.”

  They crowded toward the window and watched as The Team slowly made their way into the jungle and through the vegetation. All of them were wearing helmets, backpacks, vests and carrying an odd shaped rifle. Otto moved a hand and a loud roar was heard. Major Donald’s voice could be heard saying, “Drop and stop,” as The Team knelt down and stayed still as a realistic looking Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly materialized and crossed in front of them until it disappeared into the thick vegetation.

  “One and three,” Major Donald barked, and some team members started forward and were followed closely by everyone else. As they approached the stream they fanned out and as some chirping sounds were heard their rifles came up. A voice said, “We got something in front of us,” then another voice added, “Looks like ‘carny’s” and Major Donald followed with, “Get ready.”

  Suddenly seven shapes appeared in front of The Team and started toward them. The shapes were some type of thin hard material which depicted a dinosaur that walked on two legs and had elongated heads, small forearms and long tails. Their green and grey color made them hard to follow even though the animals were about ten feet long. A few seconds later five more of the animals appeared and started following the first seven. A few barely audible clicking noises were heard which quickly became a hundred clicks in about five seconds. Each of the moving shapes stopped at different spots and then a horn sounded three short tones. The Team stood up and high-fived each other then started back.

  Lauren looked at Danny and shook her head and as he nodded he asked, “Why couldn’t we hear their shots?” Danny asked.

  “Those are air rifles,” Ben said. “Let’s go down and take a look. Otto, could you ask them to stand by their targets?”

  Ben led them out into the training area and to the dinosaur targets. They found the targets were thick pieces of some type of polymer and that they were suspended from overhead arms with stabilizing cables. Each target had been shot many times and Danny told them, “That was good shooting. When Ben said they were air rifles I thought they might be underpowered. What kind of ammunition do you use?”

  “Nothing that’s on the market,” Major Donald told him. She held out what looked like a plastic bullet that was about three inches long. It was a half inch in diameter at its round base and quickly tapered to a point. Danny took it and whistled, “That is a mean looking round. Built for maximum penetration. Does it flatten out and stop or keep on going?”

  “Penetration is about two feet, we don’t want them going through an animal and possibly striking a member of The Team.” She turned to a short, stocky man and said, “Ammo, hold up one of the red rounds.” He did, and they could see the entire bullet was red and its tip was a little rounder and thicker. “That’s an explosive round,” she explained. “It won’t matter how far it penetrated when it goes off.”

  “Got it,” Danny told her.

  “How did you like the training?” Whitey asked.

  Before Danny could answer, Lauren asked, “Why not holographic targets?”

  “Because these targets keep moving toward you if they are not hit. When one of these run into you you’re flat on your back and sore the next day. Made everyone a better shot.”

  Lauren shook her head and said, “Well, it was a great show but all of you just got killed.”

  “What?” Whitey asked hotly. “That was perfect. We –”

  “Just got killed,” Danny finished for him.

  There was some low grumbling among the team members until Major Donald held up a hand and asked, “What did we do wrong?”

  Danny looked at her for a moment then asked, “Let me show you.” Then he turned to Ben and asked, “Can I talk to Otto?”

  “Of course.”

  “Okay, then I want everyone else to return to your starting point,” Danny told them. “I’ll let you know when you can go.”

  There was still some low comments from The Team as Danny, Ron, Lisa, Charles and Lauren returned to the control room. Danny and Lauren talked with Otto for several minutes before he smiled and started moving some holographic images around in front of him. “We had to do it,” Lauren told Danny.

  Lisa heard her and asked, “No one will get hurt, will they?”

  “Just their egos,” Danny replied. He picked up the microphone in front of Otto and said, “Team, you’re on again.”

  As the Team started moving Steve walked up to Ben and asked, “How are things going?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ben said. “Danny and Lauren seem to think we are doing something wrong.”

  “What?” Steve asked.

  Ron nodded toward the window and said, “Watch.”

  The Team started forward just as it did earlier and as the Rex appeared Major Donald said, “Stop and drop”, and everyone did. But this time the Rex swung toward them and took two steps forward before stopping. It raised its snout into the air and sniffed loudly twice then took another step. Someone asked, “Is it going to charge?” and the Rex launched itself forward at the Team and then quickly faded away.

  “What was that all about?” another voice asked and was quickly answered by the major, “It was about us failing. Apparently, we forgot these things can hear. Stay quiet and move out.” They started forward and at the edge of the stream a voice whispered, “There’s movement ahead of us.”

  “Get ready,” Major Donald advised again.

  Three shadows moved and just stopped. Other shapes could be seen moving quickly right and left through the trees on the other side of the stream and a second later a voice shouted, “We’re flanked on the right. I need –” Four of the moving targets exploded into the right side of the group knocking three team members down before all the targets stopped.

  The left side of The Team moved to face the threat as Major Donald shouted, “No, no. Stay where you are and –”, but it was too late as five targets came in from the left side, behind the turned team members. As they penetrated the team’s position the three original targets moved across the stream and into them. All the targets stopped after another five yards then were immediately taken up and out of the scene. The horn sounded three times. This time there were no high fives as only a few of the team stood up.

  “Anyone hurt?” Otto asked.

  “I think Ricardo and Junk are out cold, and at least three of us are still kneeling down,” someone said.

  “Stork, here. I may have a broken ankle.”

  Ben looked at Otto and pointed down to the training area and Otto quickly advised, “We’re coming down.”

  It only took a few seconds for everyone to get to the Team and Sinewave jumped up from the ground and shouted, “What the hell was that all about?”

  Danny surprised everyone by shouting back, “What was that all about? That was reality, son. What do think the ‘saurs are going to do? A frontal attack with drums and fifes playing? These were pack hunters and they know how to dissect a herd and kill whatever they can. Do you think they are going to walk up to you? Even the speed I asked Otto to move them at wasn’t fast enough. If you aren’t shooting before they move, you don’t stand a chance. They divided you, flanked you, cut you up and had you for lunch. That’s what the hell that was all about.”

  Danny stepped back and quietly asked Major Donald, “How many casualties do you have? I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt.”

  “Rover, how many?” Major Donald snapped.

  A woman stepped from the back and told her, “Ricardo and Junk were out but are back with us though they may have a headache for a while. I didn’t see any signs of a concussion. Cat and Ammo had the wind knocked out of them but are okay now. Stork’s ankle is swelling up, but my guess is it is sprained and not broken. The rest of us are banged up with
bruises and scrapes but we’ll live.”

  Major Donald turned to Danny and was quiet for a moment then said, “Thank you.” Then she paused and continued, “I think.”

  “I hated to do it, but I didn’t think just telling you would have made a difference.”

  “You were right,” Sinewave said. “I’m sorry I sounded off. I –”

  “Have nothing to be sorry for,” Lauren told him. Then she looked at Major Donald and continued, “As long as you learn from it. You should already know not to move when a Rex comes along. When they hear you, they aren’t going to take a second to decide if they should do something, they’ll just do it. You would have had to handle the Rex before you even got to the other ‘saurs. And from them, expect attacks from all sides, at all times.”

  Major Donald turned to the Team and asked, “Anyone ready to go home? We have a New Year’s walk tomorrow, remember?”

  As everyone shouted, “No”, she told them, “Then let’s get this right.” As they moved back to the starting area she asked Doc, “Is Stork going to make the Walk?”

  “Sorry, Major. Like I said, I don’t think it’s broken but he can’t put any weight on it. It’s bad enough to take him out of tomorrow.”

  “I could try,” Stork told her.

  “Next time,” Major Donald said and walked away.

  “Stork, I need to escort everyone back to their car,” Ben said. “But then I’ll come right back for you.”

  “Nonsense,” Steve said. “Stork can you walk or hop on that to the loading dock?”

  “I think so.”

  “Excellent. Ben, take your time and I’ll take care of Stork. Ron and Lisa, always a pleasure, and Charles, Lauren and Danny, I hope to see you soon.”

  “Maybe tomorrow,” Danny said. “Ben, when do you leave?”

  “About one.”

  “Okay,” Danny said. “Let’s get back to the car, I need to think…and talk. I might want to go with you.”

  As Ben led them out of the training area Steve told Stork, “Lean on me, young man. I’ll get you out of here.”

  “Thank you, sir. I hate to be a bother.”

  “A bother? You’re no bother. You’re part of the Team. All of you are helping our research project move successfully forward. You’re no bother at all.”

  “Thank you, sir. I’ll be ready for the next Walk.”

  “I know you will, but you seem to be slowing down. Starting to hurt more?”


  “I know Rover said it might not be broken but I’m going to have a driver take you to the hospital first for x-rays. If it’s not broken, well, you’re still on the clock, aren’t you?” Steve asked as he slapped Stork on the shoulder. “Might as well get paid for doing nothing for a while.”

  “Sir, I don’t mind just going home. I don’t want to waste your time or money.”

  “Nonsense. We take care of all our employees. If it’s just sprained, so be it. If there is a break though, it’s better to get it taken care of immediately. What will you tell them at the hospital?”

  “We know the drill, sir. Fell down some stairs.”

  Steve agreed, “That was some fall.”

  “Woke us up,” Stork said. “It will take our training to a different level.”

  “I agree. And now I have a suggestion, sit in here for a moment while I go get a golf cart. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.”

  “Will do, sir,” Stork said as he walked through the door Steve had opened and sat down at a table. “Feels good to get off my feet.”

  “Be right back.”

  Stork sat with his eyes closed for a few minutes as he fought down the pain. It felt like it was broken but he hoped it wasn’t. He opened his eyes and realized he was in a room he had never seen before. It looked like everything, the chair, table, walls, even the floor, was lined with aluminum. It gleamed. As the door opened behind him he turned to ask about the room when he froze. It wasn’t the door to the hallway that had opened, it was a sliding door and stepping through it was Tiny.

  The pain in his ankle was forgotten as he jumped up and backed away from the animal. He couldn’t remember what it was, but he knew that it was a carnivore and despite the fact it wasn’t even four feet tall, he had seen it rip a cow to pieces. It was Steve’s favorite show and tell piece when it came to the dangers of dinosaurs.

  The animal walked slowly into the room, looking side to side with its claws tapping the metallic floor. Stork saw a chance and started moving toward the open door when it suddenly slid shut. The animal barked and turned toward Stork who shouted, “Steve…Steve? Mr. Weston? Tiny has gotten loose. He’s in the room with me.” Then he turned toward the door he entered the room through and pulled on the handle. It was locked. He started beating on it then he turned around slowly. Tiny was crouching down and looked like he was about to attack. Stork dropped to the floor to try and crawl under the table, but it was too late. A crushing weight drove him down and there was unbearable pain in his back. He began screaming.

  High above the room Steve looked down with satisfaction. He was always amazed at what Tiny could do. Not just with the surgical precision of the teeth and claws, but how his body turned at just the right angle at just the right moment to rip flesh, muscle and crack bones. Efficient. He waited a few more minutes then opened the sliding door and Tiny ran back through it dragging Stork’s body. Then the drains opened, and the water cascaded over every inch of the room until it gleamed again.



  The car was silent on the return ride as everyone contemplated what they had seen and what Danny had said. When they returned to the kitchen there was still silence until Danny said, “Okay, everyone. Let me tell you what I’m thinking. First, I know Lauren saw it and I think the rest of you did too. They were training wrong, not considering the reality of a live dinosaur attacking them. But they listened to us and I’ll bet right now they are training harder than ever. I feel pretty good about that.

  “Next, I found it exhilarating just to be looking down on that training area. Almost too real. And when the Rex walked through, well, it was amazing. Now I don’t want to go out with them, I don’t need that again, but they stress safety and I think I would be safe in their Unit. I could help Ron do something, whatever he wanted me to do. I mean you all know the terrible thing that happened to me back in time, so I wouldn’t want that again.”

  Everyone looked at each other for a moment until Charles asked, “What terrible thing happened to you? You got shot in the present and I know you shot a Rex, and there was one near you in the creek…what am I forgetting?”

  “You don’t remember? I tore my pants!” He looked at the blank faces then said, “My good pants. Torn. Remember?” Then he couldn’t help himself and he burst out laughing. “Sorry guys, I had to cut the tension somehow.”

  Everyone smiled, and Lisa said, “Danny, I’m glad you’re going to help Ron. I’m going to go too if he is. I don’t know what I’ll do but I’ll try.”

  “But Lisa,” Ron protested, “you don’t really want to go and –”

  “And don’t worry,” Lisa finished for him. “I’m with Danny. I felt safe in their Unit the first time we jumped, and I think I will again. I don’t want to Walk either, but maybe I will see something that will help them. I really hope I can help.”

  “I hope you can too,” Ron said. “I agree their Team could use some direction, a dose of reality, but they all seemed driven to succeed, just like Steve and Ben. I didn’t see anything today that would make me rethink my position on things.”

  Everyone looked at Lauren who started, “I’ll admit that EXECON seems wonderful. Almost too wonderful. I actually use some of their products. But, can a company really do all that Steve told us or were we just hearing empty promises? Taggit made a lot of promises if you remember.” As Ron started to say something she held up her hand and said, “I’m not done yet.”

  As Ron sat back she continued, “I�
��m not comparing EXECON to Taggit…yet. You want to know what I think so I’m telling you. Things might just be too good to be true. But two things we do know, what about all of the bullets that they fired? There were hundreds of them. That increases the possibility one will become a fossil.”

  “Actually, all of their equipment is biodegradable,” Ron told her. “It disappears after two days.”

  “Okay but think of a find featuring a dinosaur whose skeleton looks like Swiss cheese. How’s that going to be explained?”

  Lauren then continued “Okay, so equipment being left behind is not a problem but what about footprints? And that rover thing that was on treads. I hope I’m not asked someday what kind of animal left that trackway. What precautions are they taking to minimize these risks?

  “Apparently they have had a lot of people killed during their jumps. The more deaths the more likely human bones will be found too many millions of years ago to make sense. That’s another awkward question.

  “And that brings up all of these findings and information Steve is coming up with. And he’s just going to give it to us? Give it to us out of the kindness of his heart? So, we can guide paleontology along the correct path? Behind the scenes of course, or no, wait, we can lead the way with our vast knowledge as everyone bows before us.” Lauren grimaced and said, “Okay, a little over the top but there you go. I like their talk to a degree…but I still need proof of their intentions. That’s where I’m at.”

  “I liked that,” Lisa said. “You still have questions and concerns, but it sounds like you are keeping an open mind. I think that’s all Steve and Ben want. See for yourself and then act as you feel you should.”


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