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Blood Purple

Page 16

by Ashley Nemer

  Tamman Kadin- King of the Algula. His name means strength. His family name means confidence. He was the son of a Ghul who was in favor with King Hashim. The king allowed Tamman to bond with Ikram in 700 B.C. because his nobility and strength would serve his descendants well. He and his wife, Ikram, were killed during the invasion of Zahle in 1777 A.D. He possessed the ability to control earth. His eyes turned green when using his power.

  Zayn- King of the Algula, his name means beauty. He is most loyal to his sister and is very protective of her. He works with his people to rebuild their community and repair the destruction his amm created. He has long, black, straight hair, is 6'7”, and has yellow eyes. Built of all muscles, he looks like a fierce warrior. When he stares at you, you feel him touching your soul. He possesses the ability to control water. When he is angry, his eyes change to a rare yellow shade. It’s the only warning you will have that he is going to attack. He was born in 1015 A.D. He officially took over the throne in 1890 A.D. He is not bonded to anyone.

  Nikole- Princess of the Algula, her name is derived from Nikolas, meaning victory of the people. She fights for virtue and honor whenever she can. She possesses the ability to control fire. Her eyes shift to violet when she gets worked up with any emotion. She is battling to control her emotions to become a better fighter. She is learning to fight from Nasir in order to protect herself and her brother. She was born 1170 A.D. She is not bonded to anyone.

  Nasir- Emir of the Ghul, his name means protector. He swore loyalty to King Tamman and promised to always look after Zayn and Nikole. He swore his allegiance to protect the Royal Family to King Tamman and Queen Ikram in 377 A.D. He helped Zayn and Nikole flee during the attacks and is teaching them how to maintain an army and rule a kingdom.

  Leigh- General, daughter of Haydar and Sarah. She has worked for her abb for the last 800 years. She was born in 1212A.D. and has been her abb’s go to person for the last 700 of those years. She moved up in the ranks by viciously killing her competition in every combat she was a part of. She has the ability to control the earth. Her eyes flare green when she is emotionally stressed. Leigh is known as the Black Death because she has the ability to take out entire cities in a matter of weeks. Some say she is responsible for all the deaths in 1348-1350 when she was training and proving herself to Haydar. She is 5’10” with long legs, red hair, and olive skin and is cut like a rock. She is not bonded to anyone

  Adara Malak- Daughter of Ghazi, a Ghul in Zayn's trusted army, she and Nikole met one night at Club Impact while they were both hunting the same human male; they became friends and often hang out together. She is the only close friend Nikole has, the closest thing to a sister. They have been running around together for about twenty years. She is 5'10” with long, black hair and a nice, olive skin-tone. She has the ability to control water. Her eyes turn a shade of yellow when she is using her skills. She keeps her emotions under control and is not bonded to anyone

  Alec Palermo- A former medical tech for the king’s Ghul when they lived in their homeland of Zahle. During the invasion of their homeland, his wife and child died as a direct result of Haydar’s actions. He fled to The New World along with the remaining Algula. He was born in 1375 A.D. He is 6’1” tall with blonde hair and has the ability to control fire. He is no longer bonded to anyone.

  Derrik- Mercenary, son of Haydar and Sarah. He worked for his abb for hundreds of years, helping carry out the tasks that he thought his abb wasn’t man enough to follow through with. He had extraordinary strength and speed. He could control the wind, but had not mastered the art of controlling the air supply around him. He was born around 1350 A.D. and killed for his abb for 600 years. He was 6’1” with dark hair and a muscular build. He was not bonded to anyone.

  Dominic - Mercenary, son of Haydar and Sarah. He worked for his abb for the last three centuries. He assisted Derrik on most of the missions over that time. He was after his brother’s position in the ranks for the last two centuries. He was born in 1578 A.D. He could control the element of fire, but had not been instructed how to self-generate it because the only living relative that has this skill is Nikole. His eyes changed to violet when his emotions started to flare, but unlike Nikole, they did not stay that way, because he could not maintain the control necessary to keep the elements. He resented everything that Derrik was and hid his lineage from the world. He didn’t want anyone to know who he was. He was 6’0” with dark hair, muscles, and olive skin. He was not bonded to anyone.

  Hamza- Leader of Haydar’s rebel forces. His name means strong and steadfast, which his personality and characteristics reflect. He was in control of the military rebellion from 1700 to 2012; his first major assault was on the city the Royal Family lived at in 1777. He was 5’9” and 300 pounds of pure muscle. He was the most ruthless of all of Haydar’s men, known for his sadistic torturing skills. He devoted his life to Haydar and cared about no one else.

  Kevin-Owner of Club Impact, the local hang out for the Algula. He was one of Nikole’s friends. Kevin opened the bar in 1909, but only allowed Algula to enter. It wasn’t until 1951 that he opened the doors to the humans. Sometimes Kevin and Nikole fed from each other; it was a mutually beneficial friendship for each of them. When they were in public, they were friendly. When they were in private they were lovers.

  Sarah Berbera-She met Haydar when he left his family’s residence and fled to Europe after he disowned them. They met around the year 1059 A.D. She was born in England and traveled across the world. She possessed the ability to control the mind. She had three children, two sons and a daughter. Her eyes were a midnight black with gold flakes surrounding her pupils. She died in childbirth with Dominic in 1578 A.D. She was bonded to Haydar.

  History Events on Record-

  Maronite Christians started forming around 500 A.D. This is when they started moving into the land presently called Lebanon.

  Muslim Invasion troops from Syria invaded Lebanon around 636 A.D. They took over control of the land almost everywhere but the mountains.

  Zahle, Lebanon, in 1777 was attacked and burned, causing of damage. This happened several times in this city over the next hundred years.

  The Civil War started around 1861 in The United States.

  August 2, 1990- The United Nations invaded Iraq as a result of the Iraqi military invading Kuwait.

  Palermo, Sicily- A city of northwest Sicily, Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Founded by Phoenicians c. eighth century B.C., it later became a Carthaginian military base and was conquered by Rome in 254-253. The Arabs held the city from 831 A.D. until 1072, when it became capital of the independent kingdom of Sicily (until 1194).

  The Black Death- A pandemic which hit Europe in 1348 and lasted two years. Most scientists agree this was caused by the bacteria Yersina Pestis. It took out roughly 30-60% of the European population.

  Sir Walter Tirell III - He is the infamous son of Walter Tirell II, a Norman lord. He is known for his involvement in the death of King William II of England, who was also known as William Rufus. King William's death was said to have occurred while on a hunting trip in the 'New Forest.' It is said that instead of shooting a wild stag with his arrow, he hit the king, and in a panic, he mounted his stallion, left the king, and headed to France.

  William the Conqueror - William I or William the Bastard was the first Norman King of England and began his reign in 1066 and ruled until his death in 1087. He was descended from Viking raiders, and under William II held the title of Duke of Normandy from 1035 until his death. He had trouble establishing power until 1060. His son William later became King of England and was killed during a hunting trip inside of the New Forest in 1087.


  Ashley is married and lives in Houston with her husband and their dogs, Toto and Doogie. They have been together for over 9 years and he brings her more joy than she could ever imagine as a child.

  Ashley finds her strength through her family, especially her parents. They always support her in life, they push her to
strive for greatness. There once was a motto that Ashley heard in her youth through her Taekwondo life 'Reach for the Stars' and that is what Ashley has always done. It was through her upbringing that the values Ashley has and display's came from. With her Parents always cheering her on in life she was able to grow up having faith in herself and her ability to conquer the world.

  You can contact Ashley at the following locations.

  Be sure to check out her website for other releases and upcoming events




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