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The Adorned

Page 11

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  The cool pristine breeze swept across the courtyard…

  The leaves rustled and the grass danced to its motion. The heavens were smeared with gray and black clouds, a sight I’ve never seen here before.

  I followed the three men and their hasty pace down the sidewalk towards a building to the far right of the student facility, one so tiny that I didn’t even notice it was there in the first place. Not a word hence forth their lips, only crunchy footsteps given off by their glazed shoes.

  My thoughts were rampant. Uncontrollable. I couldn't focus... and then the thought of never seeing Amy again crippled me beyond comprehension; what would I do, what power do I have to do anything; but that one irk, that unbearable feeling irritating my stomach kept on displaying Amy in my head.

  I shook my head and tried to keep sane. I knew it wasn’t time to assume anything, not yet at least, not until I figured out why I'm being accompanied by these three blue suited, bald, strangers.

  “Sam, no need to be afraid,” said the man in between the other two, “We’re just investigating a rather suspicious occurrence: does the name Dr. Harris Brown ring a bell?”

  “Y-yes,” I answered.

  “Well, as soon as we get to a secure cell in Facility PCI we will begin debrief.” The man said.

  I nodded.

  White double doors led inside the PCI Facility; nothing fancy or eye catchy, just a simple series of door-less and window-less hallways. The floor had a glossy black marble and the roof had this ivory pastel color.

  Cold air occasionally rushed through the hallways as they made way; I kept my eyes on alert and felt this uncanny vibe.

  Could it be because I haven’t taken my medicine?

  Not sure, but the word: Paranoid, typed itself in my head.

  “No,” said the man in the middle, “We will supply you with the supplement here.”

  I felt my cheeks burn.

  Did he just read my thoughts?

  The three men stopped. A door slid open from the right wall and they all aligned themselves next to the opening.

  “You may enter Sam.”

  The small square sized room was like a white box, one little round table in the center with four stainless steel chairs.

  “Please take a seat Sam, we must discuss this issue.”

  His voice left me petrified; I timidly took a seat on the cold chair and stared at the man.

  “Why am I here?”

  “My name is Xavier W. Rees, I am the head of the Council Officers: reason we brought you here was to investigate Dr. Harris Brown’s and his unauthorized access.”

  “Who exactly is he; and why is he so important?” I asked.

  Xavier Rees cleared his throat, “I am here to ask you the questions, not answer,” he said vehemently, “We understand that Dr. Harris Brown somehow managed to undertake your release; do you recall anything?”

  “Ugh, well,” I hesitated for a brief second. “He spoke of like something that happened, I told him about Mary and he talked about some leak and it.”

  “Yes, it caused the release of many; but you’re not supposed to know about that, so don’t ever let that bit of information slip pass your tongue, don’t ever mention Dr. Harris Brown either-his name could cause your immediate release. Only with us in this secure location.” Rees said.

  Sam took a glance at the men standing near the door, they stood there as still as statues, their eyes connected to his. He turned back to Rees, “Ok, then, what do you want to know?”

  Rees rose and went towards the wall; a hatch opened with a glass of water and three red pills set on a small plate, “First you must take your medicine,” he took the plate and set it next to me. “Go ahead.”

  I stuffed the three pills in his mouth and gulped down the water. I was eager to finish this little debrief.

  “Now,” Rees said coolly, “What we’re discussing here mustn’t be spoken of to anyone, Sam, do you understand?”

  I nodded, “I understand, Sir.”

  Rees grinned vigorously as he straightened his posture, “Dr. Harris Brown somehow managed to undertake the identity of an nonexistent doctor, and the doctor that was placed to get you in the first place, we don’t know how he managed to do it either… there’s flaw in our system, and that’s why we’ve been forced to begin this new encoding imprint on the wrist, the DIA Encoding.”

  I turned my wrist around and stared at the barcode and the series of consecutive numbers: 00908666852

  “That barcode right there is your Personal Encoding Number, also known as the DIA Encoding; it identifies you and tracks where you’ve been, and your daily agenda on activities that have been set for you.” Rees explained; his attitude a bit cooler than it was before.

  “Why doesn’t Amy have one?” I asked as my eyes moved towards Rees’s.

  “Because this is a new project we’re currently working on, you and one other being our exclusive prototypes: if it fails, then perhaps our society will undergo a drastic identity recreation.”

  “But why am I so important?” I cut in.

  “You’re still young, too young to understand anything… but you do have mature thoughts, stronger than I’ve seen in any first year… you actually have emotion built, you’re truly different.” Rees said.

  Rees stood and began pacing around the room, Sam continued his stare at him, for some reason Rees seemed uncomfortable.

  “Many things have been placed aside for you, Sam, as soon as you become of age we’ll stature your date and training will begin at once. I’ll arrange a different date to consulate things we’ve discovered thus far in our investigation… hopefully you’ll recall more information than what we were able to take from your Recollection Pool about what occurred before your black out.”

  Recollection Pool?






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