Book Read Free

The Adorned

Page 20

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  Ms. William rushed inside my room…

  Her face covered in some icky green refining mask, which took me by surprise. My entire hysteria and panic was washed away with tears of joy just streaming down my face. I laughed.

  Ms. William locked her jaw and crossed her arms, “That’s not funny young man,” she said very loud, “You nearly gave me a panic attack.”

  My hands were quivering uncontrollably, “S-sor-sorry,” I stuttered.

  “Sweetheart are you ok? Want me to call the doctor?” She asked very worried.

  I finally calmed down, I closed my eyes and relax my head against the soft pillow, “I… am… fine,” I said.

  “Don’t forget your medicine before going back to sleep Sam!” She informed me.

  I heard a tap on my night table; I creaked opened my eyes enough to notice Ms. William setting the glass of water and three pills on the table.

  Her cold finger tips grazed my forehead steadily and smoothly; I assumed she was checking my temperature, perhaps she will call the doctor after all; I wasn’t feeling entirely whole either.

  I felt a prickle on my arm; I winced, and groaned quietly, still unaware of what was happening… I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t, they were weighed down by this uncanny weariness cloaking my will… again the beautiful and peaceful perfect black behind my eyelids took me away… far away…

  “He’ll be fine Elizabeth,” I heard a muffled voice whisper.

  “Are you sure?” Ms. William’s panicky high-pitched voice asked uncertain.


  I felt bits of warmth touch parts of my skin, I was finally able to open my eyes to notice the sun’s beams slitting through the creases of the window blinds, I whimpered aghast.

  “Did you become a vampire over night!?” Ms. William said.

  “Ugh,” I mumbled drowsily, “What’s a vampire?” My eyes were still heavy, but I managed to open them halfway.

  Ms. William laughed, “Devilish fiends that feast in blood!”

  “What do I have anything to do with that?” My head was spinning; it was aching, throbbing like a sore thumb.

  “They’re not too fond of the sun either.” She explained.

  “What made you bring that up?” I said, finally opening my eyes completely. Ms. William sat on my chair, one leg over the other, and a book flat on her lap.

  She giggled beneath her breath, “Oh, this book I am reading is about vampires! They can’t go out into the sun or they’ll burn to a crisp… awkward huh?!” She explained.

  I winced. I finally got the just of it; basically she was comparing me to a vampire because the sun made me groan… I could see that I guess; however I was still pondering in my thoughts: not about vampires, but about what exactly happened to me?

  “How long have I been out?” I said as I rubbed the temples of my pulsating head.

  “Three days… gave me quite a scare, but you’re all fixed up and ready to go; I told Mr. Cove you’ll be back tomorrow, so today it seems as though you have a free day to do whatever you like. I have to get to work. And don’t forget your medicine.”

  She said in a hurry; she gave me a kiss on the forehead, her cotton soft and moist lips pressing down on my head, it healed my headache briefly, and then, after catching her delightful fragrance, she left.

  I closed my eyes again…

  After coming back to consciousness I quickly did my share of chores; took my medicine, brushed my teeth, and took a shower. I left in search of somebody, a person who seems to mysteriously appear out of the blue; and I was hoping to see him again today: Oliver.

  I stepped into the awkwardly perfect atmosphere, not too hot or too cold; just right, the breeze consistent with its share of occasional wisps of whipping air. I couldn’t help but think; think hard about everything I’ve been experiencing.

  I understood that a nightmare is some hallucination that the mind cooks up to entertain one during rest, but what was its exact nature? Why was my mind giving me these vision-err… nightmares about me and not only this me that I could never imagine being, but also people I’ve met?

  Could it be that my brain is taking every individual person I’ve met and is smothering them all into some twisted and sick fairytale that’s somehow composing itself in my mind?

  I didn’t comprehend, I don’t know if it was my inept mind, I needed some sort of light: a person to advise that might give me some kind of answer; I know this isn’t ordinary.

  I set off towards Amy’s residence; it was a school day, so I wasn’t entirely sure if she was in, but I wanted to go anyways, smell the fragrance of their dwelling: a serenity that I couldn’t even find in my own.

  I kept my eyes alert, waiting on Oliver’s mysterious entry to somehow take me by surprise as he generally does, or has done. Nothing however occurred through my walk to Amy’s house; but I did however catch a small sign of life.

  A group of children in a single filed line following an elderly gentleman entered the Jefferson Building. I stood glued to the ground, staring at this phenomenon… definitely a conversation to bring up in dinner tonight with Ms. William.

  I didn’t go to Amy’s house, I just chose to relax at the riverbed; enjoying the peaceful gurgling hum of the river’s modulating composure. I took off my shoes, rolled up my jeans, and then just dipped my feet into the cool water. It felt so soothing and refreshing; the brisk rushing water tickling beneath my feet; the cold rush of splashes running up my legs like cold hands.

  I took a deep breath and examined the unfathomable perfection. Twinkling specks of mist dispersed on occasion with the waters crash against the rocky surface on the other end of the riverbed.

  The perfectly cut grass sparkled like shards of diamonds scattered over a bare patch of soil, the rocks, glazing like a coating of ice, had this artistic aurora surrounding their surface; as though drawn.

  I sighed and leaned back against the moist grass, “Wish Amy was here,” I whispered as I closed my eyes and saw an image of Amy’s beautiful face and flawless eyes staring at me behind my eyelids…

  “It’s nearly dusk my young friend,” said a familiar voice.

  I slowly opened my eyes and caught sight of a crimson sky with thin stretched sheets of white clouds. A briskly breeze gave me a chill.

  I got up and saw Oliver in his white cloak, head snuggled in his hood, and almost fake, glowing blue eyes staring at me; his skin seemed frailer like withered ivory parchment. He was sitting, somewhat hunched, and stiff; I couldn’t even notice his breathing, on a rock I never saw before.

  “Hello Mr. Oliver,” I said kindly.

  “I see you’ve taken a fancy over this local.” He said in a cold tone.

  “Yup!” I said oblivious to his seeming dislike.

  He smirked, his dry lips and skin almost looking as it were to crumble up into pieces of dust, “Its beauty is captivating.”

  Before long I had to ask, he was the entire reason I came to the river in the first place, to find Oliver, to ask him, “Can you tell me more about the Outside World?”

  “I can’t.” He quickly replied.

  “T-then tell me about the breed...”

  Before I could even finish he butted in with his index finger raised at me, “Look Sam, I am not in my right to inform you of any of that, but in due time you’ll learn the just of everything, your many questions will be answered… but at the price of having to ask a million more,” he said rather sarcastic, a bit of life finally showing in his express.

  I shrugged.

  “Come Sam, come,” Oliver said, “I will tell you something however, seeing that your curiosity is a menacing avalanche, but what I am about to say do not repeat it ok; not even to your beloved friend, Amy.” He said seriously. His mention of Amy took me by surprise: how did he know about her, better yet how did he know I was a friend with her? Before I could ask about his keen knowledge he
pressed on

  “Long, long ago, back before the first beings like us knew about the space time continuum: there walked these fiends… these look-alikes: some called them Outsiders, others called them Soulless Wanderers. Uncovered tombs found deep in caverns that age back to the Stone Age state their existence… but Scholars and Regime officials have kept their mouths zipped in order to keep sanity admits the crowds.

  “There’s been this awkward abnormality occurring in the Outside World… things that have traversed over to ours; things like the sky and even those new rooms the Council has placed inside each individual quarter… precautions are being taken into consideration; and I’m afraid we’re doomed like our ancestors before us….”

  Oliver continued on, but I couldn’t help but try to make sense of this nonsense: Outside World being plagued? What does he mean by these look-alikes?

  “These Soulless Wanderers I believe have returned or at least have come out of hiding… from the Tombs I’ve read I have discovered many, many disturbing truths about them: their like cannibals, feast on the flesh of humans and animals alike: some even stated they thirsted for human blood… seeking effortlessly to prey on their next soul. Supposedly in the belief’s of these things, these Outsider’s, are in search of their lost soul, and they believe somewhere in one of us lives their soul they lost due to their transformation into the fiend they became… but it sounds like a fake Mythological Fairytale of a belief.”

  I had trouble seeing sense: either I was being absentminded or his words were too hollow to even comprehend as a reality; it just sounded to infused in a science fiction novel of some sort: like something Amy would be reading to me off one of her books.

  I winced, “And what does this have to do with anything: I-I mean us?”

  Oliver cleared his throat, “The Council has been mobilizing and sending plenty of troops outside… solemnly a group returns: the injured are not tended, they’re left to rot.”

  “Troops meaning?” I interrupted curiously.

  “Soldiers: men bred solely to fight”

  “With guns?”

  Oliver giggled, “Yes, of course,” he said amused, “Fields flooded with thousands upon thousands: gunning one another down to see which one’s victor… or perhaps which side is lucky enough to live and tell the tale”

  “What could cause such a disastrous ultimatum?” I asked.

  Oliver chuckled beneath his breath, “Conflicts”

  “And what does your comments about these Soulless Wanderers and Outsiders have anything to do with this particular situation?” I interrupted again seeing no sense in his unrelenting context of supernatural allegations.

  “Perhaps these two things are connected; something is stirring in the Outside World, and we’re powerless to venture and marvel over its beauty.”

  I leaned back against the sandpapery stone and felt the cool spray of the river’s cold water touch my face. The grass along the riverbed was moist and it glittered beautifully with the dusk sun’s rays. I turned and faced Oliver, whose sight remained glued outwards the heavens.

  “After your final year in the custody of Ms. Elizabeth William you’ll be taken and taught the many things that you’ve probably queried since the day you stepped out of your cubical.”

  And I had many question. I closed my eyes: again behind the jet blackness I saw Amy’s beautiful blue eyes staring at me. I couldn’t help but ask myself if I was obsessed: could an obsession cause my many feelings-or is it actually love?

  Is my eagerness to see her, be next to her, be somehow connected with a trace of disillusionment? As the blackness turned into a puff of haze dispersing like smoke; beams of white light extinguishing the darkness that other girl I saw: Laura, she was behind Amy; the same blue eyes staring at me.

  Then it hit me, Ms. William said something about how only a certain few were able to breed: perhaps that’s how the Council achieve their perfection; through their own altered methods to make each individual as perfect looking as possible.

  I honestly didn’t know where this radical philosophical view was coming from: it’s just the way Ms. William presented the subject was so straightforward and unexpected. I felt prone to talk to Oliver about it, but I also felt a bit apprehensive about it.

  I took a deep breath, cleared my throat and took sight of Oliver’s elegant structure and upright posture: perfection, like a sculptured effigy posing, “Oliver,” I said hesitantly, “What do you know about the Council?”

  Oliver’s stared, “They’re a bunch of arrant snobs wishing to please the people with outrageous limitations to individual rights and peace… they’re their own enemy.” He said with this voice of fury: I guess he didn’t approve.

  “Can you tell me more about them?”

  “No.” He replied with haste.

  I didn’t really negotiate: his cold reply crippled me, like it tore a hole in my spirit, I felt this drowning numbness spread throughout as though rushing waters were washing me away. I clenched my jaw.

  After an uncomfortable moment of silence Oliver finally said, “I’m sorry, Sam-but not to worry ok, you’ll learn everything in time… just be patient.” He gave me a heartwarming smile.

  “I understand.” I replied.

  “Well best to not worry Elizabeth, go straight home ok?”

  I nodded.

  “And Sam, none of which we spoke can be repeated ok.” He gave me a dead look.

  “Yes sir.” I answered truthfully; and I wasn’t, most of the stuff he said was so mindboggling that I could-would not even believe it.

  I waved and said my farewell. Until then, he told me, which I hope was sooner, rather than later. I didn’t really know what it was; that peace that I felt whenever I saw his eyes: perhaps security.

  So what was this big secret with the Council? I mean I saw one of the members in my house, or at least I thought it was a member… they looked a lot like Reese did, that same awkward bald hair, very pale skin, and black suits… a bit spooky in my opinion.

  But what about Oliver’s composure, shouldn’t that strike me the least bit awkward? I mean the normality of the way he dressed compared to his delude and authenticity that’s visually noticeable, who could he really be, what authority did he actually have?

  I really wanted to go see Amy; it seemed like forever since I caught sight of her beautiful face and flawless sapphire eyes, forever since I’ve inhaled her enchanting scent… but I couldn’t go, it was nearly night time and the jaded orange sky was almost extinguished.

  Ms. William had this thing about me wandering out at night, I’ve never been able to even witness the sky at night, because the windows are automatically sealed off with this metallic plating and then when dawn comes they roll open.

  I’ve asked Ms. William many times over and over again last year of the exact purpose they served, but all she gave me was this cold glare, and then shrugged her shoulders and said I don’t know, gee that helps a lot. I was actually thinking of asking her again today, seeing that her attitude towards me changed so drastically, perhaps she’d spill the beans.

  When I finally made it home, Ms. William was sitting on the dining table reading that book still; on the stove two large stainless steel pots with boiling substances sizzling and fuming with steam. The smell made my stomach roar.

  Ms. William’s eyes averted off the book and stared at me, “Welcome home honey,” she said with a big smile. She looked even prettier today, her lips coated with glossy light pink lipstick, cheeks blush and rosy, dressed fashionably with a luxurious torques buttoned blouse, and short black skirt, I felt dazzled by her beauty.

  “H-hey Ms. William!” I said a bit hesitantly; intimidated by her composure and the fact that I was afraid she’d say something to me about coming in at such a late hour.

  “You ok? You look a bit pinky there…” she grinned at me.

  I shook my head, “I’m fine,” I assured her politely.

  “I’m making four cheese Alfredo.” She informed me,
I guess she saw me eyeing the two pots releasing their captivating and delicious scent into the air.

  I was however curious to see what she was reading; she’s been on that book for a little over a week, must be interesting.

  I sat next to her, “What you reading Ms. William?”

  “Of Fear and Blood,” she said, “Remember I was talking to you about vampires… well this story is about that”

  “Oh really! Tell me about it.” I said. I was truly curious; I was so used to Amy telling me stories that I missed it so much; I needed some kind of imaginative rapture after hearing all that mumbo jumbo from Oliver.

  “Of course,” she giggled, “Well… let me start from the beginning… this is in fact a pretty hefty and long story, so bare with me… this one here is the third book in the series. The first one is called Through Silence and Void. The story begins with Andrew Swift in his late teens almost due to graduate from High School. His parents moved from New York, New York early in his final year as Senior to this small town in Alabama called Riverchase Village,” she explained, most of these titles I didn’t really understand, like: Senior, and High School, she commenced,

  “He felt betrayed, leaving all of his loved ones behind, leaving the people that he grew up with… he felt as though nobody knew how that was like: leaving everything behind that he thrived so hard to achieve… friendships, respect, everything; he explained it as,” Ms. William hesitated for a second, “Vanishing, being erased from their world.”

  That word seemed misplaced, vanishing, and the way Ms. William just held back left me wandering.

  “However, let me continue, his father, Stanly Swift got a job in Riverchase Village as a Local Bank Accountant Manager in promise to later in time move to a bigger city. Well strangely enough of course as all stories, they wouldn’t be interesting without some sort of strange and eerie abnormality… well this city has its share of secrets and I’ll get to them in a second. Andrew got enrolled in Chestnut High School…”

  “Ms. William, what’s a school?” I asked.

  “There were three different types’ schools: Elementary, Intermediate, and High; each pertain to a different age group, from children to teens; as the individual progresses through courses they’re met with more difficult challenges to help them develop a better understanding of their surroundings. Next year Sam, the Council will introduce an academic system somewhat like this one… congregating groups of teens… so expect a very interesting change next year.” Ms. William explained, “Now that that’s clear, want me to continue the story?” She smirked.

  I nodded.

  “Ok, well Andrew befriended this strange boy named Tim Leek… he was strange because… well in the story he’s very monotonous and immature acting, is overly skinny and pale skin, and his eyes are a very awkward tint of red surrounding the brownish color of his pupils…”

  Ms. William continued even during our meal, it was really interesting; I couldn’t wait to take my first book and actually read it. I stayed attentive…

  “Why did Andrew hang out with Tim so much though: I mean even he thinks he’s a bit odd…” I said; drips of sauce drizzled down my lips as I tried to slurp it back up.

  “Don’t speak with your mouth full dear,” Ms. William said.

  I wiped my mouth, “I’m sorry Ms. William.

  “Ok, well… Andrew described Tim as the only person in this new school that he could connect with; he couldn’t explain why out of all the good people that were actually talking to him he chose to befriend one of the more… let’s just say unorthodox ones… and the activities Tim mentioned to Andrew weren’t exactly in the legal term,” she giggled, “One Friday after school Tim tells Andrew about this strange church that he normally goes to and hangs out at Andrew seeing no harm tags along with Tim… Tim taught Andrew something: don’t ever judge or second guess anybody just because of the way they look or act…”

  “In what way… err... I mean how?” I asked.

  Ms. William smiled at me, “Well because everyone wondered why out of all the other people befriending him he would go and be content with something so low… Tim wasn’t the most rewarding individual you know; truth be told Andrew saw no real reason why they disliked Tim so much… which brought to him his conclusion which I already shared with you.” Ms. William said.

  Ms. William didn’t finish the entire story, and she didn’t even explain the reason why this town of Riverchase Village was so strange and eerie; I was entirely curious, and when she left me hanging there… I was stooped.

  It was pretty late, so I left Ms. William alone in the kitchen while she was washing the dishes to go to bed. I stared at the sealed window and sighed; I don’t know what it was now, I wanted to know what was out there at night, or at least catch a glimpse of the sky.

  After Ms. William talked to me about Of Fear and Blood, I couldn’t help but image being one of the fiends of the night, roaming through the night and devouring my prey without the remorse… without the fear… but how would such a figurine of such fantasy have come about?

  Who in their unrighteous mind invented this monstrous betrayer of life?

  I pondered and pondered, honestly didn’t know what I’d find and how anyone in their right mind would come about and create something this strange… and then I thought, what if the person that invented vampires witnessed a man kill another man, or a man eating the flesh off another; cannibalism: I believe is the term that Mary used maybe that triggered the imagination… such a horrid way to be inspired.

  I laid in bed restless; staring at the glossy metallic plate covering my window, at how solemnly and anonymously it creeps and hides the night.

  I took a deep breath, and turned to my little night light plugged on the wall emitting a candle-like aurora around my dim room; it reminded me of the long prolonged period of time I was cradled in the Consolation Chamber, imagining that I could have been locked alive in such a grave… and not even question why I was there, which lead me to believe, perhaps if an individual is alienated from certain innate rights would we question any irregularities surrounding our way of life in the first place?

  I didn’t ponder too long, my thoughts stirred towards Mary, and of course, I had yet to forget about that envelope she gave me, its tucked beneath my two mattresses.

  I didn’t know, but I had yet to feel the urge to open it just yet, but it’s still there, in the corner of my mind, dormant, waiting for the proper moment to slit that seal and open it. What could Mary have wanted me to know?

  And then I started thinking about Dr. Harris, how he took me out of there, him being my first contact was actually attempting to wrong me? I didn’t really ever understand what happened when I blacked out, or when I appeared in the custody of Ms. Elizabeth William; it all happened so fast, one moment locked away, isolated, and then the next I am living in this… what seemed to be an imitation of the real world. I closed my eyes, steadily feeling the black and comforting numbness grasp a hold of my tired body… and then…

  The following morning…

  I was stirred up by the same annoying toot rattling my eardrums like two iron pans clanging against one another. I sluggishly opened my eyes trying my best to keep them closed to embrace what little tranquility I had left behind my black eyelids… but I had to get up, it was an obligation that I couldn’t escape.

  “Sam it’s time for your medicine.” I heard Jane’s robotic voice illustrate.

  I groaned and dug my face into my pillow, “Why now?” I said in a muffled voice.

  “Because it’s 11:01 am and it’s soon time for class Sam, please don’t make me message Ms. William again.” Jane warned.

  Angry, I lifted off the bed, took the medicine down with one full gulp, and then slammed my bedroom door shut behind. The hallway was dim; the kitchen lights off: apparently Ms. William wasn’t home.

  I staggered to the kitchen. As soon as I stepped onto the tile the lights flickered on. On the dining table a silver tray contained a nice
array of delicious treats; slices of ham, diced cheese, and a red apple were patiently waiting for me.

  I smiled; feeling this sensational eruption just cripple me, I felt love for Ms. William; that’s got to be it, nothing else can explain it. I had trouble swallowing, my face burned, and bits of sweat trickled down my forehead, I felt overly hot.

  I pulled out and a chair and sat down; grabbed the apple and began to nibble on its waxy surface. Ms. William’s book Of Fear and Blood was sitting next to the silvery platter, I took it and opened it to page one.



  It was nearly dawn; cold air slit through my lungs like carving knives cutting across my skin, it burned terribly; like salt water sprinkled into my eyes. I was in the very cave where the act of lunacy occurred; still back against the wall staring feverishly at that fiend… the one who betrayed his friend… I couldn’t move, I was petrified: afraid of what he’d do if he caught a glimpse of me.

  But he was too a friend of mine. One I’ve known for two years now… what can I do to make him remember me. It’s me Tim… can't you see… can’t you comprehend… it’s Andrew man… h-how could you forget me?

  Tears streamed down my cheeks and I staggered and just left the cave. The dawn breeze was cool and pristine; the fading heavens sparkled with stars glittering beautifully.

  I dug my hands in my pockets and just walked away from this nightmare.


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