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The Adorned

Page 23

by Elimelec Gonzalez-Roman





  Mr. Cove’s class dragged on like usual...

  I sat there pretending to pay attention and just occasionally dozed off at his monotonous, uninspiring voice; my eyes were just about to close when he slapped his History book on his table.

  “Sam, please pay attention!” He insisted ruefully.

  I nodded, trying my best to actually look remotely interested in his what I thought useless blabber of endless and almost sounding logical and crucial events to this what felt like a fairytale of bundled pieces of corresponding history yet smothered together into this one gargantuan piece of garbage that almost sounded believable… or at least to me it almost sounded believable; but I wasn’t buying any of it… I kept on wondering if I was the only person that viewed this as mumbo-jumbo.

  Mr. Cove took a deep breath; frustration emitted off his stance, posture, and stare: his arms were crossed, back slightly arched, and eyes just noosing me with his grumpy stare.

  “I’ll be sure to tell Ms. William you’re acting like a spoiled child.”

  “Excuse me?” I said, “And what does that mean?” I demanded, my fists coiled.

  “It means Ms. William is giving you way too much slack, you need to be disciplined, so I’m going to order the Student Committee to void this course and to place you under the Student Management Program until you’re LCP is in effect.”

  I didn’t even know what he was talking about, I just locked my jaw and crossed my arms I was boiling, angry-infuriated. My face felt redder than the apple I nibbled on this morning before class, all I felt prone to say was fine, didn’t say one more word after that.

  “Now are you ready to set aside your childish attitude young man?” Mr. Cove said; his eyes narrow and lips pursed waiting for my reply.

  I nodded.

  “Excellent. Now, centuries in time there’ve been lessons learned, and as its course continues its cycle; we as individuals ascertain each and every single flaw and malfunction that could have caused absolute failure or ultimate success. For example.”

  Mr. Cove took the history book he slammed on the desk and opened it to a random page. He slid on his reading glasses that were dangling down like a necklace, “The tales of the Old Roman Empire discuss how a grand civilization that was built to worship the holy gods that founded their local… could simply disappear and falter without a cause. It’s told in some of their early tomes that a power struggle occurred between the different types of religion, which planted their seed to failure…”

  “The Olden Period was also known as Worshiper’s of the Old where they sought freedom and unity from gods and these Holy Scriptures some high standing King’s drafted. But soon after this occurred an immigration movement occurred sporadically different religions began to mix with one another and the Higher Priests saw this as blasphemy, a disgrace in the eyes of God and sought to banish any other religion that wished to control the Senate…”

  So, I thought as he rambled continuously about this Old Roman Empire, a nation of such grand standing let its self be raddled over a medley cause such as religious views? I couldn’t believe that, there had had to be another reason for such a supposed: grand, empire to collapse…

  “The Old Roman Empire didn’t collapse over night; it was a rotting, this enigma that was planted in the dead center… it basically grew until ultimately it destroyed them. It took over three centuries before its defeat, however, as it collapsed other nations took parts and expanded their own lands over the once grand and glamour Old Roman Empire…”

  And what logic was I supposed to take from this false-sounding piece of history? Perhaps I was being ignorant?

  Maybe he was just referring to that even the mighty could fall: no matter how high in the clouds you are there is always a chance to fall?

  I didn’t talk, or ask questions, I refused to say anything; though I was letting some light of knowledge suppress my scruples, I was however still angry at his mal content.

  I stood and made my way to the sliding door. Mr. Cove cleared his throat, “Sam I haven’t dismissed my class yet; I’d suggest taking your seat please.”

  I sighed, closed my eyes and pressed my head against the cold and motionless sliding door.

  “Sam please, sit back down…”

  A light tremor shook the ground; my eyes opened as I turned and faced Mr. Cove. The lights flickered and then shut off, windows sealed: extinguishing the warm orange shade, and blinking red and blue emergency lights turned on at every corner of the room.

  Brisk air slit through the creases of the door; I took a couple of steps back after feeling this wrenching fear goggle my being.

  I gazed at Mr. Cove whose face was as bewildered as mine, “What’s happened?!”

  I gasped in horror as thunderous bangs slammed against the door. Air slit trough the creases with each plow delivered; nail-grinding screeches rubbing against the metal framing: my teeth gnawed and ached with the shriek reverberation emitting throughout the sealed classroom. I covered my ears and felt this weariness shackle my legs; I fell on my knees.

  Before long, after sulking to my nausea; I felt a cold hand grab my arm and drag me across the floor…

  I groaned as I slowly tried to open my eyes. They felt heavier than normal-as though something held them shut. The grit scratched them with every slow blink.

  Low voices conversed in the background, I couldn’t hear a word they were saying, but one voice was of a woman’s: but it didn’t sound like Ms. William.

  When I opened my eyes I was presented with the same serene gloominess that comforted me behind my eyelids. A thin strip of light was coming from the cracked door. I noiselessly hopped off the bed and moved closer to the door, voices…

  “Edward we don’t know what that could have been… hell for all we know it could just be some test”

  “Wrong,” interrupted a man’s voice, sounding like Mr. Cove, “Rachel do you honestly believe the Council will just test their emergency rooms and allow some kind of ferocious beast out and about? No, that was something else.” The man explained seriously.

  I heard the woman’s sigh.

  “Perhaps you’d lower your voice please, the boy sleeps.”

  I heard a chair slide over the floor. “I’ll take the plate.” Rachel said.

  “Thanks dear…”

  I turned to the diminishing darkness becoming more apparent with my eyes adjustment. The room was plain, one bed, that’s was all, no furnishing no nothing.

  A soft tremor occurred. Before I knew it Mr. Cove and that mysterious woman named Rachel barged in my room.

  “You ok Sam?” Mr. Cove said.

  The woman behind him, a beautiful red haired angel, blue mesmerizing eyes, ivory skin, and lips coated with rose lip gloss, grinned at me rigorously.

  I tried to speak, but croaked, embarrassed, I took a deep breath, “Wh-what’s happening?”

  Rachel giggled sarcastically, “Dear if we’d only know we’d tell you… but we’re in the dark here awaiting further instructions from the Council.” She explained.

  I sat on the bed, eyes weary and heart beating against my chest, I couldn’t really explain my fear, what was there to fear? Did I actually fear the situation at hand or feeling deprived and chained to this room?

  “Mr. Cove, how’s Ms. William?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know Sam,” he shrugged, “Hopefully they’re in their EMQ too…” there was little assurance in his small speech, there was something he was hiding.

  “So we’re trapped here…” and before I finished this random question blurted out, “How did we get in here in the first place?”

  Mr. Cove grinned, “Well… you like past out.” he laughed, “Guess the spur of the moment took a hold of you.”

  This Mr. Cove was different, he wasn’t bland, or overly critical… he was normal; like the day of my birthday. I couldn’t put my finger on it; I didn’t understand wh
at was happening or why he was acting so differently; perhaps a conversation I might have to bring up the next time I see Ms. William.

  “So Sam, how’s that calendar treating you?” He asked. “I hope I gave a good run down on how to read it! But I’m sure Ms. William wouldn’t mind teaching you if you ever forget.” He smiled graciously.

  Rachel gave me another breathtaking smile and then left.

  I turned to Mr. Cove, “It’s nice, and thanks a lot Mr. Cove.” I replied.

  There wasn’t really anything else I could say, I could have sworn I already gave him my gratitude towards the subject, but apparently he wasn’t paying attention. I took a deep breath.

  “Are you hungry Sam?”

  I nodded, I couldn’t even make eye contact with this new Mr. Cove, or what Rachel called him: Edward Cove. This strange feeling of uncomforted shackled all other senses. This natural feeling, could it be severed somehow?

  “Hey Rachel, sweets, could you possibly round our guest some chomp?” Mr. Cove said earnestly.

  Rachel appeared in the door, her face brightened with a big smile “Of course, what would you like honey?”

  Her flawless features and grasping hazel eyes were enough to strangle my train of thought, “Anything… c-chicken?” I muttered.

  “That can be arranged,” she said, “Anything else?”

  I shook my head.

  “Ok, well I’ll make you a little something.” Rachel said as she turned around and then left.

  “She’s an excellent cook, Sam,” Mr. Cove implied, “We just had some hot tea and her specially made warm cinnamon bread… it was fabulous… apparently they pack these places full of goodies!”

  “Yeah, apparently… do you know her?” I interrupted, I was truly nosy.

  Mr. Cove scowled, “Well-personally… no, I know her about as well as I know your caretaker, Ms. William… we’re not allowed to have certain bonds or friendships with the opposite sex you see.” He explained, his voice less keen and more ominous and insipid… like normal Mr. Cove.

  “Thankfully all that is thrown aside in these rooms so I can actually act myself… you know how terrible it feels to have to mask my own being? The personality I was grown to love, to see every day of my youth, to inspire people with? The Council has emancipated nothing…”

  “What do you mean?”

  He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, “Each EMQ room inside commercial buildings like this are connected with another room-which so happens to be Rachel’s… I swear to you I’ve never met my neighboring teacher until now, but conversing while you were asleep has had me thinking I’ve known her for quite some time… like perhaps I’ve met her before,” his voice lowered substantially, to the point of a whisper, “And how are you feeling by the way? You gave me quite a scare when you just clomped out that like.”

  I nodded, “I… ugh, I feel a lot better,” I grimaced, my head felt terrible, as though little prickly thorns were pressing against my temples simultaneously. Everything became blurry…

  “Sam,” I felt Mr. Cove shake me, “Sam you ok? Sam… Sam! Rachel come immediate.”

  “How was your stay Sam?” A familiar voice asked.

  I opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of Doctor Harris Brown, his creased face and compelling eyes stared down at me with a smirk. I gasped.

  “Relax, everything will be ok Sam… you remember me don’t you?” Dr. Harris asked very friendly and cautiously, “As you can see I’ve uh,” he giggled, “Shaved my beard and mustache, but it’s still me.” He rubbed his smooth chin and grin meticulously.

  There he was again, the same man who released me from my chamber, standing as he did before me when he first saw me and freed me. His same white coat and clipboard, spectacles barely stationed securely from his nose it was him.

  “Where am I?” I said, my voice hoarse and dry.

  “You’re in a safe place now, you’re home… and I have your medicine here,” next to my night table there was silver tray with a glass of water and three red pills. Dr. Harris pulled a small canister from his coat’s pocket and sprayed his hand with disinfectant. He took the glass of water and three red pills and handed them to me.

  “Thanks.” I said nervously.

  I was truly horrified, I didn’t know what to do or say, this man, this Dr. Harris, he was a wanted man… but he was here in my room relaxed without a care in the world.

  “Why are you here?” I whispered.

  He grinned at me, “Why else would I be here, you suddenly plopped inside the EMQ room… you had Mr. Cove and Ms. Benning worried sick until the situation was taken care of… and when Ms. William found out she was dismayed.” He explained precisely, not answering my exact question: I actually meant why he was here, standing in front of me in person.

  “N-no, I meant, why uh…” I groaned, my head felt woozy again, “Why… why are h-here…..



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