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Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour

Page 13

by Jake A. Strife

  “I did... But you won’t!” I spun and slashed with my knife. His gun fired as the blade slashed at one of his legs, he moved in time, but his bullet shot astray and shattered a picture frame on the wall.

  I moved to strike again, but he shoved a pistol between my eyes. “Oh, Tiffany, my sexy vixen, we might have made such cute rug rats together.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please, shoot me now.”

  “That would be too easy. First, I need answers.”

  “That would be too easy,” I mocked. “Don’t you have the balls to shoot a defenseless girl?”

  He smacked the knife from my hand, and it clattered across the floor. I wanted to kick his ass, but he had me where he wanted me.

  “I have ways of making you talk. Ways you may or may not like, Tiff.”

  A knot of anxiety manifested in my chest. Through my bravado, I thought I had steel walls within, but there stood a thin layer of glass; ready to shatter at any moment.

  Garrett sensed my fear and smiled through the dim light from the front. “Just answer and all will be fine.”

  He pushed the gun to my forehead, making me stumble into the desk. I fell back, and he yanked my legs apart, going between them and leaning over me. He grabbed my throat.

  I held as still as a statue. “Ask! Just ask already!”

  With his pistol, he forced my head way back. “Who is Sister and why does she want your locket?”

  “Hell if know!”

  “Liar!” He tilted my head. “You’re so pretty, you turn me on bad.”

  “I’m telling the truth, assface!” Fear cracked through my voice.

  “No need to get so angry. Tell me what you know about Sister.”

  “She’s part of G.O.D. Mode! They’re the ones who caused all of this; The Zombie Apocalypse.”

  “I wonder if they’re hiring?” A grin split his face and put the gun between my lips.

  I closed my eyes, expecting death. “You’re such a bastard! What do you expect to do? Do you think they’ll take you under their wing? They’re a corrupt family of freaks!”

  “There’s always room for negotiation when I turn in this cute little heart locket... and you.”

  “They don’t want me. She only demanded the locket. You heard her.”

  “Why wouldn’t they want you?” He shoved his crotch against mine. “You must be special. I think you’re special.”

  Assface shoved the gun against my head again, then leaned forward and sniffed my neck. “That shower made you nice and clean for me. I saw it all, you know.”

  Hatred burned inside, and I leaned forward. “I will kill you.”

  He touched my stomach, and ran his fingers up, grazing the bottom of my breasts. “You’re in no position. Speaking of positions, which would you prefer?”

  “I hate you!”

  He placed his lips on my neck and planted a kiss, then ran his tongue across my face, until he reached my lips. Instead of tingles, I had bursts of malice. Only Zach could touch me!

  His hand ran around the front of my pants, and he fumbled with the button.

  Big mistake.

  I chomped my teeth into his ear, making him scream. He flailed, but I clamped with every ounce of my strength and jerked away. Hot, gross blood invaded my mouth as I took ear. He stumbled back, grabbing his head as I spat.

  I tackled him. His gun flew to the side, and I scrambled for it. I reached out, but he landed on me and grabbed a chunk of my hair, then slammed my head into the floor. White flashes burst before my eyes, but I continued reaching for the weapon. I grabbed the pistol and turned back, but he knocked it away, again.

  With everything I had left, I arched my back, knocking him on his ass. He came back at me before I dodged and swung my knife, he stabbed right through my foot. I pulled the blade out, screaming.

  Through the horrible pain, I slashed the weapon that dripped with my blood. I hit air.

  “Where did you go, you son of a bitch?”

  Light burst through the mortuary’s front door as four figures marched. I tried to stand, but the pain had me losing my balance. I fell and felt the unconscious stealing me away. The four figures surrounded me, and one barked orders. The other three kneeled. I didn’t know if they meant to kill me or take me with them. Either way, I couldn’t resist.

  LEVEL 19:


  Familiar voices came in and out. I struggled to open my eyes, but they were too heavy. Instead, I listened.

  “Is she alive?”

  “Yes, she’s still unconscious.”

  “Good... Let’s keep her that way.”

  “We need to find the one who betrayed her.”

  “Oh, we will, don’t worry.”

  Who were they? Friend or foe? In my state of delirium, it didn’t matter.

  A familiar face floated before me, one I’d longed to see for so long.

  “Zach?” My voice echoed from somewhere, far away.

  He gave an innocent and goofy grin. Not the evil one from my visions. “Tiffa, you’re safe now. We rescued you.”

  Joy filled me, but I only see his face. It meant one thing; I was still asleep. So, I tried as hard as I could to stay that way. To wake, meant to suffer. Zach didn’t realize I’d left Moundsville. He’d get there and find it vacant. By the time he realized I was in Bellaire, it’d be too late. Sleep was my salvation.

  One of the earlier voices broke through and tore me from my joy. “Tiffany?”

  My eyes fluttered open, and I cursed. I lay in a large comfy bed, with a blanket pulled up to my shoulders, both arms tucked. It felt so cozy, I drifted off again.

  “Do you remember your name?”

  “I do. It’s Tiffany Gainsborough.” I blinked a few times and turned; hoping beyond hope the face matched the voice.

  Jubilance exploded through my being; Jessie was sitting in a chair beside me, her red hair tucked behind her ears. She smiled with puffy red lips, a freckled face, and rosy cheeks that made me want to reach out and pinch them.

  “Jess!” I leaped from under the blankets and wrapped my arms around her neck.

  She hugged me back. “I’m ecstatic you’re awake.”

  From the looks of it, I was in a house; one as familiar as Jessie’s voice. The room haunted my memories. A double-door closet, two twin beds, bathroom left, and hall right. Yes, we were in Zach’s bedroom in Bellaire. The house he lived in before his uncle took him away.

  I need to ask a serious question. “Am I dead?”

  “No, silly.” Jessie giggled. “We found you and brought you here. It should jog your memories.”

  “My memories don’t need jogged. I need you and the rest of the Gamers’ Guild! Where are they? Where’s Dave, Jeff, and Zach?”

  Jessie shook her head. “Not everyone made it.”

  My heart shattered. I didn’t want to find out who we’d lost.

  “Dave died.” A voice carried from across the room.

  I turned to see Jeff’s tall, sculpted frame standing there. My emotions were mixed. I was glad to see him, but a sharp pain hit my heart. Dave...

  “What happened?”

  Jeff walked in and sat on the edge of my bed, patting my knee. “A tragic accident. We found scientists trying to make a vaccine. He wanted to help, you know, prove his worth. As soon as he got his hands dirty, kaboom.”

  “Kaboom?” I raised a brow. An explosion happened in making a vaccine? It made scant sense. Dave liked to dabble in scientific stuff, but nothing that might cause an explosion. “You don’t seem as sad as I would expect.”

  Dave and Jeff’s bromance was legendary.

  Jeff shrugged. “It’s been a while. I’ve had time to mourn.

  “Holy shit, this sucks.” I covered my face. “How long has it been since we’ve seen each other? Last I remember it was around seven months.”

  Jessie took my hand and squeezed. “It’s been eight since the outbreak.”

  “Eight?” I couldn’t think, so I changed the topic. “And wh
at about Zach?”

  The pair stared at me saying nothing and then exchanged glances.

  “What?” Tightness spread across my chest. “Did something happen?”

  “Nothing!” Jessie frowned. “Don’t get yourself worked up, Tiffany. You’ve been asleep for a while.”

  “Zach is fine!” Jeff clapped his hands together. “But I’ll step out and let you have your girl time talk.”

  I took a deep breath. “I want apologize.”

  Jeff strode to the door. “I’m sure he’s not concerned with apologies. See you soon.”

  With that, he left.

  I chewed my bottom lip. “Can I see him, soon? I know you’re an item now...”

  Jessie’s eyes widened. “An item? Oh... yes, we are. I suspect he’ll be back anytime now.”

  “He isn’t here?”

  “He’s on a mission. I guess you could say he’s kicking zombie butt, I’m sure.”

  I closed my eyes tight. “Where did he go?”

  “It’s not important.” Jessie furrowed her brow. “Why do you keep asking about him?”


  I sounded jealous. She had the right, but according to the Lonely Ones, Zach and I belonged together.

  “Now, I need information from you.” Jessie put her hand on mine. “It’ll help Zach on his mission.”


  “Where’s your locket?”

  I reached and found it missing. Panic took me as I remembered what happened. “This assface named Garrett stole it and left me for dead! And my other friends are in danger! This crazy girl named Sister is keeping them hostage. We have to save them!”

  “I’m sure they’re all dead.” Her reply came colder than ice.

  “No! Sister told me if I brought her the locket...”

  “Then it’s best if you tell me the whereabouts of this Garrett!”

  “Wish I knew!” I lowered my eyes. “Mog, a Lonely One, was with me and then I ran from the level four corpses. I fought Garrett in the mortuary. He tried to force himself on me but I bit off the bastard’s ear, and then he stabbed my foot. That’s it.”

  She looked off in thought. “He must still be in town.”

  “I think so. He planned to bring the locket to Sister in exchange for employment with G.O.D. Mode.”

  She smiled and stood. “Then we’d better find him first!”

  “I’ll come with you.” I threw my legs over the side of the bed and found myself stripped to my underwear with a big bandage on my foot.

  “You’ll stay here. We’ll send... Zach! He’ll find this Garrett guy and kick his butt!”

  “Tell him to look for a guy with one ear! Remember, I bit off the damn thing!”

  “Vicious!” She snapped her teeth and walked out the hallway door.

  My brows raised as I watched her go, her hips swaying. She suggested more confidence. Maybe Zach had raised her self-esteem. It was wrong to be envious, so I swallowed it.

  I sat upright and leaned against the wall, hugging the blankets up to my chest. I couldn’t believe I’d reunited with my guild. Most of my friends were alive, but the others... They needed rescued too. If I didn’t show up with the locket, she’d kill them.

  After sitting for several minutes, I’d had enough of waiting. Injured or not, I needed the locket.

  As I tried to take the first step, intense pain shot through my foot.

  Who knew what permanent damage the knife caused? Through careful steps, I made it to the closet, trying to keep the weight off my injury. I pulled open the double doors and found my trademark outfit. A violet shirt, baggy jeans, and a black baseball cap.

  “They remembered my favorite clothes.” I fought back tears; not yet. There was work to be done.

  As I dressed, I found only a pair of flip-flops. “Except for these.” I hated flip-flops. They forgot that one detail. Then again, with an injured foot, shoes weren’t the best.

  A loud yawn escaped my lips, and I stretched. How long was I out?

  I walked into the hallway and found a closed door blocking the stairwell. What the hell? I’d never seen it as a child. When I reached for the doorknob, the hairs on my arm stood on end.

  “What?” I leaned over and listened. A low, electrical hum came from the handle as if they’d electrified it. Why did they do such a thing? Were they keeping me prisoner?

  Worry filled my heart. I limped and made my way across the hall to the second bedroom. I listened to make sure the handle didn’t hum. Satisfied, I pulled it open. Beyond I found a solid white wall. The door had been a fake.

  “This isn’t Zach’s house.”

  I walked to the window and pulled back the curtains. Bellaire looked bright, with the sun high in the sky. Something shouted wrong. I watched the clouds for several seconds. They weren’t moving. I put my fingers under the window’s handle and tried to lift, but it didn’t move—Sealed shut.

  “Tiffany?” Jessie called from downstairs. “I’m coming. Are you dressed?”

  That didn’t matter. We always showered together after swimming at the pool. There was no shyness then. A major red flag waved in my face.

  “I’m decent!”

  A few moments later the humming silenced, and the handle turned. Jessie opened the door and stepped through with a tray of food. I tried getting a look past her, but she blocked my view.

  “Did you tell Zach about Garrett?” I feigned ignorance.

  I followed Jessie back to the bed. She set the tray on the side table. “I did.”

  “What’d he say?”

  Jessie closed her eyes. “They caught Garrett. He’s being taken to Sister now for negotiations.”

  “For my friend’s lives?” I wanted to call bullshit but held my tongue.

  “Aren’t we your friends, Tiffany?” Jessie crossed her arms. I hadn’t paid mind before, but she wore a low-cut, cleavage-revealing shirt. Jessie never showed off her boobs.

  I bit back anger. “You’re all my friends.”

  “You can only have one BFF you know.”

  “Yeah, but they’re still friends, Charles, Arik, and Dyonna.”

  “I bet they’re dead.” She shrugged. “Don’t worry about them anymore.”

  Something screamed beyond messed up, because Jessie was the most caring person ever. Now she was an ice queen. I’d seen first-hand how the Zombie Apocalypse could change a person, but she exhibited more symptoms than expected.

  “Zach; he’s back right?”

  “No.” Jessie turned for the door. I glanced at her feet, noticing she wore high heels. She’d die before wearing fancy footwear. I shadowed her, and at the door she spun.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” She poked my chest. “You aren’t allowed to leave. You’re too injured, and you need to eat. And—”

  “And what?” I smacked her hand away. “What are you hiding?”


  Rage boiled inside, starting from my toes. “Jessie, you’ve always been my best friend; always. But something is wrong here. You’re keeping me locked up in here. This is not Zach’s old home. And you’re acting weird!”

  She slapped me across the face. “People change!”

  I stumbled and held my cheek. “But not you! Not sweet, innocent Jessie!”

  “There’s nothing sweet or innocent about me! I’ve changed. Get used to it.”

  “You couldn’t have changed this much!”

  “I did.” She turned and left. Her heels clacked against each stair.

  I raced to grab the door before it shut, but I came up short. The humming followed, locking me in once more. I fell to my knees, wanting to curl into a ball and cry.

  What happened to her? Did she hate me because of Zach? I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  Back at the table, I examined the food. On the plate sat a pile of melted marshmallow cereal; something not edible.

  In a growl of fury, I hurled it. The plate shattered, and the tray clattered to the floor. I’d starve befo
re eating such shit. I wanted, no, needed to talk to Zach. When he got back, I’d have a serious conversation with him. Jessie was a bitch.

  I didn’t care how jealous she felt; she had no right to hit me, feed me shit, and keep me locked in a fake bedroom.

  Forget the talk. I needed to get out and find my friends. With that decided, I hobbled to the stairway door and waited. The next time it opened, I’d make my escape, even if I had to go through Jessie and Jeff.

  LEVEL 20:


  Hours passed, and I stayed by the door, ready to tackle the next person who came. I looked at my bandage; how hideous would the scar look once the wound healed? I doubted I’d ever go barefoot again.

  During my thoughts, something in the air changed. I waited and listened. The electrical humming had stopped, and the lights faded. The power generators must’ve died. I reached for the doorknob but hesitated. Were they on their way? Screw them; I’d knock them over and run.

  “Okay, Tiffany, here we go.” I pulled the door open and slipped into the dark stairwell.

  If I’d needed any more proof that this wasn’t Zach’s house, I found it. They’d plated the walls in steel. Each step I took in silence and continued until I made it to the bottom. Nearby, a muffled voice rambled. I edged my way until I came to a door.

  The voice inside belonged to Jessie. “But what to do?”

  No audible response came.

  “Yes, subject D and the Gamma serum are on the plane. We’ll only leave behind the unfiltered blood. But didn’t you hear me? Someone is here! I think the Interloper’s rogue infiltrated our base!”

  Did she mean Dante? And his rogue?

  Again, there came a long silence. She was communicating with someone.

  “Tiffany’s still in the facade. I don’t think she suspects a thing. Why are we still holding onto her? She’s useless to us!”

  Jessie paused again and listened.

  “They cut off the power. Oh shit, I didn’t think of that. I’ll go check on her.”

  I tensed. Jessie meant to return to the bedroom. As I moved away, I heard her say one last thing; something that chilled my blood yet boiled it with rage.

  She giggled. “I love you, Brother.”

  Jessie had been talking to one of those freaks, and she’d said she loved him. She’d turned on the Gamers’ Guild. That explained the way she’d acted earlier. I needed to find Zach or Jeff and warn them.


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