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Taming Chaos

Page 17

by Lynne St. James

  Tears, like raindrops, slid down my cheeks. It was so sad. If what he said was true they’d both loved each other their whole lives. It was so unfair that they were kept apart. Dickman had a lot to answer for, and if Preston and Chaos didn’t wipe the floor with him, I would.

  “So, what do you think, will you give yer old dad a chance?”

  How could I not give him a chance, mom would come back and haunt me for sure if I said no. “Yes, I will.”

  “Saints have mercy,” he whispered. I thought I saw tears in his eyes but he stood up and pulled me into my first father-daughter hug ever. I thought it’d feel strange, but it didn’t, it felt like home. Somewhere I knew my mom was smiling.

  I was just about to say something when there was a knock at the door.

  “Oops, we almost missed our cue. We need to get you backstage.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, and no dawdling.”

  Joe was outside to lead us back to the wings. Michelle mouthed to me ‘how was it?’ and I nodded okay. She flashed me a big smile focusing on Flame. Damn did she have it bad for him, but this time I grinned when I thought it.

  Chaos held up his hands and the crowd quieted down. Turning, he looked at me and smiled. “Tonight we have one more surprise. It’s the debut of our new song “Sinning for Love”. I wrote the music but the lyrics were written by Cynda Pearson. We hope you love it.

  I was shocked, I looked at Michelle. She was grinning so much I thought her cheeks might tear. Did he just say what I think he said? Oh My God, yeah, he was playing the ballad. But how did he get… I narrowed my eyes at Michelle and she nodded and shrugged.

  He was playing his song and singing my lyrics, did that make it our song? His voice was so beautiful and the words fit perfectly. I heard the changes he made as they played the ballad and by the time he was done, tears were streaming down my cheeks. It was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I wiped the tears away as he walked off stage to thundering applause.

  “Cynda, I’m so very sorry. I was a fuckin’ asshole. Will you ever be able to forgive me?”

  Hearing the song, the new words he’d added to change the lyrics just enough to make them for me, filled the hole in my heart, I was overwhelmed. “Yes I’ll forgive you, and thank you, Chaos.”

  “Nope not Chaos. Trent…for you I’ll always be Trent.” With Eleanor between us he took me into his arms and his lips took mine. The kiss was gentle at first, then filled with all the passion I’d thought we’d lost forever.

  Wrath came to drag him back on stage. “C’mon, dude, they’re going to tear the place down.”

  He kissed me one more time and with a smile and a swat on the butt, he headed back on stage to say goodnight.



  After the show we all went back to the suite but this time no groupies were there, none anywhere except for Sapphire who seemed to be Wrath’s girlfriend, at least for now. Chaos explained what had been going on with the lawyers, and how Rod would be receiving dissolution of contract papers soon. My father helped them build the case after Joe had contacted with him.

  “You were really busy, weren’t you?”

  “You have no fuckin’ idea but you will. I’m not letting you go again.”

  I didn’t know what to say, of course he had to let me go, I couldn’t just follow him all over the world like a groupie. He had a lot of touring to do and I’d just have to wait for him to get done.

  “I’m glad you’re getting rid of dickman. If he were here right now I’d probably kill him myself.”

  “Baby, you’d need to take a number and stand in line. Even the record company is dropping him. They’re worried about their reputation. Now there’s only one thing left to settle.”

  “What’s that?”

  Chaos turned and looked around the room. “Hey, Joe?”


  “I have a job offer for you.”

  “I already have a job.”

  “We want you to have a better one. Would you be our manager? We talked about it and it’s unanimous—which is tough for this group—there’s no one we trust more to watch over our career.”

  I was thrilled. Joe being their manager was like a dream come true. He’d know exactly what to do and how to take care of them. I watched the emotions change on his face from surprise to happiness and there were definitely tears in his eyes when he said yes.

  Everything had worked out. When I’d gotten on the plane this afternoon I never in a million years could have dreamed all of this. Even Sweets had come over and apologized. We might actually be able to get along now.

  I looked around the room, it was filled with smiling faces, so different from the last time I’d been with them, but I didn’t want to think about that, it’d been bad but it looked like we’d get past it and move on. Happiness and love warmed my heart where last week there’d only been pain and ice. I was about to tell Chaos when he pulled my father over.

  In a voice loud enough to be heard by everyone, he turned to him and asked, “Mr. Mitchell, would you give me permission to marry your daughter?”

  Preston nodded, “Yes, of course, as long as she’ll have yer sorry ass,” he said with a laugh.

  Chaos came up to me, kneeled down on one knee, and pulled out a box. “Cynda Pearson, my Cyn, will you marry me?”

  I could barely breathe, and no words would come. I tried, but nothing came out. I took a deep breath and tried again. “Yes, oh yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He flipped open the box and slid a beautiful heart shaped diamond ring surrounded by emeralds onto my finger. Tears filled my eyes as he pulled me into his arms.

  “I love you. My one and only, Cyn, and I’ll love you for the rest of our lives.”

  “I love you,” was all I could get out as he crushed me in his arms and his lips possessed mine in a passionate kiss.

  The End

  Books by Lynne St. James


  Embracing Her Desires

  Embracing Her Surrender

  Embracing Her Love

  Raining Chaos

  Taming Chaos

  Seducing Wrath – Coming Soon

  With other Publishing Houses

  The Vampires of Eternity Series

  Twice Bitten Not Shy

  Twice Bitten to Paradise

  Twice Bitten and Bewitched

  Would love to hear from you!




  Excerpt from Sharing Freedom

  Ops Warriors MC Book One

  By Harley McRide

  Freedom looked around the room. It was Friday night, the first time they had a party while she was here. She had no idea what to expect but she was ready to see if it was something she could actually do. Shady had told her what to expect, and even told her not to freak or be judgmental. She just had to keep an open mind, and understand that everything was the way it would be if she decided to stay. No one would change just because she had nowhere to go.

  She looked down at the clothes Shady loaned her. They weren’t her normal clothes. The rich brown leather pants hugged her hips like a glove and the matching top was corset with black ties in the back. The outfit was something she would have worn to work at the strip club, not out to a party. When Shady had worn the outfit, it had showed her Warrior Bitch tattoo on her breast. Freedom looked down and even though her breasts looked perky in the top, it was lacking.

  She stared at the boots she was supposed to wear. They were high heeled and she was certain she would fall on her ass. That would be embarrassing. With a sigh she sat down, suck it up, she thought. She needed to give this a shot.

  Shady said they would go downstairs for the first few hours, then they would move back to their floor if they didn’t see anyone that interested them. The guys would come up if they wanted her. Shady wasn’t sure she was ready for
a hookup tonight, so she told everyone hands off unless invited specifically. Creed had followed up with a warning at a meeting. It made her feel a little better about the situation though. She had been worried.

  Now the time had come for her actually to make a showing. She looked in the mirror and smiled at the way she looked, she did look hot, she thought. Her hair cascading down her shoulders, curling by itself, and her make-up a little heavier than normal, but it made her eyes look smoky. With the outfit, she looked like a completely different person.

  She slowly walked out into the main area and smiled at the guys that were sitting on the sectionals already drinking. Creed and Fork looked up and stared at her outfit; she almost turned around and went back to her room when they stared at her chest for too long.

  “Damn, Free,” Numbers said slowly, dragging the words out as he walked toward her. He grabbed her around the waist and turned her, holding out her arms with his as he looked at her. “You are one hot piece. The guys are gonna be tripping over themselves to get your attention.”

  She grinned and blushed, and said, “Thanks.”

  As she turned, he slapped her on the ass and she jumped and laughed. They were treating her like Shady, she thought until she saw the look on Easy’s and Poke’s faces. They were frowning and staring at each and then her. She had no clue to what she had done wrong but they were pissed about something.

  Creed nodded to her in approval and winked while Fork just stared at her. His look unnerved her and she shifted from foot to foot and finally said, “Uh, where is Shady?”

  Rock snorted from the bar and said, “Downstairs laying claim already to men she wants to possibly f*** tonight. Everyone knows Shady gets first pick of the guys.”

  Freedom frowned and then nodded. “Well, I will go and find her.”

  “Sit down, Free,” Easy snapped at her. “Shady is doing what she does, and doesn’t need any help from you to figure out who she is gonna put in her bed tonight.”

  Freedom felt her cheeks grow hot and looked at Creed who was just staring intently at Easy and Poke. No, she wasn’t going there, she thought and raised her head up. “F*** off, Easy.”

  The room was silent and then Creed snorted and shook his head. “Yep, I think we need to get used to another Bitch being up here.”

  Freedom shook her head and walked down the stairs in search of Shady. Damn them, she wasn’t going to be told what to do every second of every day anymore. She was a grownup woman. She had choices.


  Creed stared at his friends who were watching Freedom leave and he leaned back. “That the way it is?”

  Poke looked at their leader with a guarded look and Easy just glared. “Don’t know what you are talking about,” Easy finally said.

  “Yeah, you do, and either you do something about it, or someone else will. She is too hot to be alone in bed. Someone is gonna fill that spot, and I would guess once they do, you are gonna have to pry them out of her pussy,” Creed snarled.

  “Good for her,” Poke shrugged.

  Fork laughed loudly and looked at Creed. “Cool, you don’t wanna a piece of that, leaves more for the rest of us.”

  Easy growled, “She ain’t gonna decide tonight.”

  “You think,” Numbers said, joining the conversation with a laugh. “I, for one, am gonna try to convince her that tonight is the perfect night. Magnum and I have already been talking about it, we think we would be the best to initiate her into the club.”

  Poke and Easy looked at each other. Easy looked at the others with a stony expression. “Whatever.”

  “Right.” Creed nodded and stood. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  Excerpt from Bed of Roses

  Devil Savages MC Book One

  By Harley McRide

  Rose checked herself one last time in her rearview mirror, dabbing on a coat of lipstick before she headed into Devil’s Den. She wasn’t big on cosmetics, but had layered it on thick, complete with smoky eyes and red lipstick. Instead of the average girl next door that normally stared back at her, there was a hot woman she didn’t recognize. She felt sexy and just the boost she needed to follow through and not hightail it back to the safety of her house. The parking lot was packed, making her park all the way out on the back forty on the grass. There were so many bikes it put Sturgis to shame. Row after row of pure American muscle filled most of the area, leaving the last few rows for cars and trucks. When she stepped out of the car, her heels sunk in the mud making walking almost impossible. By the time she hit pavement, her calves were burning and she was pretty sure there were blisters swelling up on her heels.


  The roar of the crowd echoed out around her, amped up in bloodlust ready for the fights. The sounds clouded with the thick humidity making it hard to breathe. Rose sucked a gulp of the pollutant deep in her lungs to steady her nerves. She reached down and smoothed her clothing, thinking twice about her wardrobe choice, growing more and more apprehensive by the second. The little black leather mini skirt paired with black stilettos made her legs appear longer and leaner. She had chosen a pink tank top that dipped low in the front to accent her large chest and give an ample amount of cleavage without coming off too slutty. Standing there ready to face what waited ahead, she felt naked. Just as her nerves got the better of her and she was about to bolt, the door swung open. Rose looked up, staring at a towering Tonto.

  Tonto looked down at the little brunette, doing a double take at what he saw. Not much rattled him. He was surrounded by willing and ready snatch every day, and yet this little vanilla cupcake sucked his attention better than Red sucked cock, which said a lot considering the little cunt could suck a golf ball through a water hose while being double fucked in the ass, and without dribbling a single drop. The innocent little mouse was decked out looking good enough to eat. “You’re early. I’m surprised you showed.” His eyes roamed over her, taking in every hot little curve and dip. His height gave him a perfect view down her cleavage, making his balls draw up painfully tight. Fuck me. Where has this little sexy bitch been hiding? As his eyes finally made their way down to her legs, it took a conscious amount of restraint to keep from pinning her up against the wall and shoving the little skirt up her hips. He could almost feel her cunt squeezing around his cock.

  “I don’t believe in being late. Thank you again for seeing me.” She squared her shoulders, giving herself a false dose of confidence.

  “You’re good to see, baby.” He held the door open for her, locking his eyes on her ass as she swayed in front of him. Mmm. I might need to test out all her talents.

  Rose about tripped. Did Tonto, the President of the infamous Devil Savages, just flirt with her? She wanted to jump up and down, but despite looking like a total ass, she knew there was no way her tiny lace bra would keep the girls from bouncing out the top of her shirt. The moment she stepped through the doors, her senses went on overload. The walls were painted dark, leaving the main focal point the octagon ring in the middle of the stadium. On both sides were two semi-circle rows of seats, going up into the nosebleed section. People of all shapes and sizes were around her, dressed from business suits to tiny scraps of material barely covering nipple and crotch. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes invaded her nose making her sneeze. Her little ‘achoo’ came out in a squeak, getting an amused smirk from him over his shoulder. How the hell did he hear it over the deafening music and screams that blare from all directions? As they entered the main room, Rose was stopped by the crowd. Tonto took her hand and stepped forward, parting them like the Red Sea. People literally stepped on top of each other to get out of his way. She knew he was intimidating, but this was ridiculous. Girls jumped out at him from every direction, offering drinks and rubbing against him like bitches in heat. If she weren’t so shell-shocked, she would have puked.

  He led her to the back and up a narrow dim staircase that led into a long corridor. He unlocked the first door to their left and ushered her inside, shutting it behind them. Insid
e wasn’t exactly what she was expecting. The flooring had black plush carpet that worked great with the blood red walls and black leather furniture. A huge flat screen television perched on the far wall, taking up the entire space. In the corner was a desk with a door directly behind it. It was…comfortable. “Have a seat.” He waltzed over and plopped down on the couch, staring at her in wait. She jumped and scurried to the chair that sat opposite of him and sat on the edge, her body rigid and uptight. His stare lingered, penetrating her. The longer the silence dragged on, the more she seized up.

  She couldn’t stand it any longer. “Is there something I should be doing? I didn’t see a fridge, but would you like something to drink?” He didn’t answer. His grey eyes cut straight to her soul. Why is he not talking? What did I do wrong? Please don’t let this be one of those places that expects sexual favors. No job is worth that. I’ll just have to double up hours at the diner…maybe I can get something down at the factory. Yeah, time to go…before this gets ugly. “Look, I’m sorry for wasting your time. I can see that I’m not qualified for the job so I’ll just be going now. Thanks again for your time.” She stood and took a step toward the door when he finally broke his monk silence.

  “Sit. Here.” He pointed to the cushion next to him. The corners of his lips tilted up ever so slightly, breaking his stone-cold poker face. All of her radars went off at the same time. She had heard about people who had set up fake interviews and schemed the potential interviewees into participating in sexual acts then found it uploaded on the internet before they even got home. Fuck to the no. She was not going to be an amateur porn star, no matter how much money they promised. Her mother on the other hand would have jumped on the opportunity. Maybe she should pass the word…at least the woman would be helping with the bills. She kept her legs spread and was on her back most of the time anyway. Anger raged through Rose at not only the situation but her thoughts too. Had he heard about her mom? Is that why he called her in here? Fuck, her life was one huge white trash train wreck with no light at the end of the tunnel except the oncoming engine that threatened to plow her into hell. Whether it was pent up anger and hurt from the last twenty-three years of her existence or fear of never getting out and having a life, she exploded.


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