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Dirty DNA 2: 'Til Death Do Us Part (G Street Chronicles Presents)

Page 12

by BlaQue

  “Ne…Sssssssss Ne…Neko, I love you!” Pinky screamed tightening her pussy muscles around my dick. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I came and we both slid down the wall collapsing on the floor panting and sweating.

  “Dammit girl! A nigga is gonna have to start working out fucking with your ole flexible ass!” I said.

  I kissed her forehead and we both made our way to her room. I opened the windows to let in the fresh air and out went the thoughts of Natalie, NiQue and the conversation I was supposed to have with them both.

  I eyed Pinky as she jiggled her ass inviting me to another round. Before I joined her in the bed I powered off my cell phone because I damn sure didn’t want anyone to knock our groove.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Reaction Band

  “Drop That Thang”


  Crack and I were on I-85 north heading back to the DMV. He had rented a piece of shit Camary that wouldn’t draw any attention to the Feds. So far everything was working out in our favor. We didn’t speed, and we didn’t even twist up any of that good Georgia bud we had packed away in our bags. We were trying to get back home without any incidents or issues.

  I thought it would have been better if we left during at night to avoid the cops; but Crack insisted that we leave during the day so when we finally arrived in the DMV it would be well after midnight. We were pretty much on schedule when I checked the dash. It read 10:12 p.m. and we were due to touchdown in DC in about two hours.

  I tried calling NiQue again, and every time I got her voicemail it made me want to fuck her up. I needed her to know I was on my way home and I wanted to make sure there weren’t any cops posted up outside of the house. I would hate to get caught before I found out who was trying to fuck up my life.

  Crack was cruising listening to some demo of some young cats that were trying to get put on. I had my game face on and was anxious to get home and handle this shit. I wasn’t a sucker by far, and the media was making me out to be not only a sucker, but a murderer too.

  “You aight man?” Crack asked.

  “Yeah. I’m aight. Just ready to get home and handle this shit.

  “Have you heard from your girl? How is she holding up?” Crack asked keeping his eyes trained on the road.

  “Your guess is as good as mine. I haven’t heard shit from her.” As I answered Crack I couldn’t help but wonder myself what NiQue was doing, and how my daughter was. I hadn’t heard shit from them since all of this shit started.

  We had had been driving for almost seven hours and were about to hit Richmond when I heard the sirens and looked back and saw the lights flashing in the rear view mirror. Panic surged throughout my body.

  “Oh shit! We weren’t speeding or anything. Maybe they are pulling us over on some bullshit. Just let me do the talking and don’t say shit!” Crack said pulling the car over to the side of the road.

  Being from the hood, he was already prepared for the routine. He slowly reached in the console between the driver and passenger seats and obtained his wallet along with the rental car paperwork as the officer approached the window.

  “Good evening officer. May I ask why you pulled us over?” Crack asked calmly.

  I tried to avoid eye contact with his cracker ass. My appearance was a cop magnet. I looked like what most people would classify as thug, hood or ghetto. It was times like these that made me wish I didn’t have these dreads, expensive clothes, jewelry and most of the attitude of a street nigga.

  The officer was looking from me to Crack and then he settled his gaze on me. He had his hand on the butt of his gun and I knew his country trigger happy ass was going to shoot if we didn’t comply with any demand he was going to make.

  “Can you give me your license and registration; and will the passenger please step out of the car and place your hands on the roof of the car where I can see them,” he demanded.

  “Officer, may I ask what this is all about?” Crack asked again handing the officer his license and the paperwork from the rental car company.

  “Come on now son, I think you already know why I am pulling you over. If you don’t know then you will find out sooner rather than later.” he said never taking his eyes off of me. His country accent reminded me of one of those old western movies. There was no mistaking it. This pig knew who I was and he was going to bust my ass. I wasn’t going to make it back to DC without being in cuffs.

  Before I could even blink, Crack had swung the driver’s side door open and hit the officer in the midsection with the door; knocking the cop on his ass. Crack jumped out of the driver’s side of the car. My shock finally wore off and I started to react. I ran around to where the cop was trying to get himself up off of the ground. I sent my fist crashing into his face, knocking him back on the ground. Crack removed his gun from its holster and tossed it on the side of the road.

  “You still ain’t telling me why you pulled us over officer.” Crack taunted the officer who was rolling around the ground holding his nose that was gushing with blood.

  “Fuck man! You broke my fucking nose. I was just following orders. Half the God damn country is looking for his ass!” The cop said pointing at me with blood dripping from his nose.

  “Please don’t kill me!” he said whimpering. His eyes were wide and they were begging for us not to harm him.

  Crack grabbed the officer up like a ragdoll and stood him up on his wobbly feet. He grabbed the officer’s cuffs and keys. He cuffed his hands behind his back and walked him to the rear of the patrol car and shoved him in the backseat then he locked and slammed the doors. He jogged back to where I was standing and looked at me like I had lost my mind.

  “Why the fuck are you still standing there? Get in the fucking car and let’s go! Are you waiting on his backup to come and get you? We barely got out of this shit. I don’t know about you, but I am getting the fuck out of here! We still have about two hours before we hit DC. Hopefully this bought us some time to get home.” Crack said scooping up his license off of the ground where the cop had dropped it along with the rental car information.

  We could hear the cop screaming for help in the back of the cruiser. I finally got my ass in gear and got in the car and Crack pulled off before I could even shut my door.

  “Shit, they know we left Georgia and are headed back home. What are we going to do?” I was in a panic and couldn’t think straight. How the fuck did they know we had left?

  “I got an idea. NiQue told me that detective that had been snooping around when YaYa died came past the house the other day. I bet he knows something about this shit.” I said aloud.

  Crack had pulled off of I-85 and had decided to take some country back roads since we were less likely to be detected. I snatched up his cell phone and frantically dialed NiQue’s number. I even tried the house which was something I didn’t want to do. I didn’t know if they had the house phones tapped or not, but I had to gamble to find out what I needed to know. After several rings and no answer I officially gave up on NiQue. She was either running the streets, or avoiding me; and either way she wasn’t holding me down like she should have been.

  “Dunny, what’s the game plan?” Crack asked, concentrating on the roads and watching every approaching vehicle like a hawk.

  “The plan is to get home and find Detective Gatsby. Fuck it, they are already looking for me, I might as well go the one place they wouldn’t expect me to go…to the police station!”

  Crack smiled a sick ass smile to let me know he was all in.

  “Let’s do it then. Fucking around with you Dread, Queen is going to kill me! I think I am more afraid of her than these sucker ass cops.” Crack said referring to his wife who was going to go berserk when she found out what had happened. Queen stood about 4’11”, but she was fiery and didn’t play that shit when it came to her husband. If she found out about this shit she would probably be ready to beat the shit out of the both of us. As far as I know, Crack had been avoiding her so she couldn’t ask him too many questions ab
out the police looking for me. She would have demanded that we brought our asses home and went straight to our lawyers. Queen was from uptown DC, but the way she carried herself you would never know it. She was about her money and her family; and if you fucked with either then she would be like a lioness protecting her cubs.

  With a plan in motion I felt a little more at ease. I cranked up the music and, “Out of Luck” poured through the speakers. Secretly I hoped I wasn’t out of luck!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Junkyard Band (JYB)

  “Loose Booty”

  Detective Gatsby

  I was sitting at my desk as usual. I was on pins and needles. The results from the DNA would be back any day now. I had already planned on taking out half of the Forensics Team if I had to in order to keep my secret.

  The phone rang from somewhere under the piles of garbage I had on the desk. I pushed paper and food containers to the side trying to locate the ringing phone.

  “Detective Gatsby, speak to me.” I answered.

  I immediately started to panic once I heard the voice on the other end.

  “John, they got away. They jumped me when I pulled them over.”

  “How the hell did they get away? Why didn’t you shoot them?” I asked my cousin Patrick who was a rookie cop on the force in Petersburg, Virginia.

  “When I ordered the guy, Ronald, out of the car, the other guy in the car hit me. They took my gun and cuffed me and left me in the back of my squad car. Thank God someone noticed my car on the road and got me out of there. Sorry John.”

  That was all I heard before I slammed the phone on the cradle. I didn’t want to hear any more. I was starting to wonder if this dude Dread had an “S” on his chest because he kept getting away from me no matter how many obstacles I put in his path. It was time for me to really take matters into my own hands. Shit was getting thick and unless I wanted to take the fall for that girl’s death, I had better do something about his ass quick.

  I fumbled around my desk trying to locate a phone number I wished like hell I didn’t have to use. I found the piece of paper that had coffee stains and all kinds of other shit on it. I dialed the number and waited for who I knew would answer.

  “Yo,” the voice on the other end of the line said.

  “Smash.” That was all I had to say. The voice on the other end knew exactly what it meant and I knew all hell was going to break loose.

  I didn’t even wait for a response because I knew there would be none. I hung up the phone and gathered my things. I knew what I had set into motion couldn’t be taken back. It was time to make my exit for the day. I snatched up my belongings, including my picture of Anona. It was my favorite. She had a beautiful smile that could move mountains. Her eyes sparkled like diamonds. She was my version of this life’s perfection and she was no longer here. I knew she was disappointed in my actions. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Baby, look what I have become. I know you are looking down on me from heaven and I know you are ashamed of my behavior. Why did you leave me? My life ain’t been shit without you Anona. Please forgive me.” I said aloud.

  I wiped the tears from my clouded eyes and headed out of the door. There was nothing I could do to stop the chaos I had already created.


  I was sitting in a café around the corner of my apartment. I was pushing french fries across the plate. I wasn’t really hungry. The indigestion and heartburn from my nervousness were making it so I didn’t want to eat anything. Suddenly my cell phone rang, startling me.

  “Hello.” I said into the phone.

  “Smashed. It’s done.” Then the line went dead.

  I wanted to run out of the café but I had to remain calm. I had to keep my wits about me. I waved to the waitress who took her time making her way over to me. I got the check and waited for her to bring me my change. I wasn’t giving her rude ass a tip either. I sat there looking around nervously like someone was going to come for me. I knew no one was coming from me, I was just paranoid.

  The waitress finally brought her slow ass back to my table and handed me my change. She stood there like I had forgotten something. I got up from my seat and walked past her. She sucked her teeth and mumbled what sounded like, “cheap ass mutha fucker” under her breath. Paying her no attention, I headed out of the door, got into my car, and drove home. I all but ran up the steps to my lonely apartment. I grabbed the bottle of Pinnacle off of the kitchen counter.

  I turned on the television and plopped down in my worn-down leather recliner and unscrewed the cap to the plastic bottle. I took a swig of the cheap vodka and fished around in the couch for the remote. Once I found it, I flipped through the channels until I found what I was looking for.

  A reporter appeared on the screen.

  “Bryan, can you tell me what’s going on down there?”

  Sarah it looks like the 5th District Police Department is burning to the ground. I am sure you can imagine the chaos out here right now. The fire has engulfed the entire building. The firefighters you see behind me are working feverishly to put out the flames.

  They have had to pull out of the rescue efforts because the fire spread so fast and furious. The fire chief said every attempt was made to preserve life, it was just too dangerous to continue the search and rescue mission without jeopardizing the lives of the men and women battling the blaze.”

  “Bryan, do they know what started the blaze?”

  “No Sarah, but my sources tell me that apparently an accelerant was used to jumpstart the fire. The fire is so ferocious and so out of control that they are afraid there are no survivors here at the 5th District. This is a tragic day indeed. My sources also tell me that the police chief has called an all hands on deck. She has called in backup from each district and has also put in a call to the mayor to bring in reinforcements from the National Guard.

  Sarah, you have got to wonder what type of animal would start a blaze like this and not have a guilty conscious. We will keep you updated on the situation as it unfolds.

  I turned the television off and sunk deeper into the chair. I felt the smile pulling at the corners of my mouth and I didn’t even fight the urge to break out into an all-out grin. I guess the Forensics Team would have to dig a little deeper to catch a killer. I hated that so many innocent people were harmed to keep my ugly secret, but it was survival of the fittest out here. I couldn’t go down for a mistake.

  I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out my next moves. I had to figure out how to catch Ronald Evans. He had proven to be elusive time and time again, but he would slip up, and when he did I would be right there to make sure he fell hard on his ass!

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Experience Unlimited (EU)

  “Buck Wild”


  I woke up in the middle of the night and Pinky was gone. That didn’t surprise me. She said she had to go and handle some business. I took the time to make the phone call I needed to make to Natalie and straighten this shit out with her. Even though it was 1:00 a.m. in the morning, I knew she would take my call. She never denied me.

  I sparked a J and went to the living room to make sure that if Pinky came home I could end the call before she got in the front door without her knowing I had been talking to another woman. I took a seat on the plush couch and called Natalie. Just like I suspected, she answered on the first ring.

  “Wassup shawty?”

  “Hey Neko. I am glad you called because we need to talk.” she said giving up much attitude.

  “Natalie what is this I am hearing about you going on my folks in my place of business. That shit doesn’t sit well with me. I told you before that NiQue is nothing more than my friend. She was my sister’s best friend and there ain’t shit between us.” I said before she could even get a word in.

  “Baby, I’m sorry about all that but there is something else you need to know. That bitch is crazy! I know I shouldn’t have spazzed on her like that, but you know
I get jealous when it comes to you.” She cooed into the phone.

  I hated when she did that shit. She was a grown woman and had no business acting like that. I could hear someone knocking on her door.

  “Baby hold on and let me get that.” Natalie said.

  I couldn’t make out much that was going on in the background, but I could hear Natalie asking whoever her visitor was what they were doing there. There were sounds of a scuffle and then I heard Natalie scream.

  “Please someone help me!” she screamed.

  Her screams continued until they were no more and there was nothing but silence. I held the phone pressed to my ear trying to hear if someone was still there. I was rushing around the condo trying to put on clothes and find my keys, never disconnecting the call. There was a loud dragging sound. I could hear what sounded like a woman laughing and then the phone went dead.

  My adrenaline kicked in to overdrive. I went to Pinky’s closet and pulled out a chrome .357 Magnum, stuffed it into my waistband, and I rushed out the door. I was calling Natalie’s phone as I made my way through the DC streets, but she never answered. I feared she was hurt and I needed to get to her. I can’t explain why I felt like I needed to help her being that she was nothing more than my employee and my sexual gratification from time to time, but I was getting fed up with losing people. It was fucking with my manhood that everyone I came in contact with mysteriously turned up dead.

  I drove beyond the speed limits praying that I didn’t get pulled over. I pulled up to her house and hopped out of the car with the keys still in the ignition and the engine running. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me to her front door that was slightly ajar. I pushed the door open and called out Natalie’s name. There was no answer, which heightened my fear. I had seen enough foul shit over the past year to last me a lifetime. I had learned my lesson and never walk into some shit blind. Natalie could have pissed anybody off and they came in and fucked her up and left her for dead. I didn’t know what to expect.


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