Blood Bond
Page 9
Soren’s stomach tightened at Addie’s name. He noticed Rodar watching him and shook off the feeling.
“I am sorry I was not there when Adaline or your mother died. I would have done what I could.” Rodar avoided both their gazes. He shifted restlessly. “I had better go. There is much to do before tomorrow.”
Jerrick waited until the older man had left the room. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know,” Soren said honestly. “I can’t think of a reason he would lie about knowing her.” He looked curiously at Jerrick. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to invite you back to Kenton. Come have dinner with Lyla and me.”
Soren shook his head. “Thanks for the offer but I should stay here. They said something about a room and a stall or something for Dex. I need to make sure he gets settled.”
Jerrick smiled.
“Nothing. It is nice to see you caring for someone else besides yourself for once.” Jerrick offered the blade to him. “Please take it. I will feel better if you have it with you.”
Soren took it and slipped it into his belt. He walked to the door with Jerrick by his side. They walked in silence until they entered the courtyard. Dex’s red hide gleaned in the afternoon light. Soren noted his color was almost back to normal and supposed he would be ready to Blink in the morning. Jerrick followed his gaze.
“How does it feel to be linked to a dragon?”
Soren considered the question for a few minutes. He definitely cared about Dex, and the feeling only seemed to be getting stronger. A part of him wished it wasn’t so. He wished he could go his own way. Then he recalled the way talking to Dex when he had been captured the first time had reassured him and how the dragon had risked Blinking to save him. Soren sighed. He was becoming dependent on the dragon. There was obviously no going back now.
Chapter Twelve
All afternoon, the desire to get away, to be by himself, increased. Soren was not used to this many people around, let alone people depending on him as preparations were made for tomorrow’s journey. He yearned to slip off to the tavern or even a brief visit to Nina but under such close supervision, he knew these weren’t options. That didn’t stop his desire. Nor did it stop the intense craving for the bitter taste of ale or the momentary fogginess it brought.
It was later that evening when the desire for a drink became unbearable. Soren paced the room he had been assigned. All he could think about was going to a tavern. Without another thought, he opened the door and left. As he strode down the hall, he knew there was little chance he would be allowed to leave the palace. Frustrated, he walked into the courtyard with the notion of checking on Dex.
The cool air hit his face as his eyes adjusted to the darkened area. He heard laughter before seeing the three guards who stood around a fire pit. One of them reached for his sword as Soren approached. He moved into the light, and the guard relaxed.
“Ah…it is the dragon rider,” he said to his friends and laughed. “Come join us.”
It was the sight of the cups they were holding and what they might contain that had him stepping forward without another thought.
“Have a drink.” A cup was thrust into his hand. “Anyone brave enough to fly on one of those beasts deserves a drink.”
Soren smiled and drank. The bitter taste burned his throat and warmed his stomach.
The guard to his right tossed his cup to the ground. “I am not hanging around with the likes of him.” He stomped away.
“Don’t mind, Serge,” one of the guards said. “He is just jealous about a rook being allowed in the strategy meetings.”
The other man chuckled. “Probably thinks he should be there. I am Holten, and this is Baxter.” He refilled Soren’s cup. “What is it like flying up there?”
The image of the ground as he dangled from Dex’s claws flashed through his mind. “Terrifying at first.”
Holten grinned. “My grandfather was one of the last dragon riders. I grew up listening to tales of his exploits and wishing I could be one too. So if you ever need someone else to become a dragon rider, let me know.”
Soren glanced from Holton to Baxter, unsure what to say.
Baxter held up his hands. “Not me. I will keep my feet on the ground.”
And much to Soren’s relief, the two began complaining about the disruption the dragons had caused and speculating about their roles with the upcoming battle. He swallowed more ale and began to relax. It felt good to once more be in the companionship of others who shared his taste for ale. It was also good to forget about everything else and lose himself in the drink.
“Soren! There you are.”
He opened his eyes and squinted at Emery.
“What?” he muttered as his mind tried to make sense of the fact she was standing in front of him. His head pounded.
“You weren’t in your room. I thought maybe you had snuck out to the tavern.”
Dimly, he recalled the ale from last night. “Or you thought I might have run off.” He sat up, his hand immediately grasping his head as the scene in front of him swirled. He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them to glance at the sleeping dragon behind him. “I came to check on Dex last night. I guess I fell asleep out here.”
Emery smiled. “Sure.” Her eyes flirted toward the open door to the small room attached to the stall. Clearly visible was a thin cot. “Something wrong with the cot?”
Soren stood, brushing a few stray pieces of hay from his pants. He barely remembered stumbling into the stall last night. The last thing he recalled was falling down beside Dex. He stepped out into the courtyard, squinting at the sunlight.
Emery hurried to catch up with him. “Don’t be annoyed with me. I was joking. I think it is sweet you sleep next to Dex.” He shot her a look, and she held up her hands. “Ok, sweet might not be the best word. Is it so hard for you to admit you like Dex?” She sniffed the air and then leaned in and sniffed him. “You were out drinking last night.”
“What of it? I didn’t leave the palace, and I am here now.”
Emery frowned as she slowly shook her head. “I have seen the results from drinking. You aren’t all here. Your head is pounding. Your judgement is compromised now but not as much as I bet it was last night. And the crazy thing is you will keep doing it and doing it over and over again.”
“You seem to know a lot about this. Who drank? Your father?”
Emery shook her head. “My Uncle. He drank often, and it always ended the same way. And my Aunt turned a blind eye to anything he did during his drinking spells. Nothing good comes from drinking.”
She spun and walked away from him. His briefly considered going after her, but his head pounded. Movement within the stall had him turning to see Dex staring at him.
“I didn’t say anything, though I agree with Emery’s distaste for the after-effects of your drinking.”
Soren sighed. A familiar feeling crept in as he crossed the courtyard to return to his room. It was as it always was. He never did anything right. The desire for ale rose in him as he hastily packed his supplies. He knew there would be no more chance for that. His fingers brushed against the flask Holden had pushed on him last night. He pulled it from his pocket, staring at it for a moment before stuffing it into his bag. Before he could change his mind, he walked over to the table and splashed some cool water on his face from the bowl left out for cleaning up.
A knock at the door startled him. He dried his face as a guard from the other side announced the final meeting was about to start. Soren tucked his brother’s dagger into his belt. He grabbed his bag and left.
The meeting and the other preparations were a blur. He tried to stop his head from pounding and found concentration eluded him. Outside, the sunlight stabbed his eyes. He saw Emery cross the courtyard carrying Agnot’s harness. She had avoided him at the meeting. He quickly crossed to her. He stopped a few feet away and watched as she struggle
d to figure out how the harness should go on Agnot. She had never helped him put on Dex’s harness.
“You want help?”
She frowned at him. “No.” She spent a few more minutes rotating the harness one way and then another as she tried to figure out which end to throw over the dragon. Finally, she sighed and turned back to him. She held out the harness.
Soren stepped forward and explained the steps of putting the harness on and adjusting the straps for herself and Rodar. Emery only spoke when she had a question, and as soon as they were done, she turned and walked away. He raced after her, grabbing her arm. She swung around to face him.
“I don’t like leaving while you are mad,” he said.
Emery didn’t speak for a moment, and then she huffed. “I don’t like being mad, but I am.” She turned away, taking a few steps before glancing back at him. “Be safe, Soren.”
“I will. The same goes for you.”
Those last few words were said to her retreating back. He watched her walk away before returning to get Dex ready. Jerrick stood beside the red dragon. As he approached, Soren had the distinct impression the two were having a silent conversation.
Jerrick smiled. “I came to wish you and Dex well on your journey.” His eyes flickered to the dagger strapped to Soren’s side. “I expect you to return that to me when this is over.”
“If I am alive to, I will.”
Jerrick sighed. “Don’t say things like that. You can do this.”
Before Soren could respond, Rodar walked over, carrying Dex’s harness.
“I knew you would be needing this. I am sure I will be singing praises to the harness you made for Agnot,” the older man said as his eyes traveled to the golden dragon. “I can’t believe I am about to do this.” He let out a slow breath before facing Soren. “Good luck on your mission.”
“And to you on yours.”
Rodar looked from Soren to Jerrick. “I do think your mother would be proud of both of you.” Suddenly, he seemed uncomfortable. He muttered something about praying to the Gods before leaving with Emery and left the two of them staring after him as he walked away.
“I do think he has a fear of flying,” Jerrick said.
“I can’t say I blame him.” Soren tossed the harness over Dex. “It isn’t easy being that high. It is hard not to worry about falling.”
“I would never let that happen.”
“Thanks, Dex, but I am not going up without a harness.” He ran his fingers over the leather to straighten it. His fingers caught on a section. He pulled at it, turning it over.
“What's that?” Jerrick moved closer. “That isn’t from normal wear.”
“It has been cut but not all the way.”
Soren’s eyes sought out Rodar. His mind flashed back to an image of the man attacking him in the armory. He had claimed he was only testing Soren’s skill level. But was he? Soren pulled the harness from Dex’s back.
“You don’t think it was Rodar, do you?” Jerrick asked, noting Soren was staring at the older man.
“We don’t know anything about him. He says he is a family friend, but neither of us remember him.” Soren glanced around the courtyard. His eyes settled on the guard from the previous night that left abruptly. “There are also people like the guard over there that don’t like dragon riders.”
He quickly told his brother about the man’s comments from last night.
“Just because he has a problem with you doesn’t mean he would go so far as to cut the harness.”
“No, it doesn’t,” Soren said. “The harness wasn’t locked up. Many people had access to it. Anyone could have tampered with it.”
“It is lucky you noticed it here before you went up. I hate to think of it breaking while you are in the air.”
“I would have kept him safe,” Dex said, sounding hurt.
“I am sure you would.” Soren patted the dragon’s side. He noted Cane, the wizard, watching him. “And there is another I don’t know if I trust.”
Jerrick followed his eyes. “Ah, yes, he is an odd fellow, but I don’t see him doing this. I would expect him to use magic and make you and Dex disappear.”
He laughed. “True. I had better repair this.”
“I’ll go get a new strap.” Jerrick glanced toward the wizard who had now been joined by the King and General Thayer. “If they ask, I’ll make up something about why you are delayed.”
“Thanks,” Soren said.
The sound of Agnot’s wings beating had him turning to watch the golden dragon take off. Emery didn’t look his way. His eyes lingered on Rodar for a moment, wondering if he was sending Emery off with someone who meant to do him harm.
“Agnot will watch out for her.”
“I know, Dex. But if Rodar is the one to cut the harness…I didn’t check Agnot’s harness that closely.”
“If he values his life, he wouldn’t do anything.”
“True.” But Soren couldn’t help but worry even after Agnot Blinked.
Chapter Thirteen
The blue sky once again reappeared. Soren took a deep breath. He wasn't sure he would ever get used to the abruptness of Blinking. Dex tilted his wings. In the distance, Baycliff lay in ruin. As with the village in Sholar, no buildings were left standing. All that was left was a smoldering mess. The destruction went further. To the north of the village lay the remnants of the battle between the army and the dragons. Numerous bodies - both human and dragon - lay scattered across the ground. Both bore burn marks giving a clue to their demise. He tore his eyes away from the morbid scene.
Some distance from the battle field, two dozen dragons congregated. Dex circled over them. They sat in a semi-circle facing a large dragon with deep brown scales. A slightly smaller golden dragon sat a few paces behind and to the right of the larger dragon.
“Warnox, the leader of the dragons, is the one in the center. The golden one is his mate Rakkah.”
Soren couldn’t take his eyes off the dragons. Most were brown or gold, though there were three other reds like Dex. As the dragon landed, Soren wondered what the protocol was here. He didn’t have time to dwell on that as he slid to the ground. All eyes were on him as he moved to stand next to Dex.
“Warnox,” Dex said, inclining his head. “This is Soren Blackfist.”
The large brown dragon inclined his head briefly at Dex before looking at him. “Welcome, Soren Blackfist. I hope by your presence your King has agreed to ally with the dragons.”
He opened his mouth. Dex stopped him before he could speak.
“Speak to him silently as you do with me.”
“Yes,” Soren said to Warnox. “The King agrees the approaching army is a concern for us all. He has a plan.” He faltered in his speaking as Rakkah edged closer. “He wants to set up a diversion attack in Glenadad to slow the army while the main attack will be staged at Camden.”
As he explained the King’s plan, Rakkah crept closer until she was beside mate. Her eyes never left Soren. Her tail twitched. Slowly, she leaned down until her head was level with his. He shuffled his feet, uncomfortable with the dragon’s scrutiny. Dex shifted closer.
“We don’t need his help,” Rakkah growled. “We should not be relying on these…these men after all they have done to us.”
“Rakkah, we all know your opinion on this,” Warnox said. “My decision has been made. We will join forces with man once again.”
Rakkah leaned closer, sniffing deeply at Soren’s clothes. She bared her teeth slightly as she inhaled again. Soren’s stomach tightened as he took in her sharp teeth. He stepped backwards, bumping into Dex.
“You share a Blood Bond,” she hissed as her tail whipped back and forth.
Suddenly, an intense feeling of anger surged through Soren’s body. Dex charged forward, hissing and baring his teeth at Rakkah.
“It is no concern of yours,” Dex said.
Warnox roared. He slammed his tail. The ground shook. Soren covered his ears as the brown dragon roared again. Both Rak
kah and Dex immediately backed away from each other. Dex moved close to Soren, who leaned on the dragon. He felt reassured by the dragon’s presence.
“What is this?” Warnox asked. He too leaned forward to smell Soren. He raised his head, looking at Dex. “How did this happen? We sent you to set up an alliance, not to reestablish this link.”
“It was not our intention,” Dex said. He flipped his tail in front of Soren. “We were both wounded.”
Dex and Warnox glared at each other.
Rakkah growled, “You should have been more careful.”
“It wasn’t planned.” Dex scowled at the golden dragon.
Warnox’s eyes flickered from Dex to Soren. “Nothing to be done about it now.” He looked at the other dragons.
Soren was sure the brown dragon was speaking to them, but he couldn’t hear what he said. Instead, he turned to Dex. “Why the outrage about the Blood Bond? I am not saying I was thrilled when I first found out either but why are they upset?”
“I do not know. I think it has something to do with the fallout between man and dragon. I know someone who might know. Let’s go.”
He climbed on Dex’s back. The dragon leapt from the ground and glided over to a brown dragon that sat a short distance outside the large circle of dragons but had watched the proceedings closely. His eyes were on Dex as the red dragon landed.
“Reddex. I see your mission was a success,” the dragon said, staring curiously at Soren as he dismounted.
“Yes, it was. Soren, this is Barth, my father and one of Warnox’s brothers.”
Soren’s jaw dropped. “You're royalty?”
Dex chuckled. “Dragon and man have different rules about what constitutes royalty. Here Warnox’s father did rule but not as a King. He ruled because he competed and was the best. Any of his children, including my father, could have succeeded him if they won the competition. When Warnox’s time of ruling comes to a close, any of his children can compete, but I have no claim to the leadership.” Dex turned to Barth. “I have a question.”