Blood Bond
Page 29
“That is why you are here,” Dex said. “Yes, the others will fight but without the scepter, without stopping the Southern dragons, many will die.”
The memory of the bodies of the men and dragons outside of Baycliff flashed before his eyes. He imagined Dex’s body lying among the dead. His heart pounded as his stomach twisted.
“Our tree cover will end soon,” Dex said, interrupting his thoughts. “Prepare to Blink.”
“No!” Soren shook his head. “I am not ready.”
“You can do this.”
He gulped for air as his chest tightened. “I don’t think I can.”
“But I do. Now prepare to Blink.”
Soren took a deep breath. Dex’s words replayed in his mind as did those from Warnox, Rodar and Bevin. Even his brother’s words now came back to him. All of them had essentially said the same thing. They believed in him. They didn’t see him as a failure. His father’s sneer flashed before his eyes. He pushed it away before doubt could settle in again.
“It is almost time! Unhook Kiara!”
Soren pushed all thoughts from his mind as he unhooked Kiara’s safety strap. He saw the flash of fear in her eyes. He reached for his own strap, hesitating. As always, he remembered the feeling of falling. His fingers shook slightly as he unlatched the strap.
Dex’s voice echoed in his mind as the darkness surrounded him. But almost immediately the light was back. No longer did he think of anything but their mission. He slid off Dex, tucking and rolling as he hit the ground. Kiara landed next to him. They scrambled toward a boulder a few feet away.
Soren glanced up, his eyes immediately seeking out Dex as the dragon flew over the wizard. A Southern dragon flew straight toward him. The brown beast opened its jaws, shooting a fire ball at Dex. The red dragon Blinked. Soren searched the sky but didn’t see Dex reappear.
Movement caught his eye, and he turned his attention to Samaren. She stood several paces away with her back to him. She wore the same dark hooded robe she had been wearing the last time he saw her. The wind blew, causing her hood to billow out. A few long dark tendrils escaped.
Kiara grabbed his arm, pulling him behind the rock. She circled her finger in the air. He nodded. She slipped away, crouching below the brush. Soren went the other direction, passing a man lying on the ground. The soldier gasped for breath as he clutched the arrow protruding from his chest courtesy of Kincade.
Soren paused behind another boulder, looking up the small hill. Samaren’s black robes whirled around her ankles. Watching the sky, she raised her hand. She waved the scepter, sending dragons after Thella and Dubbin.
He reached into his pouch and pulled out a vial. The murky green liquid glistened inside. Soren stood, heaving it toward the wizard. As it flew, she turned. The vial hit the ground. Instead of breaking, it bounced, stopping right by her boot. Samaran looked down at it and then back at Soren. She stuck out her hand. A bolt of light flashed toward him, strikng him square in the chest. Soren expected pain but instead his chest tingled.
Samaren stepped forward, pushing back her hood. Her face was smooth and pale. Her long black hair was pulled back, but a few tendrils had escaped and framed her face. Her dark eyes stared at him as her thin lips curved into a grotesque smile.
“I knew you were there, but I didn’t realize you had magic.” She bent down, retrieving the vial. “A restricting potion.”
She tossed it, breaking it at his feet. The murky liquid splashed onto his boots. Soren attempted to step back but his feet were frozen to the ground. They felt numb. The feeling spread up his legs. His hand went for his dagger but as his fingers touched the blade, they too began to prickle.
Samaren stepped forward, tucking the scepter in her belt. She pulled a long-curved dagger from within her robes. Soren swallowed hard. He struggled to move as the numb feeling reached his waist and spread to his chest. He caught sight off Kiara but shook his head slightly. Samaren whirled as she followed his gaze. The numbness reached the necklace. As soon as it touched it, a bright flash of light radiated outward. The force knocked Samaren to the ground. The numbness faded, and Soren could move again.
The wizard rolled over. Her eyes focused on the stone hanging from the leather strap. “Not a wizard.” She flipped her hand toward Kiara, who soared backward, hitting the ground hard. “And not alone.”
As Kiara climbed to her feet, Soren reached into his bag for another potion. He pulled out the yellow vial. He threw it as hard as he could at a rock at Samaren’s feet. A yellow cloud puffed out of the broken shards, swelling and growing until it restricted his view of the wizard.
He ran to Kiara. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “The scepter is where we want it. You need to distract her, so I can get it. Taunt her.”
“Taunt her. Keep her focus on you.” She shoved him. “Go before the smoke clears.”
They each ran in a different direction. And while the thick yellow smoke hid Samaren from his view, he hoped it also hid him from her. He took a chance to glance at the battle. He saw massive amounts of men fighting. Southern dragons shot fire balls killing scores of men on the ground. Aria and Thella approached one of the Southern dragons, each from opposite sides. They breathed out a stream of fire at the beast’s wings. The creature roared with pain.
A strong wind blasted Soren’s back. He whirled around to see Samaren standing behind him. The yellow cloud gone. She waved her hand at him. A look of indignation crossed her face when her magic failed to affect him.
“Ah, not so powerful now,” Soren said, taking a few steps to his right, noting her eyes followed him.
“It has nothing to do with my power.” She gestured to the stone hanging against his chest. “That won’t protect you forever. Pommer stones have limited power. I doubt it can take much more.”
A bolt of blue shot out of her fingertips. Soren dove to the side, hitting the ground. He rolled quickly to his feet. Samaren shot out another bolt. It hit him in the chest.
He looked down. Half of the pommer stone hung from the necklace. The other half lay at his feet. Samaren laughed as she shot another bolt of energy at his chest. Pain surged through his body. He dropped to the ground. He opened his mouth to cry out, but no sound escaped his lips. Withering from side to side, Soren thought he heard Dex as the world began to dim.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Soren opened his eyes. Samaren stood over him. In her hand, she clutched her dagger. She raised it as Kiara crept up behind the wizard. Slowly, she reached out for the scepter still tucked in the wizard’s belt.
Soren’s eyes flickered back to Samaren’s face. Though she stared at him, she tilted her head slightly. Suddenly, she twirled around grabbing Kiara’s wrist. With her other hand, she swung the dagger down. Kiara tried to wrench her hand away, but the wizard’s hold was too strong. The blade cut into her flesh. She cried out. Blood dripped, staining the ground.
Before Soren or Kiara could do anything, Samaren yanked hard on Kiara’s wrist, pulling the girl forward. She spun her around, pressing Kiara’s back to her chest. Holding her tight, she brought her knife toward Kiara’s throat.
“Kiara!” Soren cried as he kicked Samaren.
At the same time, Kiara jabbed her elbow into the wizard’s stomach. The wizard stumbled backward from the dual blows. Her grip on Kiara relaxed slightly and the thief slipped away.
“Soren? Are you okay?” Dex’s voice sounded far away.
“No,” he said as he struggled to get up, but his legs refused to cooperate. His body ached. “I should have never come.”
Samaren shot an energy bolt at Kiara. The thief dove behind a bush. Samaren lifted her hand. Rocks rose from the ground. With a wave, she sent them crashing into the shrub. Kiara cried out in pain.
Soren slipped his hand into his bag, grabbing the last vial. The wizard swung toward him. She waved her hand, and he rose off the ground. Her dark eyes flashed with ange
r but behind them, he could see she was tired. Cane’s comment that this type of magic was draining echoed in his mind, but he had no clue how to use that knowledge. Samaren flicked her hand, sending him flying. He pressed the potion vial to his chest, protecting it as he hit the ground. Air rushed from his lungs, and pain exploded in his back as he landed on a tree root. He sat up. Reaching back, he touched the sore area with his hand. He winced.
Something else also touched his back. He jumped. The tree root slide forward, circling his waist. With a jerk, it pulled him backwards, pinning him to the ground. He frantically pulled and pushed at the root with one hand. He didn’t dare let go of his last potion vial.
Pain surged through his body as Samaren hit him with another energy bolt. His body bucked and spasmed as the root kept him pinned to the ground. His eyes watered. It felt like his skin was being peeled from his body. Samaren laughed as she increased the intensity. He screamed. His vision dimmed. Distantly, he thought he heard Dex, but he couldn’t concentrate. All he wanted was for the pain to stop. And then it did.
“I’m coming.”
Soren shook his head, tears streaming down his face. “No, Dex, stay away.”
Suddenly, the red dragon appeared in the sky above them. He shot out a burst of flame. Samaren raised her hand, blocking the fire with her magic. Kiara dashed forward. She grabbed the scepter from Samaren’s belt. The wizard’s attention was still on Dex as the dragon shot fire at her again.
“Get up,” Dex cried.
Soren pulled at the root around his waist. It wouldn’t budge. As he gasped for breath, he saw Kiara vault onto the dragon’s back.
“Go, Dex! Kiara has the scepter. Take it to Cane.”
“Not without you.”
“I’m ordering you to go!” Soren’s eyes widened as he saw a large brown Southern dragon coming toward Dex. “Watch out!”
The brown dragon shot a ball of fire at Dex, but the red dragon leapt into the air. The fireball crashed into the dirt sending showers of fire in all directions. A gold streak flashed low to the ground. Aria. A stream of fire burst from her jaws as Kincade shot an arrow at the brown dragon. The first one bounced off its neck. The second struck the dragon in the eye. The huge beast bellowed as it thrashed its head. The dragon barreled after Aria, who sped away before Blinking to safety.
Samaren swore. She looked at Soren. Raising her hand, she blasted an energy bolt at him. But it hit the tree root instead. The wood shattered, freeing him. Before he could move, she shot another bolt of energy at him. This time it hit him in the chest. Pain shot through his body. He screamed.
Fire burst from Dex’s massive jaws directly at the wizard. She raised her hand, and the flames parted. She raised her other arm, shielding her face from the intense heat. Dex swooped down. His front claws wrapped around Soren. As he was jerked from the ground, Soren fingered the cork out of the last vial. He poured the liquid on Samaren as Dex flow over the wizard. Her scream was cut off as Dex Blinked.
The world was dark. His body ached. Fatigue closed in but somewhere in the back of his mind something nagged at him. It had to do with Dex. He had ordered the dragon to take Kiara back. He hadn’t meant for Dex to Blink. He had already Blinked three times this afternoon. Even if the first ones were short jumps, he couldn’t handle another one. It was too many.
Warnox had said excessive Blinking led to fatigue and death, but Soren hadn’t asked for details. He didn’t know what would happen. Would they be lost in the void? Or would Dex have enough energy to get them through this? He hung onto the dragon’s claws, praying it would be the latter.
The darkness lifted. Soren felt the cool air. His eyes took in the ground coming at him quickly. Dex had arrived close to the ground at their campsite. Soren braced himself. He hit the ground hard. Dex released him from his claws right before the dragon hit the ground. His momentum carried him across the dirt.
Soren raised his head, staring at Dex. He had never seen him so pale. His hide was almost white.
“Dex?” Soren said as he struggled to his knees. His legs shook. He didn’t trust standing so he crawled toward the dragon. “Dex? Dex? Answer me.”
Kiara rushed to his side. “Soren.” Her voice trembled. She glanced at Dex’s still form. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “Go. Get the scepter to Cane.”
Kiara hesitated.
His eyes stung as he hung his head, listening to her fading footsteps. He struggled forward. His muscles screamed in protest. His mind felt heavy with sleep, but he kept moving until he reached Dex. He ran a hand over the smooth hide. It was so pale.
“Why?” He collapsed onto the dragon’s side. “Why did you do that?”
He closed his eyes, letting the fatigue finally take over.
“Soren! Soren, wake up!”
Someone shook his shoulders. He struggled to open his eyes. He blinked a few times, and Emery’s face came into focus.
He sat up. “What?”
“Soren, you need to come with me. Cane needs you.”
His eyes strayed to Dex. It pained him to see his pale body. He felt the dragon’s overwhelming fatigue as he clung to life. “I…I can’t leave him.” He placed his hand on Dex’s side, feeling the faint rise and fall of his chest. “He needs me.”
“I know,” Emery said. “But so does Cane.”
“There are others who can help him.”
“If it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t be here.” She pulled at his arm. “They can’t get the box to work. Cane has questions about Drachen’s fortress. You are the only one who can answer those.”
“Then why didn’t he come here to ask them?”
Emery sighed. “It Cane. You know how he is.” She pulled his arm. “Please, Soren. The Southern dragons are destroying our army. We have to stop them.”
His mind flashed to the scene of the battle outside Baycliff. The dead - both man and dragon - lay everywhere. He thought about the dragons and their riders. They were counting on him. He patted Dex’s side. “I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”
Dex didn’t respond.
Soren stood. His legs shook. Emery grabbed him before he fell. She pulled his arm over her shoulder. He hesitated for a moment, staring at Dex. He would know if anything changed. He would feel it, he reassured himself.
“Come on,” Emery said.
Supporting some of his weight, she guided him. By the time they reached Elden’s office, Soren was drenched in sweat and out of breath. He collapsed into the chair, barely nodding as Emery said something about getting him water and something to eat. He sat there, his mind fuddled with exhaustion. It took him a moment to realize Cane was speaking to him. The wizard frowned.
“Do you have guana extract?” Cane asked Elden.
“Sure.” Elden pulled a vial from the shelf above his desk. He glanced at Soren before picking up a second bottle. “This one might help too.”
Cane grabbed a cup, splashing water from a pitcher into it. He put a few drops of each vial in the cup. He swirled the contents and held the cup out to Soren.
“Drink it. All of it.”
Soren squinted at him. He took the cup, smelling it.
“It will help clear your mind. Drink it,” Cane ordered.
Soren drank the sour liquid, grimacing slightly. A few minutes later, his mind began to clear. The cloudy sleepy feeling disappeared. Emery came back in with a plate of food and a cup of water. She sat it in front of him. It wasn’t until he smelled the food that he realized how hungry he was. He grabbed a piece of bread, quickly devouring it. He noticed Cane staring at him.
“What did you want to know?”
“There are notes here in the journal about needing magic to make the box work. We have tried all sorts of spells. Nothing. Maybe there was another item in Drachen’s workroom?”
Soren closed his eyes, bringing up an image of the room. “There were books, bottles, bowls. Same as here. Nothing caug
ht my eye. What about the ring?”
“It holds no magic as far as we can determine. Anything else about the room?”
He shook his head. “Just that you needed magic to enter.”
Cane and Elden exchanged glances. Elden pulled out a knife. He ran the blade across his palm. He held it over the box. A few drops fell. He and Cane leaned over the box. Cane spoke softly as he held his hand above it. He sighed. He ran his hand over his beard.
“What could he have used?”
Soren used a piece of bread to mop up the juices from the meat. “He created the scepter to control the dragons. They are creatures of magic.” He popped the bread into his mouth.
Cane stared at him. “That could be it. We need dragon blood.” He glanced at Emery. “Any dragons not in the battle?”
She shook her head. “No. Just Dex.”
Soren jumped to his feet. “You can’t use him. He is too weak.”
“Call one of the other dragons back,” Cane said.
Soren shook his head. “I can’t. They are too far away.”
“We will have to use Dex’s blood.”
Soren stepped in front of Cane, blocking the door. “No. You can’t.” His mind raced as he searched for another alternative. An imaged flashed before his eyes. He had been able to enter Drachen’s room. “Use mine.”
“We need dragon blood.”
Soren ignored the disdain in Cane’s voice. “I have dragon’s blood. Dex and I share a Blood Bond.”
“That won’t work.”
“But it did. Drachen’s workroom had a warning. Only those with magic could enter. Dex said I could because of my blood. And Warnox told me I will always have dragon’s blood in my system.” Soren looked from Cane to Elden. “At least try it.”
Elden shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt.”
Cane nodded. “Ok. We will try. If it doesn’t work, we will use Dex’s.”