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Page 22

by Cherry Adair

  Callie patted his back. “Aw, did I wear you out, Cutter?”

  “Hell no. Seeing you tangle with that Gorgon revitalized me.”

  “You are such a guy.” Smiling wickedly, Callie’s sparkling eyes reflected the small lights strung around the deck as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jonah wanted to eat that smile—and more—all night.

  The security cameras placed at strategic points through the ship made anything more than touching out here dangerous. He knew where the cameras were—he’d maneuvered Callie and himself just out of range—but he wasn’t taking any chances.

  He caressed the firm globes of her ass. “¡Madre de Dios!” He bunched the fabric up to get to bare skin. “You went into combat commando?”

  “That wasn’t the kind of combat I went in for,” Callie pointed out, kissing his chin. “I could hardly ask your skanky friend to wait while I went back to my cabin to throw on my panties, could I?”

  He ran his fingers along the seam of her first-class ass. “Should’ve trussed her up, gagged her, and had her delivered to her brother.”

  “How is this going to impact our access to the library? You know she’s going to run home crying to him.”

  “I’ll talk to him. Diplomatically, man-to-man.”

  Callie bit at his lip, taunting him. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. We’d better brace ourselves for attack.”

  “I’m not worried about her. No woman would keep coming on to a man who flat-out tells her he doesn’t want her.” Except Anndra Spanos.

  “I think she’s over the coming-on phase of her agenda and might go into an even more aggressive mode. Watch your back, Jonah.”

  He smiled. “I’d rather watch your front.”

  “I’m not opposed to making out here on deck in front of God and the fishes. But you know Randy is doing his rounds, right?”

  He opted not to tell her about the strategically placed cameras on all the decks and in all the public rooms. “Life raft?”

  She laughed, grabbing his wrist to pull his hand away from the delectable, silky curve of her butt. “Crazy man. That’s what beds are for, and there is a perfectly sized one without oily sheets in my cabin.” She slid her fingers between his, palm-to-palm and gave a tug. “Come on, I’ll race you down.”

  The innocent holding of hands was sweet, and shouldn’t’ve been erotic, but still, Jonah felt his need for this woman torque as she jogged him back inside.

  “Craziest place you’ve ever made love?” he asked as they raced through the salon. As he passed, he slapped a palm on the light switch, plunging the salon into gloom while they headed downstairs.

  Not that he wanted to know the who, but he was intrigued that a bed was the first thing that came to her mind.

  “A bunk bed?” Waiting for him to use his keycard on his cabin door, she whispered in deference to the close proximity of the other cabins.

  “You’re kidding me.” Pushing open the door to his cabin, Jonah tugged her inside. “No swinging from a rope?” he asked with mock incredulity, skimming her T-shirt over her head and backing her toward the bed. “No sex while skydiving?”

  She punched his arm. “Neither have you.”

  “I’m going to have to open new horizons for you.”

  “What?” She pulled his shirt over his head, then made short work of his shorts. “Like making out in a small lifeboat? No thanks, I like being able to stretch o—” She stopped reversing. “Whoa! Not on those sheets!”

  “Trust me, nothing happened on those sheets.”

  Callie’s expression was one part sexy as hell and two parts I-don’t-give-a-damn. “Her naked butt was on those sheets. I’m burning them tomorrow.”

  “Ah, crap. Those are my favorites.”

  “I’ll buy you twelve more sets. Burn. You’re coming home with me, Cutter. Where’s my shirt?”

  “I dare you to go just as you are.”

  “Naked? You’re crazy! Someone will see me.”

  “Everyone’s asleep.”

  “Not some of the crew!”

  “It’s four feet.”

  She bit her lip, then blew out a sigh. “You have to come with me.”



  He grinned. “Bet you won’t run from one end of the corridor to the other.”


  Time to expand her horizons. A little dare might jump-start the process. “Triple dare.”

  She hesitated. “If you make one sound I’ll kill you. Go unlock my door first. I want somewhere to hide just in case someone sees me.”


  “Trust me,” she said drily, “I don’t give a damn if anyone sees your naked butt. It’s probably something they have all seen before.”

  “It’s not my butt I’m worried about someone seeing.”

  “Then let’s not do this stupid th—”

  Opening the door, he took the few steps to her door, using his master key to unlock it, then propped it open and went back into his cabin. “You know this will only take thirty seconds, right?”

  She grabbed his hand. “Run quickly and lightly!”

  “With this?” Jonah indicated his rampant erection. “I don’t know—”

  Callie yanked him into the dimly lit corridor, spun right, then took off down, running flat-out. Her shapely ass was a thing of beauty. Half a step behind her, Jonah grinned, amused as hell that she’d actually taken him up on his dare. At the end of the corridor, they turned and raced back.

  Of course no one, other than the camera discreetly tucked in the corner, saw them. And he’d take care of that before anyone saw it. All doors remained closed, and the night watch prowled the upper decks.

  They dashed into Callie’s cabin, and he kicked the door closed behind them. “You are such a brave girl.”

  She raised a haughty brow, hilarious since she was naked, and pink all over with embarrassment. “I’ll give a pass to the ‘girl’ part of that as a onetime compliment.”

  Jonah pulled her to him with an arm around her waist. The blush made her skin warm all over. “You’re all the woman I need.”

  “Excellent. I’ll send your little friend Anndra a memo. Now,” she continued firmly, pushing at his chest with both hands, “let me see if you have glitter on your boy parts.”

  She stepped back to inspect his dick with eyes and hand. “No skank glitter, lucky for you. But I see some serious swelling. I need to get you into a shower immediately.”

  He backed her against the wall. “How about getting me inside you immediately?”

  Callie shook her head and gave him an admonishing look that made his heart tumble head over heels. “You have to be fumigated first,” she told him, voice librarian-stern as, frowning, she grazed her hand along the length of his dick and up again. “I’m not sure how long this will take. I have to be thorough.”

  Jonah made an expansive gesture toward the bathroom. “The decontamination chamber is that way. Let’s get the painful process over as slowly as possible. I’ll try to be very, very brave.”


  Jonah showed his excellent navigational skills by backing her into the bathroom while kissing her. He angled past the edge of the bed, tempted to stop right there, then around a chair, and through the narrow door opening to the head. All with his eyes closed.

  He’d always enjoyed kissing. The slick, sweet taste of a woman’s mouth, the heat and flash of arousal as the kiss got hotter. But kissing wasn’t his main focus prior to lovemaking. It was a delicious hors d’oeuvre before the main meal.

  Kissing Callie changed the ball game. He couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t tear himself away from the taste and texture of her mouth. Kissing her could be enough—it wasn’t, but damn, it was so good, it could be.

  Kissing her felt like magic.

  Breathing was highly overrated.

  This mad, mindless lust was new to him. He’d always been able to compartmentalize. Not so when he made love to Callie. Brain and
body engaged 110 percent.

  Leaning his hip against the counter, Jonah pulled her flush against him. Pressed together from chest to knees, he felt the furnace heat of her silky skin, still warm from mortification. He loved that she’d run naked for him, despite her reluctance and embarrassment.

  The woman melted his brain cells.

  Rock-hard, aching to get inside her, he angled his hips to press his dick against her moist heat. Instantly responsive, she shifted her feet, canting her hips to meet him. The hard points of her nipples pressed into his chest, upped his heat. He liked the small, plump shape of her breasts, the soft, pale pink of the hard tips, loved how responsive she was to his slightest touch.

  He inhaled deeply as she moved against him, filling his head with the scent of her. A faint hint of coconut underlay the intoxicating natural fragrance of her skin.

  Without breaking their lip-lock—the room wasn’t that big—he reached over to twist on the shower. Her short nails dug into his back to hold him to her. “Not going anywhere,” he murmured against the corner of her mouth.

  She stroked his back, then cupped his ass. “Good.” Her nails scored his skin, making him shudder against her. “I have long-range plans for you, Cutter.”

  His heart tripped quadruple time. “Long range” should’ve scared the erection away. Somehow the words did just the opposite. “Dios, you smell delicious, and you feel even better. I can’t get enough of you. Te necesito, querido.”

  “You have me.”

  He shifted her slightly so he could open a drawer in the cabinet behind her. Lifting his lips from hers, he handed her a foil package.

  She blinked, then took it from him. “Where did this come from?”

  “Bedside table, and, being the long-range planner that I am, a few in here for emergencies.” They kept a giant-sized box of condoms in the infirmary for anyone who wanted them when they went on shore leave. He’d grabbed two handfuls, then a third for the hell of it. Her cabin. His cabin. A few in the cabinet near the hot tub, a few more in her lab … Yeah, he was a long-range planner all right.

  “This certainly constitutes an emergency.” Impatiently she inspected the small square to figure out how to open it. “My bedside table? How’d it get there?”

  “Not it, they. I put them there before dinner.”

  “Sneaky,” she said admiringly as she ripped the corner off with her teeth. She took his dick in her palm, inspected it, then used both hands to fit the end over his pulsing hard-on, nice and snug. A shudder shot from Jonah’s balls to his brain.

  She stuck her tongue out so he could remove the tiny bit of foil since her hands were busy. “You’re a man scout.”

  She gripped his shaft, stroking the lubricated latex down the stone-hard length of him. His dick twitched eagerly in her hand.

  “A man s-scout.” His fingers clamped around hers to guide her. “Jesus, that feels—Yeah. Just like that.”

  “Then take your hand off mine so I can keep doing it.” Callie admonished tartly, nudging away his helping fingers with her free hand. “This isn’t boy-sized, but I do like a man who’s prepared. You do realize this is a little like putting the cart before the horse, don’t you? We’ve made love at least five hundred times with nothing between us but—us.”

  Yeah. He’d given that a vague thought.

  “All done.” She gave his dick a friendly pat, which made him grin as he pulled her back into alignment. “Are we done kissing?” she asked demurely, peridot eyes sultry as she shifted her gaze to look up at him.

  He smiled against her lips. “Not by a long shot.” While the water drummed like tropical rain, he resumed kissing her slowly and thoroughly. Cupping the back of her head so her hair poured over his hand and arm, a dark, silky waterfall, he went back to the task at hand. Urging her tighter against him with his palm on the small of her back, he let his hand linger there when she shivered and her tongue faltered as it tangled with his. He’d never thought of the small of a woman’s back as an erogenous zone, but he already knew it was for Callie.

  Sucking her tongue caused her fingers to curl into the hair on his chest as she angled her head and took the kiss to another plane.

  Steam swirled around them as he trailed his fingers down the sweet globes of her ass, slid his fingers teasingly down the crack until she moaned.

  Gliding his lips down her neck to the rapid, uneven pulse at the base of her throat, Jonah tasted coconut, salt, and Callie. He returned to nip her lower lip with his teeth, smiling against her as she gasped and tightened her arms.

  He used his knee to spread her legs as he backed her against the sink cabinet. “You okay?”

  “Better than.” A hazy green ring circled her dilated pupils. “I have a sweet ache, right here.” Taking his hand, Callie pressed it to her mound. “Just when I think you’ve brought out everything I have, I discover newly woken parts. Teach me more.”

  He loved the way she let him move her where he wanted her.

  He groaned, lifting her onto the sink. She was wet, slick folds opening like a dewy rose. Their eyes locked as Callie wrapped her long legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck. Her knees bracketing his hips, Jonah cupped his hands under the firm globes of her ass to pull her where he needed her, at the same time thrusting his hips forward. He filled her to the hilt, had to pause because the sensation of her tight wetness clamping around him was so good it almost hurt.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders as she arched her back. Jonah felt the throbbing pulse of his heartbeat echoing deep inside her. Hers pulsed back, sending a clear message that made his heartbeat thunder in his ears.

  He devoured her mouth, pistoned his hips against hers, his hands gripping her taut ass. She devoured him right back, fingers gripping his hair as they gave and took. Took and gave. Until Jonah didn’t know where he started and Callie began. Sweat ran into his eyes, and their skin noisily slapped together. Music.

  Weightless in his arms, he felt her release cresting, and withdrew just enough for her to cry out and tighten her ankles in the small of his back, jerking him back deep inside her. “More,” she demanded, not losing any of the rhythm as she urged him faster with hips and hands. Her mouth swooped up to kiss him. Tongue, teeth, urgency.

  She was poetry in motion, on fast-forward as she rose and fell on the spear of his dick. Her breasts rubbing against his chest, her mouth fed ferociously on his.

  Synapses firing on all cylinders, Jonah felt like a god. Poseidon at the very least. Nothing in his life had felt as good as making love with Callie. Nothing. Ever. And each time was like the first.

  * * *

  They made love in the shower with hot water pulsing down on them, then staggered out, wet and tangled together, their breathing erratic, muscles limp. Made it as far as the foot of the bed, where Jonah tumbled her sideways across the mattress. Clasping her waist with his big hands, he flipped her so Callie lay on top of him.

  Resting her chin on her folded arms, she looked her fill, his mouth conveniently situated a few inches from hers. His hair was wet, slicked back off his face by her fingers moments before. Her own hair lay sodden and cool down her back, and fell in swaths over her back and around his hips.

  She pressed her own hips down lightly. “You know this is anatomically impossible, don’t you?” Her breathing had gone from raw and labored to merely breathless.

  His eyes looked impossibly blue. “My erection?”

  “Your ninety-ninth erection of the night. Honest to God, Cutter, I didn’t know a man could climax that many times. And I know for a fact that it’s impossible for a woman to have that many O’s without internally combusting.” If anyone told her she could climax that many times she’d call them not only a liar, but delusional.

  He stacked one hand beneath his head. “It’s a gift,” he told her modestly, playing with the wet strands of her hair with his other hand, lifting and dropping the water-heavy skeins onto her back.

  God, yes. It most certainly was. “I thought I w
orked it out of you.”

  He grinned. “Almost.” He sounded highly amused.

  She stared into his eyes. “Almost?”

  His eyes darkened. “If you’re tired we can—ah, Callie?”

  Callie discovered his body with hands and lips. Her mouth lingered on the drumming pulse at the base of his throat. She kissed her way down him, enjoying the way his belly contracted and his skin pebbled with goose bumps as she explored his navel with her tongue.

  “I think I was kidding,” he said faintly when she nuzzled the crisp hair at the base of his stone-hard erection. His fingers tightened in her hair.

  “Too late, Cutter, I’m calling your bluff.” This was another first for her. But she was a quick learner. His erection bobbed right in front of her lips. Thick. Long, Hard. The head flushed, the tangle of pulsing veins along his shaft darkly intriguing. She wanted to taste him. Feel that pulsing energy against her tongue.

  He smelled so good. Soap and damp, musky, sexy man. Running her fingers lightly along its length, from root to gleaming tip, Callie was fascinated by how her lightest touch made his penis jerk as it hardened and thickened even more. If soft and slow did that to him—

  She cupped him, loving the feel of him pulsing with life in her palm. The smooth length was like iron beneath silken skin. He gave a strangled moan as her fingers slid to the very tip, then moved down to the crisp hair at his groin. Closing her fingers around his shaft, she squeezed, giving the length firm strokes, up then down. Groan guttural, Jonah’s hips surged into her hand. The tug on her scalp from his fists was painful pleasure. She loved the unexpected softness of his skin, silken velvet over the over tensile hardness. He moaned as she squeezed, his fingers tight against her scalp.

  “I love how you smell,” she whispered against his thigh. Hot, salty, musky male.

  He shot her a slow, sexy smile.

  “God. Yes. Just like that.” Callie played with him, running her fingers up and down, feeling him swell impossibly larger. Rubbing the pearl of moisture from the tip, she glided her hand in an ever-increasing grip and speed until he arched off the bed, lashing his hand out to circle her wrist with tight fingers.


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