Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re freaking out.”

  “I’m not good enough. This is what is happening.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Dominic is this wealthy guy, and he’s changing me so that I can fit into his world.”

  Ella held her hands up. “Where the hell is this coming from?”

  “I can’t do this. This is not who I am. I handle people’s insurance, and even though the work is shit, and I get yelled at, and my boss is a complete and total ass, I’m happy.”

  “Then tell him.”

  “I’ve got to break up with him.” Even as she spoke the words, she released a little sob.

  “You can’t, Avery. You love him.”

  “How can I love a man who doesn’t even accept me for me?”

  “You don’t even know that.” Ella stepped up, putting her hands on her shoulders. “Talk to him.”

  “I thought you hated him.”

  “I don’t hate him, but since you’ve come by Darkest Dreams, I’ve got the chance to see you both together, and I know you’re happy. If you’re happy, then I am happy.”

  Picking up the letter that had fallen to the floor, Avery took a deep breath.

  “Where is Dominic?” Ella asked.

  “He had to go away for business. I just freaked out.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Do you love him? And I don’t mean care, or like. I mean love.”

  Avery licked her lips, and nodded. “Yes.”

  “I think he loves you as well.”

  “If he loves me then why is he trying to change me?” she asked, staring at the letter. What other reason could it be?

  “You really need to talk to Dominic. I don’t think he’s trying to change you, Avery. He’s spoiling you. I’ve seen the way you two are at the club, and it’s not as simple as saying he’s trying to change you. Nothing in life is ever really simple. Trust your Dom, Avery. You don’t know how hard it was for me to say that. He’s good for you.”

  She nodded and forced a smile. “I think I went off the deep end there.”

  Ella hugged her. “Now, I don’t mean to rush you off, but I’ve got a date.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes. Don’t sound so surprised. I want to have what you’ve found with Dominic.”

  “I’ll leave.” She made her way toward the door.

  “Avery,” Ella said, calling her name.


  “Stop overthinking everything. I believe this is innocent, and Dominic is not a bad guy. It’s me saying that, no one else, and you know I struggled with him in the beginning. This thing between the two of you is real. Trust it.”

  “Have a good date, Ella.”

  “Talk to him.”

  Leaving Ella’s apartment, she stepped out of the building into the cold winter’s night. Dominic had to go halfway around the world on a business meeting, and as much as she was pissed at him now, she missed him.

  Patting her body, she tried to find her cell phone, and cursed when she realized that she’d left her cell phone at home.


  She’d not even considered calling him to talk about it, and she felt sick because of it. She loved him with all of her heart, and like a judgmental coward, she had gone to someone else, Ella of all people. That was her biggest mistake.

  Heading back to her apartment, she couldn’t help but reflect over the change in their relationship in such a short time. Apart from in working hours, they spent all of their time together. Three weeks ago, they’d even gone back to Darkest Dreams to announce they were a couple. Several of the subs, and what surprised her, the Doms, were really upset about that.

  She was the perfect submissive. Completely untrained, and like Dominic once said, a blank canvas for them to mold into perfection.

  Each item from clothing to jewelry had seemed like a gift. Had he been manipulating her? Changing her?

  She didn’t know.

  Dominic wasn’t due back until tomorrow.

  All night she was going to be driving herself crazy with this.


  That was the longest business trip Dominic ever wanted to take where he was away from Avery. Talking to her on the phone wasn’t enough, nor was seeing her on his laptop. No, he loved having her in the flesh, by his side, in his life.

  It was one of the reasons he held the diamond engagement ring in his pocket. He wanted to marry her, and to never have a reason for her to leave.

  They were perfect together. She was the perfect submissive, the perfect woman, and she’d be the perfect wife.

  He wanted to marry her, have lots of children.

  Entering his apartment, he rounded the corner, and saw her standing, arms folded, glaring at him.

  “Hello, Avery,” he said. Every single one of his senses were screaming at him that she wasn’t in a very good mood.


  “You’re not going to come and give me a hug? A kiss? We’ve not seen each other in a few days.”

  “Why would you want to kiss someone you’re not exactly happy with?”

  He put down his case and turned to face her. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, so you better just come out and spill it.”

  “This. What the hell is this?” She reached out, and pulled a blanket off the sofa, which revealed all of the stuff he’d bought her in the past month. “And all of this? Are you not happy with who I am? The great Dominic Wright can’t be seen with a lowly employee?”

  He frowned, staring at the stuff he’d bought her, along with the piece of paper waving around. “Why don’t you give me the damn piece of paper, and let me decide what you’re accusing me of?” He held out his hand waiting.

  She slapped it against his palm, and he looked over the words, to find that it was indeed a job offer.

  “What the hell do I have to do with this?”

  “It’s one of your companies.”


  “You want me working for you.”

  “Babe, I’m the owner of more than one company, and this is just our insurance side for technologies. Clearly, you’ve got a great reputation, and see here, this is the reference that you had for your resume. It’s still active from three years ago.” He pointed at the line that his staff had referenced.

  “You didn’t do this?”

  “Baby, I appreciate the feeling that you think I can handle all the employment details. This wouldn’t even get to me.”

  “It’s your company.”

  “And clearly you’ve got a good reputation. You think I’m lying to you?”

  “No.” She stared down at the letter.

  “You think I’m trying to change you?”

  “Look at me, Dominic. I’m not the girl you met in Darkest Dreams.”

  “Babe, you’re exactly the girl I met in Darkest Dreams.”

  “The clothes?”

  “I want to buy you some nice things. The clothes were because I like looking at your ass and tits. They mold to your curves, and I like that. I like fucking looking at you.”

  “What about the jewelry?”

  “My woman, my submissive. I want to treat you.”

  “The hair?”

  “I had to listen for an hour about how you’ve had the same hairstyle. I called ahead, and I even went with you. I don’t sit in hair salons listening to people talk about endless crap. I was there with you, guiding you through the change of hair. I didn’t ask you to do any of these changes. This is because I fucking love you, Avery. There, I’ve said it.”

  “You love me?”

  “More than anything in the world. You’re there all the time. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Pulling out the velvet box, he went down on one knee. “I want to marry you. I don’t care about finding the perfect fit, or changing you. I fell in love with the Avery who doesn’t like attention, or for anyone to see that she’s scared. I fell in love with you.”

  “You want me to marry you?”

  “Yes, I don’t know if you believe me when I say that I love you, but I do, and I want us to be together forever. I don’t give a shit about what lifestyle I’m supposed to live. If I wanted that, I wouldn’t have waited for you, nor would I have fallen in love with you, but I have, and I can’t change that.”

  She covered her nose and mouth, and he saw tears falling down her face.

  “I love you, Avery. You, not some designer wearing woman. You, the woman beneath all of that.”

  “Yes,” she said.


  “I’ll marry you. I love you, too, and I’m so sorry for overreacting. I thought the worst, and I shouldn’t have. I’m so, so sorry.”

  He got to his feet, slamming his lips down on hers. “No need to say sorry. I’ll sort your ass out in a moment, get it really nice and red for me to fuck later.”

  Removing the ring from the box, he slid it onto her finger. “Consider yourself engaged, Avery.”

  She smiled. “I missed you.”



  “Good. Now go and lie across the bed. Jeans off, panties off, and the flogger waiting for me. I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

  She released a little squeal and rushed toward their bedroom. He counted to ten, and headed there.

  “So, you thought I was being a horrible Dom, and a badly behaving boyfriend.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Who was wrong to doubt me?” he asked, removing his jacket, and rolling up his sleeves.

  “I was.”

  “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I’m so sorry, Sir. I was in the wrong, and I should have trusted in you.”

  “Do you deserve to be punished?”


  He picked up the flogger, and at the same time, ran his hand over her plump ass cheeks.

  “I love you, Sir.”

  “I love you, too, pet.”

  He brought the flogger down, relishing her pleasured scream. The night was only just beginning, but their future together was going to be a long one, filled with so much promise. He couldn’t wait to get started.


  Three years later

  Avery should have never doubted him. That night when Dominic came back from his business trip, and she’d thought the worst, he’d showed her the truth. Staring down at her wedding band and engagement ring, she couldn’t help but smile. Life had been a little crazy in the last three years.

  She did go for the interview, and she had been recognized for helping the woman who ran the insurance side of the company of products that Dominic created. One phone call helping one person had opened another door to her. She took the job, and the rest was history. Dominic told her she didn’t have to take it, but she wanted to, so she did.

  “How are my two girls doing?” Dominic asked, swinging their two-year-old son up into his arms.

  Rubbing her swollen belly, Avery stared up at her husband, feeling all the love she had for him blooming inside her.

  They had a son, Dominic Junior, and a baby girl on the way.

  He sat down, placing a hand over hers where it rested on her stomach. It was their third anniversary, and as a treat they were staying at one of his islands. Lots of ocean, sand, and beauty.

  She loved it here.

  The silence, the peace, and they had even gotten Ella to come with Malcolm so they had some company if they wanted it. Their friends had taken the boat out.

  “I love you, Mrs. Wright,” he said, leaning over to take her lips.

  Even after three years, his lips still made her tingle, the promise of pleasure and pain making her ache for the night time. They had been blessed that Dominic Junior liked to sleep all night through, and they got a chance to play.

  “Tonight,” he said. “I’ll give you another little gift.”

  “You’ve already given me enough.”

  “I like spoiling you. Believe me, you’ll love this gift.”

  And she did.

  A beautiful collar, marking her as his, with a beautiful diamond, adding to the other two. Dominic was adding diamonds every year, marking their anniversary.

  Avery hoped for the collar to be covered in them.

  The End


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Emily Hayes stood in the queue behind several other women and wondered why she’d done this to herself. Her nerves were totally fried. Her heart wouldn’t slow down. She closed her eyes as another woman was sold. Attending the Masters’ resort had been a huge mistake. When she’d seen the leaflet on the boss’s desk she’d been intrigued. After reading through the details of the event she’d signed up, ready and willing to become a submissive to a new Dom. She’d been a submissive for some time, and a few months ago, the right Dom had walked into her life. The problem with him was he’d demanded more commitment. The moment he got down on one knee, she’d fled.

  Commitment of any kind scared her. She’d seen what being devoted to one man had done to her mother. Emily’s father hadn’t been well known for being faithful. She hated the man who’d helped create her, and because of her father she refused to commit.

  Another woman was sold to a man for the weekend. The line Emily stood in continued to get shorter as doubts assailed her. The resort itself asked for willing women who consented to be sold to a mystery Dom. By signing up for this weekend she’d agreed to be put up for sale. The profit made from the weekend’s bidding was given to charity. The money raised went to help disadvantaged kids. The owner of the island and this particular resort, Charles Robinson, had explained every little detail during the phone conversation. She didn’t have to have sex if she didn’t want to. The resort allowed for submissive women to find a qualified Dom who’d be more than willing to spend the weekend.

  If she didn’t like the man who bought her then Emily was not obligated to have sex, but they could play. You didn’t have to have sex to enjoy play. Emily had been intrigued by the concept of meeting someone else within the lifestyle. It was hard to find likeminded people within the BDSM scene when she worked more than fifty hours a week. Some of the Doms were not the type of man she looked for. She’d heard the horror stories about awful Doms and had no intention of putting herself at risk.

  Running fingers through her hair, she stood nervously, waiting for her turn. A brunette was before her in the queue. She listened to the man list a variety of skills the woman had. The bidding started, and Emily’s nerves grew. What if men didn’t want her? She pushed the doubts aside and concentrated on the bidding.

  Emily wore the bikini she’d been given. The red fabric covered enough of her private parts even though it exposed a lot of her body. She wanted to cover more of her flesh up, but Charles said his rules applied during the bidding. She never liked her body being on display. Her extra curves and weight would be clearly seen by the audience. Her tummy was rounded, and her breasts were large. Some may say she was hourglass, while others would merely say fat.

  The Dom she’d walked away from had taken into account her nerves and never forced her to go naked in front of others. She pressed a hand to her stomach, hoping it would flatten in the next few minutes.

  No such luck as Charles called her out next.

  “Next up, we have a virgin to the resort. She’s a little blonde peach and well worth the money spent. Everybody, I introduce you to the lovely, the beautiful, Emily,” Charles said.

  The music started up as she walked onto the stage. She fisted her hands at her sides. The only problem she faced was the fright she got at being observed on stage. She never participated in public scenes because of the fear. The Dom she’d left had understood her fear even though he wanted to show her off. Why were her thoughts filled with him? She’d walked away from him when he’d proposed to her.

  She closed her eyes, thinking about the
man she could have easily given her heart to. When he’d demanded more she’d run as far as she could. Emily regretted her decision to walk away. She’d fallen in love with him, Jason Young.

  The music stopped when she stood on the red cross onstage. Her heart continued to pound. She gazed out at the audience. The light shining on the stage stopped her from seeing the crowd. She wondered what they were thinking while they stared at her.

  “Who will open the bidding?” Charles asked.

  “One thousand dollars,” a man called out.

  A thousand dollars wasn’t a bad start.

  “Three thousand dollars.”

  “Four thousand.”

  “Five thousand.”

  She listened as the price went up and up.

  Her palms were sweaty, and then the next price made her heart stop.

  “One million dollars.”

  Gasps echoed around the room.

  Emily recognized that voice.

  How could he be here?

  The sound of the male voice filled her with regret. Before she’d walked away, Emily had listened to that voice demand her submission. He’d whispered orders and sweet nothings in her ear while he took her to heaven and back. Now she regretted walking away from him after he proposed. The man who had proposed to her was also the man she worked for. Jason Young, the Dom she’d fallen in love with, the man she’d run away from when he demanded more. And the same man was her boss.

  She’d seen the leaflet for this resort on his desk. He was supposed to be away on a business deal, not at the resort.

  “Sold.” Charles’s word rang out and echoed across the room.

  Shit, what had she done?


  Jason Young sat in the crowd at the Masters’ resort waiting for the woman who would be his for the entire weekend. Every year without fail he made sure to attend the resort’s annual get-together. When Emily, his personal assistant, made sure he was nowhere near the resort on business, he’d become suspicious. He called Charles to confirm Emily’s agreement to be a submissive for the auction event. The anger at her constant running threatened to drive him insane. Emily loved him. Jason saw it in the way she looked at him. When she didn’t know he was looking, he saw her need to please him.


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