Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Before she’d worked for him they’d been lovers. Their personal relationship never affected their working one. They were able to put aside their attraction and get the job done. Emily was a brilliant personal assistant, the best personal assistant he’d ever worked with.

  That was a lie. Well, part of it may be a lie. They worked well together, but Emily drove him crazy with wanting her. There were times he watched her working and all he wanted to do was bend her over his desk and spank that full, rounded ass.

  Seeing her onstage with the way her nerves affected her, the protective instincts inside him spilled over. Her hands were fisted at her sides, which was a clear sign she wanted to get off the stage and out of the limelight. When they’d been together he’d never done a scene in public. Her safety and security mattered most to him.

  The men who’d placed bids made his anger rise. Emily Hayes was his woman, and no other man would ever know how silky soft her skin felt. He knew every inch of his woman, and this weekend she was going to learn to accept his love.

  One million dollars was a small amount of his fortune. Emily was more than worth the cost. He walked past the men toward his prize. He handed the check over to Charles and took Emily’s hand. She didn’t resist. He marched out of the crowded room. When he saw the men gazing at her body, he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. No one but him could look at her full curves.

  She took the jacket without argument.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. Her face paled.

  “Do you really think I was too stupid to realize what you’d done?” He turned and organized some food to be delivered to his room. The woman at the desk gave a quizzical look before turning her attention to Emily.

  “I thought you’d be halfway around the world by now,” she said.

  Grabbing her arm, he moved toward the elevator. Jason counted his blessings at the fact she hadn’t fought him. Pressing the button to his floor, he stared at the woman at his side. Emily was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her blonde hair fell around her body in golden waves. He’d lost himself with her hair surrounding him multiple times. The chemistry between them had always been mind-shattering.

  He folded his arms so he wouldn’t reach out for her.

  “Why, Emily?”

  Her fingers ran through her hair. Her hands shook with the movement.

  “I’ll get the answer out of you eventually.”

  “Why did you spend so much money? We’re over. You know that.”

  He shook his head. “What I know is you’re running scared, just like always. You’re afraid to let yourself be loved.”

  “That wouldn’t scare me.”

  Jason moved in, trapping her between his body and the corner of the elevator booth. “No? Then why were you content to be in my arms before I asked for more? I remember how you screamed my name when my cock was so deep inside you, you couldn’t think straight.”

  He cupped her cheek, relishing the feel of her silken skin against his fingers.

  She gasped. Her eyes dilated as she stared up at him. Her pussy would be dripping wet. Jason wanted to lick her until she came apart in his arms. He yearned for her. The time they’d spent apart had been a nightmare. Emily was his woman. She shouldn’t be running from him.

  “You want me,” he said.

  “You’re asking too much. I can’t be the person you want.” She broke off when his body was pressed against hers. His cock rested into the curve of her stomach. The thick shaft pulsed with the need to be inside her. There were times his cock had a mind of its own.

  “Don’t deny me. I remember what it was like to have your mouth wrapped around me. Do you remember? You loved to take me deep until I exploded down your throat. I love watching you swallow my load.” He leaned down, inhaling her subtle fragrance.

  “That time has passed,” she said. Her voice lost all authority. Her eyes dropped as he moved in closer.

  “Then tell me to stop. Tell me to leave you alone and when we get home you can hand in your notice. Cut yourself off from me.”

  She whimpered, and her eyes filled with tears.

  “Or wrap your arms around me and I’ll take us both to heaven. Would you like that? Do you want me to fuck your cunt and ass and show you what true possession is all about?” he asked.

  Her gaze never left his. Her cheeks were red from her blush. It was taking every ounce of Jason’s control to not reach out and take her there in the elevator booth.

  “Make your choice. We’re almost at my floor.”

  She stared past his shoulder. “Just for this weekend?”

  Jason didn’t answer. “Make your choice.”

  The elevator pinged as they arrived at his floor.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck. “Yes, God, yes.”

  Before he had time to react her lips were on him. Jason picked her up and led her down the corridor to his room. He typed in the key that opened the door. Jason slammed it closed and pressed her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around him. The jacket opened at the bottom, falling down either side of her legs.

  He cupped her thighs, loving the feel of her submitting to him once again. This time, he wasn’t going to be easy on her. They were not leaving this room until she committed to him completely.

  Chapter Two

  If Emily didn’t have him soon, she’d die with need. The moment his voice filled the auction room she’d been a goner. Jason Young was the best damn Dom in the world as far as she was concerned. He knew what to do with her body, and more times than not he had her screaming with orgasms for hours. His cock pressed against her pussy. Why had she walked away from him? Feeling his shaft pressing against her brought to mind so many brilliant memories. Their time together had been amazing. Jason made her want things she’d never known existed.

  He nibbled her neck and unbuttoned the coat covering her body. She’d buttoned up the jacket instinctively. Jason never liked another man staring at her. He could be rather possessive at times.

  “You spent a million dollars on me,” she said.

  “It’s for a good cause. I wasn’t letting one of those bastards play with you. You’re mine. Always have been and always will be.”

  She shut him up with a kiss. He put her on her feet and then tore the jacket from her body. She heard the fabric tear. Emily didn’t care. Her body was on fire for him. She reached for his shirt, pulling it off and then going for the belt holding up his jeans.

  Jason tore off the small bikini she wore. Emily stood naked as he stepped out of his jeans. His long, thick cock throbbed. The vein along the side stuck out hard with each pulse of blood flowing into his shaft.

  The tip leaked copious amounts of pre-cum. Her mouth watered for a taste of him. She’d missed this and him. Jason always found ways to get past her defenses.

  “I see what you want, baby.” He pressed her against the wall. His large hand cupped her cheek and then sank into her hair. “But first I’m going to fuck your gorgeous pussy.”

  His lips slammed down on hers. Jason ravished her mouth with kisses. He nipped, sucked, and thrust his tongue into her mouth. She moaned, submitting to what he did. There was no negotiating with him. Jason was not a selfish Dom. She’d be screaming with pleasure in no time.

  Their naked bodies rubbed against each other as they kissed. She wanted his dick inside her.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  “You’re not the one in control, baby. I’ll fuck you when I’m good and ready.” Jason lifted her up in his arms. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding on.

  He was so strong. Jason lifted weights and spent a great deal of time working out. His body remained in prime shape. She hoped she could still keep up with him in the bedroom. The hand in her hair tightened into a fist, pulling on the strands.

  She gasped from the pain of his grip. The pleasure from his force made her rub against him, searching for his hot cock.

  “You’re desperate for it. Tell me, Emily, how
many other men have been in here since me.” His free hand cupped her cunt. Jason kept her held up against the wall with his body at the right angle.

  Emily shook her head. The answer humiliated her.

  “Tell me, baby.”

  “No one,” she said. “There has been no other man since you.”

  She opened her eyes to stare at him. She expected to see triumph or gloating on his handsome face. All she saw on Jason was satisfaction.

  “When are you going to stop fighting me? Us?”

  Emily turned her head away. The grip in her hair brought tears to her eyes.

  “Look at me.”

  She waited several moments before turning to face him.

  “Stop hiding from me. I’m not your father. I would never cheat on you.”

  Jason was the only man she’d let in. He knew too much about her and used his knowledge to his advantage.

  “Please, stop talking.”

  He stared at her before he placed his lips back on hers. This time there was no scorching passion. Jason kissed her softly. The sudden change shocked her. The roughness was part of Jason. He demanded complete submission, and the intensity with which he claimed her threatened to swallow her whole.

  The tender kiss made the tears spill down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on to him tighter. Emily never wanted to let him go. Jason undid her with everything he was.

  He broke the kiss, pressing little nips along her jaw.

  “I can play it your way for a while. Sooner or later you will be all mine, and I’ll never let you hide from me again.”

  Jason whispered the words against her ear. She’d expected them. He’d never given up, even when she’d not given in to him. She held herself back from him and from life, always frightened of getting hurt.

  His palm cupped her pussy. One of his fingers slid between the silken folds. She felt how slippery she was.

  “You’re so wet and ready for me,” he said.

  Emily was always wet and ready for him. Not a day went by when she wasn’t thinking about him. When they were at work, she found the time they spent together the hardest.

  “Tell me what you want, baby. I want to hear you say the words.”

  She stared at his lips then into his eyes. “You. All I want is you.” She meant every single word.

  Fighting him was impossible, especially when she wished for the same things he did.

  Why couldn’t she let herself be with him? She’d never been open with any man other than him. Jason wouldn’t hurt her.

  Are you sure? Look what happened to your mother when she let your father in. He took advantage and left her broken and alone.

  Emily cut off the thoughts and allowed her body to rule her decisions. She grew tired of the never-ending doubts that plagued her.

  “Fight it, baby,” Jason said.


  Jason saw the battle she fought. He’d met her mother and the deadbeat she called a father. The moment he’d been introduced to them, he’d known why she held a part of herself away from him. He didn’t know if Emily knew it yet, but she was afraid of being hurt. She cut herself off from all emotion because of fear.

  He hated seeing her like this.

  In the depths of her eyes he saw two emotions. The first emotion was desire. Jason saw her need to connect with him. He understood because he’d suffered in the same way. There hadn’t been a woman in his life where he could be himself, until Emily. She didn’t judge him for being a Dom or being in the lifestyle. It helped that she was part of the lifestyle, too. The moment he’d first met her, Jason had fallen for her.

  In response to him, Emily slammed her lips down on his. Her tongue plundered his mouth as she rubbed her body against him. This was her idea of fighting. It wouldn’t be long before she started pulling away from him. He let out a sigh and then claimed her mouth. If it was all she was willing to give then he’d take it, for now.

  “Please, Sir, fuck me,” she said. He heard the begging in her tone. Closing his eyes, he waited for the pleasure to wash over him. Whenever she called him by his title it affected him in the most delightful of ways.

  He let go of her hair and reached down between them. Grabbing the thick length of his cock, he rubbed the naked tip against her wet slit. Cream coated the head, giving him natural lubrication. She moaned and thrust her pelvis against his length.

  “Stop that.”

  She paused as he eased the head into her entrance. Jason felt the tightness of her cunt squeeze him with every inch he sank into her.

  Jason gripped her hips and forged his way to the hilt inside her. She cried out. Her head rested against the wall, and a cry left her lips. He stilled, relishing the feel of her pussy contracting around him. Her pussy was trying to suck him within her.

  “Feels so good,” she said. She stared at him between drooped lids.

  “Let me make it better.” He eased out of her tightness and then slammed back to the hilt. Her cries rent the air as he fucked her against the wall. Jason didn’t give her time to get used to his invasion. He fucked her hard and fast, watching her tits bounce with each thrust.

  He’d missed this. Being inside her felt like pure heaven and cemented his determination to claim her as his own.

  Pulling out of her wetness, he thrust at her entrance, only allowing her to have the tip.

  “Stop teasing me.”

  He sucked her large red nipples. She succumbed to him. His legs started to ache from the position, but he wanted to see her come apart before they moved.

  Reaching down between them, he fingered her clit as he thrust inside her. The pleasure of the angle and the feel of her around him built his release. Within minutes Emily screamed as her release swept over her. He felt each tight pulse as she came. Closing his eyes, Jason fucked her harder than ever before.

  She held him close as he took her against the wall.

  His grip tightened on her hips. She’d be bruised from his touch, but in that moment he didn’t care. His release flowed over him. He plunged inside her, and cum filled her body.

  Her head rested against his. He licked his lips, then opened his eyes.

  “Wow,” she said.

  He knew exactly what she meant.

  Without pulling out, he moved them to the bed. He lay on top of her, staring down into her eyes.

  “I can’t believe you spent that money.” She cupped his cheek. Her fingers ran over his skin, sending sparks through his whole body.

  He smiled down at her. Jason pushed her hair out of the way and stared into her blue eyes. “When it comes to you there is nothing I wouldn’t do.”

  She nibbled on her lip while she looked at him.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” he asked.

  “I walked away from you.”

  He frowned. The memory still remained a hard one to forget. He’d been down on one knee in front of a water fountain. There had been many couples around them at the time he’d proposed. She was the woman for him, and he’d spent hours picking the right ring to give her. Getting down on one knee he’d been sure she’d accept, only, she didn’t.

  Her eyes had filled with tears as she stared at him.

  “Why do you have to spoil it?” she’d asked. Before he got a chance to answer, Emily had turned on her heel and left him.

  “I know.”

  “How can you stand to be near me?” she asked. “I’ve been so … mean.”

  Jason gazed down at her. She really didn’t know. Shaking his head, he kissed her lips. “You’ll have your answer soon,” he said.

  He pulled out of her and climbed off the bed. “You’re mine for the weekend. I’m going to run you a bath.”

  “I don’t need you to run me a bath.”

  He paused at the bathroom door and stared. His eyebrow rose as he looked at her.

  “Sir, I can run my own bath, Sir,” she corrected.

  The urge to smile was strong. Jason ignored it. “Remember that, because every
time you forget my title I’ll take it out on your gorgeous ass.”

  Chapter Three

  Emily lay back and stared at the ceiling. There was no mirror above her. Jason had a mirror above his bed at his own place. She used to enjoy watching them make love. Jason’s body was a work of art, and he sported a tattoo on his back. On the outside he appeared a conservative type of guy, but there was absolutely nothing conservative about him. The tattoo was of a lion. It was with black ink, and he’d never gotten color to the design. She loved tracing the outline of the lion when he lay out in front of her. Another part of him that was not conservative was his domination. Jason wasn’t just a weekend Dominant; it was part of him in all of his life. It was one of the reasons she had been attracted to him in the first place, even though, his ability to read her scared her. No one had ever been able to do that, or understand her. Jason was the kind of man who demanded, but it didn’t make him a bad guy.

  He told people what to do and expected to be obeyed in all things. She sensed his need to command at work. When she’d defied him over something she saw him tense, and the way he looked made her aware he wanted to spank her. She loved to test his control.

  Many of her lunch breaks had been spent fantasizing about him calling her into the office to punish her. She’d never been bent over his desk and punished. The thought of him spanking her ass sent a new wave of arousal through her.

  She heard the water running. This was another part of Jason. He took control in everything. He had the money and the power to do it. Look at what he’d done in that hall. He’d outbid every other man to get what he wanted.

  Why did she continue to fight him?

  He was everything she wanted. Jason was possessive and completely devoted to her. She’d observed him with other women. He showed no interest in anyone else. The women who fawned over him got brushed to one side. She was his whole world.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  She turned to see him leaning against the bathroom doorframe. One hand lay on his hip while the other pressed on the wood.


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