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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Nothing, Sir.” She smiled when she saw his cock thicken at the use of his title.

  Her pussy tightened at the thought of him being inside her once again.

  “Your bath is ready. Come on.” He ordered her to come to him.

  Emily yawned, rolled over, and got off the bed. She followed him through to the bathroom. He lifted her in his arms and placed her gently into the water.

  The water felt good against her skin.

  “Why did you come here?” he asked.

  She stared up at him. “You never brought me here.”

  He shook his head. “I come here to get away. When I was planning to bring you, you’d already walked away from me. I intended to bring you here for an extended vacation. I’ve never participated in the auction before. I don’t make a habit of buying women, but Charles is a good friend of mine.”

  Shrugging, she ran her hands through the soapy bubbles. “I don’t know why I came here. I think I wanted to escape what I’d done.”

  “Escape what?”

  “It was getting harder for me being around you. I thought this resort could kick my butt back into getting out there.”

  His eyes darkened as he knelt. His hand disappeared into the soapy water. His fingers caressed her thigh within seconds. His touch made her want him more.

  “You were going to allow another man to touch you? To put his hands on your body?”

  She heard the anger in his voice. The growl in his tone made her aware she was treading in dangerous territory.

  Emily cupped his face and forced him to look at her. “I don’t know what I’d have done. I wasn’t thinking when I took the leaflet and made the arrangements. I was miserable, and I’d have done anything to feel alive again.”

  He took her hand, kissed her knuckles before staring into her eyes. “No other man is allowed to touch you. I mean it. I wouldn’t be able to control myself. You’re mine.”

  She smiled even as her nerves kicked in. “I’m not a toy.”

  “I never said you were a toy. I said you’re mine. I mean it. I’ll hurt any man who touches you.”

  Pulling her hand away, she stared at where his hand disappeared into the water. His fingers stroked the inside of her thigh, working his way up to her pussy. She covered his hand and shook her head.

  “Not yet.”

  “You’re mine,” he said.

  “For this weekend.”

  Jason stood abruptly, his fingers flicking water at her, making her yelp. He caught her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. “When this weekend is up, you’ll never think again of leaving me.” He spoke the words the moment he broke the kiss.

  She watched him walk out of the bathroom. His tight ass caught her attention. Emily remembered a time when she’d nibbled on that flesh. Smiling, she ran her hands through the bubbles.

  The weekend had certainly taken an unexpected turn. She’d never expected Jason to turn up. Emily was grateful he had. Did she really want to be with another man? The thought of someone else touching her left her feeling cold and empty.

  He’d ruined her for any man who’d want her. His possessive need and constant control were heady to be around. She loved the fact he craved her submission. It was nice to have her decisions and choices taken from her. Jason was a good Dominant. He didn’t abuse his power. He’d mastered domination like he mastered most things in his life. There was nothing he couldn’t do when he put his mind to it.

  She lay back in the water thinking about him.

  Why wouldn’t he let her go? She’d hurt him when she’d walked away.

  Stop thinking about what you did. Make it better now.

  Walking away from him was the biggest mistake she’d ever made.

  Closing her eyes, she forced the tears down. Now was not the time to weep over what she’d done. No matter how many times she regretted the decision to leave him, she hadn’t returned to him willingly. He’d bought her in an auction. Jason had once again saved her. She didn’t want any other man. The only person she desired was Jason.

  You wanted him to do this. Why are you fighting your natural instinct to submit?

  Cutting off the thoughts once again, she picked up the sponge and began to soap her body. While she bathed away the day she listened for Jason. Her thoughts were already returning to how best to please him.


  Jason signed the check and handed it over to the man at the door. The waiter had brought a tray of food. The delicious scents made his stomach rumble. He’d not eaten since the morning and had started to feel his hunger.

  “Enjoy your meal, sir.”

  Charles wanted to speak to him as well. His cell phone had been buzzing nonstop since the auction stopped. Jason glanced into the bathroom to see how Emily was getting on. She lay back in the water, and it looked like her eyes were closed.

  He grabbed his cell, sat down on the edge of the bed and received the call.

  “Finally, do you know how long I’ve been trying to reach you?” Charles asked.

  “Over thirty times. I figured you’d get the message after the tenth try, Charles. I was a little busy.”

  “A million dollars? Do you have any idea what kind of a stir you’ve created with bidding that highly on an unknown sub?” Charles was angry.

  Jason knew Charles would be red in the face with anger. “I don’t see the problem, Charles. You make everyone sign a non-disclosure agreement every time they set foot on the island.”

  “Who is that woman to you? You asked about her, and I told you because you’re a friend.”

  “She’s the one.”

  At first, silence met his answer. “The one who got away?”

  Jason nodded and then realized Charles couldn’t see him. “Yes, she works for me.”

  Charles coughed over the line. “You mean to tell me the woman you fell in love with was in fact the sub who walked away after you proposed, and that same woman is the pissy personal assistant who works for you?”

  “Yes.” Jason sounded like a fool. What kind of man and Dom kept the woman in his life even after she told him she doesn’t want to be with him permanently? “Letting another man touch her is not an option.”

  “You and your little sub are going to be the talk of my resort. Subs are going to come here looking for their million-dollar man.”

  “So, it’ll be good for business and charity. Just think, you’ll have a hefty donation to give your woman for her charity.”

  Charles was in love with one of the women who helped raise money for the charity for disadvantaged kids.

  “Whatever. Enjoy your weekend, and, please, keep your attitude inside your room.”

  His friend hung up, leaving Jason holding the phone when Emily entered seconds later.

  “I thought I heard food come,” she said.

  The towel wrapped around her body did little to hide her tempting curves. Her hair was bound up in another towel to dry.

  “The food can wait. Come here.” He put the phone down, opened his legs and waited for Emily to come to him. She walked to him without hesitation.

  When she stood in between his thighs, he ran his fingers up under the towel. Jason stared into her eyes as she gasped. Her legs opened, and he cupped her heated flesh.

  “You’re ready for me.”

  “I’m always ready for you,” she said.

  He eased two fingers inside her, feeling her pussy tighten around him. “I could touch you for hours.”

  “I wouldn’t stop you.”

  “Do you like me touching your body?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Once again, his cock thickened at the mention of his title.

  Jason eased out of her heat and tore the towel from her body. He sucked his fingers into his mouth, relishing her taste. There was essence of his release, but it didn’t overtake her natural taste. She was delicious. He stood, unwound the towel binding her hair, and threw it on the floor.

  Her hair, still damp, fell around her shoulders
in waves. Jason left her side to grab a brush before returning to her. He sat down on the edge of the bed, then pointed at the floor by his feet. She knelt down, presenting her back to him.

  He loved doing this. Combing her hair was one of the few pleasures he enjoyed. She kept her blonde locks long. When they were together he used to spend hours brushing her hair. They’d talk about anything and nothing to pass the time. Sometimes they’d watch a movie as he played with her hair.

  “I’ve missed this,” she said.

  “Me, too.” He ran the brush through her hair and was careful when he encountered the odd knot. The conditioner she used always helped against knots. “Your hair is so beautiful.”

  “When I walked away I thought about getting it cut,” she admitted.


  “It hurt to look in the mirror or brush my hair. I always thought of you, and I didn’t want to.”

  Her admission meant the world to him. With each word she spoke he had more of a chance of winning her over.

  Jason was a confident Dom. He understood his sub, and he knew Emily completely. Her submission was a thing of beauty, when she was willing to open herself up to it. Her fight was part of the pleasure, at least for him. He loved watching her come apart, knowing he was the reason for it.

  Emily’s parents had inadvertently given her certain issues, her father’s infidelity being one of the biggest problems she’d dealt with growing up. Her mother had taken him back time and time again, and Emily had witnessed the pain it caused her mother.

  Shaking his head, Jason remained silent as he combed her hair.

  “I thought you’d have found another sub when I left,” she said. Her voice sounded shaky.

  “There will never be another sub for me.”

  “You’re a Dom, Jason. Shouldn’t you be training another submissive?”

  “I know what you’re trying to do. It’s not going to work. I’m not your father.”

  He held her in place as she made to move at his words. Jason held her tightly, refusing to let go.

  “Let go of me, damn it!”

  She fought to get away. Jason wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Her nakedness didn’t affect him. In that moment she needed comfort more than she needed a fuck.

  “Let me go!”

  “When will you learn I’ll never let you go?”

  Still, she continued to fight. Jason held her close. His hold tightened.

  “They always go. Men don’t know how to be faithful,” she said. The amount of hurt in her voice made him sick to his stomach. Her father had a lot to answer for. Jason intended to prove to her how different he really was.

  “I’ve not looked at another woman.”

  She shook her head. Tears spilled onto his arm, and he cursed. He hated her tears. Emily was too damn precious to him. From the moment she had entered his world, he had been attracted to her. She played the bitch perfectly, but beneath that frosty exterior, he had witnessed a beautiful woman with a pure soul. Of course, it was beneath layer upon layer of bitchiness.

  “You’re lying.”

  He took hold of her chin and turned her to face him. Her struggles stopped as she stared back at him. Her eyes swam with tears. They made her look so lost and alone. Whenever he was around she’d never be alone.

  Chapter Four

  She should stop talking, but she couldn’t. Emily stared into his eyes and felt the fear that always gripped her when she was with him. Jason was a good-looking man and a great Dominant. The instant she’d caught his eye all other men had been wasted on her. He captured her attention and kept it in ways that scared her. She felt a need to please him all the time. At work, she wanted him to be happy with her.

  Her submission with regards to him had taken over. Even now as she fought him, her heart was fighting for her to give in. Jason wasn’t the kind of man to hurt her.

  But you can never be too careful.

  She growled in frustration at her own inner doubts.

  He cupped her face. “Don’t you ever accuse me of lying, sub.” Jason let go of her face and pulled away. She watched him clamp his legs together and then point at them. “Get over. You’re getting twenty for your insolence.”

  “You’re not my Dom anymore,” Emily lied. Jason would always be her Dom.

  “Get over my knee and accept your punishment.”

  She glanced at his knees, and there was a yearning deep inside her. It would be easy to lie across his knees. Emily wanted to. She wanted to feel the hot smack of his hand across her butt. The heat of the spank would put her firmly in her place.

  Without realizing it, Emily reached for his hand. She needed something to hold on to to keep her feet firmly on the ground. Whenever she had choices like these they made her rooted to the spot.

  “I’ve got you, Emily. I’ll always have you. I’m here, and I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want,” Jason said.

  She smiled down at him. Jason understood her even though he’d ordered her to do something. She wanted him to punish her for her behavior. Emily needed his firm hand to spank her doubts away. Jason would never physically hurt her. Their relationship was about mixing the pain with the pleasure.

  “You have to make a choice now.”

  A whimper broke from her lips. Whenever she had a choice she fucked up. Look what she’d done to them. She’d walked away from the only man she’d ever loved.

  You’re a fool, Emily. One big fucking fool.

  “Look at me.” He caught her chin once again and turned her to look at him. She stared into his dark brown eyes, and a wave of peace settle over her. He crowded around her. His large muscled body protected her. “You’re going to have to make a choice. This changes this weekend.”

  “What changes?” she asked.

  “You change. You’ve got to make a choice. Either you walk out of that door and you resign from your job and cut off all contact with me forever…”

  She cried out in pain at the thought. “Please say there is going to be an ‘or’ in that statement.”

  “Or you get over my knee and submit. You accept everything I give you and put those fucking doubts of yours out of your mind.”

  Emily stared into his eyes.

  “I love you, baby. Mind, body, heart, and soul, and by the end of this weekend you’re going to realize how blasted much you mean to me.”

  Before she had a chance to speak, Jason slammed his lips down on hers. His tongue plundered her mouth, making her moan in submission.

  He broke away. “Choose.”

  She glanced behind her at the door, and for the first time she saw her life pan out if she made that choice. All she saw was a lonely road ahead filled with pain and despair. When she turned back to gaze at Jason she saw so much more. She saw a future, an uncertain future, but a future filled with love, passion, and everything a woman could dream of.

  Jason sat on the bed. His legs were shut, his knees waiting to take her weight for her punishment.

  Licking her lips, she moved over his knees. Her mind was made up. She’d rather face a future filled with uncertainty and love than a future filled with nothing.

  She lay across his knees, her stomach over the length of his lap with her breasts hanging over the end. Emily held on to his leg and waited. For the first time since she’d left him, Emily was safe once again.

  His palm ran over the curve of her ass. She bit her lip to stop herself from begging him to spank her. The pain of his hand was almost as good as the pleasure of his tongue. She’d experienced both. There was not a part of Jason that wasn’t expert in his field.

  “You’ve made me very proud,” he said. The approval she heard in his voice made her purr.

  “I really do want to try.”

  His palm landed on her ass. She yelped at the unexpected smack.

  “You won’t try, baby. You’ll succeed because I’m not letting you go. You’re going to realize how important you are to me.”

  “I was scared of
you leaving me.”

  Jason smacked her ass harder this time.



  “You’ve nothing to be scared of. From now on whenever you have any doubts you’ll come and talk to me, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” He rubbed the areas he’d spanked. “That was not part of your punishment for defying me. They were for your fears. You have nothing to fear when you’re with me, understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She loved hearing the command in his voice. When he was giving out orders there were times she thought she could climax from the sound of his voice alone.

  He continued to rub her ass. Jason wouldn’t start her punishment until he was ready. Her pussy burned with excitement. Cream leaked out of her slit.

  Emily waited for him. The anticipation made her wet for him.


  Jason smelled her arousal. From the creamy look of her pussy she was turned on and ready for him. His heart pounded at how brave she was being. For a few minutes he’d thought she was going to walk out that door and never look back. He took a deep breath and let it out quietly. When he’d given the ultimatum, he’d wished he kept his mouth shut. Emily wasn’t like other subs. She needed to have a mixture of BDSM and vanilla. He loved the fact he didn’t always have to be domineering toward her.

  He’d seen other relationships wither and fall apart when it became a constant power exchange. Not all relationships fell apart with total power exchange, but it wasn’t the relationship he wanted. He felt there should be an equal balance with both people.

  Telling Emily what to do all day every day held no appeal to him. He loved her for the woman she was and never wished to change her. The fears and insecurities were a problem, but they could work through them, he was sure of it.

  Her plump ass called to him. The red of his handprint was fading fast on her bottom. Soon her ass would be glowing red.

  He liked to draw out her punishment. It made her more excited when he held her in suspense for what was to come.

  “You’ve been a very bad sub.” He stroked her hair and the length of her back with his other hand.


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