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Make Me Yours: Boxed Set

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Yes, Jason is very special to me.”

  “Isn’t he the man you work for? Are you back with him?”

  “He’s more than the man I work for. It’s a long story. I realize I made a mistake walking away from him. Why did you call me? There must be some reason.” Her mother phoned her often, but if Emily didn’t answer the phone she usually waited.

  “It’s been too long since I saw you last.”

  “What’s happened?” Emily knew there had to be something going on for her mother to be phoning.

  “There is something.” She heard some commotion over the line, and Emily started to panic.

  “Mom, what’s going on?”

  She waited for her mother to tell her the problem. What came next startled her.

  “I wanted to be the first one to tell you. I’ve filed for divorce. I’m so sorry, baby. I couldn’t handle it another time. I’ve been a bloody doormat, and I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

  Her words completed amazed Emily. “You’re divorcing Dad?”

  “It’s time. I can’t handle his infidelity anymore. I’m tired of being the one to constantly take him back. It’s time I got some happiness of my own.”

  Emily ran her hand over her face, sighing in contentment.

  “I also know mine and your father’s relationship is the reason you’ve put off finding yourself a man. Honey, I want you to know that not all men are like your father. A lot of men can be faithful to one woman, and they don’t need to feel threatened by other men.”

  Jason walked through the door. He stared at the phone with a frown.

  “Mother.” She mouthed the word at him.

  He pointed to the shower, and she nodded. She held the brush up for him to see. Jason nodded before moving toward the shower.

  “I know what you mean. There is someone in my life. Well, he was in my life before, and he proposed to me and I fucked it up.”

  Her mother gasped over the line, clearly appalled by her.

  “Walking away was the biggest mistake of my life.”

  “Is that the man you’re with?” her mother asked.


  “You’ve got to tell him how you feel.”

  “He knows I love him, but I can’t ask him to propose to me again. That wouldn’t be proper, and I’m a little old-fashioned when it comes to proposals. He has to propose.”

  “You shot him down the last time. You’ve just said so. Maybe you need to concede on this point and you be the one to ask him to marry you.”

  She stared at the bathroom door and wondered if she could go through with it. Their time together was electric. She’d never felt connected to a person in the way she did with Jason.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  For the next few minutes she spoke with her mother and caught up. When Jason walked out of the bathroom she was waiting for him. “Did you get everything you needed sorted out?” she asked.

  He sat down behind her and took in hand the brush she’d left on the bed.

  “Yes. I got everything done. How did your phone call with your mother go?” Jason began running the brush through her hair.

  She moaned, relishing the feel of his touch. There was nothing Jason did that he didn’t do to perfection.

  “She’s filed for divorce, and she also told me not to judge every man I know with the same stick as my father.”

  “Your mother sounds wise.”

  Emily nodded. “She sounds it now, but she was married to him for the past ten years.”

  “You’re a lot older than ten.”

  “They didn’t marry when I was first born. I think he married her when she wouldn’t take him back or something. I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about them anymore.”

  She leaned against him. The feel of him behind her comforted her. Thinking over the phone call she’d had with her mother, Emily began to wonder if her mother had been right. Should she be the one to propose to Jason?

  Even though she continued to have her doubts, she knew the rest of her life was destined to be with Jason. From the moment she walked away from him, she’d missed him. Jason meant everything to her. The biggest mistake she had ever made was walking away. Her life hadn’t been the same without him.

  He ran a thumb down her temple. “You’re thinking too much. What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing important,” she said. “This is a Masters’ weekend. Why haven’t you been strict on me?”

  She’d been with Jason for a good few months before she walked away from him and she knew how intense a Dom he was. He demanded respect and got it. Jason was always a fair Dom, but he was firm.

  “This weekend was about us. This is not about our lifestyle. When we establish what is going on with us then we’ll go back to being a Dom and a sub.”

  She went to her knees and turned to face him.

  “I love you. Thank you,” she said. Emily kissed his lips, pressing against him.

  “What are you thanking me for?” His arms wrapped around her.

  “For being patient with me. It killed me walking away from you. I shouldn’t have done it, and that is the biggest regret of my life.”

  He covered her lips with his fingers. “Be quiet.”

  Closing her lips, she stared up into his eyes, waiting for him to respond.

  Jason caressed her hair, stroking the length. Eyes closed, her body relaxed against his touch.

  “I love you, Emily. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you.” He pressed a kiss to her lips and then stood.


  Jason held back the words. The desire to propose to her once again was strong. He wasn’t ready to. That would come later. The towel he wore around his hips dropped to the floor. The nightshirt Emily had been wearing was dropped along with it. He pulled her against him, the mounds of her breasts pressing to his chest. She really was a beauty.

  He thought about collaring her. She’d look beautiful wearing his token. He’d brought the collar he’d picked out especially for her with him. Before he’d left for this trip he’d known what Emily was up to. Watching her at her desk every day was no longer healthy for him. He’d been in love with her for so long. She’d run from him once. He wasn’t going to let her run a second time.

  Running his hands up and down her back, he took her to the bed. She went willingly. He turned her onto her stomach and began kissing down her back. When he got to the curve of her ass he took a little bite. She squeaked, which made him smile.

  “You’ve got such a tempting ass,” he said.

  “You can have my ass anytime.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  They’d explored anal sex when they’d been dating. Emily seemed to love having his cock up her ass.

  “If you want to take it,” she said. Emily looked at him over her shoulder and gave a saucy smile. He slapped her ass for her teasing.

  “I may be going easy on you, baby, but remember I’m still your Master and you’ll do as you’re told.”

  He smacked her ass twice more for good measure.

  The scent of her arousal filled the air. Jason reached into the drawer at the side of the bed. He pulled out a condom and a tube of lube. They’d been put in there by him the moment he got to the resort. He preferred to keep his equipment with him. Charles provided plenty of selection, but they just weren’t Jason’s selection.

  When it came to anal sex, Jason kept everything clean. He’d never risk Emily’s health with such matters.

  “Get on your knees, baby. I need to fuck that ass. It has been too long since it’s had my cock.”

  He slapped her ass when she didn’t move fast enough. Her moan echoed around the room. She was getting turned on by his love taps.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she said.

  “I’ve never played fair. I’m out to win by all means possible.”

  She knelt on the bed before him, her creamy red slit and tiny rosebud on display for him to enjoy. He tore the condom wrappe
r open and put the latex on. Next, he uncapped the lube and covered his fingers generously. He pressed his well-lubed fingers to her tiny hole. She stayed still as he pushed past the tight ring of muscles. Emily took a deep breath and pushed out. His fingers slid right inside.

  Once she was prepared, he smeared his latex-covered cock with the remaining lube and then pressed the tip of his cock to her ass.

  “You know what to do, baby,” he said.

  She pushed against him. The head of his cock was seated in her ass. He gave her time to accommodate before he pushed another inch inside her.

  Her ass squeezed him tighter than her pussy. Jason ran his hand down her back encouraging her to take more of him.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Full but it feels so good.”

  He pushed the last few inches inside her, which made her cry out. “You’ve got it all, baby.”

  “Feels so good.” Her words came out in a breathy moan.

  He chuckled.

  “Are you ready for the fun to start?”

  She nodded.

  Taking hold of her hips, he pulled out of her tight hole and then pushed back in. At first he took it easy, giving her time between each movement to become used to him. Jason wanted to hear her pleasure. This was not a punishment but a mutual enjoyment.

  When she was ready for the fucking he planned, he’d give it to her.

  “Finger your clit for me. I want to feel you come.”

  Her hands went between her thighs. He watched as her fingers circled her wet nub. The sound of her flesh on flesh was intoxicating.

  “Are you wet?” he asked.


  “Make yourself come and then I’ll fuck this tight little ass.”

  Jason stayed still as she brought herself to orgasm. Her cries filled the air, and her ass tightened around him.

  “Please, fuck my ass,” she screamed the words at him as she climaxed.

  He listened to her. Jason pulled out of her ass and slammed inside her.

  She cried out, thrusting back to meet him with every stroke. He took her deeper and deeper, relishing the sounds of her release. Her orgasm continued well into his fucking.

  Biting his lip, he concentrated on drawing out her pleasure. His body was covered with perspiration for his efforts. Droplets of sweat fell onto her back.

  Grabbing her hips, he fucked her hard as his release spilled out of him. He pushed inside her once last time, feeling each jet of his semen inside the condom. Emily collapsed to the bed, and he went over her.

  “Wow,” she said after some minutes had passed.

  No words could describe how he was feeling. He kissed her temple.

  “I’m not letting you go,” Jason said.

  Chapter Nine

  The following morning Emily rolled over and groaned. Her body ached all over from Jason’s rough lovemaking. After he’d taken her ass the previous night, he’d bathed her for a good hour. She loved his aftercare. No part of her was left unloved. She reached out for him only to find an empty space where he should be. Opening her eyes, she saw that an envelope decorated his pillow.

  She sat up and let the sheet fall down. Her body was covered with red marks from his loving touch. Jason was an adventurous sort.

  Emily pulled out the sheet of paper and read the words.

  My dearest Emily,

  I couldn’t bear to wake you. Last night was amazing and one of the best nights of my life. I’m out on the patio near the pool. I want you to join me. I’ve got something I want to ask you.

  Love you always,

  Jason. Kiss, kiss, kiss.

  Her heart thumped inside her chest. What could he want to ask her?

  In that moment if he didn’t ask her then she would ask him.

  Climbing out of bed, she went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Her nerves were increasing with each passing minute. She wanted to see Jason.

  Dressing in a pink sundress and leaving her hair down, Emily walked out of their room. She asked the woman at the reception where to find the patio with the pool. Once she got directions she followed the signs until she made it to the pool.

  It looked welcoming. Depending on what happened with Jason, she’d take a swim later. The cool water would be a welcoming relief from the glaring hot sun.

  She glanced along the patio hoping to find her man. After a few seconds passed she spotted him. Her heart stopped beating at what she saw.

  No, it couldn’t be.

  Emily stared at the woman draped over Jason. The other woman wore a bikini and her large breasts were practically falling out of the tight top she wore. Emily stared at the scene in front of her, and her whole world crumbled around her.

  He was doing exactly as her father had done. Jason had moved onto the next available woman. Feeling her heart beginning to break, she turned on her heel and took a step away.

  Wait! What the fuck are you doing?

  She paused.

  He’s cheating on me. There is a woman draped all over him. He wants her, not me.

  Are you fucking stupid? Think about everything you’ve had together this weekend. You’re packed and ready to leave in a few short hours. You’re going to start your life with him.

  She turned back to the scene before her. Licking her lips, she watched what was going on.

  Did Jason want the woman’s attention?

  On closer inspection, she saw he was pushing her arm off his shoulder.

  No! I’m not going to do this. I’m not going to give up on Jason. He wants me, just as I want him. She had given up so much time already with the man she loved. This man wasn’t her father; he wasn’t a cheater. He was a man that loved her more than anything. She loved him so much.

  Taking a step closer she felt her anger evaporate. Jason wasn’t moving onto another woman. Another woman was draping herself around him. With each step Emily took closer to Jason the fears of her father began to wilt under the new confidence she’d gained.

  Jason would never cheat on her because she’d never give him the option. Emily thought about her parents and realized her mother could have kicked her father’s ass to the curb years ago. There must have been something keeping them together. In their own way, her parents loved each other. Just because her parents had worked that way didn’t mean she was going to end up in a relationship like them.

  She closed the distance between them. Emily tapped the woman on the arm. “Get off my man,” she said.

  “Your man?” the woman asked.

  Emily turned to Jason and saw the smile on his lips. “Yes, my man and my fiancé. Go and bother another man.” She shooed her away with a brush of her fingers. Emily wrapped her arms around Jason and kissed him.

  He fisted his hand in her hair deepening the kiss. “You make me so proud,” he said.

  “You saw?”

  “I saw you about to give up and then I saw you fight it.” He held her close, and the tears she’d locked up inside began to fall.

  “I did it. I finally stopped it. I saw her, and I thought the worst. I’ll never give up again, Jason. I will fight for you.”

  “Good, because I’m never letting you give up again.”

  He kissed her lips.

  “Fiancé, huh? Is that what you call a proposal?” he asked.

  She licked her lips staring up into his eyes. “I, uh, I…” She stopped, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment. “I walked away from you once, and it was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I love you, Jason.”

  Glancing around her at the many couples seated in the area, she went down on one knee. Jason’s face went from laughing to serious.

  “I don’t have a ring. Jason Young, will you forgive a stupid woman and do me the honor of becoming my husband?” As far as proposals went she knew it was an awful one. She didn’t have a ring, and her nerves were all over the place. All she wanted to do was run and hide. Scenes were not for her, and right now she felt like she was causing a scene.

p; Were people watching them?

  “Get up,” he said.

  His voice was hard and firm as he spoke.


  “Get up.”

  Feeling her whole world falling around her once again, Emily stood and stared at the ground. He was rejecting her the way she’d rejected him. This was his revenge, to make her feel horrid.

  He caught her chin in his hand. “Look at me.”

  She looked at him. He caressed her lip.

  “Why did you have to take the words right out of my mouth?” he asked.

  She frowned, staring at him.


  Jason pulled the ring he’d once offered out of his pocket. “I asked you to marry me, and you walked away. Today, I have two things to ask.”

  Emily was on cloud nine. Two things?

  “The first is will you marry me?” He didn’t get down on one knee, but Emily didn’t care about that. She threw her arms around his neck and screamed the word yes.

  “A million times yes.”

  Jason laughed and placed the ring onto her finger. She stared at the diamond glinting back at her. Tears filled her eyes from the beauty of the moment. She never thought it was possible to be so happy. Not a moment would go by when she wasn’t filled with happiness.

  “You said there were two things. What’s the second thing you want to ask me?”

  The rest of the people fell away, and, to her, they were the only two people on the island.

  Jason kissed her deeply before resting his head against hers.

  “Will you be my sub?” he asked.

  “I’m already your sub.”

  “No.” He placed something in her palm. She gazed down to see a purple collar. “I want to collar you, here, tonight.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

  “That’s what I was talking to Charles about. He doesn’t do this usually, but for us, he’ll do it.”

  “Yes, I’ll be your sub. I’ve always been yours.” She wrapped her arms around him, feeling safe and secure.


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