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Cold Sanctuary (John Decker Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Anthony M. Strong


  Dominic Collins fidgeted while the elevator descended, drumming his fingers on the side of his leg, releasing a measure of the pent up nervous energy that had been building inside him. Judging by the time it was taking to arrive at their destination, he knew that they were going deep underground.

  Next to him Adam Hunt stood stock still, his face an emotionless blank, a small bag in his hand, retrieved from the trunk of the car.

  After an eternity, Hunt unzipped the bag and turned to Dominic. He reached inside and fished out a small black object. “Here. Take this.”

  “What is it?”

  “Two-way radio.” Hunt pressed the object into Dominic’s palm. “It will be the only way we can communicate if we are not together. Cell phones don’t work this deep. Keep it on you at all times.”

  “Okay.” Dominic was distracted. He pushed the radio into his pocket, still thinking about the long descent. When the elevator finally stopped he came to a startling conclusion. They were at least one hundred feet below the surface.

  “Follow me, and keep close.” Hunt instructed as the elevator doors opened. He threw the bag over his shoulder before stepping out. Without another word he made his way along a featureless corridor to a closed access door at the other end and used his key card to open it. He stood back to allow Dominic to enter before leading him past offices, recreational areas and briefing rooms, to the labs buried deep within the complex.

  “What is this place?” Dominic asked, his eyes scanning the new surroundings. The laboratories were outdated, ancient, in fact, the machinery and instruments big and bulky. Not a microchip or printed circuit board in sight. “Everything looks so old.”

  “That’s not important.” Hunt dismissed the query and continued on. “We’re not here for the technology. At least, not that technology.”

  “I would really like to know what we are here for.” Dominic was getting anxious. He hated these blind arrivals. Coming into the situation with little to no information made it hard to prepare, mentally and physically. Not for the first time he decided that this would be his last job. Just one more and you’re done, he always told himself. After all, he had more than enough money stashed away in accounts all around the world. There was some in the Cayman Islands, a bit more in a Swiss account, and even some in a small South American bank. That was the easy part, because he could never spend any of it while he was on the job. Harder was the actual separation. He never could quite extricate himself. Whenever he came to the conclusion that enough was enough, that he was going to leave, he would take a look around at the other opportunities, and then he always stayed, because nowhere else paid as well by half. However, that wasn’t the only reason, because even though he didn’t like to admit it, he found a certain thrill in the cloak and dagger stuff. It made him feel special, and he liked that feeling. What he did not like was the arrogance of some of his co-workers, like Hunt, especially when he had travelled a long way, and was tired. “Well?”

  “Eager to get started?” Hunt chuckled.

  “I’ve had a long trip, and the last few miles, on that boat, were intolerable. I really don’t care if we start or not, but I would like to be afforded the common courtesy of being told what my job here is to be, and where I will be laying my head this evening. I don’t think that is too much to ask.” Dominic did his best to keep his voice flat and even, but even so, a small tremor of frustration weaved its way in.

  “Finally. Some backbone.” Hunt grinned. “I can respect that. Your quarters are back the other way, near where we came in. As for why you were sent here, that’s what I’m about to show you.”

  “I’m sleeping here, in this place?” Dominic’s frustration was replaced by disbelief.

  “Don’t worry. The sleeping quarters are more than adequate. Where do you think the original scientists lived?”

  “What about the motel back at the docks?”

  “You know the rules. Leave no footprint. Besides, the motel is a roach pit, trust me.”

  “You’re staying there?”

  “No. I have an apartment. But I did spend a few nights there when I arrived here three years ago.”

  “How is that fair? You get an apartment and I get to live in a windowless box.”

  “Quit complaining. You have the radio if you need me. You’ll be fine.” They reached a flight of stairs. Hunt led Dominic up. “The base is divided into two levels. The upper level is where the most sensitive stuff went on.”

  “I only saw one button in the elevator.” Dominic climbed up behind Hunt.

  “You can only reach the upper level from inside the base.”

  “What if something happens? We would be trapped up here,” Dominic said.

  “Don’t worry. There is an emergency exit on each level, accessible only from the inside,” Hunt explained.

  “Good to know.” They were at the top of the stairs now, in another long corridor with labs off to each side.

  Hunt led Dominic down the corridor to another sturdy looking security door equipped with a card reader, just like the entry door. He pulled out the key card and inserted it. When the door clicked open he stepped through and motioned for Dominic to do the same.

  “This place has all the comforts of home. I even brought a flat screen TV down here and set it up in your room. You can stream movies, TV, even porn if you get too lonely.”

  “I don’t watch TV. It rots the brain.” Dominic glanced at the door and the red lettering stenciled on it as he passed by. A shiver ran up his spine.


  “Your loss.” Hunt shook his head. “It can be pretty abysmal up here, I can tell you. After a few weeks you might change your mind.”

  “I doubt it, but thank you anyway.” Dominic looked around, noting the decidedly different atmosphere since they had passed by the last door. Where the rest of the facility was bright and open, this area felt more like a prison. The floors and walls were rough unpainted concrete. The ceiling lights were nothing more than exposed fluorescent tubes with wire cages surrounding them, and the air felt colder, as if the heat in the rest of the place didn’t get this far. On his left and right were rooms with reinforced glass panels fronting them, surrounded by thick walls. The rooms were small, with a concrete ledge along the back wall that was meant to act as a bed, and a metal toilet. Each room had a small metal grate set into the wall near the floor, no doubt to pass food and water through. Thankfully the cells were empty, but he couldn't help wondering who had been held here and why they needed such security. He shivered and hugged his arms around his torso, a feeling of unease coming over him. Whatever he was here for must be linked to this dire holding area, and that meant it was not going to be good. Not good at all.

  “Here we are.” Hunt stopped at the last cell, the one furthest from the door. He stepped close to the glass and peered in. “Come take a look. I think this will clear up any questions you have regarding your task here.”

  Dominic edged close to the small cell, his heart pounding in his chest. He wiped a trickle of sweat from his brow despite the chill air and took a deep breath before peering into the room, but all he saw was darkness, which was odd considering that every other cell was lit up by an overhead light in the ceiling. “I don’t see anything.”

  “I’m afraid that’s because he broke the light bulb out,” Hunt stated, matter-of-factly.

  “Who?” Dominic peered closer, his face inches from the glass. “Who broke the bulb?”

  “Wait for it.” Hunt stood stock still, a wry smile on his face, as if he knew what was coming. “Trust me, it will be worth it.”

  “I still don’t see anything.” Dominic scratched his head and adjusted the spectacles on his nose. “Are you sure there’s anything in there?”

  “Oh, there’s something in there alright,” Hunt replied, his eyes darting from the cell to the scientist and back again. “I put it there myself.”

  “Really?” Dominic cupped his hands and pressed his face so close that
his nose touched the glass.

  “I wouldn’t get too close if I were you.”

  “Why?” Dominic asked, noticing movement for the first time. It was barely perceptible at first, a slight shift in the darkness, but then, before he could react, something barreled from the gloom toward him, a nightmare with milky white eyes and a twisted, disfigured body. It slammed into the wall inches from him, sending shock waves through the glass.

  Dominic staggered backwards, a look of horror on his face. He watched it claw and scratch at the smooth surface, saw it open its mouth to display rows of sharp teeth that reminded him of the jaws of a piranha. And then he saw something else, the remains of a shirt clinging to the pallid, lumpy flesh of the creature’s torso. He felt his knees turn to jelly, and fought to stay upright. The urge to turn and run was overwhelming.

  “For chrissakes, what is that thing?”

  “That thing is your job, Mr. Collins.” Hunt leaned against the wall and eyed the creature as it pounded on the glass and paced back and forth, its eyes darting between the two men.

  “I’m a biologist, not a zoo keeper,” Dominic said, his voice shaky. “What am I supposed to do with that?”

  “You’re supposed to study it, find out what makes it tick,” Hunt replied. “There’s a file folder in your room that contains everything you need to know, and full instructions regarding your duties. I suggest you study it, and then we will talk again.”

  “One more thing,” Dominic said, his eyes riveted on the creature behind the glass. “Why is it wearing a shirt?”

  “Come along now. I’ll show you to your quarters, and then I have some other business to attend to.” Hunt ignored the question and turned to walk away.

  “Wait, you didn’t answer my question,” Dominic said.

  Hunt turned back toward him, a grim look upon his face. “Because it used to be a man, that’s why.”


  John Decker stood in the entrance of his home away from home and surveyed his new accommodation. He was alone now; Hayley had left moments before under the guise of letting him settle in, for which he was grateful. The units on the tenth floor were primarily reserved for official visitors, and so he naturally assumed he would be staying in something akin to a hotel room, but instead he found himself in a large suite with a kitchenette, decent sized living room, and an expansive bedroom complete with a king size bed. The unit even had a walk in shower with twin heads, which Decker made the most of within minutes of discovering it. He lingered under the hot jets of water for a long while, basking in self-indulgent heaven, before drying off and pulling on a clean set of clothes. For the first time in days he felt human.

  He explored the kitchen, pleased to find it well stocked with a variety of canned and fresh foods. At least he would not starve while he was up here. He opened a loaf of sliced bread and made a ham and cheese sandwich. He cut it in half, grabbed a bag of chips, and was about to sit at the small dining room table and consume his feast when there was a knock at the door.

  Decker frowned. The only person he’d met so far was Hayley and he wasn’t due to see her again until the next morning.

  He crossed the room and pulled the door open, expecting to find Hayley there, but it wasn’t the town administrator in the corridor. Instead he stood face to face with a girl of perhaps twenty years of age, wearing jeans and a white t-shirt. She had long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and light freckled skin. A pair of thin round glasses sat perched on her nose.

  “Hi there,” the girl said.

  “Can I help you?” Decker noticed her eyes, pale blue with flecks of green. They matched her complexion.

  “Can I come in?” She smiled.

  “Sure.” Decker stepped out of the way, taken aback. “I guess.”

  The girl stepped past him into the room and looked around. “Man, they gave you the shitty apartment. Guess they don’t like you very much. 10C is much nicer. It has a view of the glacier and a hot tub.”

  “I’m sorry, but who are you exactly?” Decker stood by the open door, taken aback. He could feel the tiredness creeping around the edges of his consciousness and suddenly wished he hadn’t opened the door.

  “I’m Mina. I write for the local newspaper.” She walked to the window and looked out across the parking lot toward the north tower. “God, I hate this place. Everything is so drab and lifeless.” She turned back to Decker. “So you’re the monster hunter, huh?”

  “The what?”

  “The monster hunter.” Mina walked over to the table and pulled out a chair. She sat down and put her elbows on the table. “I read about you on the Internet. You killed that werewolf.”

  “It was a loup garou, not a werewolf.”

  “Same difference. Most of these superstitions stem from the same basic myth. Almost every culture on earth has some sort of werewolf in their oral history.”

  “You don’t say.” Decker took a seat and picked up his sandwich. If his uninvited guest wasn’t going to leave, he might as well eat. “You write for the newspaper?”

  “It’s not really a newspaper anymore. They stopped printing it about five years ago. Now it’s a website. I run it in my spare time.”

  “I see.”

  “So what was it like?” Mina watched him with wide eyes. “The loup garou.”

  “Are you making fun of me?” Decker narrowed his eyes. He’d heard it all before, the laughter, the snide remarks and whispered comments, the odd glances when he entered a room.

  “No.” Mina looked hurt. “Why would you think that?”

  “Most people do these days.”

  “Well not me,” Mina said. “I’m the one that discovered you.”

  “Huh?” Decker was confused.

  “I’ve been following the news about Wolf Haven for a while. I suggested Hayley contact you.”

  “So you’re the person I have to thank for this.” Decker took a bite of the sandwich.

  “Pretty much.” Mina grinned. “So?”


  “The loup garou. Tell me about it.”

  “Another time.” Decker was exhausted. All he could think about was crawling into bed. “I’m not in the mood to give an interview.”

  “I’m not here to interview you. Well, maybe a little, but mainly because I’m curious.” Mina looked at him with wide, expectant eyes. “Come on. Please?”

  “It was big, with lots of teeth.”

  “That’s all I get? It was big?” She looked disappointed.

  “Pretty much. Yeah.” Decker finished his sandwich and walked over to the refrigerator. There were several cans of soda in there. The caffeine would keep him awake for a little longer - give him a jolt. He got one for himself and held one out to Mina.

  She shook her head. “I try to avoid that stuff. Too many chemicals.”

  “Very wise.” He popped the lid and drank.

  “So they fired you?” Mina leaned back in the chair, putting her hands behind her head.

  For a moment Decker was back there, all those months ago, in the State Capitol, answering a board of inquiry. Why didn’t he bring more men in to search for the killer? Why hadn’t he protected the mayor? Why did he shoot a defenseless old woman instead of arresting her? For that matter, what was a naked old hag doing running around the school in the first place, and during a storm too? They hadn’t believed a word that came out of his mouth despite the eyewitness testimony of more than half a dozen people who all swore they saw the beast. None of that mattered. Decker was an embarrassment and had to go. It was a witch-hunt made all the worse by the frenzied media coverage. After all, it wasn’t every day that a mythical monster besieged a town, or that the sheriff of said town dispatched the aforementioned monster, which later turned out to be a woman the town folk had called a witch. Yes, he had resigned, but it wasn’t like he’d been given much choice, especially after his deputy, Chad, testified. The weasel didn’t waste any time stabbing his boss in the back and taking his job. After that, things got worse. Money
was tight, and although Nancy stood by him, he could see the incredible strain she was under. Her diner suffered, Taylor suffered, it was a mess all around, and Decker was the catalyst. Worst of all, he was helpless to stop it. Eventually he spoke again, his voice low, measured.

  “I wasn’t fired. I resigned.”

  “That sucks.” Mina hopped from the chair.

  “Tell me about it.”

  “You’re better off without them,” Mina said. “Monster hunter is a way cooler job than sheriff anyway.”

  “I’m not a monster hunter.”

  “Yeah, you kind of are. A badass monster hunter.” She walked to the door, lingering for a moment in the doorway. “That’s why I told Hayley about you, so that you can kill our monster.”

  “You think that’s what is going on here?” Decker asked. “A monster?”

  “Maybe.” Mina shrugged. “Half the town is convinced that the qalupalik killed those folk. They’re scared to death.”


  “A mythical creature that comes to take you if you’re bad,” Mina said. “The bogeyman.”

  “So you think I’m going to catch your bogeyman?”

  “Pretty much. Yeah.”

  “I’m here to stop a killer. I can’t help it if the town thinks it’s some kind of mythical monster on the loose,” Decker said. “Now if you don’t mind, I would love to settle in and get some shut eye.”

  “Of course.” Mina nodded. “I didn’t mean to barge in on you. I can be a bit impulsive at times.”

  “Forget about it.”

  “Thanks.” Mina stepped into the hallway. “See you around, monster man.”

  “Would you please stop calling me that.” Decker shouted after her, but it was too late. She was already gone.


  Adam Hunt stood in the shadows and watched the slim young girl leave apartment 10F. He recognized her immediately. She was one of the town brats who lived on the fifth floor, Mina or Mina or some such thing. He tried to keep his distance from the town’s other occupants most of the time, something which was surprisingly easy. You didn’t live in a place like Shackleton unless you valued your privacy. There were rumors of people who hadn’t left the building in ten years. Living here was like being a hermit surrounded by a whole bunch of other hermits.


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