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Wolfe's Lair

Page 8

by Alice Raine

  Suddenly, I was filled with a desperate need to fill the tense silence that hung around us. ‘Oh, this isn’t a …’

  My sentence was cut short as Oliver took hold of my hand and gave it a sharp squeeze, causing me to stall in my speech and look at him in surprise. This hand holding was becoming almost commonplace now, not that I really minded.

  His eyes darted to mine, and even though it was the briefest of glances he flashed me a wink and gave me a look that I took to mean “don’t finish that sentence”, so I didn’t, snapping my mouth closed instead.

  When she saw our joined hands, Alexandra’s face stiffened, making me wonder if there a history between the two owners, but she chose not to say anything, and I certainly wasn’t going to.

  ‘Was there something you needed, Alex?’ Oliver asked in an icy tone that I was glad wasn’t directed at me, but the gentle rub of his thumb across the back of my hand was far from icy. In fact, it was lovely, and I felt warmth seeping through my veins regardless of the glacial stare that was still being directed at me from Alex.

  There was another lengthy pause where I almost thought Alex was going to challenge me to a duel of ownership over Oliver, but finally she shifted, her social mask seeming to drop back into place as she ignored me, and flashed Oliver a seductive smile. ‘No. I need to go and find Joshua. I’ll see you in the club later.’ As a parting gesture another glare was directed at me, then she turned on her heel and strode in the direction of the club.

  She was certainly intense, which is my polite way of saying she was a raving bitch. Oliver turned to me with an apologetic wince. ‘Sorry about that. Alex can be a little … peculiar sometimes,’ he said by way of explanation.

  He lowered his gaze as he examined our joined hands and, after giving one more soothing rub with his thumb, he released me.

  ‘That’s OK.’ My hand was still tingling from his touch, and I was almost tempted to reach out and reinstate it, but instead I tucked it into my lap.

  ‘Who’s Joshua?’

  ‘Her partner. How he puts up with her attitude I have no idea.’

  She had a partner? So why had just been shooting daggers at me because I was sitting with Oliver? I sensed there was something else going on, but decided not to bring it up.

  Curious about what both Alex and Dominic had said, I decided to brave my other question. ‘I know this isn’t a date …’ I began, suddenly worried that I was being too personal with someone I barely knew. ‘But what did she mean when she said that you were dating again? Don’t you date?’

  Oliver gave me a long scrutinising look, but didn’t answer.

  ‘And last week Dominic had said something similar about you being back in the game,’ I added, hoping he didn’t think I was prying, which I clearly was.

  ‘He did,’ Oliver finally agreed, with a shrug. ‘I don’t date, no. Or should I say, I haven’t, not for many years now.’

  My eyes widened at his response and he gave a short laugh. ‘Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not an angel. I might not have dated romantically for a few years, but I’ve spent time with plenty of women in that time.’ Which I took to mean “I’ve screwed plenty of women in that time”. How lovely, and once again I felt the sharp bite of jealousy in my chest.

  ‘Through choice I’ve been single for several years. I also haven’t fraternised with anyone within the club for a very long time. It’s probably been a bit of a shock for people to see me with you, so I assume both Alex and Dominic were asking if I was getting back on the horse, so to speak.’

  Oliver smiled, but he seemed to have relaxed now, because once again it was the expression that came with narrowed eyes and a teasing twinkle in those blue depths. It was a decidedly wicked smile, that somehow made my stomach tremble and my heart rate accelerate.

  He’d been single for several years? Now that was an interesting nugget of information. And he didn’t usually interact with the customers? Why had he approached me, then? Instead of asking that question, though, I blurted out something completely stupid. ‘And are you?’ Holy smokes! Why the heck was I asking that? He made me lose all control of my tongue. I didn’t need to know the answer; what this man did in his private time was no business of mine. Although I couldn’t deny that the thought of him naked was certainly a tantalizing prospect.

  Tilting his head to the side, Oliver propped his chin on his hand and ran his forefinger briefly over his lips. I tried not to follow the action, but of course I did, and ended up staring at his mouth for way longer than was socially acceptable.

  ‘Perhaps,’ he murmured cryptically. He lowered his hand then crooked the very same forefinger that had just been at his lips and stroked it from my knuckle to my fingernail before retracting his hand. ‘Why, are you volunteering for the position?’

  That, surely, was either the most teasing line ever, or an out-and-out come-on. God. He’d warned me he was a tease, but I couldn’t tell when he was joking and when he was being serious. A guy like Oliver wouldn’t seriously be interested in me; he’d surely want an experienced submissive to have his fun with. No doubt he was just playing with me like a cat plays with a mouse. Perhaps given our names it would be more appropriate to say the Big Bad Wolf targeting a floundering Robin …

  ‘I … eh … No … I was just curious,’ I stammered.

  ‘There’s that blush again,’ he commented with a smile. He leaned in towards me and my breath caught in my throat, but even though I saw his hand flex on his thigh, he didn’t stroke my cheek like he had the last time. ‘You’re so perfect,’ he murmured. ‘Your responses to me, you feel the connection between us, don’t you?’

  Shit, shit, shit. This conversation was all my fault for being stupid enough to ask whether he was dating again. I really needed to learn when to hold my tongue around him.

  As for his question – did I feel the connection between us? – I did. I definitely did, but I couldn’t admit it to him. Could I? Surely if I did, it would lead towards me doing something with a guy I’d met in a sex club, which seemed so wrong, so I shrugged jerkily and remained silent.

  ‘I would very much like to help you expand your research parameters into some physical exploration.’ My already wide eyes expanded even further at Oliver’s words. Oh my gosh. ‘Would you allow me to help you do that?’

  Throw my “oh-my-gosh” in the trash, and up it to a “holy fuck”. Did he really just ask me that? Forget panting – I was now full-on hyperventilating and seriously concerned that I might have a heart attack at any second. The stupid thing was, above all my racing heartbeats and panicked sweating, I was actually tempted to say yes, because this club, and this man, were opening my eyes to things that had secretly fascinated me for years. It was only because my sanity made me clamp my teeth together that I stopped the word from escaping.

  ‘I … uh … I …’ I couldn’t speak, which was hardly surprising given the circumstances. ‘You said no strings …’ I muttered desperately.

  Oliver sat back and folded his arms, looking cool as a cucumber while I was melting beside him like a panicky, sweaty mess. ‘There are no strings,’ he replied coolly. ‘I haven’t said I would kiss you, or bend you over and fuck you, have I?’ I winced at his bluntness, but it was true; he’d said he wanted me to expand my physical understanding, so perhaps I was overreacting. ‘I merely said I wanted you to experiment a little, broaden your understanding of our lifestyle. Perhaps if you’ve seen inside one of the private rooms, run a flogger through your fingers, and sat in a ready position you will have a deeper understanding and be able to convey it to your readers.’

  It all made perfect sense when he said it like that. But no. There was no way I could do something so sexually charged with Oliver.

  ‘I’m not denying the fact that I would get quite a thrill from it, too, though,’ Oliver added, reaching across the gap between us and briefly trailing his fingers over my forearm. The hairs on my arm stood up, and as I gasped at my crazy response I heard Oliver release a small, satisfi
ed chuckle. ‘Your blushes would no doubt drive me wild.’ His voice was now low, and seductive, and the word “wild” had practically purred from his tongue.

  The combination of exhilaration, fear, confusion and arousal were making normal bodily functions almost impossible, but I pressed to my feet, determined to do what any sensible person in my position would do – run like hell.

  I swayed, standing there on wobbly legs for a second or two, but Oliver remained seated, his eyes raised and assessing me with that bloody unaffected look again. ‘I need to go,’ I finally managed in a thick voice, causing Oliver to raise an eyebrow in amusement. Yeah, I was a complete coward.

  I’m glad he found all of this amusing, because I certainly didn’t. But just as I went to turn and leave he was up, moving so fluidly I’d barely registered it. Gripping my wrist, he leaned in close to my ear, his touch igniting a series of sparks under my skin that felt blissfully sinful. ‘Think of me when you touch yourself tonight,’ he murmured, his breath warming my cheek. ‘Because trust me, Robyn, you will touch yourself,’ he added with certainty before turning and walking away from me.

  Even though I had been the one to say I was leaving, I had to physically restrain myself from calling him back as I watched his powerful frame disappear elegantly into a group near the bar.

  I couldn’t move. My face was burning, my legs shaky, and my core was clenching with the need to do exactly as he’d said – touch myself. Or perhaps beg him to touch me. God, I was so aroused that the briefest of touches would be enough to send me over the edge.

  Gaping at where he had been sitting just a few seconds ago, I finally shook myself and took a step towards the exit. I couldn’t take the short cut again, because the way we’d entered the bar was clearly marked “staff only”, so I’d have to hope I could find my way back along the street to the club entrance so I could tell Chloe and Sasha that I was leaving.

  Staggering out into the cool night air, I took a breath and ran through everything that had occurred. Oliver was quite an enigma. With his smart suits and perfect manners, he came across as a professional gentleman, but then he could completely floor me with a few whispered words of filth. “Think of me when you touch yourself.” I still couldn’t believe he’d said that as his parting comment. Running a hand across my brow, I felt how hot I was again, and rolled my eyes – I was definitely blushing, which had no doubt been Oliver’s intention all along.

  Chapter Twelve


  ‘Sooooo …’

  I winced, knowing exactly what Sasha was going to say, and feeling slightly amazed that it had taken her this long to mention it. Neither Chloe nor Sasha had said much on the short trip home from Club Twist, but now we were in our PJs and slouching on the sofa and I saw the inquisitive twinkle in my best mate’s eye.

  ‘Before we start the gossip, I remembered where I recognised your guy from,’ Chloe stated.

  ‘He’s not my guy.’ I didn’t add that from the way things tonight had ended, I’d be surprised if he ever spoke to me again.

  ‘Whatever. Is he married?’

  Chloe’s question completely threw me, and I turned to her with a frown. ‘No. He said he doesn’t date. Why on earth would you think he’s married?’

  She frowned and shrugged. ‘He was in my offices a few weeks ago with a blonde woman. I remembered him because … well … he’s quite memorable.’ She looked embarrassed by her admission that she’d been checking him out.

  I couldn’t blame her, because Oliver Wolfe certainly was check-out-able, not to mention memorable.

  ‘Just because he was with a woman doesn’t mean they’re together,’ Sasha pointed out, stating exactly what I had been about to say. ‘It could have been a work colleague, a relative, or just a mate.’

  Chloe nodded. ‘Yeah, it could. They looked pretty close, though. He definitely had his arm around her as they left.’

  Now that brought me up short. Had he lied to me earlier when he’d said he didn’t date? Did he have a girlfriend? Or a wife? ‘Maybe it was a relative, a sister or something, and he was accompanying them to give advice?’

  ‘Maybe.’ Chloe sounded distinctly unconvinced. ‘I only saw them for a minute or so, so you’re probably right.’ She stood up and yawned. ‘Anyway, I’m knackered from all that dancing, I’m off to bed.’

  I barely knew Oliver, so he didn’t exactly have to explain himself to me. Having said that, he hadn’t appeared deceitful at all, so once Chloe had left us to it I pushed her comments aside, and turned back to Sasha, who was still grinning at me expectantly.

  ‘Now, where were we …? Oh yeah … so, we’d only been in the club ten minutes when you disappeared with the gorgeous Mr Wolfe. I need details!’

  It had been far longer than ten minutes, but I didn’t bother to try to explain that. Kicking off my slippers, I flexed out my toes then wandered to the booze fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine – if we were to have this conversation then I needed another drink.

  ‘Did you shag him?’ she asked, unembarrassed by her bluntness.

  ‘No!’ But I think I probably could have. Although it was difficult to tell, really, because he seemed to give out so many mixed messages. ‘Not everyone gives it out as easily as you, Sash,’ I joked as I made my way to the couch, hoping to deflect the attention away from me.

  ‘Yeah, yeah. I’m a slut. I get it,’ she said with a grin. ‘You both looked awfully cosy if you ask me. I saw hand-holding and everything. Do you fancy him?’ Her tone was just a little bit too interested for my liking. From the corner of my eye I could see Sasha watching my reaction carefully, and I tried to focus on the TV as a distraction from the blush that I knew was going to explode on my face any minute now.

  And there it was. My cheeks felt so hot I was surprised that steam wasn’t rising from them.

  ‘Oh my God! You do like him. The plot thickens,’ she exclaimed with glee, turning to face me and snatching the TV remote from my hand. She switched it off, then chucked the remote away and poked my leg. ‘Or did something happen tonight?’ She leaned forwards on her knees and dumped her glass onto the coffee table with a thump. ‘There has to be a reason for that blush! Come on, spill the beans, what happened?’

  ‘Nothing happened,’ I lied weakly. Apart from some hand-holding, strange encounters with icy-stared women, his whispered dirty words, and oh yes, not forgetting how I abruptly declared I was leaving, only to have him up and walk out on me. Talk about complex.

  Sasha, of course, was having none of it, and with a few more probing stares and encouraging arm flaps had managed to wheedle the full story from me.

  ‘So yeah, basically that’s it. He asked if I wanted to extend my research to physical stuff and I said no and left.’

  As soon as I had finished my explanation she burst from her seat in excitement, clapping her hands and looking quite a lot like a performing seal as she jigged from foot to foot. ‘I knew he liked you!’ she exclaimed excitedly.

  I took a swig of my wine and flopped back onto the sofa with a dejected sigh. ‘He doesn’t like me, Sash,’ I said, emphasising the word “like”. ‘He just wanted to show me some more stuff for my research.’

  ‘But he said he would get a thrill from helping you do it. I think that definitely hints that he likes you and wants more.’

  ‘Even if he did want sex with me, which I’m not saying he does, but even if he did, he’s a dominant, so it would only be because he likes the idea of me submitting to him. That’s very different from liking me. You know I don’t do casual sex.’

  ‘I know. But I have no idea why, it’s fucking brilliant,’ Sasha cooed with a grin. ‘Besides, he must fancy you, otherwise he wouldn’t have suggested it. He probably feels that crazy chemistry you mentioned just as strongly as you do. And you said all your conversations have been interesting so there must be something more than just wanting you for sex …’

  Sasha leant in closer, and fanned her face. ‘I can’t believe he told you to think of him when
you touch yourself. Holy shit, Robyn, that’s so fricking hot! He’s like the best of both worlds.’

  His dirty words had been petty arousing, but I had no clue what Sasha meant. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean, he’s like a complete gentleman, but with a filthy mouth and dirty mind. He’ll treat you like a princess, but shag you until you can’t walk straight.’

  ‘Oh my God, Sasha! Shut up!’ My cheeks were now bright red, and so hot that I felt like sticking my face in the freezer for half an hour. Mind you, the thought of Oliver treating me like a princess then shagging me senseless definitely had an appeal.

  ‘So anyway, I was chatting to this guy tonight, Samuel, one of the club members – well, I say chatting …’ Sasha wiggled her eyebrows and flashed me the filthiest grin. ‘Really it was mostly kissing …’

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head in disbelief. ‘I thought Chloe was looking after you. How the hell did you still manage to hook up?’ I squeaked.

  ‘I didn’t “hook up”, we just had a snog. The blond guy I liked didn’t seem interested, and when Chloe went off with someone I had free rein,’ Sasha said with a happy sigh. ‘After Blondie, Samuel was the best looking, and made it very clear he was interested in me.’

  It didn’t surprise me that Sasha had pulled, it was a pretty regular occurrence, but something else she said had really shocked me. ‘Wait! Stop. The. Press,’ I said, holding up my hands to halt any further talk. ‘Chloe went off with a guy? Our Chloe? Chloe, who doesn’t even talk to men, went off with a guy?’ My eyes were boggling out of my head by this point. This was like the news of the century.

  ‘Kind of. I think they just talked.’

  That was still fairly major progress for Chloe. ‘Who was it?’

  ‘Some cute Japanese guy. He was giving a demonstration of some bondage thing, wrapping this woman up in ribbon and rope.’ Sasha paused and looked thoughtful, ‘It had a name, Kina… something. I can’t remember.’ She dismissed the name with a floaty wave of her hand. ‘Apparently, it appealed to her arty side. Chloe thought it looked beautiful, so she wandered off to have a closer look. They chatted for a bit and he asked her to come back next week. That was when Samuel approached me, so I didn’t see her for a bit after that,’ she finished with a dreamy sigh.


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