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Wolfe's Lair

Page 17

by Alice Raine

  He hummed his pleasure, and kissed me again, his hand still gripped in my hair and tipping my head back. My neck felt completely exposed like this, and as his lips trailed down the fragile skin, leaving a hot, wet trail in their wake, I shivered with desire.

  I needed him, right now, and I couldn’t help raising my hands to tug at the buttons of his shirt.

  As soon as I pulled the first button open, Oliver shifted back, removing himself completely from the bed in one swift move as he shook his head.

  ‘Uh-uh. There you go again, trying to lead. When you submit to me, you do things my way, and in my time. I think I’ll have to help you remember my rules.’ His eyes briefly flicked down my body and back up again. ‘Stand and strip down to your underwear.’

  Strip? My stomach lurched with nerves. Apart from the jacket he’d removed earlier he was still fully dressed, but now he wanted me starkers?

  ‘You’re hesitating, Robyn. Don’t overthink it. Use a safe word, or follow my instructions. Those are your two choices.’

  Once he’d made it that plain for me, I was off the bed before I’d even had chance to consider it. I didn’t want this to stop, and I had no questions to ask, so really all I had to do was follow his lead. Simple. As I stood by the foot of the bed, I remembered his words from earlier and slowed things down instead of rushing.

  Taking my time, I gripped the hem of my top and slowly began to drag it up my body and over my head, before tossing it aside. I snuck a quick glance at Oliver, and saw that he was now standing with his arms folded and a barely contained look of lust smouldering on his face. His expression gave me all the encouragement I needed to continue, and so I lowered my shaky fingers to the button of my jeans, popping it open and pulling the zip down.

  Sliding my thumbs inside the waistband, I shimmed the tight denim down my legs and kicked them off, then straightened up so I stood before him in nothing but my matching black underwear. Thank goodness that Sasha had persuaded me to buy a few new sets for this trip.

  Recalling the night that he had shown me the ready positions, I assumed position two; widening my legs, straightening my spine but lowering my eyes, and placing my palms on the outside of my thighs.

  ‘Dios. You are just stunning, Robyn.’ From the corner of my eye I watched as Oliver slowly stalked around me like someone might if they were examining a new car.

  ‘Bra next. As it is your first experience with this type of play I shall allow you to keep your knickers on for the time being, if that makes you feel more comfortable.’

  I bent my arms behind my back, but as I gripped the clasp of my bra, I paused and raised my eyes to his. ‘Amber … I have a question, Sir.’

  Immediately Oliver’s demeanour changed, his prowling ceased, and a look of tender concern flooded his face. ‘Good girl. That is exactly what the safe words are for. Ask away.’

  ‘Are … are you staying fully dressed, Sir? Is that how this works?’

  I saw a hint of a smile curve Oliver’s lips, then he uncrossed his arms and pushed his hands into his trouser pockets.

  ‘It depends on the scene. Why, would you feel more at ease if I undressed?’

  I had thought I would, but suddenly my imagination created visions of him naked in my mind, and I wasn’t so sure. I had a feeling that he would be quite an impressive sight minus his clothes. Would that help relax me, or just wind me up further? I couldn’t be sure, but I knew one thing, being undressed while he was still fully clothed made me feel vulnerable somehow, even though I trusted him, so I nodded. ‘I would, Sir.’

  Oliver smiled, as if something was highly amusing to him, then lowered his head to chuckle. The chuckle turned into a full-on laugh, and he ran a hand through his hair, still snickering to himself.

  ‘I’m sorry, Sir, was that the wrong thing to say?’

  Raising his eyes, he locked our gazes and shook his head. ‘Not at all. I gave you the option, and you answered.’ Licking his lips, he grinned again. ‘I was laughing at myself, not you. I’ve never been so lenient in my life. It’s just quite amusing, not to mention surprising.’

  Raising his hands, he removed his waistcoat and began deftly undoing the buttons on his shirt, revealing inch after inch of perfectly tanned skin covered in a smattering of short, dark hair. Pulling the shirt from his waistband he slid it off, folded it, and placed it carefully on a dresser before returning to me and slipping his hands back into the pockets of his trousers. ‘That is all I shall remove for the moment.’

  My heart rate was now so frantic, that it was probably just as well he wasn’t taking his trousers off. I might well have had a cardiac arrest if I had to deal with the vision of him fully naked. What a sight he was. After feeling his firm chest during our cuddle earlier I had expected him to be quite toned, and boy was he. Defined, but not overly so; with curved biceps, broad forearms, flat pecs, and a set of abs that made me glad I did my weekly workouts.

  ‘Now, before that short interruption, I believe I was about to remind you who is in control.’

  He walked across to his suitcase and began to sort through the contents. I held my breath, wondering what he had in mind for me. Finally, he turned back, holding something small in one fist.

  Standing before me, Oliver opened his hand, and I watched as a double-ended chain dropped from his fingers. It wasn’t much thicker than a necklace, but each end was tipped with what looked like tiny bulldog clips.

  ‘Nipple clamps. Have a look.’ He held them out for me, and I took them, noticing that my hand now had a slight tremble.

  My eyebrows rose as I examined the chain in greater detail. It was delicate, quite pretty, really, and each clip was silver and padded with black rubber. There was a small screw on one side, and a tiny white button on the other. They looked quite harmless. But from the name “clamp” I could only assume that they wouldn’t be.

  Taking them back from me, Oliver pinched one between his forefinger and thumb, making a show of opening the clamp then letting it click shut. ‘They increase the blood flow to the nipple, intensifying sensation and adding to the overall impact of the scene. Hold out your little finger.’

  I did so immediately, surprised at how easily I followed his commands without thinking. He opened the clamp, and placed it on the tip of my finger. ‘This screw here tightens them.’ He twisted the screw and it made a small click that sounded like a watch being wound, and I felt the clip tighten just a little. It didn’t hurt at all, just squeezed my finger slightly.

  ‘Are you happy to experiment with them?’ Oliver asked, watching my reactions closely.

  ‘Um, OK.’

  ‘OK, Sir. If you forget again I shall spank you to aid your memory,’ he reminded me briskly, and I winced at the idea of a spanking. ‘I think you’ll like them, but let’s see how sensitive you are first.’ His eyes briefly dropped to my chest, then rose again. ‘I recall asking you to remove your bra.’

  He was right, I’d got so carried away watching him take off his shirt that I had completely forgotten about my bra. Reaching behind me, I unclasped it and shrugged out of it, dropping it to the floor. Straightening my shoulders, I tried to ignore the embarrassed blush that was flooding my face, but seeing as I felt like I was on fire, it was a difficult task.

  I heard Oliver take in a short breath. ‘Beautiful.’ The word was murmured, as if he’d meant to think it, but had spoken it aloud by mistake. ‘And there’s that blush that I am so very fond of.’ Reaching up, Oliver ran the tips of his fingers across my cheek and briefly brushed his thumb across my lips. ‘You didn’t blush in the office earlier when you took your top off and thought you were showing your breasts to the crowd, so why blush now?’

  I gave a small shrug, but seeing his probing look I gave in and told the truth. ‘I didn’t care what they thought … but I care about your opinion, Sir.’

  Oliver stepped closer and gently trailed his hand down my neck, his fingers exploring my collar bone and shoulder before carefully moving to one breast. His touch was so li
ght it was almost as if he was worried he was going to scare me off. ‘Your body is beautiful, Robyn, even more perfect for me than I had anticipated.’

  Lowering his head, Oliver kissed me again, this time skipping his gentle introductions and plunging his tongue straight into my mouth. As he kissed me, his fingers began to circle my nipples, then he caught them between one finger and thumb, giving a squeeze that sent a rush of desire straight between my legs and had me rolling onto my tiptoes.

  Gasping, I ripped my mouth from his to draw in air, and arched my back, thrusting my breasts closer to his touch, a move which he rewarded me for by lowering his head and licking one nipple, before drawing it into his mouth and sucking hard.

  I clutched at his shoulders, my eyes closing as my head swum from the delicious sensations in my body. Every touch to my breasts sent liquid heat streaming through my body, and I was having to squeeze my thighs together to stop myself squirming on the spot.

  Suddenly, there was a cool tightness on my right nipple, and I opened my eyes to see that Oliver had applied the first clip and was now moving to my other breast to repeat the action. It didn’t hurt, but I immediately felt what he meant about increasing the blood flow, because the whole area felt warmer and tighter.

  ‘OK, so far?’

  Nodding, I licked my lips. ‘Yes, Sir.’

  ‘Good. Try tightening them to another level.’

  ‘No, it’s OK, you do it, Sir.’

  Oliver shook his head slowly, watching me through his lowered lashes. ‘It wasn’t a request, Robyn. That’s not how this game works. Part of the pleasure I gain from this is seeing you do it yourself, knowing that you will tighten them just because I have asked you to.’

  Oh. OK then. This must be what he was talking about earlier when he said that having me bend to his will turned him on.

  I swallowed hard, but did as he had asked, using the small screw to click them one level tighter and gasping at the little pinch of pain that followed.

  A low rumble of appreciation rose from his throat and I saw that Oliver’s eyes had become heavy lidded. ‘How does that feel?’

  ‘It’s OK. Not too painful. It actually feels kinda good,’ I admitted. What was surprising to me was the way the little tweaks of pain sent shivers of pleasure running straight to my groin like they were on a hot wire.

  ‘Good. It appears that you have forgotten my name again.’

  No, I hadn’t. But then seeing the intense look in his eyes I realised what he meant. Sir. I’d missed off his title again. Why did I keep forgetting?

  ‘Bend over the end of the bed,’ he requested crisply, and even though I suspected I knew what was coming – a spanking – I did it immediately, bending over and resting my elbows and forehead onto the covers. ‘Good, but don’t lean on the mattress.’ He helped me adjust so that I was bent over the bed, but not touching it at all, then stroked my back gently. ‘I am going to spank you to help you remember our roles, but I want your breasts to hang down. With the clips on it’ll make it more intense, help remind you.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Sir, I haven’t forgotten your name, I’m just nervous.’

  ‘I know, cariño.’ His voice was soft, and his hand continued to soothe over my back.

  ‘What does that word mean, Sir?’ I asked curiously, knowing that it shouldn’t be my main concern at the moment, but it had sound distinctly affectionate.

  ‘Cariño? It means I care a great deal for you, Robyn. Its closest English equivalent would be… sweetheart, I suppose.’

  Sweetheart. Just knowing he had called me something so lovely, and had openly admitted to caring for me a great deal, helped me to relax into the situation and I nodded.

  ‘Unfortunately, I said I would discipline you if you forgot again, and you need to understand right from the outset that I am a man of my word.’

  He was now stroking his hand over the lace of my knickers, round and around in an almost hypnotising pattern. ‘I may be being lenient with you, but I’m not soft, and I did warn you this would be full-on.’

  He had, so I really couldn’t complain, but wow, this was seriously intense stuff. I could barely think straight.

  ‘Have you ever been spanked before?’ he asked, his hand still distracting me with the soothing massage I was receiving.

  ‘Um, no, Sir.’

  ‘In that case, I am honoured to be providing you with this first. We’ll start light, and with a low number. Just four, I think. The appropriate response after each one is to count it, and thank me.’

  God. This was all so overwhelming that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to speak, but as the warmth of his hand disappeared and he landed the first sharp spank to my bum, I yelped, my breasts swinging with the contact and distracting me. But I managed to count it, and add his title. ‘One. Thank you, Sir.’ My voice was a breathy wheeze. He was right about the position, too. With my clamped boobs hanging down, I felt the spank radiate in both my breasts and my bum.

  ‘Perfect, Robyn,’ he murmured. ‘You are just perfect.’

  The next three were of a similar level of power, not really hard, but certainly enough to leave my bottom feeling warm. In fact, my whole body felt warm. As surprising as it was, the spanking had just added to my arousal.

  His hand trailed across my bottom again, before briefly following the lace down between my legs, where he could no doubt feel just how wet I was. He let out a low appreciative hum as his fingers briefly massaged me through the lace, then his hands moved, landing on my shoulders and helping me to stand upright. With the thrumming desire flooding around my system I could barely stand on my own two feet and I staggered slightly until he supported my shoulders.

  ‘OK, Robyn?’

  I nodded, my head feeling disjointed from my body, and upon seeing my slightly dazed expression, Oliver looked into my eyes in concern. ‘Do you need to discuss anything? What is your colour, please?’

  It took me a second to work out what he meant, but then I remembered the safe words and nodded. ‘No, I’m green, Sir, I’m good. Just a little overwhelmed with how good it all feels.’ Oliver nodded at my honesty, then, lowering his head, he kissed me, touched me, and stroked me until I felt completely relaxed and boneless in his arms.

  His hands played with my breasts, stroking my trapped nipples and causing me to gasp into his mouth as he suddenly tightened each clamp by another click that caused me to grip his shoulders in surprise. I thought I was supposed to be the one tightening them?

  They weren’t painful as such, just tight, and the sensation was … different, which was probably what made it slightly uncomfortable, but when he was kissing me, it made the sensations so much more intense. It must be what he meant about pain being used to prolong my pleasure.

  ‘Who gives the commands, cariño?’

  His use of sweetheart made my heart melt. ‘You, Sir,’ I gasped, my voice so breathy that it could have come straight from a porn film.

  ‘That’s right. Now that we have that established, let us continue. Would you like to tighten them one more notch?’

  Did I? They were somewhat uncomfortable now, although I had to say that when he touched me at the same time the edge of pain definitely softened towards an all-consuming pleasure. But as I looked at Oliver’s face flushed with desire, desire for me, I remembered back to some of the things I’d learned when watching in Club Twist and formed an answer in my mind.

  ‘I would like to do whatever pleases you, Sir.’ I whispered, my eyes never leaving his. Quite apparently, I had done well in my reply because Oliver murmured his approval and closed his eyes for several seconds.

  ‘A very good answer, Robyn. Very pleasing.’ I was rewarded with another blistering kiss which knocked any remaining air from my lungs. ‘In which case I would like you to tighten them both one more notch, while I stroke your clit. You must not come.’

  I didn’t see that coming would be too much of an issue. The clamps were getting pretty painful now and would surely dull any arousal that his touch on
my clit would cause, but I didn’t dare say that out loud.

  I raised my fingers to the tiny screw on the first clamp and trembled as Oliver lowered his hand to my belly and dipped inside my panties. He traced the edge of my landing strip, then pushed his hand lower on a groan.

  As I clicked the clamp, his finger ran along my slit to my clit, and a zap of pure pleasure rushed from my tightened nipple straight to my core. Wow. That was surprisingly powerful and so much more pleasurable than when he’d merely been touching my skin. My free hand jerked out, and I gripped his forearm to steady myself.

  I was so wet that Oliver’s fingers were sliding over me with ease, and I could even feel dampness on my thighs. I repeated the action with the other clip, and he touched me the whole time, upping my desire to the point where I felt my internal muscles clench.

  God, I was going to come, but he’d told me I wasn’t allowed.

  ‘Oliver, stop … Sir … I’m close … stop …’ I stuttered desperately, gripping at his arm and frantic not to go against his command.

  Oliver grinned, which I hadn’t expected, but then instead of stopping he slowed his fingers just enough to allow me to fall back from the cusp of orgasm. I gasped my relief, my fingers still clutching his arm as I sank forwards against his chest, panting. ‘Good girl, Robyn. I wanted to see if you would try and sneak a climax or not, but everything you have done so far has just been perfect.’

  His gaze was still locked with mine. Biting down on his lower lip, Oliver slowly began to press first one, then two fingers inside me.

  He groaned at the same time as I moaned, our sounds so primitively erotic that it sent shivers across my skin.

  ‘Dios, Robyn. You feel so good.’

  ‘Oh God…’ It felt so incredible that I was struggling to remain standing, my fingers clawing at his chest and my head rolling uselessly upon my shoulders.

  Looking down, Oliver jerked his chin at the clamps. ‘The small white buttons are how you release the clips,’ he informed me softly. ‘You might be surprised by the sensations you get as you release them. The blood will rush back, and it will be more intense than the feeling of the tightness you are currently experiencing. If done at the correct time it can create a huge boost to your orgasm. You are allowed to come at any point now, but you must only press the buttons when I tell you too, do you understand?’


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