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Fearless Attraction (Cassie Series)

Page 4

by Ashley Beale

  "He is treated perfectly fine. Thank you for your concern, but I can assure you it's not needed." There is only so long I can bite my tongue. Avery and Austin are away from us and won't be back for a while, and as much as I want to play nice, mostly for Avery, I'm not going to sit and have someone rag on me. She may not have come out and said I wasn't good enough for him, but by the tone in her voice she was clearly insinuating that.

  She huffs out a snort and rolls her eyes. "I wasn't being rude but whatever. I was just saying."

  "Right," Katie says, like her opinion actually matters.

  Maybe I should attempt to fix this, not that I actually care to, but I just finished saying I make Avery plenty happy, yet here I am doing something that would upset him. "Sorry, just a touchy subject right now. I didn't try to be rude either. How long have you and Austin been together?"

  The waitress comes over and delivers our drinks, interrupting our conversation to take our orders. Thankfully my appetite is back in full force having Avery back in my life, so I order a burger, onion rings, and a side salad. Both Katie and Madison order just salads and give me quite the look when I place my order. And I'm going to enjoy every single bite I take.

  When she leaves Madison answers my question. "We dated three years in high school, then we broke up for the last year because we attended different colleges our freshman year. Now we're both at USD this year so we rekindled our relationship over this past summer."

  "Oh, I didn't know you went to USD, too."

  "I do, too," Katie interrupts. Great, just great. I have a feeling I'll be seeing her around now. Around Avery that is.

  I still smile, doing my best to play nice. "That's cool. What are you both there for?"

  "I'm there for Nursing," Madison claims.

  "Wow, awesome."

  I look towards Katie waiting for her answer. "Oh, I'm undecided still. I want to be a model and I don't need a degree for that, but my parents are forcing me to go to school. Most of my classes fall in the Arts and Science program."

  "That’s," deep breath, "cool. Good for you." It takes so much effort not to burst into laughter, but I manage to hold it back. Thankfully the waitress brings out our food and I don't hesitate before devouring mine.

  The rest of the conversation is mostly between Madison and Katie, and although Madison is an okay person, I don't see why Avery would ever assume that we'd be friends. I can see why he could hope we were friends, he and Austin seem to have hit it off pretty well, but it doesn't mean I'll just up and be friends with someone like Madison. She is very catty, and is gossiping about everyone in school.

  Most of my attention is on my food, although I do hear a few things said between the two, then they grab my attention with one simple sentence. "Ohmigod, did you see what Stella was wearing yesterday?"

  I look up at Madison, waiting to hear her response to Katie's question. "Yes, ew. She looked like a hooker. I don't understand how that girl can get any dude." I do, she is gorgeous. But, she is a bitch, and the dudes don't stick around long. I also don't think Stella wants the dudes to stick around. She is a love-'em and leave-'em type of girl.

  "God, me either. She is disgusting. I still don't understand what Austin ever saw in her." Austin? Hm, this is getting even more interesting.

  "Please, don't remind me!"

  Katie looks at me. "What? Avery sleep with her too?"

  This time I can't help the laughter that leaves my mouth but I manage to keep it short. "No, definitely not. Avery and I grew up with Stella. She is my best friend's step-sister. I really can't stand her either though."

  "Oh, how awful, you really had to grow up with her?"

  "Well, I was ten when they became step siblings, so half my life yeah. Avery only had to deal with her for just over two years."

  Katie actually looks confused but I don't bother telling her it's because Avery moved away for a while. She doesn't ask anything and either does Madison. They just continue gossiping, moving on from the Stella and Austin subject. Aubrey is going to get a laugh out of it though, especially when I tell her how awful these girls are.

  After we finish eating, I text Avery to tell him we're done and he said they only have two holes left. That was fast. Much faster than with us girls playing with them.

  The two girls go out in the parking lot to wait for Austin, while I walk inside the restaurant and sit at the bar. I'm not sure if I can pull it off but I order a mango margarita over rocks and the bartender makes me one, no questions asked. When I'm half way done sipping the drink, the seat next to me gets pulled out and I turn to see Avery sitting in it. He got a pretty bad sunburn and I can't help but giggle just a little.

  "How many of those have you had?" he asks.

  "This is the only one."

  "How was your time with Madison and her friend?"

  "Katie," I say with a disgusted look on my face, making Avery chuckle. "Oh, they were, um, alright. We all have a mutual hate for Stella, but that is about the only thing we all have in common."

  "I really didn't know they were trying to set me up, I'm sorry if that was awkward for you. Austin and Madison are good people, I'm sure if her friend didn't tag along, you girls would have gotten along better."

  "Yeah, maybe," I tell him. I don't want to disappoint him and say there is no way in hell. She tried to be polite, I tried to as well, and that is all that matters. We can just get along, be polite to one another, and tolerate each other for our boyfriend’s sake.

  He takes a long sip of my drink, almost finishing it off then kisses my cheek. "I'll meet you outside," he says. He stands, pulling out his wallet, throws down a ten dollar bill, then walks out after I tell him okay. The bartender walks over and cashes me out and I allow him to keep the rest for a tip.

  When I go outside, Avery has his golf clubs already in the car and there is no Austin, Madison, or Katie insight. I'm thankful. He is leaning against my car and looks insanely handsome. How did I go this past month without him? It seems near impossible to be away for more than a day, let alone an entire month. I plead insanity.

  I walk over and he wraps me in his arms. He feels it too. This is our home, embraced into each other’s arms.

  "Can we go swimming?" I ask, tilting my chin up to face Avery.

  "Of course," he answers. He gives me a kiss then helps me into the passenger seat.

  Chapter Four

  After spending the rest of the day at La Jolla shores, Avery and I went back to his new apartment and cuddled on the couch. On the way there I grabbed a few things from my place so I could stay the night. We also grabbed a few movie rentals out of a kiosk, and ordered a couple chicken baskets.

  We managed to spend another night together without so much as a few kisses. It isn't easy with Avery, I could spend every second with him naked, but I know it's for the best.

  Since my first class was an hour before Avery's, I rode to school the next morning alone. We didn't get a chance to see each other again until lunch and when we sat down it was with Austin and Madison. Thankfully there was no Katie. This time Madison and I got a chance to talk with one another, and even though I don't see us being more than acquaintances who get along for our boyfriends sake, it ended up being a nice conversation.

  The next two days go by practically just the same. When I had my Intro to Criminology class, I had to awkwardly let Kevin know that things weren't going to work out but I'd like to remain friends. He shrugged it off and said he'd still like to be my friend. I felt bad seeing his smile turn into disappointment, but I was never planning on being more than friends with him anyways.

  On Wednesday, Avery wants to take me out to dinner and the movies. So when I get home from classes, I immediately shower and get dressed. Aubrey comes home while I'm rummaging through her closet, and this time I make sure to ask her if I can wear a yellow sun dress she has, which she agrees to.

  "So I'm sorry last weekend I hadn't asked about that dress. I feel awful."

  She sits on her bed with a sigh and wav
es her hand in dismissal. "No, my hormones again."

  I slip the dress on and walk over so I can sit next to her on her bed. With Avery and I being back together and spending most days together, I haven't gotten much of an opportunity to talk to Aubrey about what’s been going on in her life. Especially the whole Mason being around his ex-girlfriend. I asked Avery about it, and he said I shouldn't worry at all, that nothing was going on. I just can't believe it.

  "First, stop blaming your hormones. Second, I know I haven't been around much this week but I'm still here for you. What's up with the dress? And what is going on with you and Mason?"

  "The dress isn't a big deal, I saw it and had to have it, but I haven't had the opportunity to wear it yet. I was saving it for a special occasion, because it actually fits me right now. And I get jealous that I can't fit into any of my old clothes and I'm only twenty-two weeks. I'm just over half way through my pregnancy and I'm a cow."

  "You are not a cow, Aubrey. The only thing that has gotten bigger is your belly and your breasts. You look beautiful pregnant. And you have the best maternity clothes I've ever seen."

  "Yeah, well, if it were you I'm sure you wouldn't think the same." I nod my head to agree with her and she actually smiles. "Mason apologized about kicking me out of the house Sunday and says it isn't like that at all. I guess his ex-girlfriend only swings the other way now. They only dated a few weeks last year when he first moved up this way, then she left him and told him she was interested in girls. He swears up and down that nothing would ever happen with anyone else and that he will let me know what is going on with him soon enough. I'm not sure if I should believe him, but I do."

  "Well he hasn't given much of a reason for you not to believe him. He is a real good guy. Avery swears you can trust him too, so I guess time will tell. But please, if you need me, call me if I'm not around. I'm always here for you."

  "I know, and same goes to you." We lean in and give each other a hug. "What are you doing about tomorrow?"

  "That’s the million dollar question." I sigh and fall back on the bed with my towel still wrapped around my hair. I need to get ready but the conversation is deep and I all of a sudden want girl talk with Aubrey. I can't ditch out on the date though, so as I continue to stare at the ceiling I answer Aubrey's question. "Well now that Trish and my dad are official, Avery and I are both going over there for a lunch, then we're going to his dad's house to visit but we're not eating. Dinner we're doing at my mom's house, which I believe your mom is still going to. Are you going with her?"

  "That isn't what I was asking and you know it. How are you going to handle everything tomorrow? It's going to be an emotional day, and you haven't talked to your dad or Avery's mom since everything came out in the open."

  "I know Aubrey but honestly if I start thinking about that right now, it's going to ruin my night. I'll deal with it tomorrow. And you didn't answer me, are you going to be at my mom’s tomorrow?"

  "Yeah, Mason and I will both be there. Actually, his parents will be too." She pats my leg and stands. "Now, get your butt in gear and get ready for your hot date. I'll see you tomorrow night. I'm going to stay at Mason's tonight."

  I do as she says and get ready. I don't do anything fancy to my hair or makeup, not that I ever do. I end up at the restaurant ten minutes earlier than I was supposed to. I know he reserved a table, so I walk inside and give the hostess his name. While sitting on the brown leather couch I text Avery to tell him I'm here. I look up after placing my phone back down and am frozen into place.

  I don't think Pierce notices me but I notice him. How could I not? This is the first time I've laid eyes on him since the hospital. Part of me is saying to go up and apologize for my immaturity and bitchiness, the other part of me is telling me to blend into the couch, that this isn't the place for that. He deserves an apology in person, and I want to apologize, but while I'm waiting for Avery to show up isn't the best time.

  Just then my phone rings with an incoming text message. I hurry to shut it up and see Avery's response, saying he will be about five more minutes. When I look back up, Pierce's grey eyes are burning right back into mine. I smirk and give a small wave but he turns back around and walks towards a girl. Of course he is here with another girl, what else would I expect. His hand goes around her waist and he whispers in her ear. Seconds later the two of them are walking towards the door, apparently leaving. Right before he walks through the threshold he looks over at me. His facial expression reminds me of a lost puppy, breaking me down even more than I was.

  He disappears through the door and I'm left staring. I hadn't paid attention to what the girl looked like that he was with, but I'm sure she was beautiful. I'm glad he has been able to find someone else, it decreases my guilt, not by much, but enough to feel better about the situation. It just wasn't meant to be with Pierce.

  When Avery arrives, we take our seats and order our food.

  "You seem distracted," he takes notice.

  I shake it off. "I'm fine, just pretty tired."

  He smiles and accepts my answer, never questioning a thing. I do my best to focus on him, and me, and us. I don't want to continue to think about the hurt look on Pierce's face, and the fact I really need to apologize face to face.

  After dinner and the movie, Avery drops me off and says he will be back first thing in the morning to pick me up for the Thanksgiving festivities. Something I'm really not looking forward to, but since I have Avery by my side, it'll make it all easier. I hope.

  Since Aubrey is gone, I make a heaping bowl of ice cream, pour a glass of wine, bringing both into my room. I pass out sometime later while watching reruns of Full House.

  In the morning, I give myself just enough time to get showered and dressed. I don't bother eating, my stomach is churning and I'm not sure I can handle any extra food in it. Avery arrives to pick me up and together we head to my dad's house, which is where Trish is living now, too. That thought alone annoys the hell out of me. If it weren't Avery's mom, I'd tell her she can pack her shit up and go to hell, but sadly, I have to bite my tongue.

  What kind of person sleeps with her friend’s husband, then moves into her home? I have no respect for the women, and never will. We all make mistakes and we tend to hurt those around us, I know first-hand, but what she did was just wrong.

  Pulling into the driveway, Avery reaches over and gives my leg a reassuring squeeze. "I know this isn't going to be easy, but let's just suffer through it together, then we can get on with our day. If you want to leave at any given time, let me know, and we're gone. Okay?"

  I smile at his thoughtfulness. I know this is just as hard for him. I'm sure he hates my father as much as I do, as well as his mom. I'm honestly not even sure what the two of us are doing here. They hadn't thought twice about how this would affect us, and never once apologized to either of us.

  I nod my head and lean in to give Avery a kiss. "Thank you," I tell him.

  He gets out of my car, then walks over to get me out of the passenger side. I love when he drives for me. There was no way I was riding the back of that motorcycle wearing heals and dress clothes.

  Before getting to the front door, it swings wide open and Trish is grinning at the two of us. "Oh, Avery and Cassandra, it's so wonderful to see the two of you." She leans to give Avery a hug but he continues walking past her, not a word, a smile, nothing. He pulls me along and I smile at Trish, but it isn't sweet at all, it's more of a smug smile.

  We walk together into the kitchen, where Ellen is getting the rest of dinner finished. Trish saunters in after us, her smile has faded some but she is trying like hell not to let it show.

  "Why don't you two come along and leave Ellen to finish getting ready. I'm sure it'll be only a few more minutes. Am I right?" She looks at Ellen with a stern look. I cannot believe Ellen stayed, I'd have left them high and dry.

  Ellen simply replies, "Yes ma'am, give me ten minutes." She smiles at me while stirring some mashed potatoes.

  I do as I do mos
t years and sneak a little taste using my finger. She swats my hand away with a light laugh.

  Avery and I walk out of the kitchen but we don't follow his mother. Instead, we end up in the family room. I look at all the pictures of my parents still hung up. At least that hasn't changed... yet. I pick one up off the mantle and stare at the happy couple in it. Avery walks over, wrapping his arms from behind me.

  "They looked so happy."

  I sigh. "I know, and this was only two summers ago. I don't get it, not sure I ever will."

  "I know Angel, me either." He kisses my temple as I place the picture down.

  I turn in his arms and wrap mine around his shoulder. He places another kiss on my lips softly. "I'm not sure I can ever forgive her. It didn't just ruin my parents, and yours, it ruined you and me, it ruined us. Even if just temporarily. It took all my power not to shove her away from me when she opened the door."

  I rest my head on his chest, unable to look at the pain in his eyes. I nod against his chest that is beating a little faster. He is angry, and he has every right to be. "I know, Avery, I know."

  A throat clearing catches our attention. It's my dad. We both turn towards him and his brows pinch together. "Lunch is served." His eyes wander around the room I hardly ever saw him in, before turning and walking away. At least he doesn't put up any pretenses, pretending this is all okay.

  Lunch is awkward as ever. Hardly anyone talks. Hardly anyone eats. All our eyes stay focused on our food until someone does decide to say something, which just makes things even more awkward. Then when lunch is done, I thank Ellen and walk out the door. I don't say bye to my dad or Trish, and Avery follows behind me. He thanks everyone for lunch, but he doesn't sound all that grateful about it.

  The ride to his dad's is very silent. When we pull in, he starts to open the door but I stop him. "Avery."

  He turns and looks at me, his eyes darkened some. He looks miserable.


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