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Roar of Lions (Darkening Stars Book 3)

Page 3

by Mark Iles


  “All I said was, ‘In the Penal Regiments they teach us not to piss on our hands’. That was it, honest. He kicked right off and tried to punch me.”

  Selena couldn’t help but join in with the snorts of laughter from the others.

  “You think that’s bad,” Kes said, holding his sides while tears rolled down his cheeks. “Tell her about your grippo.”

  Knowing that a grippo was someone who held onto a member of the military and took them out for beer, a meal, or a jolly old time in the sack, Selena listened as Braxis began his tale.

  “I met this lady not so long ago and when she heard I was in your outfit, Ma’am, she invited me home to meet her parents. Said they were going to throw me a party, criminal or not. She didn’t live too far away but, as per, transport was late and I had a few beers while I was waiting … well, okay, more than a few. She took one look at me and said ‘You’re drunk! I was going to introduce you to mum and dad but, as you’re so late, we’ll have to go straight to the party’.”

  He paused and took a swallow of his drink, eying his glass with renewed interest. “Hey, not bad is that. Bit like swallowing a hand grenade. Anyhow, you know what it’s like. She introduces me to her dad and step-mum, who buy me a drink, as do her grandparents. Then comes uncles, aunts and countless friends. By two in the morning I was well out of it, so they took me home in disgust and threw me into a bedroom.”

  “Which was okay…” Singh began, but was interrupted by Braxis, who continued the tale.

  “Which was okay but I was dying to go to the bathroom. They lived in this bungalow and when I opened the door all I could see was a corridor with other doors hanging off it. No markings, nothing. You could imagine what would happen if I’d gone into the parents’ bedroom by mistake. They’d think I was trying to slip into their daughter’s room and give her a good rogering. And, if I went into the girl’s bedroom, she’d probably raise the roof because she was pissed off at me.”

  “So, what did you do?” Selena asked, eying him curiously.

  “Well, I wanted a bit more than a piss like, so I didn’t know what to do. I had a sudden brain wave and took off my socks and had a shit in one of them. I saw the kitchen and a door, with an old-fashioned security button-press, leading out to the garden. So, I sneaked on tip-toe into the kitchen and opened the backdoor, easy! Swinging the sock vertically in circles I lobbed it down the garden path, and then stood there chuckling to myself while taking a piss.”

  Despite herself, Selena was curious. “And?”

  “When I turned around there was shit in a line across the floor, up the wall and across the ceiling. My bloody sock had a hole in it!”

  Despite herself Selena was almost sick with laughter. “Those things are damn near indestructible, how the hell did you get a hole in one of those?”

  “No idea.”

  “His body sweat probably,” Singh muttered.

  “What did you do?” Jessica asked, looking mortified. A plethora of multi-coloured tattoos peeped from under the sleeve on her right arm, as if trying to listen in on the conversation. She was small, lithe, had cropped dark hair, childlike ears and a ready smile, which combined gave her an elvish look.

  “I left, sharp like. What would you have done?”

  Despite prior concerns Selena found herself liking Braxis, lovable rogue that he was. She appreciated his good humour, and the way it boosted her team’s spirits. Her only concern was, what the hell was he going to get up to next?

  Chapter Two

  Lieutenant Kotes, Commanding Officer of the light-frigate Magellan, was waiting at the gangway of his ship when Selena arrived. She greeted Braxis, Singh, Jessica and Kes, who stood waiting for her, before striding up the gangway ahead of them. The entire team’s eyes were now completely black and Selena liked the fact that it made them look unearthly, even demonic. Kes was right, it was scary as hell—which in her book was perfect.

  Kotes was a slim man, with tight brown hair now slightly graying around the ears. To her surprise, he now bore a well-trimmed beard and moustache. He smiled warmly as he saluted Selena, before offering his hand. Greeting the others, he instructed a waiting steward to show them to their cabins, while asking Selena if she’d join him in his cabin for a moment.

  “Please, take a seat,” he said, as they entered. “Can I offer you a drink?”

  “You certainly can. I have to say that it’s good to be aboard again. The old girl doesn’t change and it almost feels like home. Here, I’ve brought you something.” Selena handed over an oblong, silver-paper wrapped box she had tucked under one arm.

  “What’s this?”

  “Oh, a gift.”

  With a look of genuine surprise Kotes opened it, his delight evident. “Glenmorangie Gold? Wow, a genuine single-malt from New Scotland. I won’t ask how you managed that, what with the blockades and the way things are.”

  Selena shrugged. “No matter what happens, smuggling goes on. The harder things are the more inventive criminals become, and I used what little influence I have left. A drop of booze never hurt anyone, in moderation. Figured I kind of owed you, what with me getting you demoted and all—not to mention what you’ve done for the team over the past few years. Incidentally that bottle cost me more than a month’s wages, so treat it with respect.”

  “Thanks, you’ll join me in a wee dram?” At her nod, he poured a small measure of the amber liquid into two crystal tumblers and handed her one. They both sipped, savouring the smoky taste. He appeared to deliberate for a moment or two. “Look, we both did what we thought was right back then. I was trying to save a colony when I attacked those alien ships, and I hadn’t been fully briefed about the Dutch Lady’s mission.

  “What I did saved Bernard’s Star and countless lives, there’s no doubt about that. But you were right, it put your mission at risk and could have cost Humankind the whole damned war, so I’ve no hard feelings about you reporting me. You did what you had to, and so did I. Given those same circumstances, and with the limited knowledge I had, I’d do the same thing again.”

  She nodded and changed the subject. “Any news I should hear?”

  “Nothing much, we’ve just returned from a sneaky trip to Earth. Did you know there’s bubbled colonies there now, as well as some of the original cities in the less poisonous lands? We wanted to see what the Federation of Man are up to in the home system and often despatch sneakys there. They’re building ships, Selena, as fast as they can. They could be trying to get enough numbers to stop our ships slipping in and out on raids. If they can station more mobile units at key locations in their colonies and shuffle them around, it could hinder things.”

  For a moment or two Kotes was silent, sipping his drink and looking embarrassed. At length, he said, “I heard about what happened to you, Selena, the whipping and all. It’s abysmal, after all you’ve done and achieved.”

  “Well, life sucks but I’m okay,” she replied. Undoing her top slightly she reached inside to retrieve an envelope from a hidden pocket. “Admiral Van Pluy asked me to deliver this to you personally.”

  Kotes took the slim, expensive-looking white-embossed envelope and eyed it warily. “Damn, these usually mean serious trouble. If it’s good news, we get electronic mail.”

  “What’s he gonna do, demote you again?” Selena replied, watching him as she took a sip of her drink. “It’s no good sitting there looking at it. Open the damn thing.”

  “He could take my ship away...” Kotes muttered, before taking a deep breath and tearing the envelope open. He unfolded the letter it contained and read the contents.

  Selena watched his jaw drop. “And?”

  “I’m promoted to lieutenant commander.” He read it through several times before looking at her, his eyes narrowing sharply. “You knew about this, hence your gift of the malt.”

  “Of course I knew. When I still had some clout, I put in a good word for you, following the success of our mission. After everything that’s happened
, I reckoned you deserve it. I know it’s not your former rank but at least it’s a step in the right direction. The admiral has only just approved it, and he thought it would be a nice touch if I gave it to you myself. You’re a damn good officer, Kotes, and we all make mistakes. Let’s face it, what’s done is done, and things turned out all right in the end—well, sort of.”

  They fell silent for a bit and then Selena told him about the destruction of Ephesus, and the influence of the Lenars in getting her sent back to Capulet.

  “Well,” Kotes replied, “the Queen’s not going to be pleased. If I was you, I’d watch my back. I’m still not sure about the Lenars either. Huge six-legged furry beasts that look like a cross between a panther and a pitbull aren’t exactly my cup of tea. To be honest they scare the hell out of me. No wonder the early settlers on Capulet didn’t realise they were sentient. They were probably too busy climbing up the nearest tree or wiping their arses.”

  Selena grimaced, as she swallowed the last of her drink. “The Lenars are fine, once you to get to know them, and Shadow’s been my friend since he was a pup. Oh, and with regards to the Queen, I fully intend to watch my back, don’t you worry about that.” She glanced at her watch. “I don’t mean to be rude but I have to go, I’ve an appointment with one of my troops.”

  They stood and shook hands, before Selena returned to her cabin. She saw that Roberts was already outside, coming to attention as she approached.

  “Lieutenant,” Selena said, returning her salute. They shook hands and Selena opened the door. “Come on in and take a seat.”

  “I received a message to report to you, Ma’am,” Jessica said.

  “I just wanted to personally say welcome to the team. They’re a rough bunch but there’s none better, particularly when you’re in a fix.”

  “Thanks.” Jessica eyed Selena, and let out her breath in a huff. “You’ve asked me here really to find out whether that nod I gave you on Loreen, just before your punishment, meant that I’d support you in any move against the Queen.”

  “And would you?” Selena replied, watching her carefully.

  Jessica didn’t hesitate. “Of course. Besides the fact that you’re my boss and team-mate, that bitch was wrong to punish you as she did—although I can understand why she did it.” She licked her lips. “While we’re being open, I happen to know that you had a one-night stand with Kes. He told me about it.”

  Damn, Selena thought, before saying, “It was just a physical need at the time, and a big mistake on both our parts. Being friends is one thing, fuck buddies another. You don’t need to worry, it won’t happen again.”

  “Yeah, I know. In my opinion, Kes isn’t that kind of guy. He’s totally trustworthy. I wouldn’t be with him if I didn’t think so.” Jessica paused for a moment. “He also told me about Bryn, and I can understand how you feel. No matter how much we care about our lost loves, we still have our physical needs. Kes is loyal to you, but we love each other and I have you to thank for bringing us together. I owe you Commander, and I also respect you. When the time comes let me know what you want me to do, and it’s yours.”

  Selena stood and held out her hand. “Thanks. For what it’s worth, Kes is a lucky guy and I wish you both well. Now go get some rest. We’re going to have our hands full on Capulet.”


  The wall-screen chimed as Selena threw her bags onto the bunk in her new quarters in Capulet City, the world’s capital. She caught sight of the twin moons, Romeo and Juliette, peeking through the open window as they continued their never-ending journey through the night sky. She paused, taking in the way the combined moonlight highlighted the forest treetops. At a loud bleep, she turned to the screen to see who was calling. “Speak.”

  Instantly the image of a scrawny rat-faced, well-dressed woman that she knew far too well filled the wall screen. Selena groaned inwardly. “You certainly didn’t waste any time.”

  “You will address me as ‘Your Majesty’, Selena. I heard you were back,” the Queen replied, with a sardonic twist to her thin red-glossed lips. Her black bullet-like eyes that were so much like Van Pluy’s, Selena now realised, bored into hers. “I see you’ve followed the eye fashion the battalions have adopted. It certainly doesn’t enhance your looks, nor does it frighten me.”

  “Come to hand out more lashes for the public square have you, your Majesty–or should I call you Stepmother?”

  “Come now, Commander, we have far more important things to discuss than past grievances.” Her eyes glittered. “You heard about the destruction of Ephesus? That city had a population of over one million people, including troops and off-worlders. When Admiral Van Pluy informed me he was sending you back, one has to admit I was a tad miffed, but I realised that if anyone can stop this destruction from happening again, it’s you. Do your job, that’s all I ask.”

  “And what about afterwards?” Selena asked, calmly. “When all the bad guys have gone? What should I expect, a knife in the back one dark and stormy night, an assassin’s bullet, poison, or perhaps imprisonment for life?”

  To Selena’s surprise, the Queen’s lips thinned even further.

  “As far as I’m concerned, Commander, I just want you to sort this issue out and get the hell off my planet. I’m sending someone by the name of Jennings to see you. He’ll be there shortly. You’ll find him most useful. I’m sure we’ll speak again soon, but until then be careful. I’d hate for anything unpleasant to happen to you.”

  With that chilling ending the screen snapped off.

  “Wonderful,” Selena muttered. She took a moment to close her eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on the moment, the scent of flowers and the soft touch of the wind on her skin through the open window. “I hate that damn woman,” she said, the thought intruding and expressing itself automatically. Best to say no more, no doubt her minions were listening to each word and watching every movement via various monitoring devices, no matter where she was.

  An hour later her door chimed. A glance at the scanner showed a medium-built man, unkempt with long but receding wild gray-brown hair, the hint of a moustache and at least several days’ worth of stubble. He was dressed in plain brown workman’s overalls and carried a bored expression. The scanner also revealed he wasn’t armed.

  “Yes?” she asked, her voice carrying through the speakerphone.

  “I’m Lieutenant Commander Jennings and I work for Admiral Van Pluy, as intelligence liaison. The Queen sent me and I’d rather not talk out here in the corridor, if that’s all right with you. Oh, and I met this guy on the way up here.” He rasped a hand through his stubble and nodded to Staff, who stepped into view besides him.

  “You’d better come in.” Selena opened the door and stood aside, watching as Jennings glanced around the apartment before sitting on the edge of the sofa, without breaking his bored expression.

  Staff sat too, emanating displeasure and regarding Selena with a wary expression.

  “Staff, I’ll speak to you when this is over. Okay, Jennings, what’s this about?”

  Jennings looked at Staff pointedly.

  “He’s one of mine, you can speak in front of him.”

  He nodded. “Very well, call me Jenks. As you know the admiral is head of security for this sector. My team and I work directly for him, not the Queen—although it’s our job to keep her in the loop. There are four of us, but I’m your point of contact. If anything happens to me one of the others will be in touch.”

  “You’re a spook?”

  “Not a word I’d use personally.” His bright steely-gray eyes measured her from a hard to read but lazy looking face that now bore a frown. The droopy, thick moustache was somehow out of place with the receding hairline. Badly worn, cheap and dirty shoes peeped from underneath grubby blue trousers. His shirt lay open at the top, missing several buttons. “What we’ve come up with so far is that a short time prior to the explosion that destroyed the city, there was a pulse on a radio frequency which we suspect was a test signal for the bomb. That p
ulse was repeated at the time of the explosion, which was approximately three hours later. We monitor all frequencies as a matter of course. If another such pulse occurs, we’ll know that another bomb’s been tested and we haven’t long to find it.”

  “Did you locate where it came from?” Selena asked.

  “No, it only lasted for a split second, and that’s too short a time to do a trace. Particularly as we weren’t prepared for it.”

  “Well, gear-up,” Selena said sharply. “The next time we hear something like that I want to know exactly where it originated, and troops ready to go and deal with it. Is that clear?”

  He made a placating motion with his hands, holding them open in front of him. “It’s all in hand, don’t worry. If you need me, call. I’ve sent my contact details to your hand-held, just in case. If anything comes up my end, I’ll be in touch. Now, I’ve somewhere to be.”

  “If you get in touch with Staff here later today, he’ll introduce you to the rest of my team. You might need to speak to them at some time, so it’s a good idea if they know who you are.”

  Jenks stood, gave a curt nod and left the room.

  “Not much of a conversationalist,” Selena muttered, glancing at Staff. He reminded her of Braxis. He had the same short, bullet-headed angry bulldog look, although his eyes held a distinct sharpness that the other lacked. “I guess you’re wondering why you’re here.”

  “Because I pissed you off?”

  “No, it’s because I need good men, particularly someone to keep my troops on their toes. I want you to design, and implement, a training regime for our troops here. When you’re not doing that, you work directly for me.”

  “I have a problem with that, Ma’am,” Staff said, avoiding her eyes. “It’s nothing personal, but I imagine you’ll be working with the Lenars?”

  “What of it?”

  “When we were young, my sister and I were attacked by one of the last great cats, back home on New Earth—one of the saved tiger species. She was carried off right in front of my eyes and I’ve had nightmares ever since, so I have to admit that I’ll find it difficult to work with your ‘pets’.


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