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Roar of Lions (Darkening Stars Book 3)

Page 12

by Mark Iles

  Still intent on her call, Selena the entered the citadel. She gestured for her team to follow her. she needed to update them.

  “Two other worlds aren’t responding to any communications, either,” Delmar continued. “I have a horrible feeling that they’ve been obliterated, just like the others. Listen, about those bodies you’ve found. I’m going to send specialist teams to work with the local authorities and examine the enemy equipment. There may be something that could be of interest to us. We also need to cremate the remains, as soon as possible.”

  “Okay, I’m standing my teams down for the time being. They could do with a rest.”

  “Then best you call them back up again. There’s been a change of plan.”

  Selena had just reached the lift in her accommodation block. Exhausted, she leant back against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment, touching the first finger of each hand to her nose. Kes and Singh raised their eyebrows and sidled closer to listen in.

  “Go ahead Colonel, I’m all ears.”

  “You and your team are to report to the Vampyre, where you’ll take command. Intelligence suggests that the enemy might be planning an attack here too, and we need to be ready for them. Have Lieutenant Roberts take over the search teams. She’s done it before and knows the ropes. Get her to speak to the Lenars and let them know what’s going on. I’ve a feeling they’ll be fine working for the lieutenant, they seem to like her.”

  “Okay, I’ll call the others and let them know. We’ll report aboard ship once we’ve cleaned up. What are our orders?”

  “To get her up and running—the dockyard workers are dragging their feet. Conduct any necessary shore-side trials, including full checks of all systems and generators. She’s a relatively small ship and has limited supplies, so until she’s ready you’ll live in your current accommodation.”

  “Understood. Dillon, out.” Selena had one more call to make. Baron answered immediately and she told him of their discovery and that the killer had been found.

  He was pleased, but appeared distracted and offhand. “That’s great news, Commander,” he said. “I’ll let the children know that they’re safe now, although I’ll advise caution nonetheless.”

  “Baron, are you all right?”

  “To be honest, no, I’m not. Someone tried to kill our beloved Queen earlier today, an explosive-poison bomb. Luckily she survived, although her latest consort and a handful of guards weren’t so lucky. All hell’s breaking loose, so I’d better go and help find the culprit.”

  He knows the call is being monitored, she thought, and chose her words carefully. “I’ve no doubt the assassins will be long gone by now. Let’s face it, they’d be mad to remain anywhere near the palace. You know the Queen, she’s bound to find those responsible and I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes when she does.”

  Baron nodded. “Aye, you’re right there. I have to go, but well done on cracking the case. Her Majesty will be delighted.”

  They signed off and Selena couldn’t help hoping that Baron had taken her hint and was going to get the hell out of there.


  Much to Selena’s surprise and delight, she learned next morning that the Queen had given approval for an orphanage to be built. One specifically designed for those youngsters whose parents had died in the cities. It was to be a tall, white, imposing building named Ephesus House, and financed directly by the Queen herself. Selena broached the subject with Jas one morning after breakfast.

  “I see your friends from the destroyed cities have been earmarked for the new house. It won’t take long for it to be built, perhaps a week or so at the most – what with the rapid-build technology.” Amazing really, she thought, houses designed and built quickly in factories. Taken to site and put together with final polishes, all done by machines in a few days.

  Jas looked at her cagily. “At least they’ll have somewhere to live again, and they’ll be off the streets. I can’t help wondering why she’d do that, not like her to be so considerate. More coffee?”

  “Yes, thanks. How do you feel about moving into Ephesus House, to be with them?”

  “I’ve been waiting for this,” she replied, avoiding Selena’s eyes. “I guess it would be for the best. After all, you don’t want me hanging around for the rest of your life. Do you.”

  “Look, you know that once this current situation is over I can be sent anywhere at any time, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to accompany me. As it is, we’re waiting for Vampyre to be space ready and that speaks for itself. This is a penal unit remember, and there will be no-one to look after you when I’m gone.”

  “Admit it, Selena. You just don’t want me around, I can understand that.”

  “You’re wrong,” Selena said, teeth grinding. “As it happens, I quite like having you around. It’s nice to be able to go home to somebody, but we have to do what’s best. Besides, what choice is there?”

  Jas looked down at her empty plate on the table. “I want to stay with you.”

  Selena breathed out slowly, a warm feeling replacing the tension in her chest and neck. “Okay, let’s see what happens. We’re here for the time being, but if I get drafted at short notice you can go stay at the House until I get back. How does that sound?”

  “As good as I’m going to get,” Jas replied with the hint of a smile, and leant over the table to hug Selena.


  “From what information we have,” Selena told a packed debriefing room that included her own team, “it appears that the ForeRunners blackmailed Jenks into working for them. They also taught him how to protect his mind, so that his misdeeds wouldn’t be picked up by the Lenars, and also an ability to hide from the Sken by being comatose.” That was a bit of an eye opener. It also brings into question whether the Sken could miss people after all, she thought. “That would explain why they didn’t pick up on him during their last visit. Some of you may recall he was notably absent at the time.”

  “I think all of us here trust each other,” Kes interrupted. “We’re Penal Corps, we’re all we have. To us, that counts for everything.”

  “You’re missing the point,” Selena replied. “Yes, we can catch the ForeRunners, but what if enemy spies have managed to infiltrate us using this mind blanking ability the Lenars can’t pick up on, how would we know? Yes, Jenks was Regular Forces Intelligence working for Admiral Van Pluy, so he wasn’t really one of us. But nonetheless, we need to bear in mind that there could be other enemy agents around.

  “This brings to mind Lieutenant Arthur Jones,” she continued. “He was part of my team’s first mission and was killed in action, yet the ForeRunners somehow managed to recreate one of themselves in his image, with his memories. He lived amongst us for quite a while before he was outed as an enemy infiltrator. What I’m saying is, we need to watch our backs.”

  “What’s the way ahead for our team now, Ma’am?” Braxis asked. “We should be out there, kicking ass.”

  “As much as I sympathise with your comments, Corporal, I’ve spoken with the colonel about this and she quite rightly says there’s no reason to believe they won’t be back. While we’re working on the Vampyre, she also wants us to stay around to keep the Lenars happy. That said, Lieutenant Roberts is now in charge of the Search Teams. We need to show our faces, remain alert and keep the cities safe – all the while working on getting the ship back into the fight. It’s business as usual, everyone. Back to our posts until we get new orders. My immediate team stay here— the rest of you can go.”

  When the last of the others closed the door behind them, Selena gestured for them to sit. “Look, I’m as frustrated as all of you but the colonel has a point. Yes, we know that Loreen is under attack and God knows what’s going on over there, but our job is here. All we can do is pray that our friends and new home will come out of it okay.”

  She knew by the looks on their faces that they all remembered Loreen had granted every member of the Penal Corps citizenship on completion of their service. In
turn, Loreen gained a citizenship of veterans that could easily be turned into a professional army at a moment’s notice. No other world could match that. Unwanted anywhere else in human space, penal veterans had flocked to the relatively new colony and made it their home.

  “I have a message for you from the Colonel,” Singh interrupted. “She says that the Sken have joined the battle at Loreen. Their ships came into the system a short time ago and have engaged the ForeRunners. There are Manta ships with them too. She asks you to call her when the meeting’s over.”

  “With any luck one of our ships will take the bugs out,” Braxis growled. “Accidentally, of course. The two-timing, backstabbing bastards that they are.”

  Selena held up a hand. “Stop right there. I’m not fond of them either, but think about it. We humans are descendants of the ForeRunners, and we’re fighting on both sides. It’s the same with the Manta. We can’t accuse them of being traitors when our own people are acting the same way.”

  “Aye, Ma’am. Guess you have a point there.”

  Selena’s hand-held bleeped and vibrated. It was Colonel Delmar.

  “Colonel, just finishing up here,” Selena greeted. She put it on visual as she flapped her other hand towards the door, in a gesture to the others that their meeting was over.

  “Commander, things are changing quickly. Information has come through from intelligence; they believe Capulet’s going to be attacked.”

  “What, here? Damn, that’s all we need. How can I help?”

  “Focus on the Vampyre. Get her up and running quickly, and I mean damned quickly! As long as your team can breathe and she can fire her weapons, she’ll do. I don’t care if we have to drag her out there by tug. Is that clear?”


  “We have little time left, so do what you must.”

  “Very well, Colonel. I’ll keep you updated.”

  Delmar paused for a moment, as if deliberating. “One more thing. You know that fellow Baron you were working with on the child killer case? Well, it appears that the Queen had him and his entire family executed. The reports I have say she put his family through an industrial disintegrator right in front of his eyes, trying to force information about the revolutionaries from him. He was the last one to go in. I suspect the news was leaked deliberately, as a deterrent to others.”

  Selena closed her eyes. If only he’d listened. She mumbled something and broke the connection.

  “Are you okay, Commander?” Kes asked, a worried look on his face.

  “I’m fine. Word has it the ForeRunners will be here soon. Tell everyone to get their kit on board the Vampyre immediately, we’re living on board as from now. I’m going home to grab my own gear, and give Jas the bad news.”


  Jas knew something was amiss, as soon as Selena opened the door.

  “Hi, how does a cup of … what’s wrong?”

  “I need you to go to go and be with the other kids, Jas—and that means now. No arguments, just go. The shit’s about to hit the fan, but you’ll be safe there. Well, as much as anyone can be.”

  “Why, what’s happened?” Most of Jas’s belongings were already packed, a habit she’d kept from her time on the streets. Grabbing the few items she’d hand washed from the dryer, she pummelled them into the bag.

  In the mirror, Selena saw Jas add her E-Reader before following her into the bedroom. “Well, are you going to tell me?”

  “There’s a good chance the enemy are on their way here, and the Colonel needs all available ships in orbit,” Selena said, packing quickly. “And that means the Vampyre.”

  “I heard what happened to those other colonies. If they manage to destroy our sun, then being in the house won’t make the slightest bit of difference. I’d prefer to stay here, if you don’t mind.”

  “You’re going with the others, and that’s final. Are you ready? Come on, I’ve a skimmer outside and I can drop you off.”

  Neither of them spoke during the short journey, but as they pulled up outside the accommodation, both of them glanced over to the almost completed new orphanage a short distance away. Jas leant over and gave Selena a hug.

  “You be careful, okay?” Selena said, keeping the vehicle in hover mode. “No more shopping in dodgy stores, at least until I get back.”

  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry—and you needn’t worry about that,” Jas gave her a half-smile and leapt over the side of the vehicle, waving goodbye as Selena drove off.

  When she arrived at the ship, Selena could see robots and men busy at work, the ship healing before her very eyes. Sleek, gray and shark-like at sixty metres in length, the ship radiated power. She paused for a moment to take in the view, remembering her first command of the vessel on Andros Prime.

  She strode up the gangway, which was bedecked with long white banners either side, which had the ship’s crest and the words Vampyre emblazoned on them in thick gold lettering. The top of the gangway was manned by two armed and attentive guards who piped her aboard in shrill whistles. Kes promptly appeared besides the guards and saluted her.

  “Ship’s status?” Selena demanded, as she stepped off the gangway and strode towards her cabin. “Has Singh made his assessment, as to when we’ll be ready?”

  “I’ve spoken to him and have a progress report for you,” Kes replied. “He says an adequate job of refitting the ship will need a minimum of six weeks.”

  “He’s got a couple of days, if we’re lucky. Tell him to cut it to the marrow.”

  “Not sure if that’s feasible, Commander.” He followed Selena to her cabin, watching as she threw her kit bag onto the bunk and sank into her chair, gesturing for Kes to sit on the chair opposite. “We’re also short on crew, and need to make up the numbers before we lift. Pointless trying to fight shorthanded.”

  “I’ll contact the colonel and tell her if she wants us space worthy, we need the numbers. Until then, do what it takes. You’re my First Officer, so it’s your responsibility to make it happen.” She paused, before adding, “Oh, and get hold of Staff. Tell him he’s part of this crew until further notice. He’ll be in the emergency party—he’s the ideal person to kick ass and get things done. Dick and Kami will have to manage until we get back. What other updates have you got on the ship?”

  “The engines are okay. Luckily the damage they took was easily repaired and has already been completed. The command module has been completely extracted, repaired and refitted, as have the generators. We’re working on the weapon systems but, basically, we’ve already taken out what was left of the old ones. Most of those, plus the sections of the ship housing them, had been destroyed. God knows how so many of the ship’s company survived. We can’t do anything until the hull sections are rebuilt. Once we’ve done that, we can begin fitting the weapon pods.”

  “Crew’s quarters?”

  “Same thing, thank God for modularisation. We can skip that, if need be, and just repair what we can. The crew can sleep in the passageways for the time being, if needed.”

  “No, get them sorted. I need my crew as rested as possible and sleeping in a passageway isn’t going to do it. We have the time while the other work’s going on.”

  “As you wish. All being well, the rest is just covering and patching. She won’t be pretty but she’ll fly and kick ass. We can do quick trials once we hit orbit and head on out, but she’ll need an extended refit when we get back.”

  There was a short silence, as neither of them said, If we get back.

  “We’ll worry about that later. Until then, crack on.” Selena returned his salute and sank further into her chair as he rose and left the room. She grabbed a quick coffee from the vendor by her desk and took her time savouring the taste. Rising, she got changed into her coveralls. Removing her commanding officer’s insignia, knowing it would be a distraction, she made her way from the cabin down towards the engine room, where she reported as a general hand to Chief Mathers, the grizzled veteran of many years who was in charge there. He recognise
d Selena, but kept quiet and immediately put her to work. He soon had her welding, behind a plaststeel facemask, sparks spitting in all directions. At the end of what seemed a never-ending shift, Mathers sent her away to get some sleep.

  In what seemed like only moments later, a crewman was shaking her but, to her surprise, several hours had passed. Achy and tired, she was told that Kes had called a meeting of the Heads of Departments and she was expected to attend.

  Kes was there as ship’s First Officer – or X.O., Singh as First Pilot, a now relatively fit Braxis serving as Master at Arms—with a promotion to Sergeant. The Chief of the Boat—an incredibly short, fat man resembling a ball — studied Selena with a disbelieving eye.

  “Problem, Chief?” Selena asked in reply to his stare, as she sat.

  “No disrespect, Ma’.am, but I understood that this ship has been transferred to General Service. You and your lot are Penal Corps, in other words, criminals. We are not. One of our two groups shouldn’t be here. General Service and Penal Corps never work together.”

  “Is that so? Well, given your dimensions, it’s you who shouldn’t be here. Are you fit enough to fight, hand to hand if need be? I understand you’ve all been through a lot, we all have, so I’ll ignore what you’ve said. But don’t ever question my authority again, is that clear?”

  “Um, I guess so.”

  “Yes or no, Chief? If it’s a no, get the hell off my ship. I’ll have a word with Colonel Delmar and I can have all of you sweeping the streets in no time at all. That said, I’d rather have you aboard. Make your choice.”

  “Commander, if I may,” a bespectacled sub-lieutenant of the old crew said, trying vainly to sit upright and make himself look bigger. “Like you say, we’ve all been through a lot. The Chief of the Boat may be unaware that you were this ship’s first Commanding Officer, and saw her through those pirate incidents. As for you, Chief, I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

  Selena liked him immediately. “I agree. This may be a first for our two separate services to show that we can really work together. You are?”


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