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Titan Rising 2 (Syalantian 2)

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by Bobbi Ross


  Titan Rising - Part 2

  Copyright © 2015 Bobbi Ross

  All rights reserved.

  First Digital Edition August 2015

  A Smexy book.


  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, names, places and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Titan Rising: Part 1

  I always dreamed of traveling the stars as an ambassador to mysterious and exciting alien worlds. When the Syalantian Empire made contact with earth, I jumped at the chance to make my wish come true.

  But reality threw me a curve ball, and here I am, mopping floors and cleaning toilets in the honeymoon resort of Saturn’s largest moon, while couples from all over the Sol System glow with happiness before my lonely eyes. My only joy comes in my sleep, in midnight encounters with my hot, hunky, luscious-lipped and emerald-eyed dream alien.

  If only he were real…

  Titan Rising: Part 2

  Holy Nuts on a Hen! He is...

  Table of Contents











  Anula enjoyed the cool night breeze, snuggled up under a Dardozian white cashmere blanket on the large, purple, velvet chair, by the fireplace. Alone in her honeymoon suite. She quietly leafed through the colorful pages, of a hardbound book about Terran customs, she had cradled in her lap. Several more books about the Terran world lay strewn on the floor around her. This one thankfully was mostly pictures. The muscles in her face were badly strained and her lips tingled from attempting to sound out the Terran words in the table of contents.

  “Food.” “Holidays.” “Intimacy rituals.” Her eyes popped up at that, when her hand held data pad translated for her. Quickly she flipped through the pages to get to the juicy part, when she heard the front door to the suite open and then slam shut. The walls of the large apartment shook. Apparently, Rohn was back.

  He stalked in the room, blowing past her without saying a word, and made a beeline for the kitchen. He grabbed a large glass from the lilac cabinet and swung open the refrigerator door rattling the bottles sitting at the door. He hefted one of the healthy green concoctions, he religiously made every morning. There was practically a whole garden in that pitcher. He filled a tall, purplish glass and then downed it in one gulp.

  "Don't get all tipsy on me now," Anula joked trying to lighten the mood. Knowing the answer, she asked anyway. "Sooooo, how'd it go?

  His only response was an annoyed grunt.

  "That good, huh?" He'd only been gone for an hour, what possibly could have happened? Then she took note of his haggard appearance. He looked like he’d been wrestling with a Karkalian crocodile. His shoes were gone, his tie was MIA too. Only a thin strip of silk caught in his belt, even suggested he'd ever worn a jacket. Anula quirked an eye. "What happened to your clothes?"

  "The room. Wouldn't let me in." Rohn grumbled without looking at her.

  "The room did this to you?" Anula's eyes widened.

  "Altizerian crystal. Must've had orders not to let me in," he huffed.

  Anula took a mere millisecond to mull over his comment, before adding, "Or, it was protecting someone."

  Rohn grunted again. He slammed the refrigerator door shut before tilting back a large glass of an even deeper green liquid he makes for himself.

  "Did you even see Emery?"

  And the grunt was back, but this time in the affirmative.

  Anula shook her head, sometimes talking to males was like pulling teeth. "Did you at least talk to her?"

  He seemed to ponder her question, while he stared hard at the bottom of his empty glass as if it would magically spill out the answer for him.

  "Okay, are we going to talk about this now, or should we wait until our two month anniversary, husband?" she pressed, knowing she was going to have to wrench the answers out of him. He used to be such a chatty Catherianna.

  The large Syalantian dropped his gaze to the floor, and absently rubbed his neck with one hand. "That Zedrovian female came and took her away before I could explain anything."

  "Oh that gorgeous blue woman from the front desk downstairs? Oh, I like her." Rohn shot her daggers with his eyes, but Anula just smiled before gesturing at him, "I'm sorry, continue. Why did she take Emery?"

  "I don't know. Her boss wanted her to go and find the sapphire wine or something."

  Anula barely suppressed a giggle. Rohn looked at her like she’d just sprouted a second head. She stared back at him with her patented 'you're a dumb yeksys' look. When it was obvious he wasn't getting it, she let out an exasperated sigh, "Sapphire wine? Zedrovian? Don't you get it? That would be the only wine the Zedrovian would be able to see. She was protecting Emery."

  "From me," he muttered, remembering that blue was the only color the Zedrovians were capable of seeing.

  Anula stood back and watched as the heavy muscles of his arms rippled and twitched. A slow redness crawled up his face and peeked at the tip of his ears. He set the cup down hard on the counter with a resounding – Crack! – Rohn threw the broken pieces into the sink and grabbed another glass from the cabinet. This time he filled it with a deep purple goop, then chug it down. Oh this was really bad.

  "I'm going to bed," he grumbled and stomped off to his bedroom.

  "You two have a good time," she called to her husband through the smirk she was fighting. She heard the door of the suite’s second bedroom slam shut. Anula shook her head, sank back into her over-sized chair and delved back into her book, "Ah, here we are... 'Terran intimacy rituals.'"


  A pinprick blanket of stars broke through the inky sky. As if on cue, a soft caress slid from my back down my sides to where elegant fingers made smooth circles on my hips.

  "You know I should be sleeping," I announced into the air.

  A gentle chuckle was the dream prince's only response.

  “I guess it's okay since this is just a dream,” I said.

  “This is no dream Emery, this is as real as if we were lying together.”

  Sure magical hunky dream alien prince who tries to cheat on his wife while on their honeymoon with me and then haunts my dreams. Next you'll turn into a dragon and fly us both to a magical world where trees grow checks for my student loans and it rains chocolate. I held my breath for a second. Whew, I didn't like heights anyway.

  His hands took a firmer grip of my hips as his lips descended my spine, giving it hot kisses that exploded the entire way down, making my nerve endings go supernova. I shuddered when his luscious mouth made contact with my backside and he dragged his teeth across the smooth skin. Any objections I might have had to this subconscious rendezvous were caught in my throat.

  The bones in my legs began to disintegrate, his strong hands the only thing still keeping me up right. Then with a preternatural speed he twirled me around taking me in his muscular arms. His bronze skin glistened in the star light, feeding my growing desire for him. Every craving that fired up my feverish body converged on my lips as his face leaned towards mine. Our eyes met, and for the briefest of seconds I believed he would put my lips out of their misery. His eyes gleamed with rakish mischief and I lifted my arm to touch the angle of his chiseled ja

  Shaking his head free from my touch, he guided me back and laid me gently on the fine, white sand of the shore covering my naked body with his bare strapping form. His hard length throbbed close to my heated sex as the taut tips of my nipples poked his brawny chest.

  "I want to taste you, my beautiful Asanti," his voice was deep with need. The corner of his mouth tugged up in a devilish grin as he licked his salacious lips, sending shivers through my body.

  First he tasted my mouth as he laid passionate kisses on my lips, then he slid down to my neck and collarbone and paused to suck painfully on my hardened nipples. I moaned with deep need. The need for his touch, for his kisses, for him. Every cell in my body burned with desire for him, scorching away any rational thought. My body had claimed this man as my own without bothering to ask me for permission.

  Inching his way down he showered my stomach with delicious kisses; the light greenish stubble around his mouth shocked my skin with a thousand small lighting strikes of pleasure. His heavily muscular arm slid down my thigh, and pulled my leg up as he nipped at the soft sensitive skin of my inner thigh, igniting a firestorm in my essence. Yup! This dream was totally worth losing sleep over.

  I inhaled deeply when the warmth of his breath tickled my sex and my toes curled when his sensuous lips touched my sex; his eager tongue set on exploring my swollen entrance.

  Elegant fingers pushed my fleshy shutters aside to reveal the swell of my inner lips. I gasped in anticipation and he growled in response right before he delved in with a fierce determination. Relentless quick rhythmic licks of his skillful, royal tongue released shock waves of heated pleasure in my aching core. Core full of want and desire.

  Every inch of my body craved for this man. My tender nipples were hard against the sky yearning to be squeezed and rubbed as my hips rocked back and forth screaming for more of his wicked ministrations, begging for his magnificent length to stretch and fill my burning sheath.

  With slow deliberate strokes of his tongue, he traced along the folds of my lower lips, gently teasing the silky nub of my entrance and I moaned my appreciation.

  For a moment our eyes fixed on each other. “I want you to come for me my sweet Asanti,” he commanded, an impish grin drawn in his gorgeous face. No objections here. Ready to obey.

  He grasped my ass tighter, almost painfully then dragged his tongue across my center, drinking me in and inflaming my arousal.

  I arched up and would have pulled myself from the blinding pleasure that was still reverberating through me, had he not held so tight. Then he did it again. And again. And again… Until his tongue focused on the pink pearl of nerves at the top of my inner lips.

  A series of loud moans escaped my lips as tremors consumed my form, and filled me with sweet bliss. If this was real, the entire dome would’ve been alerted by our midnight concerto.

  I thrust my hands into his hair, one moment pushing him away for fear of my heart stopping from the cascading waves of pleasure exploding deep in my core and the next pulling him deeper into me for more. I needed to feel him deeper. To feel his hardness slide inside me. To fill me. To claim me. I screamed for him and...

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  My vision darkened, and the stars faded from the night sky. His image between my legs began to waver. “No, not now!” I whined.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  My eyes flew open to my spatially challenged apartment, bathed in the blue light of my ever haunting alarm clock.

  "Keep it down in there," my next door neighbor’s voice bellowed through the thin modular walls.

  But I was too tired to be embarrassed. And way too satisfied to care. An easy grin slid across my face.


  At least my luck was holding out. Neither prince nor princess called me for breakfast this morning. My best guess, he figured the next time they called for breakfast service, I'd bring a parade. Now about last night. I can't say that I or little Emery weren’t tempted, but sex with a married man was a line I wasn't willing to cross. No matter how inhumanly beautiful that perfectly sculpted sweet smelling man might be. So, in defiance of my lower half, I was keeping my fingers crossed that last night's close encounter would be our first and last.

  Some of the waitstaff called in sick with Colaerian worm parasites. I don't care how delicious Colaerian pecan pie was, there was no way I was risking pooping out angry pecanbeast worms for a week. Just the noise they made was scary enough, but the biting - sheesh! So since my schedule was free, I helped out in the dining room.

  The rush of setting up tables, taking orders and schmoozing with guests kept me busy, and more importantly my mind off of a certain prince and his wife. Yet, every once in a while, when there was a pause, images of his sensual, strong body, his seductive eyes and his lips ravishing mine would flush my cheeks.

  By 1 pm the restaurant was hopping. It seemed like everyone wanted to eat at the same time, and that was fine by me. Until little angry Hoofsmear decided to grace us with her presence. I had just gotten an order from a Celaxtate guest for some freshly fermented Colaerian pecan pie, which was totally cool because her digestive juices were akin to magma.

  I was hustling it over to her, when Ms. Hoofsmear's tail suddenly swished out in front of me. As if she had it planned, her 3ft deep orange, sinewy tail suddenly blocked my path driving me to lose my balance.

  My forward momentum sent me spinning across the room and “Bam,” I slammed butt first into Howlsona, a ginormous waiter with elastic epidermis from Gelatia. I bounced off his rubber skin like a super ball and sailed arms flailing, sans trapeze through the air. “Incoming!”

  My frantic attempt to hold on to the pie failed and it landed with a big splash, smack in Hoofsmear’s irate face, milliseconds before a loud “Crack!” reverberated in my head as my face smashed into the Celaxtate guest’s backside, like a bug on a windshield.

  As my star-crossed luck would have it, the assaulted Celaxtate’s backside was stone hard. Her thick skin akin to solid granite. She turned around and blinked down at me first in surprise then she creased her colossal forehead in what seemed like an expression of worry. For a 600 pound woman made of pure stone she was sure quick on her feet. She gingerly helped me to stand as I attempted to utter an apology.

  Nothing intelligible came out, as I gestured to articulate the words.

  I tried again, "Mm mery orry a'am." What the heck?

  To add insult to injury, the orange hell spawn galloped over our way to throw her two cents into our party. Her shrill tirade of my obvious not-an-accident was completely drowned out by the pounding in my head. I did notice her screams invited a number of unhappy glares from guests and staff alike.

  I finally focused enough to catch the end of her rant.

  “I will fire your incompetent Terran ass. You hear me?” she barked, yellow spittle dripping from the angles of her mouth, reminding me of a crazed dog. “You are lucky that I need someone speaking Syalantian until the end of the week. Give me one more reason...” She screwed her face up and turned into a deeper shade of orange, her beady black eyes shrinking to belt holes.

  In that moment, something let loose inside me and I decided I'd had just about enough of her mouth. I shot her my meanest, ready to kill you, death glare. My lips pulled back tight giving her a good look at my pearly whites. My shoulders lifted and my hands curled into claws. I imagine I looked menacing, like a vicious jungle cat, ready to pounce because she staggered back a few steps. Her black beady eyes bulged, and she managed a sharp intake of breath, before I jerked my body forward what had to be less than an inch. She yelped, tripped on her own tail and fell on her ass, hooves straight up in the air.

  "Don nou ucking ell a ee, dis-is uur ault!" I tried to yell through my noncomplying, nonfunctioning jaw.

  I spun on my heels and stomped out of the dining room. Bev met me out front. She took one look at my tears and the balloon-size swelling of my face and rushed me to the health center. Thanks to Syalantian technology, the hairlin
e fracture in my jaw was knitted together and the swelling almost completely gone in less than an hour. Yay technology!

  The hotel's health computer directed me to take the rest of the day off, with pay, to heal. More yays! I made a quick detour to the reception desk. A note was waiting for me. It read:

  Honeymoon Suite 01: we require Emery at the lake's gazebo, ASAP.

  It didn’t matter I had officially been given off. I only had to remind myself that the unemployment lines were very short, due to the fact that there was a whole galaxy of unfulfilling jobs in far worse locations than Titan’s premier hotel. I guess I should be happy the royal couple still needed me.

  There were no direct requests this time, nothing to drink or eat. It wasn't a call for the pool or an outing on the lake, so what the hell did they want? Or more to the point, what was he trying to pull?

  I lifted my head from the note to find Bev staring at my jaw. I smiled, then thought better of it. Giving her my biggest puppy dog eyes, I begged for a clue as to the reason for their summons. When that didn't work, I rubbed my jaw like it was still hurting. She clucked at me like a chicken.

  "Shoo girl, go on with you. Don't look at me like that, you know I can't help you. At least his wife ain't onto your shenanigans yet. If it was my husband…" she let the words hang in the air, then snapped her sharp teeth at me.

  I stuck my tongue out at her, completely forgetting I had indulged in a piece of Alairian blue apple pie for lunch.

  "Now you look sexy," Bev laughed, sticking her tongue out and pointing at it, which only served to frustrate me more.


  My fingers absently worried at my stupid uniform as I navigated the trail to the gazebo. What three arms seamstress concocted such ill-fitting designs? And where do you even find material so itchy these days? Somebody had a time vortex back to the Middle Ages and they weren't sharing.


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