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Titan Rising 2 (Syalantian 2)

Page 4

by Bobbi Ross

  "Shall we go again my Asanti? Your sweet taste still lingers in my mouth tantalizing my body. I have yet to satiate my appetite for you,” he gleamed.

  Oh you wicked wonderful man. "Sure," I managed to eke out.


  Wow! I mean just wow! Real sex with Rohn surpassed every dream rendezvous we ever had and my wildest expectation. I had to restrain myself from dancing around. Well not really, my legs were still too wobbly. But the wellspring of joy and happiness overflowed in my heart, and the whole world seemed right.

  Holding hands we walked barefoot on the fuchsia grass that led from the building which held my puny apartment to the grand honeymoon suite that Rohn had occupied with Anula for the last few days. Each individual blade of grass sent a shockwave of sensations up through the soles of my feet, tickling nerve endings still heightened by our lovemaking. Normally, my pay would get docked for walking across the hotel's perfectly manicured lawn. Tonight, I didn't care. Heck, I don't think anything could ruin the afterglow of the best sex I've ever had.

  I didn't dare say it out loud, lest I jinx it. In the distance the former princess Anula, was in the process of being escorted out of the hotel by a group of what appeared to be Royal Syalantian guards, in chains. A beer bellied man who looked to be about 16 months pregnant, with green wisps of hair haphazardly sprouting out of his pasty white scalp was in the lead. His chubby fingers were encircled in numerous gold and platinum rings adorned with multiple, gaudy stones. He was clad in a silvery, ankle length robe that looked like it was made out of reflective tape; his bloated feet punishing a couple of peacocks, a pair of green and blue gold embroidered feathered slippers that made me want to call animal control. He caught sight of us and pointed in our direction. "Guards, there's the ex-Prince, arrest him," he bellowed at the top of his lungs.

  I gripped Rohn's arm, and stepped in front of him. "Oh no, I'm not letting them take you from me. I'm not letting you out of my sight ever again," I growled, spreading my arms protectively in front of him.

  "But I will have to face the Senate," he said, a grim look doling his bright eyes.

  No way was I letting them take him. Not after finally finding happiness after all those years. There had to be something, anything –.

  I spun to face my sweet Syalantian, and mouthed, "If you love me, run." A bit presumptuous of me, but I said it and there was no taking it back. It was the truth after all.

  A wicked grin curved his mouth, at that point I loved him even more. We were off.

  I have to say, being barefoot was not exactly to our advantage, especially when our chosen path veered us onto one of the marble walkways. Fortunately for us, the guards were in full Syalantian formal battalion uniforms, which meant they were carrying about an extra hundred pounds each.

  We deviated off the path, favoring the soft fuchsia grass and then wove our way around a series of Aqueliart mini trees, hand-in-hand the entire time. A familiar 7 foot figure, her skin a deep dark blue in the twilight, stood out in stark contrast to the hotel’s white walls. She was holding a fuchsia tablet, which I knew controlled landscaping and sprinkler systems. I guess I really did have friends.

  I pulled harder at his wrist, and we picked up the pace, clearing the meticulously trimmed hedges. The guards and their bulky armor weren't doing as well. Constantly snagged by branches and tripped up by roots they were making a snail’s pace through the hotel's garden. I gave Bev a big thumbs-up, and she dramatically threw her index finger into the air, where it hovered momentarily, before she brought it down slowly like a missile onto the center of the tablet.

  You have to understand, there's a peculiarity to Aqueliart plant life. They don't really absorb water. They need it sure, but they don't absorb it like other plants. On Aquelia, all of the ground, planet wide, has at least a couple inches of water on it at all times, so the bushes and trees have had to adapt. They can only take in water under monsoon like conditions. The water has to be pushed into their tough, stone-like trunks with force.

  I couldn't help but turn to look behind me as the large powerful water cannons surrounding the hotel grounds rose ominously from their hiding places. Their advanced targeting system zeroing in on anything larger than a chipmunk. They opened fire and hurricane strength streams connected with both trees and guards alike. Two dozen, armor-clad men exploded into the air like shiny bowling pins. Some making graceful, almost delicate arcs into the night sky while others were dragged face first, through the quickly forming mud. Still more ricocheted unceremoniously off the thick, unyielding and thorn ridden trunks of the Aqueliart trees. Take that suckers!

  "Go, go!" I yelled after the cannons spouted their last drops, pointing to the delivery area behind the hotel. This late at night it wasn’t busy, but I was hoping I would find what I was looking for. I spied a familiar six armed pilot sitting in the cab of his delivery spaceship, going over his manifest. We ran like the devil herself was on our heels.

  "Is this your vehicle?" I bellowed to the pilot after jerking the rear door to his ship open.

  "Yes," he stammered, a frown forming on his face.

  I threw on my firm eye, and pressed him further. "Then effectively, you must be the captain, correct?”

  "Well, yeah," he snapped, now looking around nervously either for help or a way to escape the crazy people. I touched his arm, in an attempt to reassure him, but the sweat trickling down his brow and staining his six armpits, told me I wasn't faring too well. So I threw on the 10,000 kilowatt smile. "What's your name Captain?" I asked.

  "Err, it's Herbert," he straightened just a little. "Captain Herbert."

  "It's nice to meet you Captain Herbert. My name is Emery, and this is my fiancé Rohn. I have a huge favor to ask you Captain, will you please marry us? Like now?" I asked firmly.

  "Um, I don't really know how to marry someone ma'am?" He winced.

  "It’s easy, just repeat after me," I assured him.

  In the distance, I spotted several drenched guards emerging from the trees, still fighting to find their sea legs. I‘d say they had spotted us, considering we were inside the only ship in the lot. If they were anything like my Syalantian, they’d be ready to go again in no time. "Say, do you both take each other. Say it!" I commanded. “Go, go!"

  "Do you both?" he repeated, the strain of two crazy people holding him captive in his ship’s cab obviously wearing thin on him.

  "Yes," we echoed in unison. Wide grins on our faces.

  Rohn's eyes glowed with adoration, sending rays of light to shatter the dark walls of my heart.

  The captain gawked nervously; guards barreling down on his ship. I squeezed one of Herbert's gigantic arms forcing him to focus all of his 8 panic stricken eyes on me. "Now what?" He shrieked.

  "Say man and wife, then kiss," I prompted.

  "Man and wife, then kiss?" he repeated verbatim.

  I was unprepared, but immensely pleased when Rohn's succulent lips hungrily devoured mine. Everything around us ceased to be. No guards, no angry uncles, no six armed delivery creatures sliding inch by inch to the door, leaving a slug trail of sweat. Rohn and I were one, one with each other and one with the universe. That is until rough hands tore me away from him, dragging me unceremoniously down onto the asphalt of the parking lot. Oomph!

  It took several guards to restrain Rohn. He howled and tossed one of them through the air like a child's toy. Another crashed through the window of the delivery truck, mere seconds after the captain scrambled out the passenger side. Three more guards took their place.

  It took a total of thirteen guards, all massively muscled and twice Rohn's size in their uniforms to finally subdue and restrain him. They all wore mementos of his fury. Swollen eyes, torn lips and faces replete with multiple lacerations. Arms and legs bent at odd angles. Their armor dented and stained a dark crimson.

  Rohn seethed and growled under the weight of the guards. The pile of muscle and armor constantly shifted as they struggled to maintain control. Two guards lifted me off the
ground, and the one on my left fixed a dagger to my throat.

  My panic as the blade pinched my throat turned to rage as I watched Rohn's eyes glimmer with gut wrenching pain and worry for me. Only then did he completely still; his eyes narrowing as he glowered at the guard who threatened me.

  Two scorching emerald orbs speared the guard holding the blade like hot lava. The guard’s body went stiff and his arm trembled with indecision. After a few long breaths and no small amount of sweat running down his brow, the guard lowered his blade and slipped it back into its sheath.

  I gulped, the rage pulled back into its cage somewhere in my chest as Rohn's shoulders relaxed, and the ferocity in his eyes cooled to a mere ember.

  The pregnant man, maybe in his 50s, dressed in a gaudy gold and duct tape encrusted Elvis Presley meets bedazzled suit of armor waddled up to the group. He went to where Rohn was being restrained and sneered, "There you are nephew, not surprising I catch you cowering behind an alien vermin." The way he stretched out the word alien formed icicles on my spine.

  "Watch your tongue uncle, lest you wish to be parted from it," Rohn growled. "You should take extreme heed how you address my wife!" my husband scowled. My husband. This day was beyond crazy.

  "Hah!" the shapeless man bellowed and bounced around in the overly large armor like a loose clapper in a giant belt decorated entirely by second graders. Puzzled looks played back and forth amongst the guards.

  "It's not as if you had time to consummate the marriage. You failed dear nephew. You lost. You lost everything. Pathetic, just like your father. Whatever you've done is useless." This jerk was like a monkey dancing on my nerves.

  "I'm sorry Emery, I'll make sure I find you again," my husband declared over the guffaws of his ridiculous uncle. His eyes took on a desperate, hollow look that made my heart bleed. I ached to hold him, soothe his soul providing comfort and reassurance. I nodded as renegade tears spilled forth, while my body shook with rage.

  "I'm sorry too," his pompous ass of an uncle mimicked. If I ever got free from these guys, I was most definitely gonna clean his clock.

  "Not so fast,” the strength of Anula's voice carried over the crowd of men. “I'm even more sorry for you, your Viceroy and your retinue of guards who clearly lack sufficient eyesight."

  She strolled over to me as casually as if she was taking a Sunday walk. The guards connected to her manacles simply followed. Wow, she really was royalty. When she reached me, she gently pulled back my hair. Everyone gasped. What? I suddenly felt self-conscious, like one of those dreams where you are late for a test that you forgot to study for. Anula caught the pleading in my eyes and smiled.

  "Your hair is turning green Emery," she beamed.

  "Nonsense! Lies, it's all lies!" his uncle screamed and threw his hands into the air like an angry toddler. "It's too late anyway. And I'll bet that it's not even real, some fake mongrel alien ploy, no doubt. Arrest them both!" he stomped over, grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked.

  "Ouch!" I cried out in pain.

  The color drained from his cowardly face as he backed away and attempted to pull his head into his suit of armor like a giant, gaudy turtle. The two guards that were restraining me dropped to their knees and mumbled sincere apologies while placing their fists over their heart.

  "My Queen," they exclaimed in one voice. In a Mexican wave of genuflection, all of the guards and even the Viceroy went down to one knee in a show of fealty. The only ones left standing were myself and my husband, his uncle and a very jittery six armed delivery man.

  Rohn rose to his full height, defying even the night sky, his clothes tattered and torn, while a faint trickle of blood curved over his lower lip. He was as brilliant as the breaking sun. That was my husband. Mine! My chest swelled with love and pride.

  His voice took on a regal tone that made my blood run hot. Yeah, down there hot! "Emery my Asanti, my Queen," he uttered and then followed suit and dropped gracefully to one knee, pulling both fists up to his heart. In one swift motion he turned to his uncle and commanded, "Bow before your new Queen."

  "I will never bow to this –."

  I drove the heel of my hand just like my grandmother had taught me into his face, which resulted in a sickening crack. He crumbled like a sack of Galorian potatoes. What a dirt bag.

  The same naughty smile I had come to love pulled at the corners of my Rohn's mouth. He raised an extended hand to me, which I graciously accepted. "I believe we have a honeymoon to finish, my Asanti?"

  "What's going on here?" A shrill voice roared out from the direction of the hotel. The little orange devil fixed her beady little gaze on me and was stomping her ugly, hoofed feet through the fuchsia grass towards me. Her noxious mood oozing in oodles out of her thick, orange skin. She sneered and snorted and appeared to be ready to dole out more of her personal vendetta.

  Oh boy, was I going to enjoy this!


  "Praise the creator of all things Emery, you look beautiful," Anula gushed.

  I watched as my fair face turned a deep cherry. But I had to agree with her. Standing in front of the full-length, all-way mirror, hundreds of Emerys stared back at me. Long, straight, dark, green hair framed my flushed face. And yes, we all looked fabulous! The only way I knew this wasn’t a dream, aside from the priceless clothes, was the over-focused and over-talented Syalantian seamstress hustling around me, pinning, measuring and fussing with said clothes. Every once in a while she would break up the routine, huff and make me twirl. I would say I felt like a princess, but it wouldn't do this woman or her dress justice.

  The one-of-a-kind one shoulder gown, the ingenious seamstress handcrafted for me was simply stunning. It was a delicious sky-blue, made entirely of Aqualaian silk, so it both simultaneously hugged my curves and drifted in some unseen breeze. The left shoulder featured a rather intricate ancient Syalantian design - a symbol of love and strength - made entirely of Genarian white platinum. It followed the neckline and then wrapped back around like a sash. The gown was full-length, with a supported diamond cut open back and a long sexy side slit.

  I had refused the shoes she had tried to crush my feet into. Some crazy pointed ultra-high-heeled strappy number. Blech. Instead, John Fluevog himself was sending me a case of shoes he had altered to go with the sketches of my multitude of fancy, new dresses. My feet were going to look and feel as good as my ass. Regardless of the sighs the seamstress made every time she looked at my backside. I think there was a little more junk in my trunk than she was used to dealing with.

  "I've never had anything so… glamorous," I exclaimed, with a happy sway of my hips.

  "Hold still please, Your Highness" the agitated seamstress admonished; the slight curve of her lips hinted at a smile.

  Anula chuckled, "Don't forget Emery, you have 27 more dresses to be fitted for. One for each world you and Rohn will be visiting on your way back to the Syalantian home world."

  She was right. Each dress was more amazing than the last. And the colors, a kaleidoscope of colors consisting of vibrant limes, sensuous reds, various shades of brown to match my eyes, and vibrant emeralds to complement Rohn's eyes. Some of them were a little beyond my taste, such as the multicolored gown made completely from Antarian giant Tuchy bird feathers that would literally allow me to fly, in the wind of course.

  "I can’t believe I will be an ambassador of the Syalantian Empire. I had given up on even dreaming I could become an ambassador to anything," I called to Anula over my shoulder, trying to remain stiff as a board for the huffing seamstress.

  Anula leapt up from her chair and kissed me on the cheek. In the last week I’d gotten to learn about her affectionate side. She was a hugger, and a kisser. "No sweetie, you're not going to be an ambassador, you're going to be THE Ambassador," Anula corrected.

  “And the best part, I get to do it all with Rohn.” The thought of him filled my heart with warmth and joy. As usual, thoughts of him warmed a number of other more discrete areas...

  "Now honey, tha
t's a dress," a voice from the doorway interrupted my musings.

  I may or may not have let out a wildly girly squeal when I saw my big blue friend, Bev. There had been so much going on in the week since the Prince - the King now - and I had gotten married. I’d hardly spent five minutes with my best friend. Ignoring the string of expletives dropping out of the seamstress's mouth, I jumped off the raised platform and ran to hug her. She collected me in her arms and held me tight, nearly snapping my spine in two.

  "Can't breathe," I croaked.

  “Oh, girl! I missed you these past few days,” she remarked still squeezing the life out of me.

  “Err..., Bev,” I wheezed, legs thrashing in the air.

  “Sorry honey,” she said finally letting me go, “ but I gotta have me some Emery,” she clucked, eyes welling up.

  The night I had become Queen of Syalantia, Bev showed up to help us elude the guards long enough so Rohn and I could get married. But that wasn't all she did. My big, blue Zedrovian friend also had the wherewithal to video the entire incident. Both during, and after, when Hoofsmear galloped over to our group to yell, singling me out for walking on the lawn.

  I just stood there in awe, while she ranted like a raving lunatic. She insulted me, she insulted my species followed by my planet, and then apparently she insulted the entire Syalantian Empire. I was their Queen by then after all. She'd been so caught up in her little tornado of a tirade, she didn’t notice the ten angry guards gathering around her. When they finally decided to physically remove her, I just smiled and waved. Smiled and waved.

  “You are soooo fired Emm-or-y. Do you hear me?” she squealed, veins popping, spit froth flying in super HD video.

  Apparently the people of Earth and the rest of the Syalantian Empire at large were not quite so forgiving as me. Particularly after Bev posted the video online. 18 trillion hits in four hours. When word about the earlier dining room incident came out, citizens all over the Syalantian Empire went ballistic. I had to spend a long time cooling Rohn off when he found out, but I have to admit that part was a lot of fun.


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