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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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by Philip John Bruch

  Nightfall looked at his former friend and said in a soft but deadly voice, “Why did you betray me? Didn’t I treat you fairly and pay you well?”

  Forerger became very afraid and he said, “What are you talking about?”

  Nightfall immediately felt rising anger. He knew that Forerger had betrayed him. He was the only one that could have done it. He said, “Do not lie to me. I do not like being lied to. I will only ask you nicely one more time, only once more. Why did you betray me?”

  Forerger knew that his life was over no matter what he said. He looked at the hated man dressed in all black and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Nightfall realized that the man would never admit it or tell him who he had worked for so he was wasting his time. Leena was sitting by herself and he was getting anxious to surprise her and enjoy some more sweet red wine. Nightfall smiled and reached out grabbing Forerger by the throat with his right hand. He leaned forward so that he could look into the man’s eyes.

  Forerger struggled and tried to get away but he couldn’t budge. Nightfall held him in an iron grip and no matter what he tried he was helpless and at Nightfall’s mercy and he knew that Nightfall didn’t have any mercy.

  Nightfall saw the fear in Forerger’s eyes and he leaned forward a little closer and squeezed, seeing Forerger’s life slowly fade away.

  Nightfall then released the dead man and gently lowered his head to the bar. It looked like Forerger was sleeping.

  Nightfall laughed and stood up. He grabbed his drink and walked away. Leena would be so surprised to see him again.

  Chapter 13

  Red said, “I think that we will stop here for the night and set up camp. If you aren’t in too much of a hurry, I invite you to stay with us for the night and then you can leave first thing in the morning. We just came from the cold lands and we know the snowy land and beyond well because that is where our home is. If you have any questions about what you are heading into I would be happy to answer all of your questions.”

  Bruk smiled and thought that it was lucky to have met this group of warriors. He could learn exactly what he was riding into. They might even know where lost city might be located at but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell them about that yet.

  It didn’t take very long and soon all of the animals were taken care of and a small fire was lit. It was still a few hours before night would fall. One of Red’s men began preparing a warm meal of urth steaks with some small potatoes. Red told him to make enough so that Bruk could join them in the meal.

  “You are kind and generous and I appreciate it,” Bruk said. He liked the woman and her happy personality. He also thought that her men were very professional in the way that they carried out their tasks and how they acted in general.

  Red, Bruk, and four of Red’s men were sitting near the small fire. They all were making small talk and relaxing.

  Red looked at Bruk who was sitting about three feet away and across from her and said, “Why are you out here all alone if you don’t mind me asking. We are on our way to Tharn to pick up whatever horses Rollan has available. Hopefully he might even have a unicorn this time.”

  Bruk thought about it just for a minute. He was going to trust these people. They all seemed like good people. He looked at Red and said, “I am on a quest for a sorcerer and I must find a lost city hidden somewhere beyond the Thorstals Mountain Range. I have a map of sorts but the exact location of the city is unknown.”

  Red said, “I normally try to avoid magic and those that wield it.”

  Bruk smiled and said, “So do I but this sorcerer follows the Gods of Light and he is my friend. He is a good and just man who fights against evil.”

  “I didn’t think that you were a bad man by your manner and the way that you carry yourself. You look and act like a warrior. I won’t ask you anything else about your quest,” Red said.

  Bruk said, “Thank you. Do you have any idea where I might find this lost city?”

  Red thought for a minute and then she said, “Everyone in the cold lands has heard rumors one time or another about the fabled lost city of the ancients. No one really knows for sure where it is as yet and if it is real or just an old wives’ tale. It would be nice if it was real though. Who knows what treasure it might contain?”

  The man sitting next to Red smiled and said, “Now you’ve done it Bruk. I can tell that she is thinking of going on an adventure again. Last time that she went seeking treasure we didn’t see her again for almost a year!” The man then laughed.

  Red looked hurt and then she laughed and said, “But I did come back with treasure though didn’t I?”

  The man laughed and replied, “If you call a broken clay mug a treasure.”

  Red said, “That’s not fair. I told you that the mug was full of gems. When the horse fell through the ice all I could find later was the empty mug. I did manage to save the horse though.”

  The man said, “You know that we all believe you.” He then rolled his eyes up and then his three companions all laughed.

  Red was just about to try and defend her honor when she heard, “The food is done! Come help yourselves!”

  Bruk laughed and got up. He was hungry and the smell of the roasting urth steaks was making his mouth water.

  Red and the others soon joined him. Once everyone had filled their plates up they all walked back and sat down again. Needless to say there wasn’t much talking for a little while because everyone was too busy eating.

  When Red had finished eating she looked at Bruk and said, “Can I see the map if you don’t mind?”

  Bruk reached into his vest and pulled it out and then he handed it to her.

  Red looked at the map carefully for a while and then she showed it to the man next to her, the one that had teased her before.

  He looked at the map for a few minutes and then Red said as she pointed with her finger, “I think that if there really is a lost city then that is where I think that it would be found. What do you think?”

  The man replied, “I agree with you. We pretty much know everywhere else and what can be found there. That is the only area where no one will venture into. The place is supposed to contain much evil and it is supposedly cursed. I have never heard of anyone who had gone there, and there were a few, but they never returned.”

  Red said as she looked at Bruk, “I would advise you to forget about going there if you value your life. Just tell your sorcerer friend that nothing was there.”

  Bruk said, “I can’t lie to my friend. I accepted the task and I must try no matter what the risk.”

  Red was very impressed by what Bruk had said. She looked at him in wonder and then she decided. She smiled and said, “I will go with you and help you to try and accomplish your goal. I will willingly fight by your side. Who knows, we might even find some treasure.”

  The man next to her laughed and said, “I knew it! I just knew it! I knew that you couldn’t resist the lure of treasure.” All of his companions laughed and agreed.

  Red then handed the map back to Bruk and showed him the spot where she thought that if the city really existed then that is where they would find it.

  Bruk looked to where she had pointed and then he carefully put the map away inside of his vest. He then looked at Red and said, “I can’t let you expose yourself to what might be very dangerous. I could never forgive myself if something should happen to you.”

  Red said, “You don’t have to worry about me. I don’t wear all of these weapons just for show. I know full well how to use them. I am the leader of this little band for good reason and not just because of how beautiful that I am!”

  Bruk laughed. He looked at the man that was sitting next to her looking for help. He just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Her mind seems to be made up so you might as well figure on her joining you. If you try and sneak away she will just follow you and she is an excellent tracker. I am afraid my man that you have just gotten a little help on your quest whether you
wanted it or not.” He then laughed and every else except for Bruk all laughed with him.

  Bruk looked at Red who was smiling at him. He realized that it looked like he was going to have company on his search for the lost city now and there wasn’t much that he could do about it. He also knew that she would be of much help in the cold lands because she lived in those lands and was familiar with them. He said, “All right, you can come with me and it looks like I really don’t have much choice in the matter.” Everyone laughed including Bruk!

  Red said, “Very good. I assure you that if there really is an ancient lost city that we will find it.”

  The man next to her said, “The rest of us will go to Tharn as planned and see Rollan. Hopefully he will have some horses for us. I also hope that he might have a unicorn or two waiting for us.”

  Bruk said, “I just came from Tharn. I was very impressed with Rollan and his stables. He really knows his business and I think that he was a very honest and honorable man.”

  “Aye, I agree with you. We go there at least once a year and after the first time he always has horses waiting for us. He has a large fenced in grassy lot in back of the stables where sometimes he has horses for sale. Once in a while he even has unicorns. You have a couple of nice ones. When this adventure is all over would you be interested in selling them?” Red said.

  Bruk said, “No, I would never sell them. I know them and I would never part with them.”

  The man who was sitting next to Red said, “After we check out the stables we plan on having a little fun. We are going to visit the Red Cup. It’s always wild in there but they have the best food and drink in all of Tharn and I know because we have tried all of the taverns that Tharn has to offer.”

  “He’s right. The only thing bad about the Red Cup is some of the cliental but if you’re a warrior they notice it and pretty much leave you alone but you still have to watch your back if you know what I mean. We always sat at a table in the back where we could keep an eye on everyone,” Red said.

  Bruk said, “I just came from Tharn. You are right about the food and the drink, it was very good.”

  The man next to Red said, “I remember that there was a man dressed in all black who everyone was very afraid of. He always sat at a table near the back. He would always be with a very hot blonde. The man was very dangerous and we just stayed away from him. The past three years though we haven’t seen him but the blonde was still sitting at that table by herself. No one bothered her though because of their fear of the man dressed in all black. Everyone was afraid to sit at that table even if there was no other place to sit. I wonder what ever happened to him.”

  Red said, “I don’t know, but I’m happy that he is gone. He gave me the creeps whenever I looked at him. He just looked evil and powerful. I have never seen anyone like that before.”

  Bruk just smiled. He knew what had happened to Nightfall. He had seen Zaranna send him to the No Land when she had shoved the Sword of Light into his chest and said those four words of magic. He had seen Nightfall disappear in a flash.

  One of the men had been staring at Bruk in interest. He was trying to remember something that he had heard about and he just couldn’t remember what it was. Then his eyes opened wide in surprise and he said, “I have heard about you many times in taverns and out in the streets. When you said your name I should have guessed right away. You are the Bruk who fought Cobran the High Lord of Darkness and banished him into another dimension saving the world! That’s you isn’t it? You saved the world! You are a very mighty warrior without match. You even fought a god and defeated him and his demons. I am so very happy to have finally had the honor to meet you. I thank you for saving the world!” The rest of the men looked at Bruk in awe.

  Red said, “That was you wasn’t it? By the High Lords of Light it is a pleasure to meet you!”

  Bruk didn’t really know what to say. They were right in what they were saying but to him it wasn’t that big of a deal. He just did what he had to do and didn’t really have the time to think about it. He just wished that people would forget about it.”

  Red looked at Bruk in awe and said, “You were with a tree-man, a cat-man, a trader, and a beautiful warrior woman. We have all heard the story many times. I can’t believe it. You are sitting with us just like you are a normal warrior and you are far from that. You fought a powerful god and won and you have lived to talk about it. What was it like to fight a god?”

  Bruk looked from face to face then back again to Red. He sighed and said, “The Sword of Death did all of the work. It fed me supernatural strength and Cobran couldn’t use all of his powers against me while I was holding his sword. I somehow got lucky and managed to win. If I wasn’t wielding the god’s sword I wouldn’t have had a chance. I just did what I had to do to survive.”

  “You are humble too I see. All right, we won’t press the matter but I am very happy to meet you and I am sure that all of my men are also very happy to meet you too. We spent many a night drinking and talking about it so please excuse us for our awe and our enthusiasm. We mean no offence.”

  Bruk smiled and said, “That is all right, I understand. I probably would do the same thing if I was in your shoes. I am just thankful that it all worked out and I am still alive.”

  One of the men asked, “Are all of your companions still alive and do you still see them?”

  Bruk smiled and said, “They are all still alive and doing well. The trader Karl has a new son and has settled down and given up adventuring. The tree-man named Olnan has his own stables now and he specializes in unicorns. He loves animals. Grup the cat-man is working for the king of Pritant now. The only one left of that group is the warrior woman. She is my mate now and she is still with me. She wanted to accompany me on my quest but she wasn’t able to. She has something else very important to do that requires her full attention.”

  Red looked a little disappointed hearing that Bruk had a mate. She also knew that he would be faithful to her no matter what. She sighed but she still wanted to help him on his quest. Who knows, there might even be a treasure waiting for her.

  They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other and telling stories. The next morning Bruk and Red would leave and travel up north to try and find a lost city. The rest of the group would travel south to see if Rollan had any horses waiting. It was a peaceful night.

  Chapter 14

  Bruk and Red left early in the morning the next day. Red had told her men to behave in Tharn and not to get into any trouble. They all said that they would follow her advice if they could and then they laughed and said their farewells. Bruk warned them to be on the lookout for outlaws. He had told them what Rollan had said to him when he had left Tharn. They said that they would be careful.

  Bruk and Red headed straight north letting their mounts find a comfortable speed that they could keep up for all day if necessary. They rode on and on only stopping to answer nature’s call or to eat.

  Over the course of the first day’s ride Bruk got to know Red pretty well. She was a remarkable woman with a sense of humor and a quick mind. It turned out that she was also a great cook.

  They traveled far that first day only stopping twice, one time was to eat. Just as it started to get dark they stopped for the night near a small pond and next to a small copse of leafy trees and small bushes.

  Red lit a fire and started to prepare a meal while Bruk took care of the mounts. By the time that he had taken off their saddles and tack and brushed them down and fed them Red had finished cooking their meal and waited for him. She watched as he led the mounts to the pond and let them drink their fill. When they were done he led them back and then he sat down next to her and smiled.

  Bruk said, “It smells good and I am starving.”

  Red handed him the plate that she had prepared for him and then she started to eat and found that it indeed was very good.

  After they had finished eating they talked for a while and then they turned in for the night.

nbsp; The next ten days were a repeat of the first day. They traveled far and made very good time. They didn’t see any outlaw bands during that time. Red said that they never traveled very far up north or at least very rarely. It was wise to keep a look out for them anyways though.

  The landscape slowly changed the farther north that they rode. The grass got shorter and shorter and the air got cooler and cooler. The land became hilly and every morning there was frost on the ground.

  After another week and a half the landscape was covered with a light blanket of snow and ice. The air was cold but refreshing. Red said that they wouldn’t have to watch out for outlaws anymore but now they would have to watch out for packs of hungry wolves.

  They stopped for the night next to a hill that blocked the wind and set up camp. Bruk realized that somewhere in the far west would be the place where the ancient white stone obelisk was where he had made his stand against a hungry pack of wolves. That is where he had first met Sardgesha and his whole life had changed. He had left his small village in the Thorstals Mountain Range to seek his fame and fortune and he had gotten more than he had bargained for. His life had really changed then and so had he.

  Red said, “We should reach my village within about four more days. We can stop there and replenish our supplies before pushing on. We will head northeast from my village. It will take about three weeks or more to reach the spot where I think that you might find your lost city. The land north of my village is dangerous ground and freezing blowing wind. The farther north that you go the worst that it gets. We can get some extra clothing at my village that will help. We also have blankets made specifically for horses to help protect them from the elements.”

  Bruk said, “The cold isn’t as hard on a unicorn as it is on a horse but it still would be better to cover them with protection. Is there anything else you can tell me about the land that we will be going into beyond your village?”


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