The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4) Page 11

by Philip John Bruch

  “All I can say is that anyone who went the way that we will be going never returned. There are packs of hungry wolves and farther up north there are large bears colored the purist white. They are even more dangerous than the wolves are but they are slower,” Red said.

  Bruk looked to the west and he could just barely see the end of the Thorstals Mountain Range. He thought briefly about Carthon and then he looked away. He would never go back to his village again, never. He was a different person now and he liked his new life.

  Red watched him and said, “Something bothering you?”

  Bruk shook his head and said, “I came from a small village in a valley in the mountains. I was just thinking that I would never go back there again.”

  Red looked towards the mountain range in the distance and then she looked back at Bruk. She smiled and said, “If you change your mind I would be happy to go with you. We will be far north of the mountain range though and more to the east but we will be closer than we are now.”

  Bruk said, “I have no interest in going there again.”

  Bruk then took care of the mounts while Red got a fire going. She put together a tasty meal and then they ate and talked for a while before turning in for the night.

  Two days later they saw a small pack of wolves in the distance. The wolves didn’t see them though and Red and Bruk pushed safely on. A day in a half later they rode into Red’s village.

  Bruk was the center of attention because the village rarely if ever had visitors. The village itself was made up of forty some small log cabins and a few large igloos for storing game. There was a large circular building made up of logs and stout wooden planks in the center of town.

  It was early in the afternoon and a few people were out doing chores or socializing. As Bruk and Red got closer a female dressed in all furs yelled, “Red! Red!” and then she stated to run towards the two newcomers.

  Red dismounted and hugged the female as she ran up. She turned towards Bruk as he dismounted and said, “This is my little sister Rose.”

  Bruk walked over and said, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Rose who was barely a woman yet looked at Bruk with admiring eyes. She smiled and said, “I thought that you were going for horses. I see that you found something better!” Then she laughed and laughed.

  Red laughed too and then she said, “This is Bruk. I am going with him on a quest. This is the Bruk that fought Cobran the High Lord of Darkness and won saving the world!”

  Rose looked at Bruk in awe and really didn’t know what to say. She had heard all about what Bruk and his companions had accomplished but she never expected to ever meet him. She just stood there staring with her mouth open.

  Red laughed again and said, “I knew that would shut her up. Come on Bruk, let’s go to the hall and get warm. Rose, would you take care of the mounts for us?” Bruk then followed Red towards the large circular building. He looked back briefly to see Rose just standing there holding the reins with her mouth still open and looking dazed. Bruk laughed.

  Bruk and Red got about a third of the way to their destination when an ear splitting scream sounded from behind them. Bruk turned and saw Rose running madly through the snow still holding the reins and leading the horse and the two unicorns down the street with three large grey wolves hotly in pursuit.

  Before Red could even blink Bruk was gone. Bruk ran straight at the wolves with his dagger in his left hand and his sword held at waist level in his right hand.

  Bruk ran right by Rose and the three equines and straight at the three wolves. One wolf was in the front with the other two behind it. The second one was closer and off to the right with the third wolf trailing and on the left side.

  Bruk threw the dagger and sped on. The razor sharp dark blue star metal blade of the dagger flew straight and true and buried itself almost up to the hilt into the skull of the leading wolf killing it instantly and knocking it down to lie in the snow coloring it a deep wet red.

  Bruk then jabbed the tip of his sword into the matted chest of the wolf on the left burying it deeply before it even had a chance to leap at him. Once the sword struck home in a shower of blood Bruk was already rolling leaving his sword behind. He rolled and kicked out with all of his might and his heavy booted right foot connected squarely alongside the snout of the third wolf snapping its head back and breaking its thick neck.

  Red was running too and she was only about ten yards behind Bruk and she had seen everything that he had just done. She stopped and stood next to her sister. They both watched Bruk as he got up off of the snow and walked over to the second wolf and worked his sword free. Then he walked over to the first wolf and placed his foot on its head and pulled upwards freeing his dagger. He then carefully wiped both blades clean on the grey fur of the first wolf and then he put them away.

  Rose looked at Red and they both were speechless. Neither one could believe the speed and the power of the young barbarian. He had slain the three large vicious wolves in just a few seconds like it was nothing.

  Other members of the village also saw what the newcomer had done. The men, women, and children were all piling out of their homes and the village hall to see what was going on. They had heard the scream and saw what the barbarian had done to the wolves. He had saved Rose! They were all standing by Rose and Red waiting for Bruk. Everyone was speechless at what had just transpired.

  Bruk walked up and looked at Rose and said, “Are you all right?”

  Rose said in a very soft voice overwhelmed by all that had just happened, “Aye, I am all right.” She couldn’t take her eyes off of Bruk who was just standing there like nothing had even occurred. He was calm and smiling and breathing normally.

  A large man with a long black beard stepped out of the crowd and put his arms around Rose and Red. He looked at Bruk and said, “Thank you for saving my daughter. I am forever in your debt. How can I ever repay you?”

  Bruk smiled and said, “It was nothing, so don’t worry about it. I just did what I had to do.”

  Red looked at her father and said, “This is Bruk.”

  The large man said, “My name is Richad, I am pleased to meet you,” he then looked at his daughter Red and said, “I thought that you were going for horses.”

  Bruk laughed and Red said, “I am going to accompany Bruk on a quest that he is on.”

  Richad said, “Let us go to the hall where we can talk and you can get something to eat and drink.” He then turned and started to walk back to the hall with his arm around Rose. He told some of the men to take care of the wolves.

  Bruk followed Richad and his daughters into the hall. The hall was nice and warm and the smell of roasted urth permeated the air.

  Richad walked straight to a large highly polished table near the center of the large room and sat down at its head. Rose and Red sat down on either side of him. Bruk took a seat next to Red. Other men and women also took seats and the other tables inside the hall also filled up with the town’s folk. Soon everyone was seated and they resumed their meals. They had been dining when Rose had screamed and then they all ran outside to see what was going on. They all had witnessed what Bruk had done. Whoever he was by saving the chief’s daughter he was now considered a friend.

  An old woman dressed in well worn grey furs set a plate of food and a mug of ale in front of Bruk. She then said, “If you want anything else just shout and let me know. I thank you for saving my daughter and I will forever be in your debt.”

  Rose said, “Where is my plate?”

  Cheln said, “You and your sister can get your own, I have plenty to do without waiting on you.” She then smiled at Bruk and walked away.

  Bruk laughed and then he started to eat.

  Red said, “Mom!” Then she smiled and got up to go and fix a plate for herself. Rose laughed and followed her.

  Richad just shook his head and laughed. He looked at Bruk and said, “Whatever you want just ask and it will be yours.”

  Bruk said, “Thank you but all I r
eally want is to finish this great meal. You don’t owe me anything. I appreciate your offer though but I already have everything that I need.”

  Rose and Red came back to the table and sat down. They each had a plate of food and a mug of water.

  Richad looked at Red and said, “I thought that you went off to buy some horses and you come back alone. What happened to the men that I sent with you?”

  Red said in between chewing, “They went on to Tharn to see what Rollan had to offer. We met Bruk on the grasslands and he told us where he was heading so I offered to accompany him and help him because I know the cold lands well.”

  Richad smiled and looked at Bruk. He said, “It looks like my daughter is going on an adventure of sorts again. Last time she was gone for almost a year and all she came back with was an old broken mug.”

  Red didn’t say anything but she glared at her father in a mean way. She had told her father what had happened and it wasn’t her fault what had come to pass.

  Richad saw his daughter’s expression and he laughed again at her expense. He looked at Bruk and said, “Where are you two going?”

  Bruk didn’t even get a chance to answer because Red hurriedly said, “This is the Bruk that saved the world by defeating Cobran the High Lord of Darkness.”

  Richad looked at Bruk and said, “Everyone knows all about what had happened on that fateful day. You are a great hero and it is an honor to meet you. No wonder you said that killing those three wolves was no big deal. You fought a god and won!”

  Bruk then explained everything and how he had somehow managed to win but that all of the credit should go to his companions and to the Sword of Death.

  They talked for hours and drank a lot of ale and laughed a lot. It was a very good night.

  Red managed to even get her dad’s blessing in her helping Bruk in his quest. Her father didn’t know where they were going or what the quest was but he figured that with Bruk that she would be safe.

  Red and Bruk would leave the village the next day early in the morning. Rose was a little upset that she couldn’t go with them but her father had forbid it, saying that she was just a child yet.


  Chapter 15

  “Is that all that you need from us?” Lara asked.

  Salvor was dreaming of his revenge and had forgotten that he was talking to the brother and sister. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts and said, “Aye and thank you for your help. I am sorry, sometimes my mind wanders. Thank you for your time.”

  Lara smiled and then she and her brother grabbed their things and walked away leaving Salvor standing by himself in the dirt street.

  Salvor walked away and headed back towards his small house. As he walked he wondered what he should do. He knew that somewhere on the grass lands the hated barbarian was walking around without a care in the world. He probably got paid very well for stealing the book.

  Salvor didn’t know what to do. He wanted to find the barbarian and kill him. He also knew that before he made the barbarian pay for what he had done that he would have to make him tell him who he was working for and where the book was. Salvor had ways to make someone talk no matter how much they tried not to.

  As Salvor neared his house he was smiling. He would have to come up with a plan. Three years in this village was long enough.

  Salvor went back to his small house. Once inside he went to straight the table in the kitchen and grabbed a few pieces of meat jerky that he had left when he went outside to see what all of the commotion was.

  He walked back into the main room and then he sat in his favorite chair. He chewed on the soft and tasty jerky as he looked around the room. It was spotless like usual. The neighbor girl always kept his house clean for him. All of the villagers looked out for him and took care of him. He had told them that he had a bad back and his hands were weak and arthritic. He also told them that he had a hard time breathing and he had heart trouble. They all believed him and felt sorry for him. He never had to go out and work in the fields or go hunting. They supplied all of his needs without reservations. They were a kind and peaceful people but to him they were also very stupid. He took advantage of their stupidity without any guilt feelings whatsoever. Stupid people deserved to be taken advantage of. He hated stupid people!

  He had been in Carmel for almost three years now and he was getting tired of the boring life. He wanted to go back to Tharn and see Leena. He had a thing for her but she was Nightfall’s woman.

  He hated Nightfall like he hated pretty much everyone else but he hated Nightfall even more, so much more. He was afraid of Nightfall though because Nightfall was so powerful both physically and in magic. He knew that Leena would never be his until Nightfall was out of the picture and was gone for good. All he did for the past three years was study magic. He was more powerful now than he ever was before. He could do things now that he had never dreamed were even possible. He had learned a lot from the magical scrolls and old books that he had stolen out of Manum’s lair.

  He looked over at the small rectangular table that was placed next to his chair. On top of the highly polished dark wood there were four thick ancient books of arcane knowledge. The bottom two books were all about destructive spells of power and death. Then there was also a book about protective spells of power and cloaking spells. On top of the stack was a thick book all about healing and strengthening spells.

  Salvor wanted to study all of these books before he ventured out and back to Tharn. The book on top was very important because if and when he faced Nightfall he knew that even if he won he would need extra strength and healing. He figured that it would take at least a month or two before he had learned and mastered all of the spells in the four books.

  As much as he wanted to leave Carmel right now he knew that it would be better to wait until he was fully prepared and ready. He had to be ready for Nightfall and with what he could learn in the four books added to his already considerable power it might even make him Nightfall’s equal, he could only hope.

  There were also spells that could alter his appearance and give him great physical strength and speed. When he was finally ready to leave he knew that he would be a match for Nightfall or anyone else. With magic he could make himself into a handsome superman that Leena couldn’t resist. He smiled just thinking about it.

  Salvor finished the meat jerky and then he picked up the top book and opened it up. He looked at the first page and then he began his studies. Within two months he wanted to be in Tharn and out of this small and boring village. He craved the action and excitement of the large city and all of its temptations.

  Taran looked at Selene and said, “What an incredibly strange and terrifying dream. What were the four words on the tomb stone?”

  Without thinking Selene said them. Her throat hurt and she almost feinted.

  The light globes inside of the Wet Glass darkened and the air became frigid. Outside the sky became black and thunder rolled across the sky with loud cracks and the ground shook and gale force winds sprang up and swept through the crowded streets of Catan.

  Non-humans and humans screamed out in fear and sought shelter inside of the nearest building.

  Then all became quiet and still. The sky brightened again and the strong winds vanished. People looked out of doors and windows to see if it was safe to go outside again.

  Inside of the Wet Glass the light globes lit back up again as they were before and then the air warmed up. Everyone looked around and wondered what could have just happened.

  Selene was holding her head and she felt like she might throw up. She was shaking and she felt weak.

  Taran said, “What just happened? Are you all right?”

  Selene looked up and at Taran and said in a shaky soft voice, “I don’t know but I feel sick.”

  Jaken had run out of the kitchen and looked around to make sure that everything was all right. Everybody looked to be fine but a little afraid. Within a few moments though talking could be heard again and the room with
its many customers was soon back to normal.

  Jaken looked towards the back room and saw that everything looked to be all right there so he went to the front door and after opening it he walked outside and looked around.

  Jaken asked a cat-man who was walking towards him, “What in the world just happened?”

  The cat-man shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know but the sky darkened and the winds knocked me down. I looked for a place to hide and then the sky suddenly brightened back up again and then the winds died down and then they disappeared. I have never seen anything like it before. It all happened so fast and then in a short time everything was back to normal.”

  Jaken said, “Thank you. Whatever it was I hope that it doesn’t happen again. Have a good day.” The cat-man nodded and continued walking down the street and Jaken went back into the restaurant.

  Jaken went to the back room and up to the table that Selene and Taran were sitting at. He quickly looked around the room and saw that everything appeared to be normal. He looked at Taran and said, “Are you two all right?”

  Taran said, “We are fine but Selene doesn’t feel well.”

  Jaken looked at Selene and he said, “You can have the rest of the day off and if you need even more time just take it. Is there anything that I can get for you?”

  Selene said, “Could I have some more water please.”

  “I’ll take a regular ale and a shot of brandy,” Taran said. She was more than a little bit shook up over what had just happened and she needed something to help her calm down.

  Jaken nodded and went back to the bar area to get their drinks. He returned in just a minute or so with the drinks and set them down on the table. He said, “If there is anything else that you need just let me know. Selene, I want you to just take it easy for the rest of the day and relax. Don’t worry about work and when you finally go home don’t do anything. Just go up to your room and relax.”

  Selene said, “I will do as you say.”


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