The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4) Page 12

by Philip John Bruch

Jaken then smiled and went back to the kitchen.

  Taran looked at Selene and downed the shot of strong brandy. She made a face and then she took a drink of the strong ale. She put the mug down and said, “I wish that Bruk was here. I bet he would know what happened.”

  Selene was still holding her head. She felt totally drained and weak.

  Taran looked at her friend and then she gasped at what she suddenly thought. She looked very worried and she became quiet. She took another drink of the ale and this time it was a very long drink. She set the mug down and said, “I have a very funny feeling about what might have just happened and why you feel so drained and weak. I could be wrong though and I hope that I am but now I am worried, very worried.”

  Selene looked up at Taran and said, “What are you talking about and why are you so worried?”

  Taran said, “Remember when you told me about the man who was dressed in all black?”

  Selene nodded and reached for the mug of cold water.

  Taran continued, “From what you told me about the way that he looked I told you that it sounded like the man was a very dangerous and powerful sorcerer name Nightfall.”

  Selene put the mug down and wiped her mouth and said, “I remember.”

  Taran said, “I think that somehow he tricked you into saying those four strange words and that freed him from the No Land. The previous dreams and the appearance in your room were probably him trying to tell you to say those four words.”

  Selene said, “Whoever it was he was trying to tell me something but I could never hear him.”

  “Then you didn’t see him again or dream about him again, is that right?” Taran asked.

  Selene said, “That’s right. I didn’t dream about him anymore or see him in my room again and I was happy. I’m not afraid of him though and I don’t know why but I am not one bit afraid of him.”

  “You should be if Nightfall is the one that you have been dreaming about. He is a very dangerous and evil man with great power,” Taran said and then she took another drink.

  Selene asked, “You think that he tricked me into saying those four words that were engraved on the grave marker?”

  Taran said, “I think that he knew that he couldn’t communicate with you in dreams or in his projection for some reason so he figured out a way to trick you. He put that dream into your head and knew that once you saw the words being engraved into the face of the grey stone that you would remember them. Then whenever you told someone about that weird dream you would say the four words if someone asked you what they were. I was stupid enough to ask you so it is my fault if Nightfall is now free.”

  Selene said, “I am no sorcerer so how could I do any magic even if I said the words to free him?”

  “I don’t know but somehow I think that the words themselves are the power and when said it enabled Nightfall to leave the No Land. I could be wrong but I have a funny feeling that I am right,” Taran said and took another long drink.

  Selene just couldn’t believe what she might have accidently done and she didn’t know what she could do about it to change it.

  Taran said, “Another reason that I think that I am right is because of the way that you are now feeling. You feel very weak and drained now don’t you?”

  Selene just nodded.

  Taran said, “When a sorcerer uses his power it takes a toll on him until he does it over and over and over again and then after a while his body gets used to using magic. That is what Zardgesha told Zaranna after she had used magic by funneling a magical spell through the Sword of Light from Sardgesha and his brother to save us from a forest of wicked and evil walking great trees when we were on our way to go to Nightfall’s island. She managed to save us but when she was finished she passed out and almost fell off of her unicorn Grey caught her just in time. She recovered but she was very weak for quite a while.”

  Selene cried and said with tears wetting her cheeks, “What have I done, what have I done? Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to do it.” She then continued holding her head while she softly sobbed.

  Taran got up and hugged her and said, “It wasn’t your fault. He tricked you. I just wish that Bruk was here. He would know what to do and where are Zardgesha and Sardgesha? We really need the sorcerers now more than ever if I am right. If Nightfall is free of the No Land then no one is safe. I know that he will try and get his revenge. We really need the sorcerers and Bruk back.”

  Sardgesha and his brother were up north in Sardgesha’s citadel reading ancient scrolls of power when they both dropped their scrolls and looked up at the same time.

  Sardgesha said, “Did you feel that?”

  Zardgesha said, “Someone has just used an incredibly powerful spell, the likes of which I didn’t know even existed. How could someone have so much power, it is almost beyond belief.”

  Chapter 16

  Nightfall was sitting at his table in the Red Cup. Leena was sitting next to him and she couldn’t get any closer. Nightfall was drinking his favorite sweet red wine and enjoying feeling Leena’s soft warm body pressing against him.

  It had been almost a week since he had killed Forerger. The bartender had tried to wake him up thinking that he was sleeping and Forerger fell off of the barstool cracking his head on the hard tiled bar-room floor. The bartender thought that he had accidently killed him.

  Nightfall smiled thinking how Forerger’s limp body looked as it was dragged out of the bar and left on the street. Forerger deserved his fate for what he had done.

  Nightfall knew that Forerger had set him up somehow and he wished that he knew who he was working for. Maybe someday he would find out and then he could kill some more. He loved killing and he liked to look into the person’s eyes when he did it. He liked to watch the eyes go dull when the life left the body.

  Nightfall took a long drink from the fancy glass and relished in the sweet taste of the sparkling red wine. He looked around the noisy room and smiled. It was a rowdy bunch tonight, even more so than usual. Quite a few men had been dragged outside tonight. He wished that someone would confront him so that he could kill again. Everyone in the tavern all knew about him though and no one would dare anger him. Everyone was deathly afraid of him and kept their distance.

  Nightfall was getting bored and he became even more dangerous when that happened. Then he smiled as he watched a stranger walk into the tavern and look around. The stranger walked straight towards the bar area.

  Nightfall stood up and said, “Stay here! I will be right back.” He then walked towards the bar area. When everyone noticed that Nightfall had gotten up the room became quiet and everyone watched as the man in black walked towards the bar area. They knew that there was going to be trouble and they pitied whoever had caught Nightfall’s eye.

  Marcy walked over to the table with fresh drinks. She set them down and looked at her best friend and said, “I wish that Nightfall would have never come back. I am afraid of him now. He always was a very dangerous man before but now he is even worse. He has changed and I just wish that he would leave and never come back.”

  Leena said, “I agree with you. He just isn’t the same. I don’t know what had happened to him and what he had endured over the past three years but he is just different now. He is a lot more violent and he enjoys inflicting pain. I am afraid of him now too but I dare not show it or he might turn on me. I don’t know what to do. I wish that Bruk would come back. I have a feeling that he could handle Nightfall.”

  “I agree with you. Who has he gone to rough up now?” Marcy asked.

  Leena said, “I don’t know but whoever it is I feel sorry for him.”

  As Nightfall walked towards the bar area on the other side of the tavern everyone quickly got out of his way and stepped aside and let him pass.

  When Nightfall neared the large stranger, the two men that he had sent out a couple of days ago to find Forerger’s apartment or house walked into the tavern carrying bags. They walked straight towards the back where he usually sat.

  Nightfall swore and said, “It is your lucky day today stranger and you don’t even know it. Drink up and enjoy yourself and relish life because you never know when it will change.” He then turned away from the stranger’s back and walked back towards his table. He wished that the two men had come a little later. He sighed and thought that maybe later he would have a talk with the stranger if he was still bored.

  Nightfall walked back towards his table and saw the two men waiting patiently. He walked past them and sat down. He reached for his glass of wine noticing that it was a fresh glass and took a long drink looking up at the two men. He saw the brown cloth sacks sitting on the table top and he smiled.

  The two men had been sent by Nightfall to find out where Forerger had lived and it had taken them a full two days to find his lair.

  Nightfall said, “I see that you were successful and I thank you. Where was his home located?”

  The taller man said, “It was in a part of town that you would never have thought to look. He lived in the poorest and dirtiest slum that Tharn has to offer. With all of his wealth he could have lived anywhere that he chose to live. He lived there so that he could help the poor. Everyone that we saw all praised the man for all of his good deeds.”

  Nightfall laughed and said, “I see that you brought back all of the money that he had hidden. I recognize a few of these sacks as ones that I had given him years ago.” He then opened up one of the sacks and pulled out handfuls of silver kworts and quite a few golden quints. He pushed them across the table towards the two men.

  Nightfall said, “This is for your trouble. Did you happen to find what else I told you to look for?”

  The shorter man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white cloth all rolled up and set it onto the table.

  Nightfall reached for it and unraveled the cloth revealing a golden orb the size of a golden quint decorated with strange runes. He laughed because he knew exactly what it was. Forerger had been working for some unknown sorcerer. He thought that he should have killed him slowly instead of the way that he did kill him. He looked back up towards the two men and reached into the sack again. He put two more handfuls of coins on the table and pushed them over. He said, “A little bonus for such good work. You can take your money and go now. Enjoy yourselves and if I need you again I will let you know.”

  The two men happily scooped up all of the coins and quickly walked away and left the tavern. They would go to someplace safer to drink and eat.

  Nightfall examined the orb and noticed all of the fine detail and delicate craftsmanship that it took to construct it. He wondered who the sorcerer was that made it and then he realized that it must have been the so-called leader of The Brotherhood that he never did find. It was probably one of them scrawny old men with the long white beards that had used powerful magic and had caught him by surprise before he could react taking away his ability to use his own magic. It was a mistake that he would never make again, never!

  He pressed upon the very center of the orb pushing in on one of the runes. The orb glowed brightly for a few seconds and then it darkened again and the rune rose back up to its former position. Nightfall then crushed the golden orb causing it to shatter and vaporize in a bright flash of orange flame with a loud bang like thunder.

  The whole room instantly became quiet with all attention going towards Nightfall.

  Leena watched Nightfall playing with the beautiful golden piece of jewelry and then he pushed something in on the top causing it to glow and then he crushed it making it explode. She jumped out of her chair and ran towards the kitchen.

  Nightfall laughed seeing his woman run away in fright. He yelled out, “All drinks are on me for the rest of the night!”

  The room soon was back to normal with everyone drinking as much as they could before Nightfall changed his mind.

  Nightfall wondered what the sorcerer would think seeing that he had signaled him. He knew that the stupid sorcerer would think that Forerger had signaled him and that he might need some help. Maybe the sorcerer would come to Tharn to see what was going on.

  Nightfall laughed and then he had a scary thought. He realized that he better do something about his little sister before her memories came back and she had her full power. Even now she was way too powerful for him to attack her directly. He would have to trick her again or sneak up on her. He did know that whatever he decided he would have to do it soon. If he waited too long then she might come looking for him. There was no limit to her power and no defense against it.

  Nightfall knew that his power although unimaginably strong was as nothing compared to the power of his little sister. He could never stand against her. He also knew that if she realized that it was him who had turned her into a monster that she might even do that to him just for a joke before she really hurt him. There was no place that he could hide from her that she wouldn’t be able to find him. He had to do something very soon or it would be too late if it wasn’t already too late. He then took a long drink and sighed.

  Nightfall sat in thought for a few minutes and then he decided. He would do a good deed for someone that he actually had feelings for and even sort of loved in a way. He knew that he might not be around much longer so he would take care of it tonight before he changed his mind. He didn’t do many good things in his life unless it would benefit him in doing it. Tonight would be different.

  His thoughts were interrupted when a short and thin man dressed in plain but clean clothes walked up to his table. The man was wearing light grey pants with a matching suit. His dark black shoes were highly polished and his pure white shirt looked like it was just pressed. The man smiled and put a piece of paper on the table.

  Nightfall reached for the paper and said, “It appears that you have accomplished what I asked you to do in a very short time.” Nightfall then studied the paper.

  The man waited patiently for Nightfall to finish. He looked around the room with disdain. He didn’t care much for the clientele and he wasn’t very comfortable even being inside of the Red Cup but money was money and Nightfall had a lot of it so he just would have to grin and bear it. After this job was concluded he would never have to work again unless he wanted to.

  Nightfall looked up and said, “Did you notify everyone to be ready and can they all be ready by tomorrow morning?”

  The man said, “Everyone is ready to go on my order. Just say when and I will set everything in motion.”

  Nightfall asked, “The man written here is the king’s head of the guard and over everything else and everyone in the palace. Are you sure that he would be a good king?”

  The man smiled and said, “He would be a great king. Toraxis is such a poor ruler that this man would be instantly loved and followed.”

  “Tell everyone that tomorrow late morning I will go and visit the king and take care of the problem. Have everyone ready. Be here early in the morning with six men.” Nightfall said. He then put a handful of golden quints on the table and pushed them over.

  The man happily picked up all of the coins and said, “I will do as you say and everyone will be ready.” He then turned and walked away and out of the tavern without a backwards glance.

  Nightfall watched him leave and smiled. The man was efficient and very professional. He picked up the paper and put it in a pocket in his vest. He reached for his wine and took a long and satisfying drink.

  Leena finally came back to the table and sat down. She sat next to Nightfall like she normally did but not like she usually did, there was a space in-between them.

  Nightfall noticed that she was still upset and said, “Go and get Marcy and then come back. I want to talk to both of you. It is very important.”

  Leena obediently got up and went back to the kitchen where Marcy was taking her break. About five minutes later they both returned. Leena sat in the chair next to Nightfall and Marcy sat across from him.

  Nightfall looked at Marcy and smiled and then he looked at Leena and said, “I know that I am different now
and both of you are afraid of me. I am sorry but you have no idea what I have been through the past three years. I haven’t done much good in my life unless it would benefit me too. Tomorrow morning I am going to put a good man upon the throne of Tharn for the good of all. I am also going to free all of the young women that he has imprisoned for his perverted pleasure. I will also set up a fund to pay them all for all of the pain that he has inflicted upon them. Their fathers and mothers will also get a payment for their suffering knowing what their daughters were being exposed to. I do this for no other reason than to do something good just because I have the power to do it. There is nothing in it for me and I don’t want anything.” He then took a drink of wine and sat quiet for a few seconds.

  Marcy and Leena couldn’t believe what they had just heard. They looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile. They both knew that some of their friends were taken to the palace and they never returned.

  Nightfall took another drink and then he put the glass down. He pushed three large sacks of the golden quints and silver kworts towards the center of the table. He looked at Marcy and then at Leena and he said, “I give all of this money to the both of you so that you can do whatever you want to and get whatever you want.”

  He looked at Marcy and said, “I can tell that you don’t care much for me anymore and I don’t really blame you. You can now quit this place and do whatever you want to do.” Nightfall then looked at Leena and said, “I free you. I can tell that you feel differently about me now and it is all my fault. I also know that you have waited for me the whole time and haven’t been with anyone else. I now want you to look for someone else to make you happy. I might not be around much longer and when I leave I probably will never be back. I free you and I wish you both the best.”

  Leena and Marcy stood up and grabbed the three sacks. Leena looked at Nightfall with tears in her eyes and said, “Thank you Nightfall. I do love you but I am afraid of you and I can’t help it.”


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