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Phoenix Rockstar (Book One in the Erotic Rockstar Series)

Page 6

by Botefuhr, Bec

  “Damn, I have to take that. Stay a bit longer, please?”

  I nod and sit on the couch, watching him take the call.

  “Well what the fuck do you mean he isn’t going to pay?”


  “Fuck it John, he has no choice. I will find him myself.”


  “Right, fine. Schedule a meeting with him and I will go over it with him.”

  Silence and a laugh.

  “Yeah, I am hearing you.”

  I get an idea as he is talking, though it is a mad, crazy idea. I look around the room, and then drop to my knees and begin crawling over towards him. His eyes swing over to me, and they narrow. I reach his knees and lean up on them, running my tongue over my lip. His eyes widen, but he continues his conversation. I wonder how long that will last? I grip his belt and undo it, sliding it off.

  When I have unbuckled his pants and pulled them down, I gaze at his hard erection. The man isn’t wearing any underpants. I stare at the sheer size and thickness of it, and all I can think is ‘That could hurt’ I take him in my hands and his voice hitches as he talks to his friend on the phone. I stroke up and down, feeling the veins pulse in my palms. When I lower my head and take the head of his cock in my mouth, he hisses.

  “What? Sorry buddy, just a rude email.” He grates out, his hands white on the phone.

  I slide my mouth down his length and suck hard. I can hear his voice cracking, but mostly he keeps his composure. I can tell he is all but cool though, his body is rigid; his eyes are flaring and he has nearly snapped that phone in his hand. I wrap my hand around the base of his shaft and stroke as I suck. He tangles a hand through my hair and thrusts his hips upwards, driving his cock deeper.

  “I gotta go, call you later.”

  He slams the phone down and lets out a ragged groan. “I am going to come Mischief, so fucking hard.”

  I lick and suck until his hips are jerking and his seed is shooting hot and heavy into my mouth. He bellows and his fingers tighten in my hair as pump after pump of his seed continues to empty into my hungry mouth. When he finally pulls back, I swipe my mouth with the back of my hand and grin up at him.

  “You bad, bad girl.”

  “I couldn’t help myself, I saw you there and I just had to.”

  “Fuck, you felt so good. Where did my little reserved girl go? I never saw that coming from someone like you.”

  Someone like me? I stand on wobbly legs, feeling utterly slutty. His words hurt, someone like me…someone who in his mind is sweet, innocent…someone he doesn’t know.

  “I have to go.”

  “Mischief, baby…”

  “Don’t call me baby!” I cry, then rush to the door.

  “MISCHIEF!” He calls.

  I swing open the door and rush out; I run past the desks and staring clerks. I get to the elevator and punch the buttons furiously. It opens just as Travis comes running out. I hit close and see him running towards the door.


  It closes before he gets to me. I slide down the wall and cup my head in my heads. What the hell is wrong with me? I am better than this and yet there I was sucking his dick like…oh god. What am I doing to myself? I have fought so long to gain control again, to keep myself safe and sane. When the elevator pings open, I rush out and straight past the staring reception girl. When I step outside, George rushes over, but I put my hands up.

  “No George, I am taking a cab.”

  “Travis insists.”

  “Travis can shove it up his beautiful ass!”

  I rush off and wave down a taxi. I get in and give him my address. When I am safely away from the building, I slump back. I feel so guilty, so cheap. I would have never done something like that. The girl Travis wants so bad wouldn’t have done something like that. Maybe he is right, maybe I have changed. My phone buzzes furiously beside me and I look down to see the text messages and missed calls.

  Mischief, it was a joke. Answer the phone.

  I ignore the text message and punch in Reagan’s number.

  Are you home, I need you? X

  Yeah I am here, are you ok?

  I don’t think so. Be there in ten.

  Ok x

  I give the taxi driver Reagan’s address instead. When I arrive, I pay the cab driver and make my way into her apartment; Reagan is waiting and comes rushing over as soon as she sees me.

  “What happened Vi?”

  I tell her everything in a babble, and she just stares at me.

  “Wait, you went in there and he told you he got rid of the pictures. Then…you two basically mouth fucked each other, and you freaked out?”

  “I freaked out because he said someone like me…someone he remembers who didn’t do those things. Someone who was sweet, who was different.”

  “So what Vi? So what? You changed a bit; you did something you usually don’t do. Is it really the end of the world? Did you enjoy it?”

  “At the time…”

  “Did he?”

  I blush.

  “Then who cares! It’s not as though you just met him today and dropped to your knees. You two have known each other forever. You didn’t sleep with him; you just enjoyed him. I think he is good for you Violet; I truly do. It’s time you let a little crazy into your life and Travis Phoenix is just the man to do it.”

  “What if you are wrong Reag’s?”

  She rolls her eyes. “I am never wrong honey.”

  I give her the eye and slump back.

  “I am hungry.”

  “Pregnant already?”

  “Up your ass you fool; I haven’t slept with him.”

  “Oh, can you image how good it is going to be when you do?”

  I blush.

  “Did you just blush?” She laughs.

  “No, I did not.”

  “Oh my god you blushed.”

  “Shut it.”

  “Violet’s in love,” She sings dancing around the room. “Violet’s in love.”


  I chase her out of the room and leap onto her back.

  “Ow, get your fat ass off me.”

  “It’s not fat.” I laugh, shoving my hands over her eyes.

  “Fatty fatty.”


  She drops me on the bed and leaps on beside me. “No, you have a totally fine ass.”

  “Reagan, are you a lesbian?”

  She snorts. “Like ew.”

  “Did you just say ew?”

  “I totally just said ew.”


  Lightening scares the crap out of me. Actually that doesn’t even cut it; it puts me into a state. Storms, wind, but mostly lightening. No matter how many years I live through it; it still gives me the same reaction. That night, after arguing with Reagan for hours about how normal my actions were; the storm set in. Trav has been trying to talk with me at every chance. What can I say to him? I am fucked up Travis; I am a mental case and you are better off without me?

  I don’t know that it is going to storm, I usually pick up the wind or the rain, but tonight it just hits hard. I am at Chief’s house, and sitting outside with him and the gang. Travis is here, but because of my dad he can’t talk to me. He gives me looks, pained little stares and I want to go over and make it better, but I am not sure that is the right thing to do. Chief is sitting with that hag on his lap, and she is stroking his arms and kissing his neck.

  “Daddy please, you are testing my gag reflex.”

  He gives me a grin. “Sorry baby.”

  “Get a room or something.”

  He laughs and turns to Trav. “Where is your usual line up of women Phoenix?”

  “Slack tonight buddy.”

  “Rena, get over there and show Travis some fun.”

  Rena, one of the bimbos from the club stands and saunters over.

  “Nah it’s cool.” Travis says, putting his hands up.

  “Travis, you never turn down a fuck...why I remember about a month ago
we had a good time…”

  That is the cold hard truth of it too; this club fuck like a bunch of rabbits on heat. They are all unfaithful, all dirty perves. Except for with me, none of them would dare to touch me. It’s the code, the rule. You don’t touch Chief’s daughter, so I am safe, mostly. Rena saunters over and straddles Travis’s lap. I want to go and rip her off by her hair, but that would only end with a bullet in Trav’s brain.

  “My room or yours baby?” She purrs. Ugh.

  “Not tonight Rena.”

  “I miss you Trav, come on, we have so much fun.”

  “I said not tonight.”

  “Aw Trav, you playing for the other team?” Marcus laughs.

  “Fuck of man.”

  Rena slides her lips over Travis’s neck, and he gives me a sorry look. I glare at him, and turn away. That’s when the lightening cracks, out of nowhere it just cracks. I freeze; the glass slips from my hand and I can’t move.

  “Aw shit, baby, come on.” Chief says standing and tossing Jaq off his lap.

  I can’t move; it cracks again and I can see her face. Lillian, my best friend…I miss her and her death was all my fault. I can see it, her beautiful blonde hair, and her smiling eyes. I scream when the next crack sounds out.

  “Inside with her Chief, you know the drill.”

  The club members are used to this, used to how I react when this happens. Chief grips me in his arms and lifts me; I am stiff and still.

  “Come on baby, daddy will get you some earplugs ok?”

  “Chief, what is wrong with her?” Travis asks, standing.

  “Long story for another night.”

  “Can I help?”

  “Find me some earplugs.”

  I scream again when the lightening cracks against the roof. Chief soothes me with useless words and carries me upstairs.

  “Wasn’t your fault. All over. Going to be ok.”

  He says these words every time this happens. Every time. He takes me to my room and puts me on the bed, then takes the earplugs Travis brings in. He gently shoves them in my ears and strokes my hair while the sound slowly drowns out. Then he stands.

  “Leave her be Trav, she will be fine now.”

  They both leave me alone in the dark room, where I sob and cry myself to sleep like I always do. I guess people have gotten tired of helping me every time a bit of thunder comes about. I can’t blame them really. I wake during the middle of the night crying, the sound rings out in my ears even though the storm is gone. My door swings open, and Travis rushes over to the bed and is on it in a second.

  He wraps his arms around me, whispering useless comforts in my ear. I cry against his shirt, gripping it for dear life. Travis rocks and I wail; I know fair well how this must look to him, but he doesn’t say anything. He just holds me like the sweetheart he is. When I stop sobbing, I pull back and look up at him through my puffy red eyes.

  “Baby…” He whispers.

  “Trav, you can’t be in here.”

  “I won’t leave you. Just be quiet.”


  He drags his lips across my cheek, and I know he will taste my salty tears there. My trembling subsides and when his lips meet mine, I am beyond desperate for comfort. Before I can even think; we are tearing at each other’s clothes with desperation. It isn’t meant to happen like this and yet…I can’t stop it. I don’t want to stop it. Travis is naked in a flash, and I am close behind. Our hands search desperately for things to touch, to feel, to knead.

  My hands claw his back; his hands squeeze my breasts. Fingers are inside me; my hand is wrapped around his cock and we are moaning desperately. I have never felt so desperate in my life, never needed something so damned much. Travis is over me in a split second, and I can’t think, I can’t find the words to tell him that I have only done this a few times. He slowly pushes into me and stills a little.

  “Mischief, tell me you ain’t this tight because you are a virgin?”

  “I’m not a virgin. It’s just I never did it a lot because…well things weren’t great with Dan, and he was cheating. Since then, I haven’t…”

  He pulls out and runs his hands through his hair. “I shouldn’t be fucking doing this.”

  “Please Trav, don’t walk away now.”

  He kneels on the bed, taking my face in his hands. “Tell me what happened out there tonight?”

  “Not now, please.”

  “Then accept my apology before we go further, what I said the other day was out of line.”

  “I just took it wrong…”

  “You are so beautiful, it just shocked me, but it wasn’t a bad thing.”

  “Trav, I haven’t wanted something as much as I want you and it scares me.”

  “Me too.”

  “Please make love with me.”

  He stares at me for a long moment, before sighing. “Lie down.”

  I do as he says; he grips my ankles and slides them so my feet are flat on the bed and my legs are apart, then he leans in and swipes his tongue through my flesh. He is gentle, sweet and soft. I groan as quietly as possible as his tongue works me until I am thrashing on the bed. When he is satisfied that I am aching enough for him, he leans over me. He sucks my nipples, licks my neck and then steps back to roll on a condom. When he is sheathed, he leans over me again.

  “Gunna hurt baby, I’m sorry.”

  He thrusts in with one hard, full thrust. I scream into his shoulder at the pain that slices through me, he whispers a sorry as he lets me adjust. I am glad he did it like that; I couldn’t have bared it going it slowly and painfully. When my body adjusts around him, he begins to pull out and slide back in. Soon, the pain is overtaken with intense pleasure.

  Travis thrusts his hips slowly, dragging his length in and out, in and out. My body is reacting now, and oh god I am moaning. Pleasure I have been without for so long, possibly even my entire life, is now coursing through me at a rapid rate. My nails are dragging down his skin, and I grip his ass to spur him on. His thrusts become harder, faster, and I erupt around him as my first orgasm screams through me.

  “Trav harder; I need it harder.” I snarl, shocked by my own voice.

  Travis curses and then thrusts his hips harder; our skin slaps together causing faint sounds to echo through the room. The bed creaks, our bodies are slick with sweat. I explode around Travis once more before he growls is release into my neck. We lay panting for a long moment before he turns and looks down at me. He growls and stands, beginning to pace the room as though he regrets what we just did.

  “You scared the shit out of me the other day; don’t run off on me again like that. Fuck, I didn’t know what I did wrong.”

  “You didn’t do anything.” I whisper.

  “And what just happened in here? Why were you screaming and crying? Why did we just fuck like that? Fuck! I don’t know you; I don’t fucking know you anymore Mischief.”

  He grips his hair, confused. I peer up at him and try to think of something to say, but I have nothing.

  “I am sorry.”

  He sighs and gets back on the bed. “I had plans, I wanted that to be…nicer.”

  “Trav, I loved it.”

  “I know, but it is killing me here alright?”

  I smile, and he can’t help but return one. “Don’t you smile at me.”

  “I can’t help it; you worry so much for a rockstar.”

  He laughs and puts his hands on my shoulders. “You are so fucking beautiful, I hope you know that?”

  “I do now.” I whisper.

  “Next time, I will make that better for you.”

  “That was good for me or did you miss the part where I screamed your name over and over again?”

  “I didn’t miss that.” He grins.

  “I’m sorry you saw me like that Trav.”

  “What happened? Tell me.”

  “No, please…not now.”

  He sighs. “Fine, but you will tell me one day won’t you?”

  “I have to go baby, I know that sounds really bad, but if Chief finds me here, I am dead.”

  “Do you think he would really hurt you Trav?”

  “You are his baby girl, yeah he would. I am twenty seven this year Mischief; I am too old for you.”

  I snort. “Twenty seven isn’t old. I am nearly twenty two.”

  He gives me a look. “Look, Chief wants you out of this world. He wants you to marry a man that will cherish you and keep you away from violence for the rest of your life. He won’t accept me as that man.”

  “That’s my choice to make Trav.”

  “I wish I could believe that.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” I whisper.

  He stops and closes his eyes a moment. “You know I can’t stay.”

  “Trav, you make everything better for me. I don’t want to hide you.”

  He kneels on the bed and strokes a finger over my lips. “But for now you have to.”

  “Will you sing to me, please?”

  He smiles and lies down beside me, then in the softest voice he begins singing to me. He sings a song to me that he knows I loved when I was a child. When my parents used to fight, Travis would sneak over and curl up with me, singing this song.

  That’s the way it’s going to be little darlin,

  We’ll go riding on the horses yeah yeah,

  Way up in the sky little darlin,

  And if you fall I’ll pick you up, I’ll pick you up….


  “Good morning Mischief.”

  I open my eyes to peer at Chief stomping through my room and yanking the curtains open.

  “Daddy, it’s early.”

  “It’s seven, and you have work.”

  “Like you care.” I pout.

  He looks over at me. “I care about your future, don’t doubt it.”


  “Are you feeling ok this morning baby girl?”

  “Fine daddy, I have learnt to deal with it.”

  He stares at me. “Wish you knew it wasn’t your fault, then you might deal with it in a different way.”

  “I’m sorry you have to put up with it, next time I will hide when I see a storm coming. I wouldn’t want to embarrass you!” I snap.

  He storms over, gripping my chin.

  “My baby ain’t ever embarrassed me, and she never will…”


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