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The Book of Love (Books 1-3): A Regency Romance Collection

Page 58

by Meara Platt

  She supposed happiness had a way of dulling one’s pain.

  Penelope and her friends shared a secret smile when Violet joined them. “Don’t they all look wonderful?” Violet squealed. “I’m sorry Anne and her family could not stay a day longer. Anne was sorely disappointed. So was Malcolm. You should have seen the kiss he gave her as she was about to climb into her carriage. Practically sucked the lips off her. Lord Wycke was furious. But his mother did not appear to be very much overset. She merely told her son to stop being a stubborn dolt and allow them to move up their wedding date.”

  Penelope was relieved when her friends changed the topic of conversation. In truth, telling Anne’s brother she loved Thad and had agreed to marry him, had disappointed Wycke more than she’d expected. The man had never shown much feeling when in her company, but she supposed Thad hadn’t either, and he’d been deeply in love with her.

  Perhaps she’d have a talk with Wycke when they met again, for they were certain to see each other on occasion now that Thad’s cousin was going to marry Wycke’s sister. If Wycke thought his sister’s romance would come to a natural end, he was sorely mistaken.

  Penelope understood these Highlanders better now.

  They were stubborn.

  They knew what they wanted and would not be dissuaded by reason.

  Malcolm MacLauren was going to marry Anne Halford, and that was that.

  She returned her attention to the parade since it was about to start.

  Thad’s regiment had already gathered at the edge of Wellesford, the men clad in their Caithness clan tartans. The war was over for these men. They’d been proud to be a part of the Scots Greys, but their hearts would always be in Caithness. They’d put aside their uniforms for this day and donned their kilts.

  She had to admit, Thad looked devastatingly handsome in a rugged, brawny way.

  A distant keen of bagpipes and the steady beat of a drum signaled the regiment was on the march. Miss Billings darted across the street to join them. “Goodness, what excitement. I do love my books, but this parade is so much better.”

  Indeed, every merchant had closed up shop and turned out for this event. To Penelope’s surprise, she noticed Poppy move closer to Miss Billings and put her arm in hers. It was a small gesture, but obviously not to Miss Billings who responded with a smile so bright, she shone like a diamond.

  And Poppy thought she’d never make a proper countess?

  Goodness, Penelope had been raised to assume this role and did not do it half so well as Poppy who’d had no training, but understood the demands of the role instinctively.

  She tucked this bit of knowledge away, knowing it would be put to good use when she and Thad arrived at Coldstream Castle, the Earl of Hume’s seat. The Hume clan would have to be won over, for they’d regard her and Thad as outsiders, even if he was his grandfather’s heir. She could be as stubborn and determined as any Scot. The way to win them over would not be by exerting one’s authority. It would be done over time by gaining their friendship and respect.

  She supposed Thad knew this, for her big Scot was not in the least slow-witted.

  Shaking out of her thoughts, she cheered as the soldiers marched past. Pip was in the vanguard along with Thad, his giant cousins, and the two Scottish earls.

  But the parade stalled when Thad suddenly broke ranks and strode toward her. “Thad?” She eyed him warily. “What are you doing?”

  The citizens of Wellesford seemed to understand his purpose better than she did. They began to whoop and holler when he drew her into his one good arm and crushed his mouth to hers to give her a kiss that – in Violet’s earlier words – practically sucked the lips off her.

  Oh, heavens!

  She couldn’t wait to get this man into her bed. Lord forgive her for the wicked thought, but she really, desperately wanted this man in her bed.

  “I love ye, Loopy.”

  “Likewise, you big oaf.”

  Which he took as permission to kiss her again. “Och, ye taste delicious. Just like–”

  “Don’t say it!”

  “—a sausage patty.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wellesford, England

  November 1815

  There was nothing more beautiful than the crisp, vibrant blue of a cloudless November sky, Penelope decided while taking an early morning stroll to the pond. A flock of geese had taken it over this morning, no doubt using this little patch of water as a rest stop. She had no idea where they were going, but she’d seen hundreds of them flying southward.

  She tucked her shawl more securely about her shoulders, for the wind had picked up and there was a chill to it.

  “Ye’re up early, mo cridhe,” Thad said, coming up beside her. He’d returned to Sherbourne Manor yesterday with his two uncles, Caithness and Hume, and his cousins, Robbie and Malcolm. He’d also brought along a special license.

  They would marry within a few hours.

  She’d known this day was in the offing and was quite ready for it.

  She, Poppy, and Olivia had prepared, sending invitations to the townspeople and the local gentry. Cook and her kitchen staff had been cooking and baking all week. The maids and footmen had spent these past days dusting, polishing, and moving furniture aside to make room for the crowd of well-wishers soon to gather at Sherbourne Manor for the wedding breakfast.

  “I know this day will be difficult for ye, lass.” He drew her up against his chest so that they both faced outward, toward the pond. “I hope ye’ll come to love our new home as much as ye love this place.”

  She nodded. “I will, Thad. I’ll be happy wherever you are. This is Poppy and Nathaniel’s home now. I’ll enjoy visiting here, but we’ll make our own memories elsewhere.” She turned in his arms to face him.

  He had a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  She groaned. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

  “It’s early. No one is awake yet.” He gazed toward the copse of trees. “Ye’ve seen me naked there. I’ve seen ye almost naked there. The geese are flying off now, leaving the pond just to ourselves.”

  “Are you suggesting we go for a swim?” She gasped. “The water’s freezing.”

  “Nowhere near freezing, lass. Just a little on the cool side. Our Highland summers are much like this and our lochs never get above this temperature. I’ll warm ye up if ye get cold. What do ye say?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “You are mad.”

  He lifted her into his arms, his shoulder nicely healed and showing no signs of stiffness or pain. “Aye, driven mad with desire for ye.” He carried her into the grove of trees and the shelter of the underbrush, wasting not a moment before he began to undress.

  “You’re serious? You’re going in the water?”

  He nodded. “Care to join me?”

  She sighed. “I must be mad as well.” She removed her shawl and set it aside on a nearby branch that was now almost bare of its leaves.

  Fortunately, there were enough pines and rushes, and late blooming foliage on the surrounding trees to give them cover. “Aren’t we supposed to become responsible adults now that we’ll soon be wed?”

  He shrugged. “What does yer precious book say about it?”

  He was referring to The Book of Love, of course. “I’m sure it says nothing about this. Or if it does, it advises not to do anything idiotic the morning of your wedding.” They would be married within a few hours and share a cozy bedchamber from this evening on. They’d have plenty of opportunities to do all manner of things not deemed proper.

  “But ye’re marrying a big, dumb Scot.” His gaze was boyish and wicked and so filled with love, she simply could not resist him.

  “A big, wonderful Scot,” she corrected with a groan of surrender. She and Thad did not seem to do anything the proper way. Why start now? “And you are about to marry a love-crazed Harpy. Are you sure we’re only going to swim?”

  “I can be talked into doing more.”

  His hands were now sl
iding up and down her body, turning her blood to liquid pools of fire. She had no intention of stopping him, for she was experiencing new and wondrous sensations in response to his touch and would not be averse to allowing something more than a dip in the water.

  She arched an eyebrow. “Your low brain hard at work, is it?”

  “Aye. Always with ye, lass.”

  Against her better judgement, she helped him off with his shirt. In typical Thad fashion, he’d dressed casually, wearing buff pants and a shirt. Not even a gentleman’s shirt, but one more suited to a farmer about to plow a field. No buttons or studs. This allowed the garment to be easily drawn over his head, displaying his massive, rippling muscles.

  And oh, did this man have a fine body.

  “Thad,” she said with a sudden ache to her voice.

  He caressed her cheek. “I feel it too, lass.”

  She supposed she ought to have insisted they wait until this evening. But when had she and Thad ever done anything according to Society’s rules? It seemed right that they should ignore the rules now. In truth, she liked that they misbehaved. More important, she wanted Thad to know that she loved him now and always.

  Her love for him existed beyond the bond of marriage.

  She trusted him with her heart.

  She knew it was precious to him and he would protect her from harm until his last, gasping breath, and never cause her any hurt.

  Perhaps they would take greater care to behave themselves once they had children, if they were so blessed. “Thad, about that something more. I can be talked into it, too.”

  “Are ye sure, lass?”

  She nodded.

  “Blessed saints, what a relief.” He wasted no time in unfastening the laces of her gown and drawing the fashionably styled bodice down to her waist. She had no time to feel the bite of the chill wind, for his lips and hands were all over her, touching, exploring, tasting her. Sweet heaven! What this man did to her.

  She laughed as he nibbled along the curve of her neck, for he had yet to shave and the bristle forming along his jaw tickled her. But her light laughter quickly turned to moans of delight as her body warmed and her senses heightened in response to his touch.

  He slid his arm around her waist, drawing her close as her legs turned to butter and she feared they would never hold her up.

  She also dared to explore him, reaching up on tiptoes to kiss him on the mouth, enjoying the warm press of his lips against hers when he responded to her touch. She trailed kisses along his broad shoulders and the curve of his neck, feeling the heat of his skin against her mouth and tasting its salty tang on her tongue.

  “Lass, I wish to taste ye, too.” She inhaled sharply as he cupped her breast and began to knead it gently. He swirled his tongue lazily across its straining tip. Then his mouth was on her breast, suckling and nipping and stealing her breath away with the wonder of it.

  She thought she might expire, for her heart was now beating so fast, she could not slow it down, nor did she care to slow this mounting, frenzied pleasure. Lost in the moment, she failed to realize her gown had slipped off her body until she almost tripped over it as it lay pooled at her feet. Oh, heavens! Were all innocents this clumsy? “I’m so sorry. I…”

  “Och, love.” He bent to set aside her gown. As he rose, he removed her chemise for unhampered access to her body.

  His look of wonder caused any shame she was feeling to melt away. Her hair was unbound and she was going to use the tumbling cascade to cover herself, but stopped.

  This man.

  What he did to her with his caresses and the smoldering heat of his desire.

  She felt a pulsing warmth build between her legs as he continued to touch her and explore. This was her body craving his, no doubt. She’d never experienced such longing, nor had she ever felt such aching emptiness inside of her. It was a good ache, a desire to take Thad into her body. An ache that only he could satisfy.

  She whispered his name and clutched his shoulders because she couldn’t bear to let him go.

  “I’ve got you, my love.” He lowered his mouth to her breast once again, his tongue flicking over its swollen tip and drawing a moan of pleasure from her lips. At the same time, he slid his hand to the V of her legs and cupped her there, holding still for a long moment to allow her to absorb the intimacy of his hand upon her. “It wasn’t my intention to rush ye. I’ll wait, if ye wish.”

  “No, Thad. Heavens, my heart is about to burst.”

  He laughed softly. “So is mine.”

  She held on to him, gripping the hard, golden muscles of his arms as he began to stroke her intimately. She sensed his tension, for he was holding back his own hot need, his only thought to pleasure her. He was a magnificent beast, this big, rugged Scot who had stolen her heart. “I love you, Thad.”

  He set her down on his shirt that was spread out over the carpet of fallen leaves. “Mo cridhe,” he whispered, removing his fingers where he’d stroked her and replacing them with – oh, sweet mercy! – with his mouth. “Thad!”

  “Let me taste ye, lass.” He dipped his head to her most intimate spot, his mouth now on her and touching her with his lips and tongue as he’d done to her breasts. Only this was…they were in danger of setting the copse ablaze with the scorching heat of their desire.

  Her blood turned thick and molten.

  Her skin was aflame.

  This feeling was something raw and savage and eternal. She’d only read about the senses, but now she understood their power with every thrum and throb of her body. Nothing would satisfy her but to take this man inside her.

  Yet, as she tugged on his shoulders to bring him up to her, she felt a tingling heat rush through her and an inexplicable lightness surround her. She was being carried to a place she’d never been before.

  A place where she felt everything.

  She clutched the edges of his shirt, as though the coarse fabric was enough to prevent her from floating away. But she needn’t have worried, Thad’s hands were on her, caressing her. Holding her to him so that she would not be lost in the air.

  When it seemed she could bear no more, the world suddenly erupted before her eyes. The scent of pine and impending winter surrounded her as she took deep, gasping breaths. Thad replaced his mouth with his finger and shifted his hard, muscled body upward to rest on his elbows and watch her as her body soared to new and unexplored heights. “Mo cridhe, let yerself go.”

  She did, because she couldn’t stop the sensations rushing through her. When she soared, he was there to catch her as she slowly floated down to earth.

  He swallowed her in his arms to warm her damp, trembling body. Wordlessly, he held her against his chest, caressing her. Running his fingers gently through her hair.

  She felt the wild beat of his heart against her own.

  And felt his hard, aching need pressed against her thigh.

  She would have allowed him his release and was surprised that he did not take advantage. Instead, he carried her into the water and swam with her in his arms. “We both need to cool off, lass.”

  “I thought you’d…”

  “I’ll claim ye tonight, my love. When I have the husbandly right to do so. But I wanted this moment for us. I wanted to taste ye. To breathe ye in and know yer scent in the mindless, low-brain way a beast would know its mate. Our connection runs deeper than shared memories or mere attraction. It extends beyond our bodies. It’s in our souls.”

  The water was cold, but Penelope only felt the warmth of the moment.

  Thad held her in his powerful arms.

  This man loved her.

  He kissed her again and then began to swim them back to shore, for the household would soon awaken, and they were both without their clothes.

  “Oh, my heavens!” Her eyes grew wide as a sudden, distressing thought gripped her.

  “What’s wrong, lass?”

  “Do you think Pip’s awake?”

  Thad groaned. “Bollocks, I hope not.”

ey returned to the copse in haste, seeking their garments. “Thank The Graces, the lad hasn’t touched them,” Thad muttered, picking up his shirt and using it to dry her off. “Ye’re so beautiful, lass. I dinna think I can keep my hands off ye until this evening.”

  She turned to pick up her chemise and slip it over her head, her body still thrumming and her blood still coursing hotly through her veins despite the dip in the cold water. “Oh, Thad. What we did just now…” She blushed furiously. “I had no idea loving someone could ever be like this.”

  “Ye felt so good in my arms, lass. It’ll be even better tonight, although I expect I’ll make a fool of myself. I won’t be able to hold back, ye give me that much pleasure.” He lazily rubbed his shirt against his golden skin.

  Penelope’s heart melted. “Help me on with my gown. I’m scheduled to marry a big, handsome Scot this morning, and I have no wish to be late.”

  “Nor does he.” He put on his pants, then helped her on with her gown, which turned into a most inefficient affair because they were distracted kissing each other. But Thad allowed nothing more than kisses. “Tonight, lass.” He glanced skyward. “Lord, help me survive until then.”

  He took her hand in his as they walked back to the house together.

  Since his shirt was wet, he did not bother to put it on, but merely draped it over his shoulder.

  When they entered the house, he turned her over to her waiting maid and left to ready himself for their wedding which would take place shortly. “Lud, m’lady,” Emily said, licking her lips as Thad walked off. “I hope that he made love to you proper. Now, don’t you go blushing and pretending nothing happened. I can tell by the heat in your cheeks and the fire in his eyes that something did. Well, I always said that big Scot would know how to do it proper.”


  Thad took everyone’s ribbing in good nature. Nothing was going to dampen his enjoyment of this perfect day. Loopy now stood before him, looking like a blessed angel in a gown of cream silk and lace. There might have been pearls sewn in as well. He wasn’t really looking at her gown, but recalling the exquisitely soft body hidden beneath it.


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