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Page 5

by Esther E. Schmidt

  My fingers are still gripping the sheets, trying to ground myself, when I feel Titan crawl up my body. His gaze connects with mine and there’s so much emotion flowing though his eyes.

  He reaches between our bodies, I can feel the tip of his dick nudge my pussy. When I saw him gripping himself, jerking off before my eyes, I wondered how it would feel if he would slide inside me. Yet now, I’m bracing myself because he’s huge. Just the tip and I can feel my pussy already stretching in an effort to accommodate him.

  “Relax, sweetheart. You were made to be my woman. Just look.” He raises himself up and grips my hips with his massive hands. “You feel so good in my hands. I can really grip hard without being afraid to hurt you.”

  His eyes are scorching the skin his gaze slides over. His grip is biting in my skin and yet it’s sending sparks of pleasure all throughout my body. He’s making me squirm underneath his touch, allowing his dick to sink in inch by delicious inch.

  Titan’s chuckle makes me open my eyes, not realizing they were closed due to the pleasure running through me. “Sweet Goldie, how you keep fucking surprising me. I know you want more but you already swallowed my cock whole. I gather it’s time I start to fuck you instead of the lovemaking I had set my mind on, because as my Old Lady you deserve it.”

  Shit. I never was one to talk during sex. I’m the type who keeps the lights out, lies back and lets it happen. The way he caught me earlier, masturbating? That never happened before, doing it in front of a guy, or seeing a man jerk off for that matter. But now? He makes me want; makes me feel bold enough to ask for what I want, what I need.

  “Shut up and give it to me, Titan,” I murmur and dig my nails into his biceps as he starts to slide out and surge back in with force.

  Holy shit, that feels good, though I wonder if the wall behind the bed will survive the impact if he keeps pounding like that. But the thought ebbs away when he tilts my hips and surges up, only to find a spot that makes me scream with pleasure. Holy freaking shit, my whole body tingles. I never thought something like this was possible.

  Titan grunts in appreciation and presses his body closer to mine. The heat and sweat of our bodies merge. His arm curls underneath mine, his grip settling on my shoulder so he can hold me in place while he keeps pounding my pussy in a steady rhythm. His breath hot beside my ear while he murmurs sweet words.

  I’m completely consumed by this man. My heels press into his tight ass and my nails scratch down his back, clawing at him...I want more, I want everything he has to offer. His mouth slides to my neck where he nips the skin before sucking a strip inside his mouth and I surrender. And by the feel of the hot jets inside me...Titan follows right after me.

  Some say they have an outer body experience, well...I can definitely say that’s what’s happening right now. My body is no longer under my control but I can feel everything and more. Sensory overload, yet so freaking empowering to feel this treasured and loved.

  Yes, loved. The sweet words Titan spills, the rain of kisses he places on my skin? Absolutely. There’s no other way to express the overwhelming attention this man showers me with. He holds me tight when he turns us around, making sure his dick stays inside me as he drapes me over his body.

  “I should go and check if they made a plan of action, but I really don’t want to leave you and this bed. really do drain all the energy right out of me.” He chuckles while nuzzling my neck.

  “I have to agree with you on all points.” I wheeze, still trying to catch my breath and calm my heart.

  Though I think my heart is a lost cause when it comes to’s already run off to rub itself against him in an offer to get adopted by this man.

  “Don’t leave again like you did this morning. Even with the protection of two of my brothers,” he croaks. “I need to head out and deal with this Mexican shit. Help out your father and hopefully find your brother alive. You came back to me but fuck...let me come home to you.”

  “Yes,” I say with determination and hug him close to stay wrapped in the comfort we give each other a few minutes longer, knowing he has to leave soon and put his life at risk.

  Chapter 11


  “Let. Me. The. Fuck. Go,” I growl and push Ronin away from me. “We’re about to hit this mansion and here you are fucking hugging me and checking your phone every five fucking seconds. Get a damn grip. I didn’t expect my new Prez to be this clingy.”

  “Oh, shut up.” Ronin lets me go and punches my shoulder. “When you and your Old Lady pop out a kid who keeps you up all fucking day and night and then someone magically swoops in and gets your kid to sleep for the last four hours...fuck, yeah, I’m hugging the man who claimed said woman as his Old Lady, assuring she’ll stick around for when we need her.”

  I spent one fucking night at the clubhouse and didn’t even hear or see a damn baby. Must be because I slept like a fucking rock for six hours straight. I knew my Prez and his Old Lady, Anouk, had a newborn, and hearing my Old Lady was the one who was able to help them with the kid makes me feel damn proud.

  What also makes me proud is the fact my woman has managed to warm the hearts of all the other Old Ladies. Before we left about five hours ago, Bark, Ronin, and Crane, all brought their Old Ladies into the main room so they could keep Billie company. It didn’t even take five fucking minutes before all of them were ignoring us.

  Good thing too because we had a lead where Alejandro’s guys were hiding out and might be keeping Joey hostage. Some tiny deserted barn a few miles out of town. We found them, killed twelve guys and found the weapons they stole from the storage unit. We also found Joey’s body. Ralph’s men pulled all the weapons from the house and we set fire to it to cover all our tracks.

  Gust called Ronin to let us know Alejandro was holed up inside his mansion, along with another eight of his guys. What are we waiting on? Ralph, that’s who. He’s about to arrive any minute, along with Mariana who gave the information about Alejandro. She knew where he and his guys were but couldn’t do anything since she didn’t have the weapons to take matters into her own hands.

  It was exactly how I thought it was. Alejandro was the fucker who kidnapped Joey and tortured him to get the information about the location of the storage unit where the weapons were. While Mariana had Luka, safe and sound, and only wanted to insure a weapon deal. Mariana was happy to make a new deal with Ralph and I actually cringed when he added a bonus clause.

  Do I need to mention she took the deal? She passed up the money he offered but took the protection angle he laid out. Fuck. That sounds so wrong. But who the fuck knows...maybe those two will work together in the long run. People have started relationships for way worse reasons, right?

  A blue SUV parks alongside the road. Ralph steps out and a woman with long dark hair gets out wearing ripped jeans, high heeled boots, a black tank top, along with a large purse hanging on one shoulder. Ralph holds out his hand but the woman only glares at him and walks right by the idiot.

  “Where’s the President of this so-called MC Ralph mentioned, the one who’s in charge?” the woman, who must be Mariana, says with a thick Mexican accent.

  “That would be me,” Ronin quips.

  “Good, where do you need me?” The woman takes off her high heeled boots and I fucking swear she takes a large knife and a gun out of her purse before discarding it next to her boots.

  Ronin’s eyes find mine, his eyebrow raises in a ‘what the fuck am I going to do with this?’ move.

  I fight a smile and shrug. “Don’t look at me, as long as she stays out of our way, I don’t see why she can’t help out. I mean...that’s a bigass knife.”

  “Don’t hurt any of my guys and we won’t have a problem,” Ronin grumbles.

  Mariana tilts her head to the side. “Is Ralph considered one of your guys?”

  “Mariana,” Ralph growls from behind her. “We had a fucking agreement.”

  Mariana is now the one fighting a smile and I can see by the way
her eyes twinkle, she enjoys going against Ralph. These two might actually be a good fit, annoying each other to keep the spice going.

  She glances over her shoulder. “We’re not married, lover boy. Killing you wouldn’t have any benefits for me...yet.”

  Ralph throws his head back and barks out a laugh. “Well, buckle up, babe, our ride is going to be rough since I intend to expend all of the benefits before I leave this fucked up world.”

  Mariana starts to undress Ralph with her eyes and that’s the moment I tap out.

  “With these two lovebirds showing up, we’re complete. Are you going to let Gust blow the first bomb?” I question.

  Ronin checks his watch and nods. Gust was sent to blow up the house but when he was scouting it out he saw the men and Alejandro himself. He rigged a few bombs to let the mansion blow once we’re sure Alejandro and his men are taken care of, but for now we need a distraction so we can barge in and take over.

  Ronin grabs his phone and gives Gust the okay. Everyone around us palms their weapons as we steel ourselves to take on this fight. An explosion rips through the air as we all run forward. My brothers, along with Ralph’s men, have the mansion surrounded. The first few of Alejandro’s guys surge out of the house to see what the explosion was.

  Easy fucking targets as we take ‘em all down. Crane is the first one inside, Bark and I follow suit, while Ronin takes the side door along with five others. Gunshots ring out from different sides of the house.

  I feel a burn on my calf and another on my forearm but it doesn’t hold me back from shooting the guy who fired two rounds at me. Thank fuck I’m a better shot, the guy is dead before he bounces against the floor.

  I catch movement from the corner of my eye. Glancing over, I see Ralph heading up the stairs followed by Ronin and Mariana. Bark yells an ‘all clear’ from my left. Gust’s voice echoes the same words from my right.

  We head up the stairs where more gunshots fill the air. The moment we round the corner, Alejandro’s life ends. With Mariana’s large knife lodged in his chest, it’s Ralph who gives the overkill by blasting a bullet right between the eyes. Alejandro sags forward, making the knife slide even deeper inside his body.

  “Let’s fucking move,” Ronin bellows as he rushes past me. “Gust, make sure everyone is out before you blow this mansion to pieces.”

  Gust, who was just coming up the stairs, grunts and bellows out to the guys downstairs. We all leave the place and when it’s a mere dot in the switches to a sea of flames at the horizon, making sure to wipe out all evidence.

  Fuck, that feels good. No better way to really bond with my new brothers, closing a case, and riding my bike home to my Old Lady. Knowing she’s waiting for me is probably the best feeling that’s ever washed over me.

  I add a little speed and take a deep breath. The realization of the fact that this woman has claimed my heart should scare me shitless and yet it’s the other way around. My life never had any meaning. Now it’s got a fucking future, goals, a damn purpose in life. And I owe it all to her, My Old Lady. She’s the one who adds the color to the gray road my bike is eating up. She’s the scenery which allows me to enjoy the ride, she’s my fucking everything.

  Chapter 12

  Nine weeks later


  Here I am again, pacing the room, waiting for Titan to get home. It’s the exact same thing I did nine weeks ago when he left to go handle the disaster involving the Mexicans and my brother, Luka, who returned safely, and went back to work the day after, like nothing happened.

  Okay, nothing did happen with him because Mariana turned out friendlier than we all thought. It was her ex-husband who was causing all the problems. Luckily Alejandro won’t be causing any more problems since Titan told me they handled it.

  I couldn’t believe my father told me he made an actual deal with Mariana. He offered to take care of her, and added protection for her, and her friends, who went with her when she left her ex-husband. She not only took the deal, but I’ve seen with my own eyes these last nine weeks how she also managed to steal my father’s heart. But like I said...she turned out to be a sweet woman who keeps my dad on his toes. He sure hasn’t interfered with my life for that matter, too busy enjoying his own.

  My life. How it’s changed over the weeks since I met Titan. We’ve found a little house for ourselves that’s less than ten minutes away from the clubhouse. And it’s also exactly how long I’ve been waiting...ten minutes. He should be here any minute. Ah, there he is. Titan guides his bike up the driveway and I can see the radiant smile he gives me when his eyes land on mine.

  I expected the fire between us to be put on a slow burn and yet it seems like the inferno of our intense feelings we have for one another only grows stronger. Titan barges through the door and manages to catch me as I launch myself at him. I know it’s silly, he only drove over to the clubhouse four hours ago to have some kind of meeting in church or to discuss an upcoming assignment, whatever.

  Each time one of us leaves it makes us crave spending more time together. It’s the same with the days I work at the library. Titan always drops me off and picks me up. Even after only nine weeks we have fallen into an easy routine where I can’t imagine my life without him anymore.

  “Did you miss me?” Titan murmurs the words against my neck while his nose slides up as he nips my earlobe.

  “You know I did,” I answer truthfully.

  He pulls back and gives me an intense look. “Did you pee yet?”

  Pee yet. This is also the reason why my nerves are shot and why I was anxious for him to get home. “I did.”

  “And?” he growls, demanding an answer.

  I pat his muscled chest. “In a few months you will have to do something about your impatience, you know. Because having kids requires patience.”

  “Don’t speak in riddles, woman, tell me,” he growls yet again.

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, we’re pregnant. Your massive dick shot the bullseye, your cum hit the jackpot, my egg and your sperm cell merged and multiplied into something they call a baby and it’s growing inside my womb.”

  “Only the first line would have done the trick.” He cringes and shudders, making me laugh.

  “We should keep it a secret for now, until we’re past those crucial first weeks. Besides, I don’t want my father knowing. He might pawn the baby off before it’s born, trying to score the perfect partner.” I try to make a joke but Titan’s face turns serious and he nods. “I was only joking!”

  “It’s not a joke, Goldie. That man has done it all your life until I claimed you. Then he offered a fucking deal for himself to get a woman. It doesn’t matter those two are still together and seem like a happy couple, you gotta realize that shit ain’t normal. If he even mentions it once for our kid, I’m going to pin his ass into a coffin with a nail gun and bury him ninety feet deep.”

  Gotta love his protective streak. He only found out we’re pregnant mere seconds ago and he’s ready to fight for this baby before it’s born. Hell, before he even knows if we’re having a girl or a boy. Though with this man in my life no detail is more crucial because everything is a gift where he’s concerned. He really does enrich my life, every day a little more.

  “I love you so freaking much.” I sigh, making his eyes go wide, knowing very well this is the first time I voice those words.

  “Not as much as I fucking love you,” he croaks and crashes his mouth against mine, robbing me of taking a moment to swoon.

  I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer and to hold on...for the rest of my life.


  Nineteen years later


  “If you’re not going to offer the fucker cash, I’m gonna do it,” Ralph whispers to me in anger.

  We’re both standing in front of the window, keeping an eye on my daughter who’s old enough to pick her own boyfriends. I might add the fact I raised her well enough to be her own judge of character.

/>   Instead of being angry with my father-in-law, I feel pride. He’s protective about his granddaughter. Yes, it has taken me this long to take it as a protective streak. He was testing men to flush out the bad ones, though I think he’s insane to even think of such a system. But it all links back to his wife leaving him for another man all those years ago, one who had more money she could freely spend.

  My daughter, Jamie, turns and Ralph starts to laugh out loud. “You do know that’s even worse than what I used to do, right?”

  “Don’t fucking care,” I mutter. “But I’ve ordered twelve in different colors and variations. She isn’t leaving the house without one if she’s meeting guys.”

  “I’ve agreed to this one time, Titan,” my lovely wife’s voice rings out from behind us. “You told me the second date she didn’t have to wear a shirt with your face on it and those big bold letters ‘Hurt me and my dad’ll skin you alive’ across it.”

  “Hence the reason I made variations, sweetheart.” I try, but I already know it’s useless when she’s got her arms crossed in front of her chest and is shooting a warning out of her gorgeous, but stern, eyes.

  My son, Ethan, who’s fifteen years old, is standing next to his mother with a shit-eating grin on his face. Yeah, wait till you start dating, son. Your mom will smack your head if you hurt a girl. Dammit, why didn’t we think this whole ‘having kids’ thing through. Such worries and I’m not even mentioning the driving a car, going into this world by themselves and discovering all the danger for themselves and shit. It’s only fucking dating and my stomach is in knots.

  “Okay, well, she’s home so I’m leaving out the back. Call me to let me know how it went and if we need to make that fucker disappear, if he hurt her or didn’t ask for a second date. I mean, his background checked out fine but,”


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