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Just Friends

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  One of the guys knocked on her door. “Don’t put it to snooze, as otherwise you’ll be running late and cursing for the whole day,” Mitch said.

  “Coffee is outside waiting,” Chase said seconds later.

  She turned her alarm clock off instead of throwing it against the wall. “If you keep spoiling my fun you’re going in the trash,” she said, pushing her duvet off her body.

  Leah stretched her arms above her head working the sleep out of her body. She opened the door to find Mitch and Chase sitting at the kitchen counter reading the paper.

  “Burglaries have gone up in the area,” Chase said in between munching his cereal.

  She walked past them going for the coffee. When she turned around she saw them both staring at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  Gazing down her body she saw one of her breasts had escaped the night shirt she’d been wearing. Blushing, she turned away and placed her large breast back inside the silk negligee she wore. She was quite partial to negligees. She loved the feel of the silk against her body when she moved.

  They’d turned back to their paper and coffee when she faced them again.

  “Sorry,” she muttered.

  “No worries, Leah. Remember you’re the only one with the breasts in our family,” Mitch said.

  She burst out laughing as he raised his eyebrows at her.

  “If you want me to start flashing my cock let me know. We’d be even then,” Chase said, laughing.

  “I’ll remember that. You never know, we could make a game of ‘who has the longest sausage’.”

  They all laughed at their words. Feeling better, Leah walked back to her bedroom and changed for work. She went for a black pencil skirt and a plain white blouse and decided to leave her hair down for the remainder of the day after running a brush through it. It was Friday night, and work tended to be more casual on a Friday. The weekend would be all hers as none of them worked the weekend.

  She walked back out and went straight to the fridge. “Do you two need any lunch put together?” she asked.

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Chase said, pouring himself another cup of coffee.

  “Me, too.” Mitch added over the paper.

  Leah grabbed the leftover pasta, roasted peppers, and chicken. She grabbed some cheese and salad then took it to the counter.

  Chase handed her the three lunchboxes.

  “I wonder why burglary is on the rise. You don’t think we’re at risk, do you?” Mitch asked.

  She placed the peppers into a food processor along with the cheese and olive oil. Chase stood behind her looking over her shoulder. She became aware of him when his breath tickled her neck. Her hair was pulled to one side exposing her other side to his touch.

  “No idea, mate. We’re a shared unit, and we have security on the door, which is why this place costs a fortune to rent. What are you doing?” Chase asked.

  “I’m making a cheese and roasted pepper sauce to go with the vegetables, pasta, and chicken. It should be good even though I’ve never tasted it.”

  He leaned over her to grab a julienned slice of carrot. She watched his hand disappear from view. Her hands refused to press the button. Her nipples had tightened from the small contact.

  “Everything you do will be nice,” Mitch said. “Do you think we should get a dog?”

  “A dog? We’re not allowed dogs in this building.” Chase argued while he stood behind her.

  “So, we could argue about the rise in crime.”

  “They’ll increase security.”

  “You two need to stop worrying about everything. Now, what films do you want me to pick up tonight?” she asked, pouring the sauce over the bowl of chicken, pasta, and vegetables. “I, unlike some of us, won’t be forgetting my chores this evening.”

  “I know I forgot the groceries yesterday. I’ll make it up to you with an extra tub of ice-cream.” Mitch gave her his sorry face, which made her chuckle.

  “You forgot the woman’s ice-cream? How do you still walk?” Chase asked.

  “I like him walking,” Leah said, winking at Mitch. “His butt looks good when he’s walking to get me some.”

  “I can show you my butt anytime, baby.”

  She laughed and tossed their lunch. “Shit.” She cursed when some of the sauce landed on her shirt. Leah finished preparing the salad, placing it into the three bowls. She made sure Chase and Mitch got the most servings.

  After placing the stuff she used in the sink, she looked down at her shirt. “Crap, this is my last white blouse. I’ve got nothing suitable for work.”

  Both men looked down on her red covered breasts. “Why don’t you use mine,” Chase said, disappearing into his room. He came out with a large, white men’s dress shirt.

  “It will be too long.”

  He shook his head while moving toward her. “Not when I’m done.” She was startled when he began to unbutton her blouse. Leah stared at his hands as they stroked her breasts. She gasped and wanted to curse. He hadn’t intentionally felt her breasts. Her desire for these men would put her into an early grave. First from her erotic dream and now with his gentle touching, she felt like she was going to explode. Her shirt was unbuttoned all the way. Chase threw the shirt at Mitch, who was also staring at her chest.

  She wore a white lace bra. If they looked properly they’d see her nipples. Leah went to fold her arms over her chest to cover the evidence of her arousal. Chase stopped her, helping her put his shirt on. He buttoned up the shirt then tucked the edges into her skirt.

  Chase bent down in front of her. He looked into her eyes as he eased his hands under her skirt and pulled the shirt further down so that it wasn’t bunched around her.

  Leah couldn’t speak. There were no words for the way she was feeling. Her heart hammered inside her chest as he stood up. His scent invaded her senses, and then Mitch was behind her pulling her hair out from the back of the shirt. Chase rolled one sleeve up while Mitch did the other. When they were finished, their touches lingered on her.

  Was she imagining their looks?

  “There, you look all better.”

  She nodded her head, pulling away from their touch. Leah sealed their boxes then cleaned up her mess.

  “I think a mixture would be good,” Chase said. He was sat at the counter drinking some coffee.

  “A mixture?”

  “Get a horror, action, comedy, and your usual chick flick with the lovey dovey ending.”

  Chase laughed at the horror on Mitch’s face.

  Leah tapped his shoulder, kissing Mitch’s cheek. “You’ll love it. Your lunches are on the counter. I’ll see you tonight.”

  She walked out of the apartment and into the fresh air.


  “I don’t like her riding the bus to work,” Mitch said.

  “She won’t accept a ride, and it’s out of our way. Trying to force her would be a nightmare.” Chase finished his coffee then stood up. “I’ve got to get going.”

  “What is on the agenda for you today?” Mitch asked.

  “I’ve got to install some security units for Michael and then give a quote on a job for Lucy. She wants you in the office to give some speech,” Chase said.

  “The joy.”

  “At least we have a job,” Chase said. Mitch grabbed his lunch then headed out the door following behind Chase as they walked out of their apartment block. They worked in construction, and it was their job to install top of the range security units. The work was good, but they both wanted to own their own business. Mitch hated working for someone else. His father had been a lawyer and was partner for his own firm. Mitch hated the law and never found it interesting.

  “Word of advice, don’t forget her ice-cream. I think it is close to being that time of the month for her,” Chase said, moving towards his own car.

  “Don’t you think it is creepy you know when her woman time is?” Mitch asked.

  “Nope, I call it being prepared.”


bsp; Mitch frowned. “Being prepared for what?”

  “The foul mood, the temper, and her increased hunger. I see the signs and accept it. You, on the other hand, are always in the dog house.”

  He gave Chase the finger then climbed in his car. Lucy wasn’t a bad boss to work for. She demanded excellence, and she knew how good they were. Mitch made it into work as she was seating everyone around the office table. He didn’t recognise anyone.

  “I’ll need you in fifteen, Mitch,” Lucy said.

  “I’ll be ready.” He smiled at the older woman then went back behind his desk. At twenty-five he knew he shouldn’t be feeling trapped. He did, though, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  Mitch watched a couple of his colleagues walking into the office. They were all top security specialists, and several of them were older than he.

  “Hey, Mitch, how is it going?” David asked.

  “Okay. I’ve got to give some talk about our latest security equipment. I don’t know why she doesn’t pick someone else.”

  “You’re the pretty boy. Young, ambitious, and clients like that,” Liam said. Liam was one of the older workers.

  The construction business had been hit by the economic crisis. There were not a lot of jobs for brick-layers or construction workers. Mitch and Chase had excelled in engineering and computers. Their security was tight, and he was thankful for the work. He just wished the markets were better so they could start up their own business.

  “How was Leah’s date last night?” John asked.

  “How did you know about that?”

  “Chase was cursing all over the place when he got back from a job. Some bloke by the name of Guy,” Liam said.

  “Not good. She didn’t look happy when she got home last night.”

  “I like Leah. She’s a good woman,” Liam said. “She reminds me a little of my wife, Sandra.”

  Mitch smiled at him. Sandra was a lovely woman and brought Liam his lunch whenever he forgot. Mitch looked down at his own prepared lunch, and his heart was once again filled with yearning. He was unhappy with his job and his future with Leah. Being friends was not what he wanted to be in the next five years. He wanted her to be his woman and Chase’s. The more he thought about sharing her, the more he liked it.

  Lucy called him through to give his speech. He talked about the latest equipment and how each unit suited individual needs. By the time the meeting was finished, Lucy had several more clients, and he had more houses and businesses to install.

  Chase made visits to the office throughout the day, grabbing supplies and filling in paperwork. Neither got chance to talk about that morning. Mitch sat outside eating his lunch on one of the tables provided for the staff. Mitch watched the people going by as he ate the delicious food.

  He played the morning over inside his head, seeing her pale, creamy skin exposed for him and Chase to look at.

  Her red nipples had been visible against the white lace of her bra. Mitch had reached out several times ready to pull the bra from her body. The glimpse he’d gotten of her tit that morning was not enough to keep him sane. He finished his lunch, then got back to work.

  When the day was over, he made his way to the grocery store. He wouldn’t forget her ice-cream if it was nearing her time of the month.


  Chase found it hard to concentrate at work. All he saw was Leah’s naked breast in his mind. It was like an obsessive picture playing over and over. He had to rewire several systems before he’d finished. After apologising to each client for the time he took, he made his way back to the office to complete the day’s paper.

  Mitch had already left. Several of the men were still lingering about. He finished and left the office with enough time to spare to pick Leah up. With the rise in crime in the area, he didn’t want her walking the streets alone.

  He pulled up outside of her office building as she was coming out of the doors. She was alone, and the women who’d exited with her stood off to the side. Some of them were sniggering at Leah. His defensiveness went through the roof. She hadn’t seen him yet.

  Chase climbed out of the car and walked over to her.

  “Hey, baby,” he said, pulling her close.

  “Chase, what are you doing here?” She hugged him close and was smiling.

  The other women were watching them. He turned so his back was to them. “Were they giving you a hard time?”

  “They do every Friday,” she said.

  “Then let’s give them something to talk about.” He didn’t know why he did it, but he was never going to regret it. Chase leaned down and claimed her lips. He plunged his tongue inside and tasted her for the first time. They’d never kissed at all. The few pecks on the cheek and friendly kisses did not count in his book.

  When he pulled away, her eyes were glazed over with desire. Chase knew that Leah wanted him as much as he did her.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s get you home.”

  They walked to his car.

  “Well, if that is what she gets to go home to every night, I see why she bails on us.” He heard one of the women mutter.

  He helped her inside his car and then moved round to his side. Giving the lonely women a wave, he pulled away from the curb.

  “Don’t forget we need to grab some movies.”

  “I won’t.”

  “What made you come for me tonight?” she asked.

  His grip tightened on the steering wheel thinking about her safety. “The streets are no longer safe. I don’t like the thought of you being on your own.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Not while I’m around.”

  Leah didn’t argue with him.

  “Why were those women giving you a hard time?” he asked.

  She sighed. “Did you see someone you like?”

  Not with you in my arms.

  “Not a chance. I want to know why they’re giving my girl a hard time. I care about you, Leah.”

  Actually, I fucking love you and worship the ground you walk on, but you’re so not ready to hear that just yet.

  “They’re not mean. Every Friday they ask me to go for drinks, and I refuse. In fact, I refuse most of their social offers. I’m not interested in forming friendships.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t want to be a receptionist in the same building all my life, Chase. Surely you understand that.”

  He nodded his head in agreement. He and Mitch had a dream of setting up their own business and being their own bosses. Their dream included Leah. At the moment they couldn’t afford to start up a business, let alone employ Leah. They had too much at stake. Their reputations. The apartment. And Leah counted on Mitch and Chase to bring in the extra money. They would never risk the apartment. Leah was their first priority.

  “Besides, I like spending time with you guys. Work is work, and fun is fun. I don’t like to mix the two.”

  Chase pulled into the parking lot of the video store.

  “Will you wait here?” she asked.

  He glanced toward the door and saw the place was crowded with men. “Not a chance. We can go together.”

  Pulling his keys out of the ignition, he climbed out of the car.

  “You’re being very difficult.”

  “Are you finally ashamed of me, baby?” he asked, flickering his eyelashes at her. Chase offered his hand, which she took.

  “You’re a crazy guy, you know that?”


  Chapter Three

  Leah was thrilled at Chase coming to collect her from work. She saw the look on the other girls’ faces, and it had been a dream come true to see. They understood why she turned them down every chance she got. Mitch and Chase were worth the teasing she got at work. At least they wouldn’t think she was some repressed virgin who was afraid of alcohol. She held his hand as they walked into the video store. Willy was serving at the counter and gave her a wave, which she reciprocated.

  “How many should we take out?
” she asked.

  Chase counted on his fingers. “Six.”

  “You think we can watch six?”

  “Yeah, two tonight, then tomorrow, and Sunday,” he said, pulling her over to the horror section.

  “No hot dates planned with unsuspecting females?”

  “That hurts, Leah. You know the weekend is our weekend, like the good old days.”

  When they were younger they’d alternate weekends at each other’s houses until their folks decided they were too old to be sleeping around at each other’s houses. In Leah’s mind it meant she had breasts, the guys had penises, and they were not going to allow anything to happen.

  The movie nights were allowed ‘til nine and then her father, or Mitch’s, or Chase’s, would take them home.

  Lame, but the parents had their rules. She imagined if she ever had a daughter, she’d be the same. She looked through the horror section hating every one he picked up.

  “If we’re watching six then we can only have one horror, and we can only watch it tonight,” she said.

  “You’re such a wimp.”

  She shrugged her shoulders letting him pick a haunted house story as she moved over to the chick flick section. Leah glanced over the movies wondering which one to pick when a guy cleared his throat. She glanced up seeing a guy looking at her. He had blond hair that reminded her of Mitch’s, but this guy had the boy-next-door look about him. Mitch always looked like he’d rolled out of bed messy. She thought it always looked hot.

  “Hey, what is a pretty girl like you doing in a video shop?”

  Fucking lame.

  She rolled her eyes going back to looking at a movie. “I think the answer to that is obvious, seeing as I’m in a video store.” Leah ignored him, picking up a box and reading the back. She scrunched up her face and put it back.

  “You know what I meant. A hot girl like you shouldn’t be watching videos.”

  Putting a hand on her hip, she glared at the man. From the way he was looking her up and down, she knew exactly what he thought she should be doing.

  “Excuse me,” she said, brushing past him.


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