Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “How are you doing, baby?” Chase asked.

  “I’m fine. My nerves got the better of me. I’ve never been called a whore before. I didn’t like it.”

  “We don’t think of you like that, Leah.” Mitch sat on her other side and took her hand.

  “We’re in this together, sweetheart. Not just because of the baby,” Chase said, pressing a hand to her stomach.

  “If it wasn’t for the baby we wouldn’t be here.” Leah tucked her hair behind her ear. Chase took her chin in hand and turned her to look at him.

  “No, it’s not. We were already destined to be here. You can’t deny what you feel. I’m never going to lie to you.” He pressed her hand against his chest. “This is all yours. You and Mitch are my everything.”

  Tears filled her eyes once again.

  “I think this baby is going to turn you into an emotional wreck.”

  “What do you mean going to? I’ve never known her cry so much,” Mitch said.

  Leah chuckled. The first few tears began falling down her cheeks.

  “I love you guys.” She leaned her head on Chase’s shoulder and then on Mitch.

  Chase eased her back onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her from behind as Mitch lay in front of her. They stroked her face and arms trying to offer her comfort. Chase rested his palm against her stomach. He felt like he was going to burst with the love inside him.

  “Nothing is going to happen to you,” he said.


  The following morning, Mitch helped Leah walk down the small set of stairs. Chase followed behind her. They didn’t want her hurting herself. She’d cried for a few hours throughout the night. Mitch knew she felt guilt at their parents’ reaction to the news. He didn’t blame her. He’d accepted at a young age that she’d never be able to choose between them. Living with Chase was not a hardship. They were best friends, and living together only highlighted how compatible they were.

  His father had woken him up by telling him that Chase and Leah’s parents wanted to talk. He knew Chase was prepared to give up his family for Leah, but it would be a hard decision for anyone to make.

  The six parents were all sitting around the large table in the dining room when they turned a corner.

  Leah’s morning sickness was still bad, and Mitch was thankful there was no scent of coffee. Her mother looked pale. He saw the happiness in the older woman’s face. She loved her daughter and would accept anything for Leah.

  “I think we should all sit down,” Mitch’s father said.

  He took one side of Leah as Chase took the other. Always together and never divided, this was how it had been when they were younger. None of them ever left the other to face the consequences, and they weren’t going to start now.

  Mitch took her hand under the table. He felt her shaking by her side.

  Chase’s father looked up, and Mitch saw he was staring at Leah. “I want to apologise for what I said yesterday. It was uncalled for, and I’m really sorry.”

  “That’s okay, Mr. Lawson. I imagine it was quite the revelation, and you were only protecting Chase. I love him, sir, and I will never hurt him. I promise.”

  Mitch watched as she took Chase’s hand, squeezing it. She squeezed his hand under the table. Mitch tightened his grip offering her strength.

  “You’re the best of friends. I understand that. Larry prepared us for this. I guess I always expected you to drift apart or find other people to date.” He paused to run his fingers through his hands. Mitch looked at his father as Chase’s dad mentioned his name. “I love my son, and I’ll never do anything to harm anyone he loves. I hope you can forgive my outburst and accept my sincerest apologies.”

  Leah smiled, and tears filled her eyes once again. She covered her face with her hand.

  Mitch chuckled. “She keeps getting teary-eyed.”

  Her mother smiled, reaching across the table to take her daughter’s hand.

  “I don’t want to be a cry-baby,” Leah said.

  “You’re not, honey. I love you.”

  Mitch watched as her father reached across and took her hand. “I love you, honey. I’m sorry for the way I reacted yesterday.”

  Mitch looked towards his father, who nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen. He tapped Leah’s knee and followed him into the kitchen.

  “You did this,” he said.

  His father was pouring hot water into several coffee cups. “I simply had a long discussion telling them that they had a grandbaby they’d miss out on if they kept up the bad attitude.”

  “I know you, Dad. You did more than that.”

  “I told them you were all in love, and we shouldn’t stop what you were doing. You wanted one another, and we should respect that. I did what I could, Mitch.”

  He walked over to his father and hugged him.

  “Also, I want to see my grandbaby the moment it’s born. Do you know what you’re having?”

  Mitch shook his head. “She’s got an appointment with the doctor in the week. We’re going to take care of her. I promise.”

  “I know you will, son.” There was silence as he stirred the cups. “I remember when your mother came home and told me she was pregnant with you. I was terrified. I knew nothing about raising a baby.”

  His father cleared his throat. “It was tough, and I know what it means to be your own man and raise a family.”

  Mitch watched as his father pulled an envelope out of his pocket.

  “I want you and Chase to have this. There should be more than enough to get you both started up. I’ve heard about your reputation, and I think it is time you both used those degrees you all got.”

  Mitch took the envelope from his father and ripped it open. Inside was a check for enough money to get started up in their own business. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m serious. Lawson and I thought it was time you and Chase did it together. I know Leah’s folks will help her out.”

  “This is too much,” Mitch said, giving him the money back.

  “It’s not. You’ve earned this, son. I’d rather spend the money on you rather than those dreadful oil paintings your mother loves.”

  He laughed at his father’s joke. Words abandoned him. He didn’t know what to say.

  “I love you, son. Make it count.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Do you know what this means?” Chase asked.

  “You can start your own business,” Leah said, staring at the check on the coffee table. Mitch had been full of excitement on the drive back home. She was pleased to be home. After their parents had accepted their relationship, she’d wanted to get out of their house before something bad happened. Rubbing her stomach, she looked at the gift her men had been given. It was a dream come true for them. “My mother gave me this,” she said, pulling out the check her mother had slipped into her hand.

  “I think this is their way of accepting who we are.” Mitch put the drinks on the coffee table glancing down at her piece of paper.

  “She told me setting up a nursery for a baby was expensive. I was to use it wisely.”

  “What are we going to do about the nursery?” Chase asked. He was smoothing her hair in soothing strokes.

  Mitch walked over to their rooms and looked in each one. “I don’t know about you, but I think we can stay in this apartment for some time. How about we all move our stuff into Leah’s room? Her room is the biggest, and then we set Chase’s up as the nursery and mine as the office?”

  She listened to his suggestions liking every one he made. “We can start moving everything straight away. The sooner we get it all changed around the happier I’ll be.”

  Her men agreed. Leah eased back rubbing her neck. “We’ll have to go and look at colour schemes and cots. I have no idea what to get.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’m not. I’m excited, Mitch.”

  “So, next week we have the doctor’s appointment. I think we need to hand our notice in to Lucy.
I want to get set up in business as soon as possible. We’ve wasted plenty of time waiting for this opportunity,” Chase said.

  “I’m going to continue working while you get your business set up.”

  Chase and Mitch nodded their heads. She knew the moment things were running smoothly they’d want her to take over their books. They’d discussed their plans so many times in the past. It felt surreal to finally be living them.

  “I’m going to bed. I’m exhausted.” She stood up, kissing Mitch and then Chase before disappearing into her room. Leah grabbed her nightwear and moved into the bathroom. By the time she came back, Mitch and Chase were already in her bed. They tapped the centre giving her permission to join them. She chuckled and was too exhausted to argue.

  “We just want to hold you,” Chase said.

  She nodded her head enjoying their warmth as their arms wrapped around her. “I love you both.”

  “Love you, too, baby.”

  Her eyes closed, and sleep consumed her.


  Leah stared at the two men sitting opposite her. They made a very odd circle. She licked her lips wondering what she could ask them. When they were younger they’d never played spin the bottle. At least not truth or dare spin the bottle. She was excited. Her pussy was ablaze at the possibilities. She’d felt Mitch’s erection pressing against her butt when she’d been sat in his lap. Chase had sported an erection as well.

  She felt liberated and alive. Part of it was the alcohol, and another part was knowing they desired her body.

  Mitch spun the bottle, and it landed on her. “Truth,” he said.

  Nodding her head, she waited for him to ask her the question.

  “Was your prom date really great in the sack?”

  She burst out laughing. “I can’t even remember my prom date. Besides, I didn’t lose my virginity to him.”

  Leah got the bottle and spun it ‘round until it stopped at Chase. “I dare you to take your shirt off.”

  “Baby, that is not a dare.” He removed his shirt throwing it at her.

  Chase got the bottle, which hit Mitch. “Truth, when did you get your first erection for Leah?”

  The game had turned. Leah felt a blush spread to her cheeks. Her chest was tight waiting for his answer.

  “When we were too young to do anything.” Mitch grabbed the bottle from Chase.

  “That doesn’t answer the question,” Chase said.

  “Yeah, it doesn’t answer his questions.” Leah crawled over to Mitch. “When did you get your first hard-on for me, Mitch? Like the one you’re sporting now.” She reached between his thighs, rubbing his hard shaft with the palm of her hand. Mitch moaned, placing his hand over hers.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing, Leah,” he said.

  “Don’t I? Then I dare you to show me how to do it.” Feeling completely turned on, Leah pulled her shirt off over her head, exposing her bra to her two men. She stared at each of them as they licked their lips. “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  Chase and Mitch nodded their heads.

  She didn’t know what was making her so bold, but the feeling inside her body was too damn good to let go. Leah snapped her clasp open and peeled the bra from her body. She was naked from the waist up.

  “I dare you to touch me,” she said.

  “I don’t need no fucking dare,” Mitch said. He went to his knees, his fingers sinking into her hair as he pulled her close. In the next instant his lips were on hers. The hard press of his lips forced her to open hers to receive his kiss.

  Chase knelt behind her. She felt his hands move up her body to tease her nipples.

  “Please, touch me,” she said, breaking away from Mitch’s kiss.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” Mitch kissed down her neck until he claimed one of her nipples in his mouth. She gazed down her body watching Chase’s fingers tease her and Mitch’s lips consume her.

  “Wait, wait, wait.” She held her hand up, turning to look at both of them.

  “What?” they both asked as she stopped them from going any further.

  “I’ve got something I want to say to you.” She wanted to get it out before she closed up. The drinks she’d consumed had loosened her tongue. Leah knew she’d never have been this open without the few extra cocktails.

  “What is it, Leah? You’re scaring me,” Mitch said.

  “I love you both. I know you think I love you as a friend, and I do, but not only as a friend.” She stumbled over her words trying to find the right one to express her feelings.

  “What do you mean?” Chase asked. She saw his hesitation and understood his feelings. If she’d been in her right mind she’d have doubts about their feelings as well. She’d never acted like this before.

  “I’ve been in love with both of you since I can remember. I never said anything in case you laughed at me. I can’t pick between you. I love you both and want you both.”

  Mitch caught her face between his palms. He slammed his lips down on hers cutting off more of her speech.

  “No, this is important.” She pulled away wanting them to know how much she loved them.

  “You don’t need to say anything,” Chase said.

  “We love you, too, Leah. More than you know.” Mitch added.

  Leah stared between them. She’d never felt so happy before. “You love me, too?”

  Chase took her hand pressing her palm against his dick. “I want you, Leah.” He moved her palm to his heart. “But I love you so damn much I ache. Watching you with other men has been a nightmare.”

  “You’re not angry with me?”

  “Mitch and I talked about our feelings for you years ago. We knew what we were going to do when we knew if you wanted us that way. We’d never force you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Fuck me. Make love to me. I don’t care. Just please take me and help me get rid of this ache.”

  They carried her through to Chase’s room. Their clothes fell all over the place. She didn’t know who to kiss or who to hold on to. Leah was swamped between her two men.

  “Mine,” she said.

  “Mine.” Chase agreed.

  “Ours,” Mitch said, pulling her against him.


  She reached down grabbing Mitch’s length in her fist. He was long, thick, and she couldn’t wait to have him inside her cunt. She was dripping wet with need. “Please, fuck me.”

  “Not yet.” He pushed her to the bed opening her legs. “I’ve waited too long to taste your sweet pussy.”

  Mitch went down on her. She watched his tongue slide over her pussy and delve into her core. Crying out, she reached for Chase. His length was there in front of her. She opened her lips taking him to the back of her throat.

  “Fuck, her mouth is sweet, Mitch. I could have her suck me for the rest of my life.”

  She smiled, loving his compliments.

  His cock tasted good. The salty tang of his semen lingered on her tongue. She sank her fingers into Mitch’s hair as he rubbed her clit with the pads of his fingers. Leah felt herself climbing to the edge of bliss. Each second was drawing her closer and closer to that pinnacle.

  Chase caught her hair in his fist using his grip to increase his thrusts inside her mouth. Leah opened herself up to their touch. She’d do anything for them.

  “Fuck, her pussy is tight,” Mitch said as he pushed two fingers inside her.

  She moaned around Chase’s cock.

  “Whatever you just did to her, do it again.”

  Mitch stroked her G-spot. She went deeper on Chase’s cock as the pleasure drove her wild.

  “Fucking hell, she’s so fucking ready for this. I never dreamed she wanted us as much as we wanted her.”

  Leah pulled off his cock as her orgasm crashed through her. She shuddered, and Chase held her down while Mitch continued to flick her clit.

  He came off the floor rubbing her juices off his face. “Your cunt is as tasty as I imagined.”

  “I never thought you’d be so dirty in your talk.” Mitch moved away towards Chase’s draws. He pulled out two condoms and threw one to Chase. “I’ve spent too long fantasising about you, Leah. I want everything from you.”

  She watched him put the condom on. When they came close she tore the condoms off their hard cocks. “I don’t want anything between us when you’re inside me. I want you naked, flesh to flesh.”

  They both groaned as she pulled them down. Mitch settled between her thighs. The tip of his cock was at her entrance. She watched him enter. The tip disappeared inside her. He grabbed her hips and then plunged the whole length of his cock inside her.


  Leah opened her eyes staring at the ceiling. She remembered everything from that Friday night. The drink hadn’t hindered her need for them. She’d been open and honest and had spent the whole night telling them how much she loved them.

  Chase stroked her face. “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She licked her lips. Her pussy was burning with need. They’d been burning the sheets all night until she’d fallen asleep.

  “I remember,” she said.

  Mitch leaned up on his elbow.

  “Haven’t either of you two been asleep?”

  “You started moaning in your sleep. You were rather loud,” Mitch said.

  Leah felt the blush fill her cheeks. “Sorry, I was remembering.”

  “I heard.”

  They were silent on either side of her.

  “Do you regret what happened?” Chase asked.

  She turned to him seeing the look of concern on his face.

  “Why would I regret what happened?”

  “I thought the drink might have made you say some things.” Chase looked at the ceiling as he spoke. She heard the insecurity in his voice.

  Leah reached out, stroking his cheek. “I didn’t say anything I didn’t mean. I love you both. Nothing will ever change that.”

  He turned and kissed her palm.

  “I’m pleased you finally remember. I was starting to feel awful about the whole thing,” Mitch said. “I hated the thought of us taking advantage of you.”

  “I think I took advantage of you,” Leah said, reaching down to cup his length in her palm.


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