Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “That’s not how I remember it.” Chase caressed her hip and then dipped down into her pussy. His fingers teased open her lips, grazing her clit. Leah bit her lip to stop herself from screaming.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Please, what?” Mitch asked.

  “Please don’t tease me. I couldn’t stand it.”

  He reached down pinching a nipple. Mitch took her lips as Chase opened her thighs to slide inside her heat. His cock was rock hard as it slid along her pussy walls. He filled her so completely. She whimpered pushing against him. Her ass was nestled in the curve of his pelvis.

  “You’re still so tight. I can’t wait until you’re so full. I think you’ll look hot with your stomach full. Your tits will be huge,” Chase said.

  She moaned as he pulled out of her only to plunge back inside. He took her slowly, his thrusts going deeper with each thrust. Mitch played wither her body. His hands were on her breasts then moved down to her pussy. Leah cried out when he sucked on her nipples drawing the bud between his teeth.

  The pleasure they were creating was driving her over the edge. This was way better than any dream. She was able to touch and really feel what they were doing to her body.

  “I love you,” she said on a gasp.

  Mitch brought her to orgasm as Chase filled her with his release. He held her in his tight grip refusing to let her go.

  He eased out of her, and Mitch kissed her deeply. She opened her legs for him. He slid inside, holding her tightly. The passion between them was magical. He held her down underneath him, loving her in every way he could.

  Chase stroked her hair.

  She’d never felt so complete in her whole life. It was like a dream come true.

  Chapter Eleven

  Life didn’t get any easier with their business. Starting up their own business proved to be time-consuming. Not only did they keep long hours, but they had no choice in the hours they worked. Getting their business off the ground was far more difficult than any of the three had expected. Chase and Mitch worked long hours while she continued to work as a receptionist. Leah kept her appointments with her midwife even though her men couldn’t attend most of them. They’d been with her on the first one and when she found out the sex of her baby. She was having a little boy.

  She’d been asked if she wanted a paternity test. Leah refused, explaining her situation to the midwife. The older woman hadn’t minded the situation and continued to see her. Her mother rang her all the time. Leah loved hearing her voice. Some of the nights she was alone as Mitch and Chase tried to get their name out there, so her mother’s phone calls were welcome.

  With Mitch and Chase out, she spent a great deal of time painting her son’s nursery. Leah didn’t mind the demands of their business. She remembered how much they’d talked about it when they were growing up.

  Into the third month of her pregnancy, she had finally picked a colour to paint the walls. She decided on a vanilla colour. The lightness would make the room feel larger. She opened the tin of paint on a Friday night. Leah had become used to the quiet in their apartment.

  She whistled a tune while she ran the brush up and down the walls in one smooth action. The ceiling would have white clouds with a blue sky peeking out. She wanted her son to look up into something with texture rather than a plain white wall.

  Leah climbed the ladder and was painting around the light bulb when the sound of the door echoed around the small room. She heard Mitch’s and Chase’s voices.

  “Leah, where are you?” Mitch called out to her.

  “In the nursery,” she said. “If you can remember where it is,” she muttered to herself.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Chase asked, charging into the room. He stood at the bottom of the ladder.”

  “I’m painting my son’s nursery.”

  “No, you’re fucking not. You could have fallen. You’d put yourself and the baby at risk for some stupid ceiling?” He lifted his hands up to her.

  She saw red. Grabbing the tub of paint she poured the little amount left inside over his head.

  He moved out of the way as she came down. When her two feet were on the floor, she poked his chest. “I would never put our baby in harm’s way. You’re gone for most of the day and night. Our son will not be coming home to a half-finished room. It will be ready for him, and if you don’t like that, tough.”

  Leah stormed out of the room, past Mitch to the kitchen. She needed a drink of water. Her anger was getting the better of her. The windows were wide open to deal with the fumes created from the paint. She wasn’t doing any heavy lifting.

  Mitch wrapped his arms around her waist. His hand stroked her stomach. She leaned against him loving his comfort. “He worries about you all the time.”

  “If you ever came home you’d see I was safe. I’m not going to wait around for you to do the nursery.”

  “I know.”

  “I know you’re hard at work, and I hate it. I want to help you, but I can’t do anything to help,” she said. Her frustration grew as his comfort reminded her how much time they missed together.

  “We’re doing really well, Leah. There won’t be much more work to do. Our previous clients are there, and we’re building a base. The money we’ve been given is perfect.”

  “I miss you.”

  “Am I forgiven?” Chase asked, standing in front of her.

  “Are you going to stop accusing me of putting my son at risk?”

  He nodded his head. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  After that night Mitch and Chase tried to do as much of the work possible. Leah didn’t mind doing the work. She’d tried to assemble the cot she’d bought, but it looked more like a wooden igloo by the time she was finished. Her men fixed all the furniture, and as she went into her seventh month of pregnancy, the nursery was complete.

  The time was going by so fast. Her pregnancy was speeding along. She’d felt her son kick. Chase and Mitch were still waiting for that privilege. Whenever they cuddled up to her, he’d fall asleep inside her. She figured their son was already forming a protest over the lack of time. It felt like she’d turned into a giant penguin overnight. She waddled with each step she took. Mitch and Chase teased her constantly over how she moved.

  Leah woke up one night to hear Chase and Mitch shouting in the sitting room. She rolled off the bed onto her knees. It was humiliating how she had to get herself out of bed in the mornings. She moved closer and was shocked to see Mitch shaking a pair of keys at Chase.

  “I told you I haven’t seen them in months,” Chase said.

  “What’s going on?” Leah asked, rubbing her stomach.

  “Chase has misplaced a set of keys.”

  “I haven’t misplaced them. I can’t misplace what I’ve not had in months.”

  “Are you seriously arguing about a set of keys at two in the morning?” Leah asked.

  Mitch walked over, wrapping his arms around her body. She snuggled in close and reached for Chase. Her other man came to her without any hesitation.

  “I bumped into the lady who lives downstairs, and she’s had a break-in recently,” Mitch said.


  “The burglaries are getting closer to here.”

  Leah shivered. She was alone in this apartment by herself most days. She didn’t like the thought of being at risk.

  “Leah, have you seen my set of keys?” Chase asked.


  She yawned. “I need to go to sleep, guys.”

  Mitch carried her through to their room. Leah couldn’t wait for their baby to be born. It had been months since she’d had any energy left.


  Mitch stayed with her until she fell asleep. He felt guilty for leaving her while she was heavily pregnant. It was getting harder and harder each day to close the door behind him. She’d left her job where she’d been a receptionist several weeks ago. Her energy levels were low all the time. She couldn
’t keep up with the heavy work-load, and he didn’t like the stress she was under. When he’d bumped into the lady downstairs and she’d warned him about the break-in, his fear had been increased. In Leah’s condition she was in no state to handle a situation like that.

  “I love you,” he said, kissing her head.

  She mumbled something, turned over, and went back to sleep.

  He walked out to find Chase coming out of the shower.

  “Are you sure you haven’t misplaced your keys?” Mitch asked.

  “I’ve not seen them in months.”

  “We better get the locks changed. I’m not risking her or the baby.”

  Chase nodded his head. “How is she?”


  “Only a few weeks left to go.”

  Mitch nodded.

  “I’m going to go and keep her warm. I’ll see you in a minute.” Chase walked into their bedroom as Mitch closed the bathroom door.

  He removed his clothes climbing into the already running shower. Rinsing his hair, Mitch thought about everything that had happened in the last few months. Their business was running okay. It was not as successful as he’d like it to be, but they had a constant supply of clients and their work load was increasing. He hoped by the end of the year they’d be able to hire someone to help out. Leah helped with filing the paperwork away leaving them to go out and make the urgent calls. The time they spent away was the hardest part.

  The more work they got the less time they got together. He’d hoped to be hands on during this pregnancy. Leah had begun leaving them slips with updates on her progress.

  Once he finished washing the day’s stress of his back, he dried his body and made his way into their bedroom. Chase and Leah were fast asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. He walked over and climbed in beside her. His eyes closed the moment he hit the pillow.


  Over the next few weeks, Leah felt a pain increase in her back. When she informed her doctor she told her the moment it got worse she was to call in and see her. Leah wasn’t too concerned. With the amount of weight she was carrying she was surprised backache was all she was suffering with. The burglaries were back in the papers once again.

  Besides the woman downstairs, no one else had been hit in their building. Mitch and Chase made sure they were home every night before dark. She was relieved. The thought of someone being out there trying to get in was terrifying her. Before her pregnancy she’d have thought nothing of it whereas now she was in a more vulnerable position.

  She cooked for Mitch and Chase on Tuesday night. Her back was killing her. She rubbed the pain away hoping when she lay down that would ease it a bit.

  Her men were going over some figures while she ate her food and read one of the erotic books she’d bought some time ago. Mitch and Chase were holding off on sex until after she’d had the baby. She understood why but missed their touch every night.

  Later that night as she lay in bed surrounded by Chase’s and Mitch’s warmth, she heard their apartment door opening. Leah tensed. She knew that sound as Mitch and Chase had come through that door a thousand times.

  “Shh, I’m awake,” Mitch said.

  She stared at him feeling her heart beating rapidly inside her chest. “Someone is in our apartment,” she whispered to him.

  Mitch nodded. “I don’t want to alert them we know.”

  “I’ve got my cell phone,” Chase said, handing the phone to Leah. The door to their room was open. If they moved too suddenly then the intruder would see the movement. She licked her lips and then couldn’t believe what happened next. Mitch stared at her, and her eyes widened.

  “My waters just broke.”

  “What?” Chase asked.

  Mitch stared at her terrified. “Her waters just broke.”

  “Shit.” Chase handed her the phone. “Call the police. We need to get this done fast.”

  Leah’s hands were shaking. This was the most inconvenient time. Mitch covered her mouth the moment her first contraction started. She’d never felt anything like it. The pain was unbearable. She stared into his eyes and bit her lip to try to contain the scream.

  “She’s not going to last,” Mitch said.

  “Fuck this.” Chase lunged out of bed. In the commotion, Mitch let go, and her scream echoed off the walls of their bedroom. She put the phone to her ear, waiting.

  What happened next was the most surreal experience of her life. Chase and Mitch wrestled the intruder to the floor. The police arrived minutes later. There were several in the area because of all the break-ins. The intruder turned out to be the woman who sat next to her at the laundrette that day all those months ago. The woman took keys and then stole anything of any value. She hadn’t tried to break into their apartment sooner because she hadn’t seen Leah until the other week. The woman didn’t try steal from places she didn’t have a key to.

  Her contractions by that point were already minutes apart. Leah knew she wasn’t going to make it to the hospital. The ambulance that she’d phoned the moment after she’d spoken to the police arrived, but too late.

  However, she was unable to get to the hospital.

  Marvin Preston Fields Lawson Jones was born on their living room carpet at three in the morning, screaming his little head off.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Do you mean to tell me that you gave birth to my grandson while the police were escorting out a burglar?”

  Leah smiled at her mother as she handed Marvin over to her. Mitch and Chase were in the back garden with the rest of their family enjoying a beer. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “No? It sounds like it. Look at him. He’s already a good looking boy,” her mother said.

  “He takes after his dads.” Leah stroked her son’s cheek before going to look out of the window.

  “You can go and join them, Leah. I’ve got this guy covered.” She smiled at her mother and moved out to the garden. Chase’s father wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug.

  She laughed, cuddling him back.

  “You’ve made my son happy. Thank you.”

  “He’s made me happy,” she said, pulling away.

  Mitch opened his arms for her, and she went to him willingly. Chase moved toward her. He kissed her head then ran his fingers down her arm.

  “You all look adorable,” one of their old friends said. The party had been thrown at her parents’ house to celebrate the birth of their son. It had been a week since Marvin had entered their lives. Sex was not on the menu at the moment. Chase and Mitch showed her there were other passions to experiment in.

  She shivered as Mitch ran a finger down her back and tucked it into the denim of her jeans. “You look stunning,” he said.

  Chase stroked her arm as he kissed her head. She noticed a few of their family friends looking at them oddly. Leah knew it would have been a miracle to have everyone accept them instantly. She didn’t care. With her friends and the men she loved at her side, she knew she could do anything.

  “Mom is watching Marvin for us,” she said.

  “Come on.” Chase took her hand leading her out of the backyard. Leah looked back, and no one was following them. They walked out onto her old street, and together they moved down to the park they use to play in.

  “You’ve brought me to the park,” she said.

  Chase stood behind the swings. “Jump on.”

  She hesitated for a few seconds and then felt silly over her lack of trust. When they were kids, Chase and Mitch had used to take turns catching her swing, which made her jump. Leah sat onto the swing and let Chase pull her back and let go. Putting her feet out in front of her, she built up speed. Mitch stood in front of her watching.

  This reminded her of so many times when they’d been together doing silly things. They were no longer children but had a child of their own.

  After twenty minutes, Chase slowed down the swing, wrapping her in his arms. Mitch came to her front, and she stared into his eyes.

p; “I love you, baby,” Chase said.

  She closed her eyes as they each kissed her temple.

  “Will you guys marry me?” she asked.

  “We can’t marry you, baby. It is not legal.”

  “We don’t need a church.” Leah opened her eyes and stood. She reached into the pocket of her jeans pulling out three gold banded rings. “No ceremony. We can be married in our hearts.”

  She showed them the rings by opening her palm.

  Mitch took one ring as Chase took the other. “I wish we could get married for real,” Mitch said.

  “We can, or at least you two can.”

  She pressed her hand over Chase’s mouth. “I’m not marrying one of you. To me, I’m already married in here,” she said, putting her hand over her heart.

  They were silent as they stared at the rings in their hands. “We put these rings on, and we’re married to each other in our hearts?” Chase asked.

  “What’s the matter, mate? Feeling trapped?” Mitch asked.

  Leah chuckled.

  “Yeah, little bit. This is a huge responsibility. If it was anyone else I’d be freaking out.” Chase slid the ring onto his finger and smiled. “I’ve been your guy ever since you fell into my arms at this very park. This just guarantees you’ll never be able to get rid of me.”

  She slid her ring onto her finger, smiling at both men. Mitch did the same with his finger.

  “I’ve always been married to you, Leah.” Mitch kissed her head. Together they walked back to her parents’ house. She showed her mother the ring and told what it meant.

  She’d come up with the idea while staring at Marvin in his crib. There was no way she’d pick between her two best friends. She knew she could marry one while the other lived with them, but that arrangement didn’t feel right to her. No one could stop them being happy. They were not breaking any laws by being in love.

  Taking Marvin off her mother, she joined the rest of the guests in the garden.


  Mitch ate the burger in his hands watching his woman with their son in her arms. Chase stood next to him drinking a beer. “She looks stunning,” he said.


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