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Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack)

Page 7

by N. J. Walters

  Rina breathed a sigh of relief when they stepped outside. Her wolf wanted to run, but she was too tired to shift. She trudged beside Sage, her eyes drooping with each step. Eating had filled her belly, but it had made her even more lethargic.

  “Almost there.”

  Rina forced herself to pay attention. She wanted to see Sage’s home. It was another log house with a long porch across the front. Several flowerbeds were overflowing with colorful flowers and thick greenery. The air was redolent with their sweet perfume.

  She took a deep breath. “It’s lovely.”

  “I’ll show you the greenhouses later.”

  “You have greenhouses?” That surprised her. Werewolves tended to be more hunters than growers.

  His easy grin made her toes curl and her heart speed up. There was no getting around the fact that Sage was under her skin. Crazy or not, she wanted him. “I have several greenhouses.” He paused outside the front door of his home. “I’m a farmer.” On that pronouncement, he shoved the door open.

  “You’re a what?” She started to laugh. Sage was different from any other werewolf she’d ever known. Why should this be any different? “Of course you’re a farmer.”

  He grinned and pulled her inside. A tall, lanky teenager in jeans and bare feet was ambling out of the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand. “Hey, Billy,” Sage greeted the boy.

  Rina inhaled and caught the teen’s scent. Another full human. This had to be Sue’s son.

  “Hey, Sage. Who’d you bring home with you?”

  “This is Rina.” He squeezed her hand. In reassurance or warning, she wasn’t quite sure. “Rina, this is Billy.”

  “Nice to meet you.” The boy was blond, like his mother, and had an open and engaging grin.

  “Nice to meet you too,” she managed.

  “Rina needs to rest, so be quiet or leave.” Sage started down a hallway that presumably led toward the bedrooms. “Stay close to the houses. There might be trouble,” Sage called over his shoulder.

  Before she knew it, she was inside a large bedroom. The bed was big and sturdy and covered in a green comforter. A chest of drawers stood against one wall. Instead of a window, there were patio doors that opened up onto the back deck. The closet doors were partially open, revealing an orderly space. It was clean and organized and spartan except for the shelf on the short wall that held the door. The shelf faced the bed on the adjacent wall and it contained several framed photos, books, and other personal items.

  “You want a shower?”

  “God, yes.” She felt absolutely grimy. There was no way she’d rest until she got clean.

  “Right this way.” He dropped her pack on a lovely rustic bench that sat at the foot of the bed and slid aside a pocket door to reveal a fairly spacious bath. There was no tub, but there was a large tiled shower stall.

  She followed him inside and ran her hand over the stone vanity. Sage opened a cabinet, pulled out a clean towel, and set it on the counter. “Soap is in the shower. Feel free to use anything in here. If you need something and can’t find it, just ask.” He came back to stand in front of her. She tipped her head back, and he filled her vision.

  His eyes darkened and his nostrils flared. “Rina,” he said her name and nothing more. It was enough.

  She went up on her tiptoes as he lowered his head. Heat suffused her entire being, driving back the chill of fear. Sage made her forget all her problems. He made the past and the future disappear. When they kissed, she lost herself in the here and now.

  He pulled back far too soon for her liking. “You need help in the shower?” His husky tone made her nipples tighten and her pussy clench.

  She shook her head. He looked disappointed but didn’t push. “Just call if you need me for anything.” Then he stepped outside the door and slid it shut, leaving her by herself.

  She knew she had a lot to think about and decisions to make. That would come later. The only thing she needed to worry about at this moment was getting clean. She stripped off her dirty clothes and left them in a pile on the floor. She stepped into the large shower stall and turned on the water. It sprinkled from the showerhead like a waterfall. Once she’d adjusted the temperature, she stepped beneath the spray.

  It sluiced over her body, washing away the sweat and dust and fear. It lovingly caressed her skin, like a lover’s touch. It was gentle and warm and healing. She stood there for some time, just letting the water cleanse her body and soul. When she started to nod off, she opened her eyes and reached for the bar of soap.

  She brought it to her nose and sniffed. It was woodsy and familiar. It smelled like Sage. Her entire body vibrated with desire. She clutched the bar of soap to her chest and took a deep breath. Then another. It didn’t help.

  Rina did her best to ignore her arousal as she rubbed the soap over her body. She moaned as it slid over her breasts and stomach. Her nipples peeked out from beneath a layer of frothy bubbles. She had a fleeting wish that it was Sage’s hands smoothing the soap over her skin instead of her own. His hands were big and a little rough. Her breath caught in her throat as she let her hand slid between her thighs.

  “Everything okay in there?” Sage knocked on the door as he spoke. Rina startled and almost dropped the soap, but caught it at the last second.

  “I’m fine. Everything is fine.” She dumped the soap back into the dish and rinsed her skin clean. “I’ll be out in a minute.” There was a bottle of shampoo on a ledge, so she grabbed it and quickly washed her hair. Once she was squeaky clean from head to toe, she shut off the water and reached for the towel.

  Her body hummed with desire, but she ignored it as she dragged the towel over her wet hair before using it to dry her body. She spread the damp towel over a rod to dry and then looked down at the pile of her dirty clothing. No way was she putting that back on.

  She cleared her throat. “Sage, can you hand me my pack.”

  “What do you need?” His voice was so close she knew he was standing right on the other side of the door. She put her hand against the panel.

  “Clean clothes.” She could sense his stillness. And why not. She’d all but announced she was standing here naked.

  “Hang on.” She didn’t hear him walk away, but she knew he was no longer directly on the other side of the door. She couldn’t sense him there. He returned quickly and slid the door open about six inches. Rina jumped back before he could see her.

  He thrust his hand inside. “Here. Wear this.”

  She took the garment from him and shook it out. It was a large T-shirt. His shirt. “Um, thank you.” She buried her face in the soft cloth and heard him groan.

  She raised her head and glanced in the vanity mirror. Her reflection was perfectly visible and he could see the mirror from where he was standing. Her hair was damp and in disarray, her cheeks flushed. Her breasts were barely covered by the shirt she was holding and her lower half was bare.

  He pulled his hand back and shoved the door closed. “Come on out when you’re done. You need to rest.”

  Rina leaned against the door and took a deep breath. Rest. Yeah, she was exhausted, but she was also aroused. How did Sage do that to her without even trying? Her wolf rolled onto her back inside Rina and whined. She wanted to get closer to Sage too.

  She huffed out a breath and pulled on the shirt. It fell to midway between her thighs and knees. It covered her as much as most dresses would, but she felt practically naked when she slid the door open and stepped into Sage’s bedroom.

  The fact that she wasn’t wearing anything under the shirt likely had a lot to do with how she was feeling. Every nerve ending in her body was like a live wire, sparking and shimmering with energy.

  Sage had turned down the comforter and pulled back the sheet. The patio doors were open, but there was a screen across to keep out any insects. She could hear voices in the distance and the raucous screech
of an unhappy Blue Jay.

  “Come to bed.” His rough tone sent a shiver down her spine. She padded barefoot across the hardwood floor. He stepped out of the way, and she crawled into bed. He cleared his throat. “I’ll let you rest.”

  Suddenly, she didn’t want to be alone. “Don’t go.” She bit her bottom lip. This wasn’t fair to Sage. She wasn’t ready to sleep with him yet, but she didn’t want to be by herself. She’d been alone for so long.

  She slid over in bed and patted the mattress. “Stay. Just for a little while.” She was being pathetic, but she didn’t care.

  Sage sat on the edge of the bed and removed his boots and socks. She admired the flex and play of his shoulder muscles as he worked. Then he pulled the hem of his tank top out of his jeans and dragged it over his head.

  She made a low humming noise deep in her throat. It wasn’t quite a growl, but it was close. He tensed but didn’t turn around. Rina wanted to run her hands over the thick muscles in his back and down the furrow of his spine.

  Sage turned his neck one way and then the other as if working out tension. She wasn’t being fair to him. She knew he wanted her. “You don’t have to stay. I’m sorry.” She pulled the cover up over her and started to turn away.

  He swiveled around and put his hand on her arm, stopping her. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he assured her. He ate her up with his eyes and her skin began to heat from within. “I want to stay.”

  He stretched out on top of the covers with his jeans still on. She could see the bulge in the front of his pants, but neither of them mentioned it. He opened his arms to her. “Come here.” She didn’t need a second invitation. She curled into his side and rested her head on his shoulder.

  His skin was warm beneath her palm and the heavy beat of his heart thudded against his chest. Sage was so masculine and compelling. He was a force to be reckoned with without being overwhelmingly dominant. She felt safe with him. She didn’t feel as though she were being measured and found lacking.

  “I always thought half-breeds were weak.” He stiffened beneath her but didn’t say anything. It was full daylight and the sunshine was pouring through the patio doors. The head of the bed was in shade because of the angle of the sun, but the room was aglow. It should have been difficult to make such a confession. But it felt right somehow to do it here and now instead of in the dark of the night.

  “It was how I was raised.” She rubbed her hand over the rigid muscles of his chest and abdomen. He sucked his stomach in as her touch grew bolder. “I’ve come to realize that what I’ve been taught is wrong. “You’re the strongest man I’ve ever met.”

  She wasn’t lying. Yes, Jacque and some of the others might be more physically powerful than Sage, but there was a quiet bedrock of confidence in the man holding her in his arms. He knew who he was and was okay with it. He didn’t seem to need to prove anything to anyone, didn’t feel lacking in any way.

  She envied him.

  Sage released a breath and the warmth brushed against her face. He threaded his fingers through her hair and lightly massaged her scalp. “Rina.”

  She put her fingers over his lips. “No, don’t say anything. I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You could have walked away at any point and I wouldn’t have faulted you for it. You risked your life and your position in this pack for me. I won’t ever forget that.”

  He jerked his head to the side so her fingers were no longer covering his mouth. “Damn it, Rina. I don’t want your gratitude.”

  “I know you don’t, but you have it anyway.” She yawned and snuggled closer. The sunshine, her full belly, the soft bed, and the warm man holding her combined to relax her in a way she hadn’t felt—ever.

  “I didn’t do any of it for gratitude, and you don’t owe me anything. Do you understand?”

  “Mmm.” She sighed and closed her eyes. She sensed his frustration even if she didn’t quite understand where it was coming from. She’d figure it out later. Rina let go and gave in to the exhaustion that had been dragging at her for long hours. She knew Sage would keep her safe.

  * * * * *

  Johnny waved to the park ranger as the man drove away. It had taken longer to get to his truck than anticipated when the ranger had stopped to help a family change a flat tire. But he was here now, and that was all that mattered.

  He climbed into the cab and rubbed his hand over his face. He was tired, but he still had work to do. He thought about calling his brothers but figured Charlie and Ralph would only tell him to come home. He wasn’t ready to go yet.

  He started the engine and turned the truck around. He needed to go collect his rifle, and then he needed to do a little research. Sage Gallagher. All he had to do was find this guy and convince him to tell where he’d dropped off Rina.

  His jeans grew tighter the longer he thought about her. An honest to God werewolf. He knew his brothers didn’t believe him. That was fine by him. Once he was done with her, he’d planned to give her a chance to escape. A real hunt. His brothers would believe him then.

  His conscience gave a pang of worry, but he dismissed it. Wasn’t like she was really human. She was an animal, a wolf, and that meant she was fair game.

  He turned on the radio and started to hum along with the country tune he found. By the end of the day, he hoped to have found the man who’d helped his little waitress. From then on, it was only a matter of time until he found her.

  Chapter Seven

  Sage stared up at the ceiling and counted to a thousand for the third time. Rina was out for the count, and he expected her to sleep for hours. She’d wrapped herself around him like she was afraid he’d leave her.

  It hurt him to think of her out there on her own with no pack and no family to help her. He and Reece might not have grown up in a regular pack, but they’d always had the love and support of their parents and Uncle Elias. They’d never doubted that any of them would lay down their lives to protect him and his brother.

  Rina’s parents had turned their backs on her, simply because she hadn’t agreed to their choice of mate. The whole idea was barbaric. Didn’t matter that she was a werewolf. She had the right to pick and choose who she spent her life with.

  A rumble started low in his chest as he imagined Rina snuggled up to some full-blooded werewolf. She sighed and turned over, releasing him for the first time in an hour. Even though he wanted to stay, he knew his uncle would be waiting to talk with him. Probably Jacque too.

  He rolled out of bed, being careful not to jostle her. She didn’t move. He stood there and watched her sleeping in his bed, wearing his shirt, her head on his pillow. Possessiveness welled up inside of him and whipped around like a tornado out of control.

  He swore under his breath and headed to the patio doors. He eased the screen aside and stepped out onto the deck. The sun was hot on his face and chest and the wood deck sizzled beneath his feet. He hurried down the steps onto the grass. Sure enough, his uncle was sitting at one of the picnic tables. He was looking away from the table with his arms spread over the top. A beer sat on the seat beside him.

  He patted the bench beside him. “Take a load off.”

  Sage wanted to call his brother but had to take care of this first. He owed his uncle that much. He walked over and sat. Elias reached beneath the table and brought out another beer. “It might be a bit warm, but it’s wet.”

  Sage took the beer, popped the top, and took a long swig. The yeasty, mellow liquid slid down his throat. He was thirstier than he’d thought. He had to make sure Rina drank more water when she woke. “Thanks.” He sat forward with the can between his hands and his forearms resting on his thighs. “I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble.”

  Elias leaned forward. “Boy, you know better than that.” A heavy hand fell on his shoulder and squeezed. “You did what you had to do. What any one of us here would have done.”

  It helped to hear it. “I couldn’t leave her alone.” He risked a glance at his uncle and turned away from the knowing gaze.

  “I was there when you and Reece were born. You two came out squalling at the world.” Elias laughed. “I know you well, and I recognize that look. If you saw yourself in a mirror, you’d recognize it too. I imagine I wore it when I met Sue.”

  His uncle had always been too perceptive for comfort. On one hand, it felt good to know someone besides his twin understood him so well. On the other hand, it had made for some pretty awkward moments over the years. “Yeah.” What else could he say? He wasn’t certain himself just how he felt about the sudden change in his life.

  “You don’t need to decide anything today or tomorrow or anytime soon. Just get Rina to stay here and you can take all the time you need to see if she’s the one for you, and if she returns your feelings.”

  Sage rubbed the can over the back of his neck. The condensation rolled down his bare skin. That was the biggest hurdle to get over. Rina was naturally resistant to staying here. She might have changed her mind somewhat about him, but she obviously had some preconceived notions about half-breeds.

  Then there was her gratitude. He didn’t want her to feel beholden to him.

  “Don’t think so hard about it,” his uncle counseled. “Give it time. Give her time.”

  Easier said than done. He knew Rina already had one foot out the door, not because she didn’t want to stay, but because she felt she didn’t deserve to stay. She didn’t want to bring trouble their way. Her pack had done a real head job on her, making her feel unworthy of belonging.

  Fire burned in his gut at the way they’d kicked her out of her home. How could her pack, how could her parents have done such a thing? What about her sibling? She’d mentioned a brother. How the hell had he let this happen?

  They sat in silence a bit longer. Being outside always settled Sage. Always. But not today. Rina had him too churned up. He was trying to sort out how he felt about her while he was worried she was going to run away as soon as she was able.


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