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Regency Romances for the Ages

Page 60

by Grace Fletcher

  “Being something others want to see is something everyone needs to get used to.”

  “Did you ever get used to it?”

  Brandon hesitated. He had never thought about it; it had just come naturally to him. He scratched his head.

  “I don’t know. I guess I have. It’s a natural reaction, I think: you want people to like you but you need to fit into Society without any problems. It takes practice and you’ve been thrown in quickly. It takes a little longer for some but they get there.”

  “You think I’ll get there?”

  Caroline looked hopeful. She looked incredibly sweet. There was something about her that had Brandon wanting to pull her into his arms and hold her. He shook the feeling away. Now was not the time.

  “I’m sure my mother can help with that, if you like. She’s very good at getting people to blend in to where they need to be in life.”

  “That is if she doesn’t find out what we’re up to,” Caroline said ruefully.

  “She won’t.”

  “I’m not very good at lying, just so you know. If she asks me anything honestly, how do I answer her?”

  Brandon sighed.

  “We’ve been through this already. You just let me answer the questions. And remember what we discussed in our letters. It won’t be much to remember.” Then he remembered what he was carrying and sat up, digging into his pocket. “Oh, I almost forgot. You’re going to need something to make it look more authentic.”

  “What is it?”

  Brandon flashed her a grin as he took out the simple wedding band and the ornate engagement ring he had bought the day before. The jeweler had been surprised that he had bought them both at once and only one wedding band but he hadn’t questioned it. If anything, he was eager for Brandon’s money. Caroline’s mouth dropped open when she saw the rings, her eyes widening.

  Brandon shifted over to sit beside her, taking her left hand. He slid the engagement ring on first. It was a perfect fit. Then he put the wedding ring on the same finger. It was a little loose, but it didn’t slide off. They could be handled easily. Caroline was staring at them like she had never seen such precious jewels before.

  “They’re beautiful.” She grimaced and clenched her fists. “Now I really feel like a fraud.”

  “You’re not a fraud.” Brandon covered her hands with his and gave her a smile. “You’re being a friend. A valuable one.”

  And she was. Brandon didn’t have many women he could consider friends but Caroline had quickly become a friend. He could talk to her freely without worrying that she was going to judge him. And she had a sensible head on her shoulders. Those letters they had exchanged to get the feel of each other and get things straight had been few but Brandon had cherished them.

  What was going on with him? He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about Caroline like this. She was just a young woman who needed some help to get away from a fiend like Thomas Carlton and Brandon needed some help to make his mother retreat. It was a win-win situation.

  Why didn’t it feel like winning?

  Chapter 5

  On the Way

  “Can I ask you something, Your Grace?”

  Brandon looked up. Caroline was frowning at him. He coughed and nodded.

  “You can. But you’d better get used to calling me Brandon.”

  Caroline’s tongue snaked out and licked her lower lip. Brandon found his gaze snagged by this. Then Caroline swallowed and nodded.

  “Brandon…why do you not want to get married?”

  His name sounded good coming from her. Brandon cleared his throat and moved to his original seat. Sitting beside her felt far too intimate.

  “Because, for me, it feels like prison. Much as I love my mother, I saw how she and Father were when Father was alive, and I didn’t like it. It wasn’t the picture of perfect bliss. I don’t want it for myself.”

  “One bad experience put you off for life?”

  “In a sense.” Brandon shrugged. “Also, I find a lot of women in Society rather pretentious or very boring.”

  “But they’re the better matched ladies for you.”

  “Not in my eyes. I’m happy as I am.”

  Caroline’s mouth twitched in a slight smile. Her eyebrow slanted, and she gave him a look of bemusement.

  “I’m so glad that you know your own mind,” she drawled.

  Was she teasing him? Brandon didn’t like teasing. But he let it slide, turning the tables on her.

  “What about you? Would you ever get married?”

  “I wanted to. When I was a child, I considered it a lot.” Caroline sighed and pressed a hand to her stomach. “But now with the fortune hanging over my head, I’m not so sure. Not with Viscount Carlton about. If he doesn’t completely kill my desire to marry, he’ll chase off any potential suitor and make me unmarriageable.”

  Why did the thought of seeing Caroline married to another man fill him with such anger? Brandon had to stop thinking such ridiculous things; they were here to play a charade, not to actually follow through. Caroline was being a good person with a good heart helping him out. Brandon would make sure she was rewarded for this. How he would reward her, he had no idea, but Brandon was sure he would figure it out.

  “Caroline.” He sat forward, ducking his head so he could get Caroline to look at him. He gave her a smile. “We’re not going to be caught. We’ll be fine.”

  Caroline’s mouth twisted.

  “I do hope you’re right.”


  The journey took three days instead of a day and a half. The axel of one of the wheels broke as they were coming into the place they were going to stay overnight and it took most of the day after to fix. Caroline wished that hadn’t happened; she just wanted to get this over and done with.

  She had to have been a fool to even agree to this. Brandon had sounded so earnest, so sure that this would work to get his mother off his back. Caroline couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just tell her that he had no intention of marrying. From the sound of it, the dowager duchess was a stubborn woman who didn’t listen to anyone unless it benefitted her. And Brandon’s bachelorhood didn’t benefit her at all.

  It also meant being in Brandon’s company more. Caroline knew this would be dangerous. The duke was a very handsome man who caught any woman’s attention just by walking past them and vaguely breathing in their direction. Several women at the hotel simpered and swooned when they saw him, scowling at Caroline when they realized she was travelling with him. Caroline found herself feeling smug that she had Brandon to herself.

  Where had that come from?

  Over their remaining time together in the coach and by the fire in Brandon’s room before Caroline retired to her own, they talked. Simply talked. Caroline didn’t think Brandon was the type to sit and converse about anything and everything, but he did. The time passed very quickly, and Caroline had to remember she needed to get some sleep before they set off again.

  She had an inkling that Brandon was a rake. He discarded women like he discarded unwanted cards in a poker game. But there was a charm about him that seemed to draw her in. He was interesting to talk to and Caroline was glad to find someone who didn’t judge her for knowing things she shouldn’t be talking about, such as politics or religion and running an estate. Brandon was equally surprised when Caroline told him she made her own clothes, could cook as well as her own private cook, and barely spent any money beyond what she needed to obtain the house in London and settle some outstanding bills.

  It wasn’t difficult to save, not after years of doing it. Caroline knew if she let anyone get a hold of it that money would be gone within moments. Like with Thomas Carlton. Aunt Agnes had understood perfectly well that her nephew would have squandered the money. She didn’t care much for the viscount and the feeling was mutual. Caroline had adored Aunt Agnes and would rather have her back than have all the money left to her.

  And she would rather be back in London than going to Newcastle posing as a duchess. Car
oline couldn’t bear to think what would happen once they were found out. And they would be found out. She was sure of it.

  Finally, they arrived at the estate that the Dowager Duchess of Brandon resided at just outside of Newcastle. It was getting dark and Caroline was exhausted. She was looking forward to getting into a soft bed and falling asleep. Hopefully, they would avoid meeting Brandon’s mother until the morning.

  But Brandon had other ideas. He seemed determined to find his mother and introduce Caroline to her as soon as he could. Caroline could see the look on his face, he wanted to get it out the way.

  If she was honest, so did Caroline. But she wished she could have a decent night’s sleep to prepare herself.

  The door to the coach opened, and a footman stood expectantly on the outside, waiting for them. But Caroline couldn’t move. Suddenly, she felt the fear gripping her. This was going to put them both into dangerous territory. If they got caught, Caroline’s reputation would be ruined. Brandon would look like a laughingstock for a few minutes, but it would be a permanent stain on Caroline’s record. No one would believe she did it out the goodness of her heart.

  She would be ruined beyond repair just for doing this.


  Caroline jumped. She hadn’t realized that Brandon had exited the coach and was leaning back in, taking her hand. His hand felt very warm around her cold fingers. Caroline gnawed at her lower lip, trying to form her words.

  “I was a little scared on the way up here. But now I’m really scared. What if she sees right through what we’re doing?”

  Brandon was silent. Then he glanced over his shoulder at the footman and indicated for him to go back inside. The footman bowed and left obediently. Then Brandon leaned back in.

  “She won’t know what we’re doing,” he said softly. “And I’ll be right here with you. We can do this.”

  “I hope so,” Caroline mumbled. “I don’t want to let you down.”

  That was when Brandon smiled. That smile could make a woman's heart flutter. It certainly had Caroline’s heart stumbling over itself.

  “I don’t think you could ever do that.” He began to tug her out. “Come on, you can’t stay in here all night.”

  Caroline begged to differ, but she left the coach and followed the duke up to the front door, staying close to his side. She was aware of everyone watching them, looking her over. It was like they had made their decision about her before Caroline had even opened her mouth.

  She wanted to run. But she had made a promise. Somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to leave Brandon’s side, even if he wasn’t gripping her hand tightly in his.

  A tall, lean man with a weathered face who looked like the butler strode over to them, bowing low to Brandon. His long body seemed to take a long time to bow.

  “Your Grace. Her Grace is in the drawing room. She’s waiting to see you.”

  “Did she get my letter saying we were delayed?”

  “Yes, she did. She has said she would hold off on dinner until you arrived.”

  “Thank you, Bates.” Brandon gave Caroline a smile that made her weak at the knees. “Would you take my wife’s belongings to the room adjoining mine?”

  The man’s eyebrows rose just a little and his eyes drifted over Caroline. Caroline wanted to sink into the floor. He looked like he was inspecting a piece of meat.

  Winning the dowager duchess over was not going to be as hard as winning over the servants if the butler’s expression was anything to go by.

  Chapter 6

  Meeting the

  Dowager Duchess

  “Bates?” Brandon gave the older man a hard stare. “Take The Duchess's belongings to her room.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” Bates said sullenly and then he slunk off. Caroline watched him go.

  “I don’t think he likes me.”

  “Bates doesn’t like anyone.” Brandon tugged her across the foyer. “Come on, we’ll go and see Mother now. Then we can get some sleep.”

  Caroline didn’t like the sound of that. But she allowed the duke to tug her along, and they entered an ornate drawing room. The room looked as big as the entire ground floor of her house. Looking around, Caroline was beginning to realize she was badly out of her depth. These weren’t the types of people she would be socializing with unless she was very lucky. This was frightening.

  And Caroline felt the fear growing as she saw the statuesque woman with coloring and complexion the same as the duke sitting on the couch reading. She looked the perfect duchess: straight back, head up and lots of poise, even when sitting. The woman appeared to have been practically born into the role. Caroline was feeling very shabby compared to her.

  The dowager duchess looked up as Brandon led them across the room. Her eyes landed on her son and she beamed, putting her book aside and standing.

  “Albert, darling! I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”

  “Forgive me, Mother.” Brandon left Caroline’s side and met his mother, allowing her to kiss his cheek. “We had trouble with the coach on the way up.”

  “We?” The dowager duchess blinked, her smile fading a little. “Who have you brought with you?”

  Brandon turned back and gave Caroline a smile, beckoning her over. Caroline didn’t want to move, but she found her legs propelling her forward, coming to stand beside Brandon. He laid his hand on her back and showed her proudly to his mother, his voice full of warmth.

  “Mother, this is Caroline. My wife. This is Clarissa Forster, the Dowager Duchess of Brandon.”

  “Your Grace.”

  Caroline kept her eyes on the floor, focusing on the hem of the dowager duchess’ skirts. She curtsied, managing to get down low and up again without wobbling, but she didn’t look up. The dowager duchess said nothing, but Caroline could feel the shock coming from the older woman.

  “You…you’re married now?” Lady Clarissa huffed. “Brandon, how could you? I never received an invitation.”

  “We decided to do it in secret,” Brandon said smoothly. “I didn’t want any pomp and circumstance, not with my reputation in Society.”

  “Even then, you could have told me.”

  The dowager duchess sounded hurt. Caroline couldn’t blame her; she would be just as upset if she found out her children had gotten married without her present. But Brandon sounded unforgiving.

  “That was my fault, Mother. I was so captivated by my bride that I forgot everything else.”

  His hand went up to the nape of Caroline’s neck and Caroline jumped. His hand was very warm and sent a shocking tingle down her spine. She stared at him but Brandon’s expression didn’t change, merely giving her a wink.

  This would be so much easier if she didn’t find him so attractive. Lady Clarissa arched a perfectly formed eyebrow and looked over Caroline with a critical eye.

  “She’s pretty. You always did have good taste, Brandon. But she’s dressed like a nun.” She tittered in disapproval. “Didn’t your mother teach you how to dress properly, my dear?”

  “My mother died when I was young, Your Grace.” Caroline bristled at the mention of her loving mother. “I was raised by relatives who…they didn’t enter Society much.”

  “I can tell. While the dress is well made, it’s far too modest for Society. And the color was from two seasons ago.”

  “I made it myself two years ago, Madam.”

  Caroline saw Lady Clarissa’s eyes widen. She clearly hadn’t expected that.

  “You made this dress?”

  “I did.”

  The dowager duchess walked around her. Caroline wanted to huddle against Brandon’s side; she felt like a fish in a bowl. Lady Clarissa nodded.

  “It’s a little out of date but it’s made very well. You have some talent with those fingers of yours, Duchess Caroline.”

  “Thank you, Madam.”

  “Well, I’m sure we can sort out a few things for you to fit in.” Duchess Clarissa peered at Caroline. “You’re new to Society, aren’t yo
u? I know everybody and I’ve never seen you before. But you must have had a special power over my son to have him forget he wanted to be a bachelor forever and marry you.”

  “She certainly did,” Brandon chuckled, his hand passing over Caroline’s head, tugging at a curl in an affectionate gesture. “And all she needed to do was run into my arms.”


  Caroline could feel her face going red. She slapped his arm but Brandon only laughed.

  “Well, it’s the truth.”

  Duchess Clarissa smiled. She was an attractive woman when she was relaxed.

  “He did like his knights in shining armor stories when he was younger. It was his favorite game.”

  Caroline couldn’t stop herself from smiling.

  “And now he’s a knight in real life,” she said warmly, looking up at Brandon. Brandon went red and cleared his throat. Clarissa giggled.

  “She’s got potential, son. I like her.”

  Maybe this would be easier than she thought.


  Two weeks passed by and Caroline found herself swept up into everything. Duchess Clarissa took her under her wing and helped her to buy new gowns, do something different with her hair, and helped her with social etiquette. Caroline was grateful for the older woman helping her but she was very much aware of how that could quickly change once the dowager duchess found out about Brandon’s deception. She seemed like a woman who would be furious when she found out the truth.

  There were a lot of balls they had to attend. Caroline wasn’t sure if she would be able to feel her feet after the first evening. Everyone was very much surprised that the Duke of Brandon was now a married man and they were eager to see the new duchess. Caroline couldn’t begin to count how many men came over to her asking to dance; her card was so full she didn’t get time for a break.


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