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Dex in Blue

Page 37

by Amy Lane

  Dex laughed then and said, “Awesome, I’ll tell Kane!”

  Kane bounded up, excited. “So, they had a baby? What was it? Girl or boy? C’mon!” Tommy and Chase had specifically not asked what it was when Mercy was pregnant. Kane thought this was stupid as hell and not something he could have done at all, and now he was losing his goddamned mind.

  “You want to know?” Dex asked, laughing, because Dex had been able to deal with the uncertainty. “You really want to know?”

  Kane stopped and glared. “Dexter, you really need to frickin’ tell me, okay? I need to—”

  Dex stopped him with a kiss, and then whispered in his ear.

  Kane gasped excitedly, and about the time he realized that it wouldn’t have mattered if it was a girl or a boy, Frances said, “What kind of baby is it?”

  Kane went over to her and rubbed their noses together. “It’s a healthy baby,” he said softly. “The best kind.”

  Frances giggled, and Kane and Dex winked at each other. When Dex was done making plans for their future, the two of them would have to go shopping. Frances would come with them, and they would keep practicing this family thing, because so far, it felt like they were getting it right.

  About the Author

  AMY LANE is a mother of four and a compulsive knitter who writes because she can’t silence the voices in her head. She adores cats, knitting socks, and hawt menz, and she dislikes moths, cat boxes, and knuckle-headed macspazzmatrons. She is rarely found cooking, cleaning, or doing domestic chores, but she has been known to knit up an emergency hat/blanket/pair of socks for any occasion whatsoever or sometimes for no reason at all. She writes in the shower, while commuting, while taxiing children to soccer/dance/karate/oh my! and has learned from necessity to type like the wind. She lives in a spider-infested, crumbling house in a shoddy suburb and counts on her beloved Mate, Mack, to keep her tethered to reality—which he does while keeping her cell phone charged as a bonus. She’s been married for twenty-plus years and still believes in Twu Wuv, with a capital Twu and a capital Wuv, and she doesn’t see any reason at all for that to change.

  Visit Amy’s website at You can e-mail her at

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  Keeping Promise Rock

  Green’s Hill

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