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Deep IsThe Night: Haunted Souls

Page 19

by Denise Agnew

  Although Clarissa had heard about the additional malevolence when they’d grouped together the night before for dinner, Micky mentioned again how she’d gone into another type of dimension, remaining in the tunnels but not visible to her friends. “The evil wanted me to join with it, but it specifically said it wasn’t a part of the ancient one. It said the ancient one was a part of it.”

  Clarissa eased Ronan down on the couch. “Nice and cryptic.”

  “Brilliant,” Sorley said. “So this evil has an ego even bigger than the ancient one.”

  “I sent an urgent message to the seer and to Yusuf about this mega-evil,” Ronan said. “I’m surprised I haven’t heard back from them yet.”

  “Urgent message as in called them?” Lachlan asked.

  “Right. Yusuf doesn’t have a phone, but I contacted his cousin Jasmina and she said she’d relay the message. I tried reaching the seer by telepathy but she hasn’t responded. So I left a message on her home phone.”

  Clarissa smiled despite the gravity of the situation. “You’re going to have to tell me more about this seer.”

  “Oh, she’s quite beautiful,” Sorley said, a mischievous grin spreading over his face. “And Irish, too.”

  “Hmmm.” Clarissa made a noncommittal noise because if she didn’t something snarky would come out.

  She couldn’t afford to be jealous of the relationship this seer may or may not have with Ronan. She’d already experienced the sting of jealousy when Ronan had talked about the blonde beauty the ancient one had killed all those years ago.

  Moments later Erin offered everyone beverages, but all declined. Erin and Lachlan went up to the attic room to get it ready.

  Ronan’s gaze appeared bleary, as if he hadn’t awakened one hundred percent from the coma. She sat beside him, eager to keep close watch. He closed his eyes and ran his hand over his chin, the movement fatigued and nothing like the powerful man she’d come to know. Then he winced and put his hand to his ribs.

  Renewed trepidation spiked into her like a lightning bolt. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m getting there. It shouldn’t be much longer before I won’t even know I had a fight with the ancient one.”

  “What happened between you and that fucking creep down in those tunnels?” Jared asked.

  Ronan cleared his throat and opened his eyes. “He jumped me. Kicked my ass, in fact. And that hasn’t happened in a very long time.” He gave Clarissa a weak smile. “Over a hundred years, in fact. And then he cheated. This time he tossed me in the air like a twig. Bad for my ego, it was. I didn’t think I’d meet up with him in the tunnels, but even if I did, I didn’t expect him to be that potent. The things he could do were phenomenal. He’s finding a source of energy from somewhere beyond the ordinary.”

  “What about your weapon?” Jared asked. “You couldn’t get off a shot?”

  “Oh, I got the shot off, all right. The bastard is now immune to silver bullets entirely. The bullet hit him straight in the heart and it didn’t faze him much. Then he put his hand over the wound and the bullet fell out.”

  “Ah, hell,” Sorley said as he sat on the floor cross-legged. “This is not good.”

  “What if he’s absorbing the evil from the dark shadows?” Micky asked out of the blue.

  Ronan enlivened a bit, as if he hadn’t thought of the possibility until now. “That wouldn’t surprise me.”

  Clarissa decided to inject some good news for a change. “Micky and I heard the good shadows whispering to us in the graveyard tonight. They said they were there, as if they wanted to reassure Micky.”

  Micky glanced at Jared. “I wasn’t reassured. I was still scared. None of us know who or what these good shadows are.”

  They continued discussions about what happened to Ronan in the tunnels. He finally turned to Clarissa. “I’m sorry about your camera. I know it was expensive.”

  She smiled. “You’re right. But the camera isn’t important right now.”

  His return smile held sensual warmth she felt right down to her toes. It’s wonderful to see you.

  Hearing his voice in her head took her off guard, but then she tried speaking to him in her mind. I’m so glad you’re all right.

  Thank you, sweet colleen.

  A flush filled her cheeks and her eyes tried to tear up. He held her gaze, the intensity and heat in that stare tempered to a slow burn. Despite the others in the room, she responded to the message in his eyes.

  Moments later Erin and Lachlan came downstairs. Erin smiled as she entered the living area. “We’ve got the room all set up. It’s not large, but it’s cozy. Clean linen and the works.”

  “Thank you.” Ronan glanced at Clarissa. “I need to speak with Clarissa privately. Then we need to talk about what we can do to stop the ancient one.”

  “We’d better get back to the hotel. We’ll let you know if we hear anything more about the fire,” Jared said. “Just give us a call if you come up with anything else we can do in the meantime.”

  Erin hugged them both, and before they could leave, she said, “Please be careful.”

  After Jared and Micky left, Ronan reached for Clarissa’s hand and encompassed it in the callused, warm embrace of his touch. “I need to see you. Alone.”

  Lachlan’s expression was just short of conspiratorial. “Don’t mind us. We’ll be down here or in our room.”

  “If you need anything just let us know,” Erin said.

  Clarissa knew they’d taken her bags up to the attic, too. Everyone anticipated she would stay in the same room as Ronan and it made her want to scream a little. Assuming always made her angry. Still, as she walked up the narrow steps at the end of the hall with Ronan behind her, she felt as if they’d found an oasis where they could talk and she could understand more about this mysterious vampire.

  Ronan opened the door. Despite the fact it was still daytime, the fan window high on one wall didn’t illuminate the room much. Ronan flicked on the light switch and a warm glow came from a small Tiffany lamp on the bedside table.

  To her surprise the little room seemed far nicer and cozier than she would have expected. A tiny bathroom off to the west side of the room would be convenient. A queen-sized bed dominated the room, the headboard against the north wall and opposite the fan window across the room. Near the window two piles of boxes filled the corners. The room felt a little chilled, but it didn’t bother her. Just the idea of being in this room alone with Ronan did enough to warm her clear through.

  She closed the door and locked it. When Ronan heard metal snick, he turned and stared at her, a knowing look in his flame-tinged eyes.

  What are you thinking, Ronan?

  He either couldn’t hear her thoughts, or he decided to ignore them. Instead he walked back toward her. As he sauntered closer, she noticed the bruise on his forehead had diminished down to a light discoloration and he walked as if his ribs no longer hurt him.

  “You do heal quickly,” she said, awe in her voice.

  “Believe it now? That I’m a vampire?”

  She took a deep breath. “Oh, I believe it all right.”

  When he stood in front of her, he smiled gently, a flicker of emotion slicing through his eyes. Was that discomfort she saw? Uncertainty? In wonder she gazed back at him. Tension simmered between them, and it felt equal parts tender, sexual and defiant. She resisted the wild desire tugging at her heart, demanding she surrender a part of her soul she’d never given another man. Fear surged inside, along with a last smidgen concern for her sanity. Surely no woman with half a brain would consider falling in love with a vampire.

  No. Falling in love didn’t describe what she felt for him. It was far more complicated than that. Perhaps for as long as she knew this man their encounters would be filled with both the sinful and the simple.

  He touched her face with a quick, gentle sweep of his index finger, trailing from her cheek to her chin. A fiery tingle built in her belly, edged by a trepidation born of the unknown.

  One c
orner of his sinful mouth turned up. “And now you need to know everything that’s brought me to this point, don’t you? My life up until I became a vampire and my life as an immortal. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Yes. But I need something before you tell me your story.”


  With only the slightest hesitation, she reached up and plunged her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. Her chest brushed against his, her lower body teasing his. Again, pure flame ignited his eyes. She’d have to be careful or this vampire would consume her before she could gather her wits.

  She brought his head down and touched her lips to his, keeping the kiss gentle as she sampled him. He trembled and she knew right away his restraint hung in a balance. His lips parted only slightly, but he kissed her back. Ronan’s chaste response surprised her a little. When she pulled away, a gentle, almost boy-like wonder remained in his eyes.

  You never cease to amaze me, Ronan Kieran.

  He smiled as she stepped back. Come sit on the bed with me. Better yet, lie with me. I promise I’ll behave.

  Amazed, she nevertheless sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled her boots off in record time and scooted up the quilted blue paisley comforter. After stripping his long coat off, he removed his boots and joined her on the bed.

  They lay side by side, staring at the ceiling.

  She spoke to him in her mind. Talk. You’ve got a lot of explaining to do.

  He laughed. “So I’m not out of the doghouse, even if you did kiss me. By the way, what was that kiss for?”

  She inhaled deeply, then exhaled. “Because I’m glad you’re alive. Because I should never have let you go after that camera.”

  He reached across the small space separating them and took her hand in his. “Damn it, Clarissa, don’t start blaming yourself. If anything, I was the idiot. I shouldn’t have left you. I should have convinced you how important it is that we don’t hold back with each other. We’ve got to make a decision on what we do next.”

  She swallowed hard. Despite the fact this man had touched her in many intimate ways, the idea of him actually taking her continued to scare her in a primitive manner she didn’t understand. She chastised herself. For God’s sake, you’re not a virgin, Clarissa.

  “You didn’t respond to me like a virgin,” he said.

  “Even when you were using your mind games on me?”

  “When did I do that?” His voice rose a little, offense creeping into his tone.

  She licked her lips, her mouth so dry she could hardly say it. “In the graveyard the first night, and the time you described what…what I would feel when you were inside me.”

  He shrugged and released her hand. “You’re right, but nothing else we’ve done together was false emotion or bogus physical attraction. In the elevator I didn’t use any vampire influence on you at all.” His voice went deeper and huskier. “You were ready to fuck me.”

  Again that word. A remark so many disliked, but she found extremely erotic coming from his lips. The four-letter word held the ability of an incantation; she felt the power of it roaring straight down to her loins.

  She turned on her left side and propped up on her elbow. Looking down at his face, she saw he’d recovered his color; the bruise had almost faded to nonexistence. “You’re feeling better, right?”

  “A big change in subject, don’t you think?”

  “No. I was worried about you.”

  He grinned and cupped her face again, running his fingers down through the length of her hair with a smooth and caressing motion. “You know what it does to me to realize that? I don’t want you to worry about me ever, but at the same time it feels damned good to think you might have some feelings for me.”

  Yes. She wanted to scream at him. I have feelings for you.

  He went silent. She sensed a change, subtle but certain. While confidence and masculine clout held him, she saw an unusual tenderness.

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “Whatever you want to happen.”

  Serenity and maybe a trickle of exhaustion remained in his expression. Staring at his chocolate sinful eyes made a trembling renew in her belly as potent as anything she’d felt with him before. Though he appeared calm and collected, she knew he wanted her with a ferociousness that hummed right below the surface.

  She couldn’t move forward with this relationship if she didn’t understand all she could about what she’d gotten into.

  “There’s so much we need to know about each other,” she said in defense.

  “Of course. I can already guess your favorite color.”

  She lifted one eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “Citrine. You love the color both in your clothes and jewelry.”

  She glanced at the checkerboard-cut east-west oval citrine ring on her right hand, the small princess-cut diamonds along the shank on the ring adding to the sparkle. It was true she wore greens and copper-toned hues most often because they went well with her penny-red hair. She shifted and the tumble of curls that almost reached her waist shifted around her shoulders.

  “The ring is a part of what you really are,” he said. “Softness wrapped around sparkle and brilliance.”

  She couldn’t admit to that without sounding arrogant. “What else do you know about me?”

  His eyes lost a little of their warmth and faded to an icy assurance. “Who gave you the ring? A man?”

  She laughed softly. “Is that jealousy I hear?”

  “You’re feckin’ right it is.”

  Wow. She’d never imagined in all her days a man would be jealous over her and admit it to her face. Oh, yeah. He was annoyed.

  “Tell me. Did a man give you this ring?”

  While she could bask in the raging green monster a little longer, she didn’t feel it was fair. “I bought it two years ago with my own money. I gave up long ago waiting for a man to buy me jewelry.”

  Tension eased from his handsome face, replaced seconds later by gentleness. “You sound lonely.”

  “No. Alone, but not lonely. There’s a difference.”

  She lay back again, and he studied her with those fabulous eyes. She felt his gaze travel over her jeans and thick wool sweater. Every gaze from him smoldered with a continual arousing fire. Despite what had happened to them since she arrived in town, her attraction to Ronan refused to diminish.

  “You left Pine Forest because of Jim Leggett?” This time his voice held a little anger, but not jealousy.

  “Yes. I didn’t mention it earlier to you and your friends, but I thought I really loved Jim. I told my parents about the strange things I’d seen and experienced here in Pine Forest, and they didn’t believe me. Neither did Jim. I can’t say I blamed them, but it devastated me. I left town because of that.” She shrugged. “I was young. Maybe if I’d been older, things would have been different.”

  His frown increased. “You thought if a man truly loved you, he’d believe you.”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Your heart can’t trust a man because of Leggett.”

  A little astounded that a rough-and-tumble man like Ronan gave credence to heartbreak, she found his concern touching. “Perhaps. I know all men aren’t alike, but I guess I haven’t found any man I could have that deep of a connection with.”

  A pause between them lasted for several seconds before he turned to another subject.

  “You love all things Celtic,” he said. “And before you ask how I know, I noticed the Celtic knot earrings and necklace you wore yesterday. They’re silver.”

  “Does being around silver bother you?”

  He smiled. “Not at all. Being shot with it is a different story.”

  “But shooting the ancient one with silver should have killed him.”

  “Should have, but it didn’t because he’s too old and powerful. That’s why you and I—” He cut himself off, as if she might balk if he spoke of what they must do. “Never mind that for the moment.” He paused and allowed h
is ravenous gaze to tour over her body again. “You think your body is too lush, but it’s rounded and gorgeous and every man with half a brain would appreciate it.”

  She flushed and the heat crawled down her neck. “Well, most men prefer a slim body.”

  He rolled his gaze to the ceiling and sighed in apparent exasperation. “Colleen, darlin’, any thinner and you’d blow away in a strong breeze.” He cupped her waist with his big hand, then his fingers trailed down her thigh. “Your legs are long and curved to perfection.” He caressed back toward her waist, and his attention riveted to her breasts. “Your breasts are deliciously round and taste like a special kind of honey.”

  She shivered under his praise, a new heat invading her body like an army. “You are so full of it, Ronan Kieran.”

  He frowned. “I’m not lying to you.”

  Once more his touch ventured, smoothing over the side of her breast so that she quivered. Then he touched her neck, feeling the pulse at the base. He closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath. When he opened his eyes, a conflagration invaded once again, a blazing red and yellow combination that reminded her of a fire burning out of control.

  “There are things I can detect in a woman, sweet colleen. Things you can’t hide from me even if you want.”

  “Such as?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Your breath is coming fast and your pulse is, too. Your body aches with need for sexual fulfillment. Your pussy is hot. Wet.”

  “Ronan,” she said with a gasp.

  An ache centered high inside her, and she wanted his possession with a staggering desire she could no longer deny.

  “You’re feckin’ beautiful and don’t ever allow anyone to make you think otherwise.”

  Ronan’s touch drifted down her hip and stayed there, an intimate reminder of what might occur. Staring into his luminous eyes brought trails of fire flickering over her nerve endings.

  He’s so patient with me.

  “Why does it surprise you when I’m patient?” he asked.

  She sighed, so used to him reading her mind at various intervals that she couldn’t find it intrusive anymore. “Because ever since I met you I sensed incredible power. There’s something violent in you. Something so fierce.”


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