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Wicked After Midnight (Midnight Blue Beach Book 1)

Page 9

by Olivia Jaymes

  “So don’t question it,” she murmured under her breath, taking in the subtle and not-so-subtle displays of wealth.

  Note to self. Ask again about those investments. There’s no way Chase is unemployed.

  “Did you say something?”

  She looked up at him, this man she clearly didn’t know well at all. As late as this afternoon, she’d thought he was a simple man who lived a normal life. A working stiff. The kind of males she grew up with.

  But this… This was far from that image. This was what she’d been dealing with since meeting Frank.

  Grabbing his lapel, she tugged on it so he had to lean forward to hear her.

  “Just who in the hell are you?”

  Bailey had asked him a straightforward question but the answer was anything but. He liked to be taken at face value but that wasn’t always possible.

  “Will you trust me?” he asked instead, his head bent low so only she could hear him. She smelled like vanilla and springtime and damn if his heart didn’t lurch in his chest. The more he was around her the more he wanted to be. “I’ll explain later and answer every single question but for right now I’m asking you to extend just a little trust.”

  Those brown velvet eyes were wide with curiosity but to her credit she let go of his lapel and smoothed it down, stepping back to put some space between them. “I can but I think it’s clear that a whole lot is going on here that I don’t know about.”

  “I didn’t keep it from you on purpose. Honestly, I sometimes forget all about it.”

  Her brows rose a few millimeters but she was also smiling. “That’s some memory loss. You should see a doctor about that. Now how about you buy me a drink?”

  Exhaling slowly with relief, he placed an arm around her shoulders and walked up to the bar. Bailey Scott ordered a dirty martini and he had a whiskey neat. Moving to the perimeter of the room, he surveyed the guests with a smile of satisfaction. Everyone who needed to be here had arrived.

  “Which one is he?”

  Chase smiled and nodded as someone walked by before nudging Bailey to the left. “The tall blond man over there in the blue pinstripe talking to the older man with glasses.”

  He hadn’t seen Stephen Baxter in over a year but he looked exactly the same. All the men here looked pretty much alike. Or maybe they acted alike. Hell, it was probably both. Chase had never quite fit in with this crowd but then he’d never tried all that hard.

  “So do we go up and say hello…?”

  Chase shook his head. “Absolutely not. We have to be much more subtle than that. Someone is going to come over and say hello here in a moment or two. We won’t be able to avoid it. Then we will start circulating through the crowd until we eventually end up talking to Stephen. When we do, you know your lines, right?”

  She nodded, clearly nervous. Her fingers were white holding her glass and she kept biting her lip. Hopefully she wouldn’t take up playing poker professionally. She’d be slaughtered. But in this crowd she’d be fine. She was beautiful and charming enough that it would blind most people to anything else.

  “So we just stand here—”

  “Chase, my boy. I didn’t expect to see you here tonight. It’s been ages.” A balding man with a slight paunch slapped Chase on the back. He scanned his memory quickly and surprisingly came up with a name. Norman Aldridge. “Are you going to introduce me to your lovely date?”

  Chase certainly was planning to do just that.

  “Norman, this is Bailey Scott. She’s visiting the area. Bailey, this is Norman Aldridge, president of one of the local banks.”

  Norman shook hands with Bailey, his admiring gaze sweeping her from head to toe. Chase felt a twinge of jealousy and before he could stop himself, he had put his arm around her waist. Like she belonged to him. He was sure he’d hear about it later from her and he’d deserve it. They weren’t even an item and he hadn’t kissed her yet.

  Yet? What the hell was he thinking? Just because he was attracted to her didn’t mean his feelings were reciprocated or that he had to do anything about them. She was a widow and he needed to act respectful. They were adults for fuck’s sake and that meant they could simply be friends.

  Except that was a depressing thought.

  “Have you been to the Colonial area yet?” Norman asked proudly. “It’s something you don’t want to miss, also Yorktown and Jamestown.”

  “Norman is on the board of our historical society,” Chase said, deciding to keep his arm around her since she hadn’t decked him in the jaw or even given him a dirty look. If anything, she’d moved slightly closer as if meeting new people made her uncomfortable. He made a mental note to ask her about that later.

  Bailey smiled at the older gentleman. “That must be very rewarding. I’m afraid I haven’t visited yet but I do intend to. Is there any must-see that you can suggest for me?”

  Charming, beautiful, and smart. She knew just how to handle men like Aldridge. Clearly, this wasn’t her first cocktail party.

  “You don’t want to miss the Governor’s Palace.” Norman wore a huge grin on his face. This was his favorite topic. “There’s also a wonderful folk art museum that I highly recommend. Really, there’s so much to see and experience.”

  If they weren’t careful they’d be hearing about it all evening and circulating was a must. Luckily, Norman’s wife decided to join them and that sent them off on the merry-go-round of guests. It took less than an hour but they found themselves standing in front of Stephen Baxter.

  Show time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The resemblance between Stephen Baxter and his sister Gwen was slight but Bailey put it down to aging and bad photographs. They did sport the same blond hair which Stephen wore short on the sides but curly on the top, sort of a subtle quiff. He smiled easily when they were introduced, shaking her hand and welcoming her to Williamsburg. She desperately hoped her palms weren’t noticeably sweaty because this was her moment. No screwing up allowed.

  Chase opened the conversation exactly as they’d discussed. “I’m hoping you can help Bailey, Stephen.”

  Stephen frowned slightly but nodded. “I will if I can.”

  Sucking in a breath, Bailey knew her time had come. Now or never. “I’m trying to find out about my husband – I mean, late husband actually. I’m finding that I never really knew much about him at all.”

  “I’m not sure how I can help with that.” Stephen glanced at Chase. “Why talk to me?”

  “You knew him,” Chase replied smoothly. “Frank Scott. He was at camp the same time you were. Same age. Same friends. Bailey originally came to me but being younger I didn’t really know much about him.”

  Shrugging nonchalantly, Stephen grimaced and took a drink of his whiskey. “That was a long time ago, Chase. I’m not sure that I remember anything.”

  Where before Stephen had been open and relaxed, he wasn’t anymore. His shoulders had tensed underneath his expensive jacket and his gaze was darting around the room. He wanted to be anywhere but here.

  “Any little thing you can remember would be helpful,” Bailey urged. “Even things that don’t seem important. My husband passed away young and unexpectedly and he never told me much about his youth. It would be a great comfort to me to hear some stories about him.”

  It wasn’t a lie. She did have good memories of him. She also had bad ones but that wasn’t any of Stephen’s business.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss but I’m not sure I can really help. I did know Frank but I wouldn’t say he and I were all that close. He was best friends with some other guys. They had a real tight group.” Stephen smiled awkwardly. “I do remember that he was a good guy. Always happy and friendly. I never heard a bad word about him.”

  Bailey wasn’t ready to give up yet. “I don’t suppose you remember any stories or little anecdotes? Did he play a sport or was he in a band? Did he have any summer romances?”

  Paling, Stephen shook his head. “I really don’t remember anything like that.
I do think he played on the water polo team.”

  “You said he had some close friends. Do you know their names? Maybe I could contact them?”

  “You should do that,” he said, more than eager for her to go away. “Let’s see. There was Guy Eckley. Um…Danny Ford. There was Greg Nelson—I think he moved to Europe or something. And, one more…let me think…Alex Vaughn. He’s in Florida with his family last I heard.”

  The room spun and she had to grab ahold of Chase’s arm so she wouldn’t collapse.

  “Thank you,” she said breathlessly. “I appreciate your time. I hope we didn’t bother you too much.”

  Stephen Baxter had recovered his easy charm and smile. “You didn’t bother me at all. I’m just sorry I couldn’t help more. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I need to say hello to.”

  Bailey watched him retreat to the other side of the room before turning to Chase. “That’s confirmation. I mean…I know we saw the pictures…but this confirms it. Frank, Alex, and Greg didn’t just know each other. They were close friends.”

  Fumbling with her purse, she pulled out her cell phone. She had to tell Willow and Peyton.

  What had started as a strange coincidence was turning out to be something much different.

  “Are you okay?”

  Bailey didn’t turn around but then she didn’t need to. It was Chase coming to find her after she’d told him she needed a few minutes to herself and some fresh air. He’d agreed but she’d known he wouldn’t let her be alone for long. He’d actually done pretty well. The fifteen minutes he’d allowed was about ten more than she’d expected.

  “I’m okay. I’m not surprised but I guess there was a part of me that was hoping he’d say that this was all my imagination. That Frank never went to the summer camp and those pictures were of someone that just looked a lot like him.”

  Chase came to stand behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. The heat from his skin sent a bolt of electricity up her spine and tingles to her fingers and toes. She couldn’t remember the last time a man’s mere touch had made her react this way and she closed her eyes and savored the warmth that was beginning to build in her belly. She shouldn’t want Chase but would it be so bad to enjoy him for just a moment?

  It had been so long since anyone had touched her. Truly touched her.

  Like she mattered.

  She didn’t mind being single most of the time but every now and then she longed to be held, kissed, and touched by a pair of strong arms. She wanted a deep voice to tell her she was beautiful.

  “They knew each other although I didn’t realize they were such close friends. I’ll get in touch with Guy or Danny to see what they can tell us. I’ve talked to Danny a few times over the years.”

  His fingers were playing with a strand of hair as his fingertips brushed the sensitive flesh at her nape. A sigh escaped her lips and she found herself leaning back on his broad chest as he tenderly rubbed the tight muscles of her neck and shoulders.

  “When he said Danny Ford did he mean the same person as Senator Daniel Ford? Is that a coincidence too?”

  She felt rather than heard Chase’s chuckle rumble against her ear. “One and the same. My parents’ summer camp was known for attracting the rich and connected. Many of them went on to successful careers. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, captains of industry.”

  “All of them?”

  “Not all,” Chase conceded, his breath close to her cheek. “There are always exceptions.”

  “Are you going to ask me which side Frank was on?”

  She held her breath waiting for an answer but the one he gave was typical Chase. Firm and completely certain. “No. The last person I want to talk about right now is your late husband.”

  His hands had glided down her bare arms raising gooseflesh on her skin before he turned her so she was facing him, her eyes still closed. His fingers tipped up her chin and his forehead rested against hers.

  “Are you going to look at me?”

  That was not the plan. If she did she was afraid she’d chicken out of what appeared to be happening between them. The growing attraction was something she’d thought she could ignore but if she were honest she didn’t want to. They would both move on with their respective lives but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy what they had in the here and now. She wasn’t normally the casual type but this was no ordinary situation.

  Chase was no ordinary man either. He’d already proved himself to be solid, steady, and trustworthy. He was helping her when he didn’t have to. He could have turned his back and sent her away but instead he was spending his time digging into the past.

  “No, I won’t open my eyes.”

  Chuckling, he ran his thumbs over her eyelids. Funny, how she could swear she heard him smiling. “Any particular reason or am I simply too hideous to behold?”

  She snorted indelicately but kept her eyes tightly shut. “Hardly. I just like it like this. It’s dark and peaceful. Simple. If I open my eyes it makes everything complicated.”

  She didn’t expect him to understand but he didn’t push. Instead his fingers caressed her lips before moving to her jaw and then down her neck to that spot where her pulse beat rapidly under the pad of his thumb. “Have you? You know…since?”

  His question was vague but to her quite clear as if their minds had somehow linked up and were talking to each other in a silent language. Or maybe there were words in his touch, saying what he couldn’t out loud. “Not really. A few dates since Frank passed on. Most of the time I’m quite happy on my own.”

  If he was alone as well, she didn’t have to tell him about the times it wasn’t all right. He’d have experienced them too.

  “And if you open your eyes?”

  “I’ll see you and all the reasons that I shouldn’t do this.”

  The tang of his aftershave teased her nostrils along with the scent of freshly mown grass and the delicate fragrance of Virginia bluebells. She could feel heat radiating from his body and feel his soft breaths against her hair.

  “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

  He didn’t understand and she wasn’t sure she could explain it correctly. “If I open my eyes, I’ll see everything. You. The world. All the issues I have to deal with. I can’t block any of it out. It’s there hanging over my head like an executioner’s axe. But with my eyes closed…”

  “You can pretend it’s just the two of us,” he finished. “The world falls away and we’re not trying to solve an anomaly of the universe.”

  She nodded. “And that’s why I’m not going to open my eyes. I’ll have to eventually but I’m in no hurry.”

  He moved a step closer, one arm sliding around her waist while the other tangled in her hair.

  “Neither am I. I intend to take my time.”

  His voice was a soft whisper and so was the kiss at first. His lips brushed Bailey’s as delicate as the wings of a butterfly but then grew more needy, more passionate, and so much more ardent. The already warm summer night air steamed with every gasp of pleasure as his mouth trailed across her jaw to gently nibble on her earlobe before traveling down her neck to lave her collarbone with his tongue.

  Her head had fallen back and she sighed as her fingers tightened on his biceps. It felt so good. So amazingly wonderful to be touched, held, and kissed. It had been so long. Too long, really. Those first few years she hadn’t been ready but for the last year or so she’d wondered if there was maybe someone out there she could care about. Now here she was with Chase and it was good.

  If you didn’t count all the crap she was trying to get to the bottom of.

  She must have stiffened or flinched when that thought flitted through her brain because Chase lifted his head and her lids fluttered open. His face was inches from her own and his blue eyes had turned dark, his pupils blown wide. Some of her lipstick had smeared on his face and she reached up to wipe it away with her thumb, his stubble scratchy against her skin.

  “It’s all back,
isn’t it?” he asked, his voice gravelly. “You shouldn’t have opened your eyes.”

  “I couldn’t stay in the dark forever.” No matter how much she might want to. She was here for a reason and it wasn’t to be romanced by a handsome but mysterious man. “I haven’t forgotten that you owe me an explanation.”

  His lips quirked up in a half smile. “Nor have I. How about we get out of here? We can go back to my place, have a glass of wine, and I’ll answer any questions that you have.”

  Bailey let Chase lead her through the throng of people, his hand at the small of her back. They were halfway through the atrium when an excited female voice called Chase’s name.

  “Pamela, it’s good to see you.”

  Tall, willowy, and blonde. Designer dress, shoes, and handbag, plus dripping with diamonds. This Pamela was also quite familiar with Chase. She was pressed up against his side, her hand on his arm as she looked up at him adoringly.

  Ick. Be a little less obvious, Pamela.

  “Chase, I had no idea you’d be here tonight. You’ve been hiding out from everyone.”

  “I’ve just been busy that’s all.”

  Doing what? Oh yeah, he’s going to tell me when we get to his home.

  “All work and no play make Chase a dull boy,” the blonde cooed before she finally seemed to notice that he wasn’t alone. “Are you going to introduce me to your…friend?”

  Chase wrapped an arm around Bailey. “I certainly am. Bailey this is Pamela Gray. Pamela, this is Bailey Scott.” He leaned down to speak closer to the woman’s ear but Bailey could still hear what he was saying. “You may have known her late husband, Frank Scott. You remember him, don’t you?”

  Now it was clear as to why Chase had allowed Pamela Gray to waylay them on the way out of the door. She’d known Frank back in the day.

  The blonde’s eyes widened and her hand flew to her mouth in shock. “Frank’s dead? I’m so sorry for your loss. He was such a wonderful man. So much fun and full of life.”


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