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The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance

Page 14

by Keira Andrews

  It was insane to think he’d known this man less than a week. He still didn’t really know what to make of him or which Kyle he was going to get in any given moment, but he found himself hoping his father’s meeting tonight was postponed so he could spend as many days or hours with Kyle as possible.

  “I don’t know where we’re going, remember? I sincerely hope there won’t be any horseback riding involved.”

  “Speaking of going, we should get to the train station in about forty-five minutes.” Sebastian kissed Kyle lightly and pulled on his new clothes.

  “It’s not far. So how did you break the code without a computer?” Kyle asked.

  “It was easy once I figured out the language key was German. The numbers represented certain letters, and of course they weren’t in order, so then I had to figure out the columnar transposition and—”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll leave the codes to you.” Kyle raised his hands.

  “And I’ll leave the killing people to you. See? We’re a perfect team.”

  Kyle’s smile faded, and he zipped his duffel. “Only for today. Don’t start daydreaming. You realize how dangerous this is? You can still change your mind and get out. Start a new life now.”

  “No. I’m not finished with this one yet. So don’t think about ditching me for my own good once we get where we’re going.”

  Kyle regarded him evenly. “Still considering it.”

  “I’m seeing this through, Kyle.” He extended his hand as Kyle had to him on the train. “Promise me. We’re a team.”

  A few seconds ticked by, and Sebastian held his breath. Kyle took his hand, shaking it firmly. Not letting go, he tugged Sebastian toward him, kissing him hard.

  The train to Naples had barely left the station when there was a knock on the door of their private compartment. Kyle had a number of credit cards under aliases the Association was unaware of, and for the first time he’d had to use one to buy their train tickets. His stomach knotted as he thought of his now former employers. He’d trusted them. He’d been a fool.

  Sebastian was by the sink, and he put his eye to the peephole. Before Kyle could tell him to stop, he was opening the door. “It’s okay; it’s a woman.”

  As Marie stepped into the room, Kyle whipped his gun from his belt. After a moment of clear surprise, Sebastian quickly closed the door and flicked the lock. Marie raised her hands. “I’m not the enemy, Mr. Grant. I just want to talk.”

  Kyle’s arm didn’t waver as he aimed the gun at her chest. “Not going to happen.”

  “I think you owe me that much. Five minutes.”

  Kyle simply shook his head.

  “Please.” Her eyes implored him.

  He barked out a laugh. “Your feminine wiles won’t work on me. You set me up. Sent that team after us.”

  “No. It was the director. He wants the Chimera for himself so he can sell it to another buyer. I had no idea. But one of the section chiefs grew suspicious. He alerted me yesterday.”

  “Likely story.”

  “It’s the truth. I’m glad you’re all right.” She glanced back at Sebastian, who hovered by the door anxiously. “Both of you.”

  “Really? Because two days ago you instructed me to kill him.”

  “I was simply following orders.”

  “Good thing I didn’t.”

  Sebastian spoke up. “I have to agree.”

  “Kyle, I’m here to help.” Marie’s face shone with sincerity. “We both want the same thing. Hear me out.”

  Sebastian stepped forward. “I can leave you two alone. Go get breakfast.”

  “No. You stay here.” Kyle lowered his gun and tucked it into his jacket. “Do not open the door for anyone but me. Not her and not any other woman. A woman can kill you just as easily as any man.”

  Sebastian nodded, and Kyle motioned for Marie to go first into the hall. He listened to hear the click of the lock after the door closed behind him. The dining car was adjacent, and Marie led the way. She walked by the first table, which was empty, but Kyle stopped her. “This’ll do.” He sat in the far chair, giving him a clear view of the aisle and the door to their room twenty feet away.

  As a waiter took their breakfast orders, Kyle watched the hallway. A man walked by but didn’t pause or seem to give the door to the cabin any notice. Focusing on Marie, Kyle kept one hand in his lap, in easy striking distance of his weapon. “Talk.”

  “He set you up. The director. He knew the Chimera wasn’t in that safe. I think he also knew you wouldn’t stop looking for it. He’s going to be there tonight—from a distance, I assume—and he’s counting on you being there to take the fall. Going to let you get the weapon and kill you.”

  “Why me?”

  “You’re good at your job. I think he hoped you’d find the Chimera before tonight. You’d turn it in like a good little boy, and he’d take it. Replace it with a fake.”

  The waiter returned with a steaming carafe of coffee and filled their cups. Kyle sipped his and pondered what Marie had told him. “Why the charade with breaking into Brambani’s room?”

  “He knew you’d want to prove yourself. Especially after Singapore. Which wasn’t your fault, by the way.”

  Kyle sat back in his chair. “Explain.”

  “We went back and checked the transmissions. The final information you were sent was bogus. Sent you to the wrong house, right next door to the target. Of course he, or whatever minion did his dirty work, covered it up. But the lab tech found a layer in the transmission. Underneath was the original message to you with the incorrect location.” She stirred milk into her coffee. “He made us doubt you. Planted the seeds in case he’d need to pin this on you down the line.”

  “What about Rio?”

  She smiled. “No, that was all you. But everyone gets to make a stupid mistake sometimes.”

  He raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching up. “Even you?”

  She nodded, her smile disappearing. “I should have known better. I’m sorry.”

  “So if I believe you, what’s the next step?”

  “Go to the meet in Positano. Get the Chimera. Kill or capture the director.”

  “Positano?” Small town. Built into a cliff. The rendezvous location would likely be a challenge to access.

  Marie’s brow furrowed. “You’re on your way there, non?”

  He paused before replying. “Sebastian broke the code. He wants to come along and help.”

  “And you’ve agreed to this?” Marie asked incredulously. “Why didn’t you get rid of him days ago?”

  A man appeared in the corridor beyond the dining car, and Kyle tensed. The man—average build, brown hair, fanny pack around his waist—examined his cell phone as he slowly approached the cabin door. Kyle reached for his gun, flicking off the safety with his thumb as he held it under the table.

  Marie turned to look as well. “Not one of ours. I think he’s nothing to worry about.”

  Kyle didn’t answer, staring intently and inching to the edge of his chair as the man came abreast of the cabin. His pulse thrumming in his veins, Kyle exhaled deeply as he prepared to intercept.

  But the man didn’t even glance at the door as he continued toward the dining car, his attention focused on whatever message he was tapping on his phone. He walked by their table and joined a family halfway down the car. Kyle heard a few snippets of Swedish as the man spoke to a young boy.

  Sitting back, Kyle slipped his gun back into his jacket. Marie stared, blinking. “What?” Kyle barked. Despite himself, he felt his face heat.

  Marie peered over her shoulder again in the direction of the cabin. When she looked back, she wore an expression of wonderment. “You’ve fallen for him.” It wasn’t a question.

  A denial sprang automatically to Kyle’s lips, but he couldn’t quite force it out. He hitched his shoulder in a shrug.

  “I never thought I’d see the day, Mr. Grant.” Marie smiled, shaking her head. “And I thought I’d seen everything. You’ve barely ever fucked
the same man twice.”

  “And how would you know?”

  “I know everything, darling. Or at least I thought I did. The closest you’ve ever been to a relationship is that fellow in London you had sex with three times. Shame he was working for the opposition.”

  Kyle’s smile held no humor. “Hazard of the profession.”

  The waiter brought their omelets, and they ate quietly for a few minutes. Marie wiped her mouth daintily with her napkin. “You’re sure this boy isn’t something other than he seems? Those big, innocent eyes might be hiding something.”

  “I’m sure.” He knew he shouldn’t be—he hadn’t suspected Lee of being a double agent until it was almost too late—but he was. He felt it in his bones. He could trust Sebastian.

  Marie grinned. “Mr. Grant, I never knew you were a romantic.” Her smile faded. “You know they’ll kill him, even if the director is ousted. He knows too much.”

  “I’m taking care of it. They won’t be able to find him. And you’ll ensure they don’t look too hard.” This wasn’t a question either.

  “All right.”

  “All right? That was easy.” Far too easy.

  She glanced back at the cabin door. “It goes against every procedure, but yes. I’ll do everything I can to help you. To help your young man.”

  “He’s not…I’m never going to see him again after this.”

  “But you wish you could.”

  Kyle wanted to deny it, but somehow he couldn’t. It was alarming. He’d never felt so off balance in his life. “What I want is irrelevant.”

  “Very true.”

  “Why are you helping me? You should be reporting me. Arranging for another operative to take out Sebastian.”

  “I should.” She sipped her coffee. “Yet here we sit.”

  “You still haven’t answered the question.”

  “Which one?”


  “Because we’ve been friends for a long time, Mr. Grant. Because I owe you one.”

  He wanted to believe her so badly. “If this is a ruse, if you’re…”

  “You have my word. Whatever that’s worth to you.” She reached across the table, and Kyle allowed her to take his hand. “I’m on your side. I always have been. I’m not perfect. I made an error in judgment. Let me make it up to you.”

  After a long moment, Kyle nodded and hoped he wasn’t making a mistake of his own.

  The knock was followed immediately by Kyle’s voice. “It’s me.”

  Sebastian hurried to the door and took the plate of food Kyle handed him as he entered. Stomach growling, Sebastian settled on the bottom berth to eat as Kyle paced the length of the cabin in slow, measured steps.

  After swallowing a bite of buttered toast, Sebastian asked, “So? What did she say?”

  “Several things.” Kyle continued his steady pace.


  “Several topics.”

  Sebastian tapped his fork on the side of his plate. “Anything about tonight, perhaps?”

  Kyle stopped by the window, eyes on the horizon. “Yes. She has the location. We developed an approach strategy.”

  “Oh.” So much for the advantage he’d gained by knowing where they were going. “I’m still coming.”

  “That might prove to be a problem.”

  Sebastian put his plate aside with a clatter and shot to his feet. “What? No, I’m coming, Kyle.”

  “I don’t think you can.”

  “You promised.” He realized he sounded like a petulant child and took a breath. “Kyle, I want to do this.”

  “It’s extremely unwise given your limitations.”

  “What limitations? Fine, I’m not a trained killer like you, but I can do this. Look at what I’ve already done!”

  “You’ve done more than most people could. But we only have one possible point of entry.” Kyle turned from the window to face him. “The meeting is at a villa atop one of the highest cliffs just outside Positano. By land it will be too heavily guarded. Chance of success is too low.”

  “So how…” Sebastian’s stomach clenched. “But you can’t. That cliff is too high. I’ve been to Positano. That would be insane.” His heart rate increased just thinking about it.

  “I can handle it.”

  “Then so can I.” The defiant words were out before he could stop them.

  Kyle’s expression softened, and he stepped close, cupping Sebastian’s cheek with his palm. “You don’t have to prove anything. It’s too dangerous.”

  “But…” Sebastian sighed. He knew Kyle was right. “I guess I liked the idea of doing something, of being on the attack. Not just running and hiding. You know what I mean?”

  “Yeah. But even without the cliff, it’s too dangerous. I need to be able to focus and get the job done. I can’t do that if I’m—” He broke off suddenly.

  Sebastian inched closer. “Worrying about me?”

  Kyle kissed him then, Sebastian’s face in his hands as his tongue opened Sebastian’s mouth. Sebastian moaned into him, wrapping his arms around Kyle’s back. Kyle broke away and brushed his thumb across Sebastian’s lips. “I should have left you behind days ago.”

  “Are you sorry you didn’t?” Sebastian realized he was holding his breath waiting for the answer.

  After a long moment, Kyle shook his head and rested their foreheads together. “Are you sorry you met me?” His voice was barely a whisper.

  “I should be.” Sebastian smiled, kissing Kyle deeply. No matter how upside down his life had become, he could never regret what they’d shared. “But with you it’s…”


  “How I always imagined it could be. With a man.”

  Reaching down, Kyle stroked Sebastian through his jeans. “What did you imagine?”

  There was sudden heat between them, and he thrust into Kyle’s hand. Sebastian had fantasized many things over the years. Meeting someone he could spend the rest of his life with. Someone he loved, who loved him back. But as Kyle touched him, his mind went straight into the gutter. “Getting fucked. Having a big cock inside me. Opening me up.”

  “Where did you learn about it?” Kyle’s voice was husky.

  “My cousins had horses, and I’d hide in the barn sometimes, watching. I’d sneak away for hours, hoping to see something. There was this one stallion; he couldn’t get enough.”

  Kyle’s breath was hot against Sebastian’s neck. “Did you get off?” He opened Sebastian’s fly and pulled his cock free, stroking roughly.

  “Yes,” Sebastian breathed. “I’d be so hard, hiding in the hayloft.”

  “How did you touch yourself? Like this?” Kyle squeezed his palm around Sebastian’s shaft.

  “Uh-huh. But first I’d start with my nipples.” He snaked his hands under his T-shirt. “I’d squeeze them like this. Get them hard.”

  “Then your cock?” Kyle flicked his thumb over the head, sending a tremor through Sebastian.

  “Not yet. I liked to make it last. I’d get on my hands and knees.”

  “Show me.”

  His jeans sliding down his thighs, Sebastian crawled onto the lower bunk. Glancing back at Kyle, who stood stock-still, his hardness bulging in his pants, Sebastian slipped two of his fingers into his mouth. Eyes locked with Kyle’s, he sucked and licked, making them slippery with his saliva.

  “Then I’d fuck myself.” He reached back and pushed one finger inside as Kyle groaned. “I’d open myself up and wish it was a cock.” He squeezed another finger in, shoving back with his hips.

  “Did you make any noise?” Kyle asked, his voice a growl.

  Sebastian shook his head as he pistoned his fingers into his hole. “Had to be quiet. I’d whimper like this”—he moaned as he brushed his gland—“and it was so hard not to shout.” He sat back on his heels for a moment and yanked his belt out of its loops, fingers still inside him. “Sometimes I’d bite down on something.” He put the leather between his teeth.

  With a muttered curs
e, Kyle was on him, yanking at his jeans as he covered Sebastian’s body, flattening him on the mattress, his own fingers joining Sebastian’s deep inside him, filling him. Sebastian could feel Kyle’s hot cock against his ass, already dripping.

  It took him a moment to register the knock at the door. Kyle’s curse was louder this time. Breathing heavily, he continued pressing his fingers rhythmically against Sebastian’s prostate, sending sparks of electricity through his body as his balls tightened. He reached for Sebastian’s cock, stroking it roughly as the pressure built.

  Kyle cleared his throat. “Yes?”

  “Am I interrupting?” Marie asked, laughter in her tone.

  “Five minutes.” Kyle’s voice sounded utterly normal and relaxed. He batted Sebastian’s hand away and teased the slit, making him moan over the belt in his mouth.

  Marie answered, laughing softly. “Of course, Mr. Grant. I’ll give you ten.”

  Sebastian was so close, his whole body on fire as Kyle brought him to the edge with his hands. “Come for me,” he murmured, and Sebastian did, falling apart as his orgasm erupted. “Next time it’ll be my cock,” Kyle whispered in his ear, and Sebastian shook as another load spilled from him.

  Panting, he collapsed to his stomach. Kyle was still hot and hard against him, and Sebastian closed his legs and captured his flesh. Kyle rutted between his thighs, and Sebastian turned his head so they could kiss wildly, teeth clashing, tongues thrusting.

  They groaned in unison as Kyle came, hot and sticky on Sebastian’s skin.

  Ten minutes later, Sebastian sat on the bed, dressed and wiped clean, cheeks still flushed, body still humming from the fierceness of his climax. He’d never told anyone about the barn before. Peter probably would have thought he was weird.

  But with Kyle, Sebastian felt he could say anything. He wondered if Kyle would go with him to a farm some day and fuck him blind in the barn. The mere thought stirred him, and he banished the idea from his mind as Marie entered the cabin. It’s not going to happen anyway. There’s not going to be a “someday” with Kyle.


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