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Changing Dreams (Bear Lake Dreamers Book 1)

Page 12

by Kirsten Osbourne

  There were nods. No one else had really thought about how the money would be split, because none of them were hurting. Well, Lauren didn’t have much, but she didn’t have any real expenses either.

  Lauren leaned toward the monitor. “Just so you know . . . Alyssa is going out with our contractor tomorrow night. He’s sexy, and you should have seen their first kiss. I could feel it from the beach.” Lauren waved her hand as if fanning her face.

  Alyssa shook her head. “Only because you were spying on us.”

  Kayla laughed. “Lauren, you need to call me tomorrow with all the juicy details. I can’t wait to hear, but we’re derailing Taylor’s meeting, and she scares me when she’s in business mode.”

  Taylor glared at Kayla. “So . . . back on track . . . Amanda thought it would be a good idea to do themes for the rooms, and we’ve decided to do a book theme for each guest room. I’d like to choose eleven themes. We’ll only use seven to start with, but I don’t think any of us are planning to live here forever.”

  There were nods. “Sounds good,” Alyssa said. She was excited to hear the list of books her sister had come up with.

  “I want us all to vote for our top eleven themes out of the books I have listed. And anyone can feel free to add another, of course. We want to make this fair.” Taylor looked at Kayla. “Do you have pen and paper? I think we should all make notes as we go.”

  Kayla nodded. “I do. Let’s do this!”

  “Okay, let’s just write them all down and number them with your top one through eleven. We can vote from there.” Taylor took a deep breath. “And here we go. A Wrinkle in Time, Hunger Games, Jurassic Park, Princess Bride, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, Heidi, Bridges of Madison County, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Romeo and Juliet, Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Finn, Moby Dick, Frankenstein, Flowers for Algernon, The Giver, The Time Machine, Beauty and the Beast, 1984, and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” She spoke slowly and clearly, giving her sisters time to write them all down.

  “You forgot Carrie!” Alyssa complained. “You know I want a Carrie room with blood dripping down the walls.”

  “Okay, we’ll vote on Carrie as well.” Taylor shook her head as she added Carrie to her own list. “Anyone else want to throw something out there?”

  Lauren pursed her lips. “How about In Death? That series Nora Roberts writes as JD Robb. I think that would be an amazing room.”

  They all dutifully added In Death to their lists.

  “Cyrano de Bergerac,” Amanda suggested.

  When no one else added anything, Taylor said, “Now, number them from your top favorite to number eleven. Amanda can get started on the designs for the top seven immediately.”

  “Oh, I can? Really?” Amanda asked with just a touch of sarcasm.

  “This was your idea!” Taylor reminded her.

  “And it’s a good one,” Amanda replied with a smirk.

  “Mark your favorites. Quickly, so we don’t waste too much of Kayla’s time.”

  “Kayla has nothing more important to do than chat with her favorite sisters.” Kayla grinned, looking down at her list.

  It took them all less than five minutes to finish, and Taylor ran down the list again, asking if anyone had voted for each individual book in their top seven.

  When they had all finished with the voting, Taylor sighed. “Well that was fun. Here’s our list. The first seven to be done are: Harry Potter, of course, Hunger Games, Beauty and the Beast, Princess Bride, Moby Dick, Anne of Green Gables, and Pride and Prejudice. Then our four runners up, which will be done as the house gets emptier with sisters and fuller with guests, are Jurassic Park, Frankenstein, Huck Finn, and Heidi.” She looked over at Amanda. “I’ll give you my list in the order I want the rooms done tomorrow, so you can get started.”

  “No Carrie?” Alyssa said, trying to sound mortified.

  “You were the only one who even thought Carrie should have the possibility of getting a vote. No Carrie. No blood running down the walls of one of the guest rooms. Sorry to disappoint you, Alyssa.” Amanda shook her head.

  “Fine.” Alyssa grinned. She wouldn’t have been able to walk in the room if they’d done it anyway, and she was sure she was going to be asked to help keep things clean at least while she lived there.

  Kayla smiled. “Is that all our business for the day?”

  “Yup. That’s it. We’ve covered everything we need to cover.”

  “Good. I was thinking of driving up next weekend, but with the flooding in the basement, I’m going to have to resist for now.” Kayla shook her head. “I want to see my treehouse!”

  Taylor opened her eyes wide. “I forgot! There is something else I want to discuss while we’re all here.”

  “Go for it,” Kayla said.

  “I was thinking we might want to spruce up the treehouse and maybe build some playground equipment. A volleyball court wouldn’t go amiss. And when everything else is done, maybe an outdoor kitchen. This is the perfect place for cookouts, and since I plan on a mini-fridge in every room, that could be a free service we offer the guests. They’d have to sign up in advance so every single guest isn’t trying to use it at the same time, but it really would be nice.”

  Alyssa nodded. “I think that would be smart. We certainly have enough land for it.”

  “Are we sharing the hot tub and sauna with guests?” Lauren asked.

  “I hadn’t thought of that,” Taylor said. “Probably, though. I think it would be a selling point.”

  “We’re going to want to make sure it’s drained and cleaned more often, then,” Alyssa said. “That will be a little extra work.”

  “Extra work for the girl with a liberal arts degree?” Lauren asked. “I really don’t know what else to do with that piece of useless paper.”

  They all laughed. “You know, you have a degree, and that’s pretty awesome,” Kayla said. “I don’t.”

  Alyssa shook her head. “You guys are a mess. Taylor, I think the ideas for the outdoor kitchen and the playground are wonderful. It will bring in families as clientele, and I think we all want others to have the same special memories of this home as we do.”

  They chatted for another hour about nothing and everything.

  Finally, Kayla yawned. “I was up at five ripping out the flooring in the basement, and I have a lot of long days ahead of me. I’m going to hang up now and take a long hot shower for my aching muscles, and then fall into my bed and sleep like the dead until about five tomorrow morning.”

  Alyssa glanced at the clock on her laptop and saw that it was after nine. “Sounds good to me. I want to get a little more study time in before bed anyway.”

  “Are Idaho laws so different than Utah?” Lauren asked right after the call ended.

  “I just need to make sure I know them cold. You know what an overachiever I am. I accept nothing less than perfection.” Alyssa hated to admit it, but she was pretty darn crazy about doing everything to the very best of her ability. It was both a strength and a weakness.

  “I do,” Lauren said. “That’s why I worry about you sometimes. You try so hard and obsess about doing everything just right. I’d be happy to make a passing grade. You won’t be any more licensed with that higher score.”

  “I know.” Alyssa shrugged. “Maybe I’ll get past it someday, but for now, it serves me well.”

  “It does.” Lauren got to her feet. “Well, goodnight. I’m going to sleep like the dead.”

  Amanda and Taylor both got up to leave as well.

  “We’re going to work in the dining room on some of the room ideas,” Taylor said.

  “Sounds good.” Alyssa already had her study program up and was working on a practice test. They’d accomplished the family business, and now it was time for her personal business.


  When Nick arrived at work on Saturday, he was feeling a little self-conscious. He wasn’t sure Alyssa had noticed, but all three of her sisters had been in an upstair
s bedroom watching them when they’d come back from the beach. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide their relationship, but it was strange that they’d been all looking on the way they had.

  He got to work painting straight away, not paying any attention to the comings and goings of the sisters around him. He’d gotten used to their chatter after almost two weeks of working there. It was past eight when Alyssa walked into the kitchen.

  “There are donuts on the dining room table, and there’s more than enough to share,” she said softly. “But I have a bone to pick with you first.”

  He frowned at her, wondering what on earth she was upset about. He hadn’t talked to her since the afternoon before, and she’d been perfectly fine with him then. His gaze dropped to her lips, and he briefly considered pulling her to him for a kiss, but her annoyed look put that idea to rest. “What did I do?”

  “You put a mint green handprint on the butt of one of my most comfortable pairs of jeans.”

  He smirked, shaking his head. “Oh, did I?” He’d realized it the day before, but he could just imagine the look on her face if he’d told her, so he’d kept that little piece of information to himself. “You knew you did!” She glared at him. “You could have told me! One of my sisters pointed it out, and they all laughed at me.”

  “Isn’t that what sisters are supposed to do?” he asked. He wasn’t even a little bit repentant. He’d branded her as his in the only way he knew how. The fact that it hadn’t been deliberate was beside the point.

  “I’d really rather they didn’t!” She shook her head at him. “I can’t believe you didn’t say something.”

  “I wasn’t sure how you’d react,” he said honestly. “Besides, it will make for great memories of our first kiss.”

  Her eyes grew wide, and she stepped back a little. “Why do we need memories? It’s easy enough to do it again if we want.”

  “Anytime we want. Now sounds good, doesn’t it?” He looked in every direction before catching her hand, pulling her toward him, lowering his head, and kissing her softly. “Good morning.”

  “Don’t think you’re going to get past me with your sweet talk and even sweeter kisses. You’re still in trouble.”

  “You think my kisses are sweet? I can change that at any time you’d like . . .”

  She laughed just a little. “You, Nick Peot, are incorrigible.”

  “And you, Alyssa Romriell, are beautiful. I can’t believe I made it through thirty-two years of life without you in it.” He kissed her once more and raised his head when he heard applause. All three of her sisters were standing there watching them.

  “That’s the way to kiss her,” Lauren said, cheering him on.

  “I have a feeling we’re going to have to do any romancing we want to do away from the house,” he said, shaking his head at them. “Do you not understand that your sister needs a little bit of privacy while a man kisses her socks off?”

  “Oh, pardon us.” Amanda put her arms around Lauren and Taylor. “We’ll just go eat our donuts, and leave you two to it. Carry on.” She turned them all around, and they walked like a six-legged monster toward the dining room.

  Alyssa’s face was flaming red. “Is sororicide illegal in this country? If it is, I might have to get a law degree just so I can fight the law.”

  He laughed. “You love your sisters too much for that.” He sighed. “Let’s go get some donuts before your sisters eat them all.”

  “I get the lemon filled.” Alyssa said, heading into the dining room ahead of him. “You can have whatever the vultures leave for you.”

  Taylor gasped. “Did you really just call your favorite sisters vultures?”

  “At the moment, Kayla is my favorite sister,” Alyssa said, reaching for her lemon-filled donuts.

  “That’s understandable,” Lauren said. “I mean, we did interrupt a make-out session in the kitchen. An entirely inappropriate make-out session, I might add. That’s not what we hired Nick to do!”

  Alyssa sat down amidst the teasing and sighed. “I forgot to get my coffee.” They had plugged the coffee maker into an outlet in the dining room, so they wouldn’t miss out on their daily dose of caffeine. She got up and poured herself a mug, looking around. “Anyone else need a shot?”

  Nick held up his own mug, and her sisters all already had drinks. He watched as she sat back down, directly across from him. He liked her there, because he could look at her to his heart’s content. “So, I should have the painting finished today, and then I’ll start laying the floor. Cabinets will go in tomorrow or Monday.” He was getting fatigued by the seven-day work weeks, but he’d definitely worked them into his quote, and he wasn’t going to complain even a little bit.

  “So, I’ll be able to start cooking again tomorrow?” Lauren asked.

  “Nope. Appliances won’t go in until Tuesday or Wednesday probably. I’ll do everything I can to get all the tile laid today.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “But I’m leaving thirty minutes early this evening. I have a hot date.”

  Alyssa turned red yet again, and he loved it. The woman could blush like no one he’d seen since high school. “No comment.”

  All of the sisters laughed, and he grinned. “She is fun to tease, isn’t she?”

  “More fun than any of the rest of us, that’s for sure,” Amanda said. “She is the only person I know who blushes quite that easily or that red. It’s pure joy to watch.”

  “I have to agree with that. Although, I’d be happy watching her all day even if she wasn’t blushing.” He watched her and noticed her color deepening. “I do think we should lay off, though. I mean, her extremities need blood, and it’s apparently all in her face.”

  Alyssa finished her donut and got to her feet. “I’m going for my run.” She walked toward the door, wearing a pair of leggings and an oversized shirt. He loved seeing her legs with the skin-tight pants. She was the most beautiful and real woman he’d ever known. There were no complaints on his part.

  After the door closed, he felt the eyes of every sister on him.

  “You will not hurt her,” Lauren said softly. “She’s fragile, and she’s had enough ridiculously controlling men in her life. You will not be another.”

  Amanda’s eyes narrowed at him. “We like you, Nick, but we will do everything we can to make your life a living hell if you cause her to shed even one tear.”

  Taylor nodded, letting him know the threat was from her as well.

  “I don’t intend to hurt her. She’s way too special for that.” Nick frowned. “I guess you all gang up on every man who is interested in her?”

  Taylor’s eyes looked bleak. “If only we had. We’re trying to rectify past mistakes.”

  Nick had no idea what it was that had them all so upset and protective of their older sister, but he would be extra careful with her feelings. He had no desire to hurt her, but more than that, he had no desire to let her get away. He wanted a lifetime with her in a way he’d never wanted with anyone else. He’d proposed to Kami because she’d pressured him a lot, finally telling him she was going to dump him if he didn’t. He shouldn’t have given into the pressure, but he hadn’t expected to find anyone quite like Alyssa.

  “I’m going to get back to work. I promise I will do everything in my power not to hurt her. She’s going to feel loved and cherished on my watch.” He left the three sisters sitting at the table, returning to his job. His mind was on everything they’d said.

  He wished they’d met ten years before. It would have saved them both a lot of heartache. If she’d been hurt so badly, it did explain how skittish she’d been. Picking up his paint roller, he lost himself in his work, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Alyssa and wondering what exactly had happened to make her younger sisters so terribly protective of her.


  Alyssa ran on the beach that morning because it had finally stopped snowing, if only for a day. She knew there was a great deal more snow in the forecast, but the sun was shining, and the birds were s
inging, and she was going to take advantage of it.

  As she ran, her mind flowed from topic to topic, and she had to wonder what was wrong with her sisters to always feel the need to make her blush. She was both apprehensive and excited about her first date with Nick, and she knew her sisters would milk her embarrassment for all it was worth.

  When she had finished her run, she studied a good portion of the day, sitting in the living room.

  It was shortly past noon when Nick came to the doorway, looking at her. “I thought you might want to see how the floor is coming.”

  She set her computer down and walked with him to the kitchen, smiling when she saw how good the tile looked. She was glad to see the brown-patterned linoleum gone and the pretty tiles taking its place. “It’s starting to look really good!”

  “Just wait until all the new stainless-steel appliances and the cupboards are in. This kitchen is going to be a showpiece.”

  “I can’t wait. I want it to be done now!”

  He grinned. “So, what books did you ladies decide on in your meeting last night? You did have it last night, didn’t you?”

  She nodded. “We decided on a bunch. I think the first one that you’ll be working on is Anne of Green Gables.”

  “I’m not painting a mural on the wall or anything, am I?”

  “I don’t think so. If we need something like that, I’m sure we’ll call in an artist. We have an aunt who used to summer here with us. She is absolutely incredible. Hopefully if it comes to that, she’ll be willing to do a mural. I honestly am not sure what Amanda and Taylor have in mind for things like that. I guess I should ask, but I trust them both, so I’m not overly concerned about it.”


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