Book Read Free

7 Miles High

Page 5

by Pike, Leslie

  I’m lighter. Nerves at seeing him have evaporated. This is how you feel when you’ve said exactly what you mean. Usually I’m coming up with the perfect response three hours later. For the first time in six months I realize he holds no power over me.

  Now, on to more important things. Where’s Parker?

  I snake through the crowd, eyes searching for his handsome face. I can hardly wait to touch him. But along the way I’m stopped by Jenna’s aunt, one of our sorority sisters, and a kid looking for his mother. Fate is throwing roadblocks in my path one after another.

  Then I see him coming my way, navigating the crowd. His blue eyes focused above the faces. I think he’s looking for my blonde hair.

  I’ve imagined what he’d look like in a suit, but my imagination wasn’t aiming high enough. He’s stunning. Ink-black fine fabric and fitted as if some Italian tailor sold him his finest work. Stark-white dress shirt, open collared. I may have a fashiongasm right here.

  His eyes find mine and a smile lifts the corners of his mouth. I’m transported.

  Walking up, he leans in. “Jenna invited me. I hope it’s a good surprise.”

  I wrap my arm around his waist. “The best. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Oh shit. Tears. I feel them well. What the hell?

  He takes my hand. “Come on, I passed a place we can be alone.”

  We follow the brick path behind the rose trees lining the dance floor. It leads us to a gazebo entwined with vines and flowers. It’s beautifully romantic, but my eyes are too blurry to see it clearly.

  Leading me inside, we’re cut off from any distractions. Against the backdrop of blossoms, he takes my hand and we sit.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m sorry.” A fat tear courses down my cheek.

  “What’s this about?” he says, lifting my chin.

  I pause and gather the right words.

  “Cancun was magical. Parker, you’re the best time I’ve ever had.”

  “I feel the same.”

  Then I let it all out.

  “Here, back in the real world, where we have a past, I’m afraid you might change your perception of me.”

  “Why’s that? Are you a secret hoarder?” he teases.

  “No,” I chuckle. “Much worse. I’m a woman who’s been hurt. Bottom line, I’m not sure you’re going to want to stick around long enough to deal with that.”

  “Let me come to my own conclusions, Natalie.”

  “Fair enough. Just know I’ve got trust issues.”

  “I’m sorry someone loved you so badly.”

  When he says the words I hear my last five years summed up. I lower my head.

  “Is that why you were resistant to getting to know me better?” he says, lifting my chin.

  “I’m coming out of a marriage to a man I severely misjudged. I still haven’t figured out how I was so blind,” I say. “Now I don’t trust my own impulses. Do you understand that?”

  “I understand the guy who hurt you so deeply must be an idiot.”

  His words and the grin accompanying them break my anxious mood and stop the tears.

  I look into eyes of quiet confidence and sincerity.

  “I don’t think I should pay for another man’s sins,” he says firmly. “That’s not who I am. You and I Natalie, we’re a new thing. Separate. I need you to see it that way too.”

  Good answer.

  The best one.

  I wouldn’t want a man who doesn’t know his own worth.

  “But while you’re coming to that conclusion, I’ll be patient,” he says with a gentleness that touches my heart.

  “That’s all I’m asking,” I say, squeezing his hand. “One more thing. Just a heads-up. He’s here.”

  A line appears between his brows. “Did you come together?”

  “No! God no!” I say quickly.

  He exhales. “Then I don’t give a damn where he is. He’s a bit player in our story.”

  My nod is agreement.

  “Now give me a proper hello,” he orders.

  He slides a hand in my hair slowly, cupping the back of my head in his palm. His eyes linger on my lips. He’s kissing me once, twice.

  Chapter 9


  It has only been three weeks since I saw her at the wedding, but it feels like three months. Conversation by conversation we’re finding out about each other’s lives. Her days are as unpredictable as mine. I have no regular hours or place of business, and she’s on call day and night. When a client wants to see a property, she must be available. It took nearly a month for our schedules to align.

  Now waiting for Natalie at the Southwest curb at John Wayne Airport, I feel a little like I did at seventeen. Back then I was aiming high and hoping my reach didn’t exceed my grasp. Becky Barcells was the best-looking girl at the all-girls school across town, and word was she liked me. I knew I had to step up my game.

  Becky wasn’t one who’d put up with bad behavior. I figured that out right away. She was made of something more than I’d experienced before, and it required my best efforts. Time proved me right. At least for a year and a half anyway. We both lost interest after that.

  I don’t anticipate any waning of the pull between Natalie and me. No way. Devoting a lot to my love life isn’t, or correction hasn’t, been my strong suit. I’m going to dismiss that fact because of the thing I know for a certainty. This woman cannot be compared to any other. She makes me feel things differently. More fully.

  It was a foregone conclusion as far as I’m concerned that she come here. When I invited her to pick the dates there was only a short pause followed by a ‘yes’. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath until I heard that and exhaled.

  Tap. Tap. Tap!

  I’m forced back to reality by Natalie’s knuckles on the glass. Popping the trunk, I open the door and step out.

  “Hi, babe! You look great,” I say, taking her in my arms.

  “Hello you.”

  Abandoning the suitcase and carryon on the curb, my lips find hers. Lord, woman.

  The sound of a car pulling up beside us grabs our attention.

  “Come on, get in the car. I’ll get your luggage.”

  Natalie makes her way to the passenger side and gets in while I load the trunk. Sliding into the driver’s seat, I spot my chance to squeeze between the other cars and pull away from the curb.

  “Let’s get out of here before someone else boxes us in,” I say.

  Her hand reaches behind my neck and a finger trails the edge of my hair. Chills.

  Heading for the exit, I’m smiling. “I like that.”

  With a tilt of her head, Natalie’s mouth curves into a mischievous grin. “I’ve been dreaming of you.”

  That’s always a sign when a woman tells you you’ve shown up in her dreams.

  “Good dreams?”

  Her hand slowly lowers to my crotch, and she traces the shape of me. Oh yeah.

  “Bad dreams,” she says correcting me.

  I fake concern. “Oh no. I’m sorry I’m giving you nightmares.”

  “Not nightmares. Bad as in good. The kind you don’t want to wake up from.”

  I place my hand over hers making sure she feels me grow against her.

  “Whatcha got there, boy?”

  “Your breakfast.”

  She starts laughing and I find it so fucking appealing. It makes me laugh too.

  * * *

  Opening the front door of my rental house, I feel a beat of hesitation. Shit. Hope she doesn’t mistake the size of this place for a lack of direction or financial stability. It’s just that I’ve saved my money. The movie business pays well and I learned early to save when you can. It only took me five years of blowing everything I made to see the light. When I did, I started hoarding it away. Now I’m about ready to buy. Later in the week I’ll start my search. Come to think of it, Natalie’s guidance and expertise would be welcome.

  A familiar sound fills the air.

  “What are those beautiful bells?” she asks.

  “Mission San Juan Capistrano. Must be noon.”


  As Natalie walks through I relax. It’s the wide smile.

  “Oh, Parker. Your home! This room is so cool.”

  For an older house, this one has a good layout. One big open room encompassing the living room, kitchen, and dining area. I’ve attempted to have it reflect my unusual lifestyle. The big framed photographs from various movie sets are all the decorations I need. Everything else is simple and uncluttered.

  “I’m glad you like it. I told you I’m about to start looking for a house to buy and I’m already thinking about how I want it to look. But first I want to get pre-qualified for a loan.”

  “That’s the way to do it. If someone’s ready with the money it gives them the advantage.”

  I put her luggage down in the hall to the bedrooms as she looks over the photographs on the walls. It’s always a conversation starter when guests see them. Not that Natalie and I need any help in that department.

  “You made a film with Charlize Theron? She’s so beautiful.”

  I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. “She’s nice too. That was my first big film, Snow White and the Huntsman.”

  She turns and I see the look in her eyes as she looks at the pictures. It’s the same with most people. Stardust. I love it on her. It’s fucking adorable.

  “You have such a great job! I’m a little starstruck looking at these pictures. Just like Jenna was. Can I take some pictures of these and send them to her?”

  “Sure. If you think she’d be interested.”

  “She’s visiting her in-laws in Pasadena and she’s bored out of her mind. Some of these pictures would make her day. You know how much she loves movie stars.”

  Taking her hand I bring her a few frames down to the Holy Grail. It’s a picture of Finn Kennedy, mega movie star Jack Alden, and me. I’m doubling Finn, so we wear the same wardrobe. My hair is styled like his, and we each sport a fake bloody gunshot on our right shoulders.

  When Natalie sees the photograph her head goes back and she calls to the heavens. “Jenna’s going to have a stroke! Remember her obsession with Finn Kennedy?”

  “He’s going to be on set tomorrow. Think she’d want to meet him? Would you?”

  I’ve never had someone look at me like I’m completely crazy. Until now.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. I told you I had a big stunt this week and I wanted you to come with me.”

  “You didn’t tell me it involved my best friend’s hall pass!”

  “Just as long as he’s not yours.”

  Her hands circle my neck and she brings her body close. “I have absolutely no reason to require a hall pass. Not with you as my lover.”

  “Then why don’t you invite her to come with us? We’ll figure out the details later. I’m more interested in seeing you naked right now.”

  I don’t wait for an answer, but take her by the hand and lead her down the hallway and into my bedroom. There’s no resistance.

  “I see you’ve turned down the bed,” she says. “Smart boy.”

  My hand travels the journey from her neck to her breasts. I play with a peaked nipple.

  “I’m no boy.”

  The kiss she offers shuts down any further discussion of boy or man. It’s all about sensation now. Touch and taste. We move to the bed and I begin to remove her unnecessary clothes. On her they’re like gilding the lily.

  First the blouse goes, followed by my own top, which gets tossed to the floor. Before the bra comes off I bring her against my skin. My deep sigh says it all. She reaches around and unhooks the bra. It drops to our feet.

  “Baby. You’re so beautiful.”

  Fingers fly, as we rid ourselves of the rest of the offending garments. Within seconds we’re standing naked. My dick is having a one-sided conversation with her pussy and face and boobs and everything in between.

  “Let’s get in bed.”

  We slide between the sheets and come together. I begin with a kiss. She returns it with all that she has to give. The lovemaking starts quietly. That doesn’t last long. We’re too turned on. Too fucking ready for each other. Let me make you come, baby. I throw back the bedding and get between her silky legs. There’s no resistance, only unspoken agreement with the idea.

  “Lick me,” she says in low and sultry tones.

  “Open up. Let me taste that sweet pussy.”

  She spreads her legs and I show her how much I love to eat her. It’s like going to the finest restaurant that serves a one of a kind dish that every man craves. But only I have the keys to get inside.

  I take my time with the pleasure, building her desire slowly. Natalie wears her passion on her face and through the sounds that come from her. I’ve gotten used to the soundtrack. It didn’t take long to appreciate the overture, the voice over, the sound effects. Her body is the instrument.

  “Parker. Ohhhhh,” she whispers.

  That’s where I change from a light touch to something firmer. I travel from bottom to top, between her lips. Coming to her clit I wiggle my tongue and then tap, tap, tap it against her.

  “Oh yeah! That’s good!”

  I can always tell when she’s getting close to coming. Her voice rises along with the passion. I keep her on the edge of reason, pulling back when I sense it could be about to happen. Prolonging the joy. Her breathing has quickened and her fingers thread in my hair and hold on in anticipation of the ride. Then legs stiffen and hips rise. Here it is.

  Some wild sound escapes her. Not actually words, but not just unidentifiable moans either. It’s Natalie-speak. I bring her all the way home, easing up at the end to make the height of the orgasm bearable. I taste the cum and it sends me to another world. My dick is hard as steel. She comes up on her elbows and locks riveted eyes on mine. I’ve got to fuck her. Jungle fuck her.

  * * *

  Afterwards we sit talking. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman look so freaking sexy. Natalie in my white dress shirt and nothing else, her hair in a high ponytail. She’s so fuckable. I’ve obviously lost it, because we just finished a marathon sex session. Three hours’ worth.

  She called me Stamina Man. My shoulder is screaming but I’m not about to tell her because I’d lose my title. She might not want to do the whole me holding her up fuck anymore. Just to save me the pain. I’m not about to sacrifice that position for a fucking non injury.

  As I prepare our sandwiches she talks on the phone. There have been at least three bursts since she started talking to Jenna. Girls have this crazy thing about screaming to punctuate their happiness. Always found it annoying. Until her. Funny how someone can make the world turn.

  “I don’t know. Let me ask,” Natalie says. She holds her cell away from her mouth and looks at me.

  “What’s the name of the film?”

  It takes me a beat to remember. That’s something I rarely give a shit about.

  “I think it’s Mark’s Monday. Yeah, that’s right.”

  “It’s Mark’s Monday,” she says happily into the phone.

  After a moment she pauses again.

  “Is Finn playing Mark?”

  “Yeah. But that’s about all I know. Didn’t read the script. I’m not the coordinator.”

  When Natalie repeats my comments there’s a lot of discussion. How can he not read the script? Etcetera, etcetera.

  Piling the various Italian meats on top of the mayonnaise spread, I feel a sense of satisfaction. This may be the best-looking thing I’ve ever offered a guest. All we need are a few pickles. As I look through the refrigerator another question comes my way.

  “What time should she be here?” Natalie calls.

  “I’ve got an eight o’clock call for hair and makeup. Tell her we’re leaving here at six thirty. Sharp.”

  Natalie relays the message with the right emphasis on “sharp”. She says her goodbyes and dis
connects just in time for me to serve her plate.

  “Let’s have a nice Cabernet with our sandwiches,” I chuckle.

  “Baby, you’re full of good ideas.” She winks.

  Chapter 10


  I woke up before the alarm. The neon green numbers marking the early hours. Four fifty-five. It took the longest time to change to five. And then I couldn’t get up and make noise. It would have been bad to rob him of his last half hour of sleep.

  I used the time wisely. It was fun looking over the hills and valleys of his body, when he didn’t know I was watching. I lifted the sheet and turned on my iPhone flashlight at one point, just to make sure I was getting the whole picture. Spectacular man.

  It surprised me that when he woke the first move he made was to put a hand on my pussy. God bless him. Compared to yesterday it was a quickie, but next to all other days and men, it was satisfying in every way.

  Now as I stand at the window, watching for Jenna’s car, I’m thinking about the state of things. So far I haven’t picked up on any relationship red flags. Parker has been respectful and kind and I’ve never seen him looking at another woman in my presence. But what does that prove? Alex, that asshole of an ex-husband, taught me that lesson. His lack of loyalty caught me unaware.

  Here’s Jenna.

  “Is that her?” Parker walks in the room with what I assume is his stunt bag.

  “Yeah. What’s in the bag, your tools you use for stunts?”

  That crooked grin on his face is my answer.

  “You’re so cute,” he chuckles.

  “What? Don’t you have supplies or equipment?”

  “Yeah babe. My pads and belts are in here. You’ll see when we get to set.”

  “I love this movie lingo. We’re off to the set,” I say with a flourish.

  The doorbell sounds, announcing Jenna.

  “Will you get that? I’ve got to find my charger.”

  I cross the room and swing the door open. Before I even see her I know what her expression is going to be. Excitement.


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