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Trouble with a Badge

Page 9

by Delores Fossen

  “When you saw that the letter was from the Moonlight Strangler, why didn’t you turn it over to the cops?” Levi asked.

  “It slipped my mind.” Scottie lifted his chin, a defiant pose challenging Levi to argue with that.

  “Arrest him,” Levi told Mack.

  And Mack moved to do exactly that. He holstered his gun and took out some handcuffs.

  “What?” Scottie howled. “This is absurd, an abuse of power. Why the hell are you arresting me?”

  “Theft and withholding evidence,” Levi quickly supplied.

  Scottie’s face tightened so much it turned red. “You can’t do this!”

  “Already doing it,” Mack assured him.

  “Are you even trying to find Tasha?” Scottie snarled while Mack slapped some handcuffs on him. “Mendoza could have—”

  “He’s dead,” Levi interrupted.

  Scottie made a flustered sound. “That loan shark then, Perryman.”

  That got Alexa’s attention. “What do you know about him?”

  “That he’s a bad man capable of doing bad things. You should be arresting him, not me.”

  Levi shook his head. “I don’t have probable cause to arrest him. Can’t say the same for you, though.” He motioned for Mack to get moving.

  “I demand a phone call.” Scottie was still shouting when Mack led him away toward lockup. “That’s the law and you can’t deny me. I want to call my lawyers. So help me God, I’ll have all your badges.”

  “Good luck with that,” Levi said before looking at Mack. “Read him his rights and let him make his one phone call.”

  That meant Scottie’s lawyers would be there in no time. Probably less than an hour. Still, for that hour Scottie wouldn’t be out planning another attack.

  “Did you find the chat room?” Levi asked. Both Alexa and he went to the desk where Jericho had his attention fixed on the computer screen.

  “It’s cyberspace for sickos.” Jericho turned the laptop screen so they could see it.

  Alexa only had to read the first post to realize what Jericho had said was true. The poster who identified himself as ColdMan was looking to buy a corpse.

  She cringed. “I’m surprised the site hasn’t already been shut down.”

  “It will be,” Jericho assured her. “But I just sent a message to the FBI to ask them to monitor it and check through the old messages to see if there’s anything about the Moonlight Strangler. Nothing obvious stands out to me.”

  Alexa thought about that a moment. “Maybe he wanted me to post something first. If so, he could be checking it.”

  Jericho nodded. “I’ll let the FBI take the lead on this. They can create your online identity and do the post.”

  Alexa nearly asked him to nix that idea so she could do the post herself. Catching the Moonlight Strangler was her obsession. Or at least it had been. But right now she had so much going on, and the FBI would probably do a better job making contact.

  “All right,” she finally said, and she didn’t think it was her imagination that Jericho and Levi were surprised by that. “I’ll check on Violet.”

  Levi followed her, and Alexa got the feeling he did that to check on her. Probably because once again she looked ready to lose it. And she was. As much as she wanted to catch the Moonlight Strangler, she didn’t want that monster coming after her. Especially since she now had Violet.

  They were still a few steps from the office door when Levi’s phone buzzed. Because most calls he’d gotten had been bad news, Alexa figured the trend would continue. But it was his mother’s name, Iris, that appeared on the screen.

  “The ranch,” he said, quickly jabbing the answer button.

  Her heart jumped to her throat, and Alexa prayed her attackers hadn’t come to the ranch looking for her. Or worse. That the Moonlight Strangler was there.

  “What’s wrong?” Levi greeted. Since he didn’t put the call on speaker, Alexa moved closer so she could hear.

  His mother, however, didn’t answer right away. “Is it true?” Iris finally asked. “Is that baby really your daughter that you had with Alexa?”

  Even though it wasn’t the nightmare Alexa believed that had prompted this call, it was still a tough question. No doubt debating his answer, Levi looked at her. That was when Alexa realized that she was much too close. Levi must have realized it, too, because he put the call on speaker and she stepped back.

  “No,” he answered. “The baby’s not mine.”

  So, he’d gone with the truth. The only real reason to keep up the lie was to give them time to find out if Violet had a next of kin and to prevent Scottie from trying to hurt or take her. Still, Alexa felt the little tug at her heart.

  And silently cursed herself.

  Yes, she was definitely losing it. Like Levi, Violet wasn’t hers, and she had to stop thinking of the baby that way.

  “I see,” Iris said.

  “You sound disappointed,” Levi pointed out. Alexa agreed.

  “Not really. I’d just hoped that you’d found something more fulfilling than the badge and this thirst you have for justice. Don’t get me wrong. I want Paige’s killer caught, but justice won’t bring her back.”

  “I know that.”

  This conversation seemed much too personal for Alexa to be hearing, so she stepped away, thinking that Levi would take the call off speaker.

  He didn’t.

  “Do you really know that?” Iris challenged. “Because from what I can tell, you’ve been living like a monk and working like a dog. Not a good combination, and you deserve more. Of course, I’d rather that more not be with Alexa.”

  Alexa hadn’t expected his mother to feel any other way. The Crocketts would always see her as the woman who’d gotten Paige killed, and it didn’t matter that Jax and Paige had gotten a divorce shortly before the fateful night of Paige’s death. Nothing would change their feelings for Alexa, and even though she had known that, she’d let her guard down. Had let herself feel something she should never have felt when it came to the Crocketts.

  Hope that someday they would forgive her.

  Hard to do when she couldn’t forgive herself.

  “Mom, I have to go. I’ll phone you when I can.” Levi ended the call, and in the same motion he opened the door.

  Violet was still asleep in her infant carrier, and the corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile. Just like that Alexa’s dark mood lifted. How could she possibly have this reaction, this much love, for a baby who hadn’t been in her life just a few days ago?

  “Everything okay?” Dexter asked. “I heard lots of yelling going on out there.”

  “We arrested Scottie,” Levi answered.

  Dexter nodded in approval. “And Marcos?”

  “No grounds to hold him, but he’s out of the building.” Levi glanced at some notes Dexter had written. “Anything yet on James Moser?”

  “Some. I contacted a detective friend at SAPD, and he’s going to James’s place to talk to him about Lockwood. I didn’t mention anything to him about Alexa, but I did tell him to make sure James got police protection if he wants it.”

  Good. But by now James had likely heard about the attacks the night before, and the PI would put one and one together. James would know that all of this was related to Alexa.

  “I could call James,” Alexa suggested.

  “No way.” Levi didn’t hesitate, either. “Someone could have tapped his phone. I don’t want you to have any contact with the man until we get all of this sorted out.”

  Before Alexa could say anything else, she heard the voices in the squad room. Definitely not Mack or Jericho, and for a moment she thought Scottie’s attorneys had already arrived. However, when Levi opened the door, she saw the two men and a woman. Alexa didn’t recognize the woman, but she kne
w both men. One, Marshal Dallas Walker, wasn’t a surprise. But the other was.

  Because it was Marshal Chase Crockett.

  Jericho didn’t look especially pleased about Chase’s arrival, but his phone rang, and after glancing at the screen, he stepped aside to take it. “Deal with this,” Jericho ordered Levi.

  Levi cursed and made a beeline to his brother. “You’re supposed to be recovering at home.”

  “I’ve recovered,” Chase grumbled. “And I wanted to help.”

  The family resemblance was strong, what with their brown hair and eyes. Similar builds and scowls, too. Scowls they were aiming at each other.

  “Is April all right?” Levi asked.

  That was another sore subject because it generated another scowl from Chase. “Apparently. If there was a breach in WITSEC, it doesn’t seem to have included her.”

  That was something at least. Both April Landis and Alexa were scheduled to testify against men involved in the money laundering and extortion case. However, Alexa had gotten the better deal in this. She wouldn’t be testifying against a cop killer like April would be. Of course, the man April was testifying against was in jail. Unlike Marcos.

  Thankfully, Marshal Walker didn’t scowl at her. He went to Alexa, hugged her and then glanced into the office at the baby before turning back to Levi.

  “I wanted someone on the protection detail I could trust,” Dallas explained. “I trust Chase.” He lifted his hand to the woman. “This is Patty Dawley, a private bodyguard who specializes in guarding infants and children. I trust her, too.”

  Levi huffed. “But Chase—”

  “Is fine,” Chase finished for him. “I would show you that the wound has healed, but I’d prefer not to have to strip off my shirt. I’d rather you take my word for it.”

  Alexa wanted to do just that, but there must have been doubt all over her face because Chase’s next scowl was for her.

  “I will protect the baby.” Chase stared at her. “And we really don’t have time to stand around here and argue about it. We got a call on the way over. The crime lab found something on the car you drove to the sheriff’s office last night.”

  “The gunmen’s vehicle,” she said under her breath.

  Chase nodded. “A listening device had been hidden in the speakers. You probably don’t remember everything Levi and you said when you were in the car, but whoever hired those guns would have heard every word.”

  Oh, God. Alexa immediately tried to remember their conversation. They’d talked about Lockwood, about how she’d thought he was dirty, but they’d also talked about Violet being Tasha’s baby.

  “Hell,” Jericho said the moment he got off the phone. “Someone called Child Services and they’re on their way over to take custody of the baby.”

  “They can’t,” Alexa insisted. “They won’t be able to protect her if Scottie’s goons go after her.”

  And it didn’t matter that Scottie was behind bars at the moment, because he wouldn’t be there much longer. Besides, it could take hours or even days to convince a judge that the baby did indeed need protective custody. During that time Violet could be kidnapped or worse.

  “They won’t take the baby,” Jericho assured her. “That’s why the protection detail’s leaving right now with Violet. She won’t be here when the social workers arrive.”

  Dallas, Chase and the bodyguard all voiced some kind of agreement. Good. It was bending the law to do this, but Alexa knew in her heart that this was the best thing for Violet.

  Too bad her heart was also breaking at the thought of having Violet whisked away.

  “We’re parked out back right by the door,” Chase explained. “We need to get out of here.”

  Alexa knew he was right, but it took Levi’s hand on her back to get her moving. She kissed the baby and was a little surprised when Levi did the same.

  “We’ll get all this sorted out soon,” Levi said. Maybe to Violet. Maybe to Alexa, too.

  She prayed he was right. Alexa wanted Violet safe while they did the background checks on her next of kin and while they found whoever was behind the attacks.

  Patty took the infant seat, and with Dallas and Chase on each side of her, they hurried toward the back exit. There was a black SUV parked right at the door, only about a yard away, and Alexa got one last glimpse of the baby’s face before they got her inside. Within seconds Dallas drove away.

  “Chase and Dallas will make sure they aren’t followed,” Levi said, watching until the SUV was out of sight.

  Alexa didn’t doubt that, and since it was daytime it would be easier to see if someone tried to go after them. Still, she doubted daylight would stop gunmen if they were determined to get to Violet. Of course, the upside to this was that if Marcos was behind the attacks, then Violet was now safe, because Marcos wasn’t after the baby, only Alexa.

  Levi maneuvered her back inside and shut the door. Jericho was right there waiting for them.

  “You two should get out of here, too,” Jericho insisted. He handed Levi some keys and a small piece of paper. “But don’t go to the ranch.”

  Alexa was thankful for that. She didn’t want a repeat of Scottie’s visit, and by now it’d probably gotten around that Levi was protecting her.

  “The keys are for Dexter’s house,” Jericho explained. “It’s got a security system with motion detectors along the road. The sensors will go off if anyone drives up or tries to get near the house. Dexter had trouble with kids breaking in a while back, so that’s why he had it installed. That’s the security code, and park in the garage so no one knows you’re there.”

  Alexa knew where the house was. About ten miles outside town. No nearby neighbors, and there was only one road leading to the property. It would be easy to spot an unexpected visitor. Easy to hear one, too, with the sensors.

  “Please tell Dexter thank you,” Alexa said.

  Jericho nodded. “As soon as I can free up a deputy, I’ll send him out to the house to help you keep watch.”

  It was a generous offer, but Alexa doubted the deputies would have much free time, especially since Jax would be out of that pool of possible deputies. No way would Jax want to be trapped under the same roof with her.

  “I’ll call you if I find out anything,” Jericho added and opened the door. “Stay safe.”

  Levi thanked him, and he stepped outside to look around. He also took out his truck keys.

  And his gun.

  Even though his truck wasn’t parked as close as the SUV had been, it was still only about fifteen yards away.

  “Move fast,” Levi instructed, and he used the remote on his key to unlock the truck doors.

  Jericho walked out behind them, drawing his gun, as well, and Levi and she headed out into the parking lot. Not running exactly. But they didn’t dawdle, either.

  Alexa held her breath until they reached the truck. She threw open the door on the passenger’s side at the same time Levi opened the driver’s side door, and she started to get in.

  She didn’t get far.

  Someone latched on to her feet, the jolt going through her entire body before she hit the ground.

  Chapter Nine

  Levi heard Alexa gasp, and he looked in her direction only to see her fall. Except it wasn’t just a fall. It was as if someone had body slammed her.

  With his gun still drawn, Levi scrambled across the seat, bracing himself for whatever he might see, but what he saw was some thug dragging a limp and lifeless Alexa behind one of the cruisers.

  Damn. What was going on?

  Levi didn’t see any blood. Definitely hadn’t heard a shot fired. He also hadn’t seen anyone near the truck, so where had the guy been hiding? Maybe in the exact spot he’d just taken Alexa, that was where.

  “Let go of her,” Levi ordered, and he
took aim at the man. Not that he could fire a shot. The goon had Alexa positioned in front of him like a human shield.

  The man didn’t answer, but he flashed Levi a sick smile and started moving farther behind the cruiser and then to the other side, where Levi could no longer see them. Levi moved, too. Using the passenger’s door for cover, he got out and tried to figure out what the heck he was up against.

  “Jericho!” Levi shouted.

  It was a big risk since the man could just gun him down, but Levi couldn’t wait for backup. It was possible this man had a vehicle stashed nearby, and it was obvious that Alexa wasn’t in any shape to fight back.

  And Levi soon figured out why.

  He spotted the stun gun on the ground.

  That was why she’d been so lifeless. As bad as that was, and it was bad, it was still better than her being injured. However, unless he did something fast, an injury would be the least of their worries.

  Levi heard the footsteps behind him and glanced over his shoulder to see Jericho coming out the back exit. He took up cover behind the edge of the building.

  “There’s at least one gunman by the cruiser,” Levi called out to his brother. “He’s got Alexa.”

  It felt like a punch to the gut just to say that aloud. He hadn’t been careful enough. He hadn’t protected her, and now Alexa might pay the ultimate price for his lapse.

  Levi left the cover of the truck door and raced toward the back of the cruiser. He braced himself for shots to be fired. But no bullets. When he looked on the side of the cruiser, his heart dropped to his knees.

  Alexa and the man weren’t there.

  The winter wind was gusting, making it hard for Levi to hear. It also didn’t help that his heartbeat was slamming in his ears. Still, he picked through the noise and heard the footsteps.

  They were coming from one cruiser over.

  Levi dropped to the ground and looked underneath. Alexa was there by the rear tire, but it wasn’t just one thug with her.


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